Auto Input Info From A List

Feb 10, 2009

I am having difficulty with this formula. In the attached spreadsheet. I want to just input the item number in column A, manually. From there I want it to take the information from the hidden list and fill in the rest of the fields. Example. I input in A4-2664, I want it to search the list for 2664 and take the corrisponding information. It would take the information from M5, O5, and Q5 and place that in C4, E4, G4. I place spaces in the hidden list to make the format the same.

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Getting Info From A List And Input Then Transferring Data

Mar 24, 2007

a user inputs the drawing number and revision in a box on the first sheet in the workbook. Once that is done, the user then selects the type of drawing from the drop-down menu, once "Submit" is clicked it takes that info and puts the information in the next available cell for the other worksheets (if that worksheet calls out for that certain part).

I've been having trouble trying to figure out how to be able to accomplish this task.

If you have any ideas, that'd be great.

I've attached a basic worksheet I drew up to give you a better idea of what I'm looking to do.

Forgot to mention that there are totals involved! The "destination" worksheets have set totals for each drawing type, so what also has to be taken into consideration is that the specific drawing needs to have the correct total beside it. I created a "Totals" worksheet to show what drawings are what totals for each cell. Realizing this may always change or be updated, I created a seperate worksheet to pull all the numbers off of. I thought this might be easier rather than going in and changing the coding each time.

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Input Box To Create And Input Info Into A Formula Which Then Populates A Cell With A Value

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to create a macro which gives me an input box. I need to enter 2 numbers into the input box. It would be as follows:

Input Box Msg 1 - "What is your labor cost?" (NUM1)
Input Box Msg 2 - "What is your productivity rate?" (NUM2)

Then I need the macro to take this info and enter it into a formula which changes according to the row which you are on. (I need the macro to work based on which ever cell I currently have selected). The formula would be this if I currently had a cell on row 10 selected:


So, if I currently had cell L10 selected, and I ran the macro and put 100 in for "NUM1" and 10 for "NUM2" and my sheet had 20 in cell H10, then the macro would enter the number 1,000 into cell L10. If I had L500 selected, then the macro would enter the final number into cell L500 based on what value H500 contained.

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How To Set Worksheet To Auto Input Number When Item Selected From Dropdown List

Dec 6, 2012

I have a drop down box on a worksheet and once I have selected the item I want from the list, I would like the price of that item to appear in the cell next to it..

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Input Info From All Files Within Folder?

Mar 31, 2012

master spreadsheet resides in x directory, up to 100 individuals upload a file into that directory weekly. The uploaded files are from the exact same template, but file-names are slightly different

Is there a way to to extrapolate the data in specific cells from each sheet, to the master sheet. Ideally separated by date of submission (or a date supplied from within the uploaded sheet itself)

I'm guessing at using a variable like "*" in the file name

- but that would include the master file? causing duplicate data

- what about duplicate submission dates?

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Input Box Info Pasted Into Range Of Cells

May 29, 2009

I have this code going for a sheet i've been working on, but thers only one thing I can't figure out how to do.

I want it to take the text that was entered in the "Grid Date" input box and stick it in the bottom 10 cells (plus one space). IE - if A14 is the last used cell, paste it into A16 through A26.

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Multiply By Info In Different Columns - Selected By Input In Cell

Mar 19, 2014

I'm trying to make a sheet to calculate my taxes. I would like to keep tax rates from previous year(s), and have them applied based on which year I input in a cell..

Let say that in cell B1 I write year 2013

In cell G1 I have year 2013 and in cells G2:G7 I have tax rates from year 2013.
In cell H1 I have year 2014 and in cells H2:H7 tax rates from year 2014

In cell B17 to B20 I would like to make a formula that multiplies cell B11 or B12 with information found in either column G or H based on input in B1.

I have attached a spread sheet as example.

I know I can make a formula based on IF(B1=2013;G*;IF(B2=2014;H*;etc..

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Transfer Info From One Sheet To Another Depending On Cell Input

Jun 26, 2012

I am wanting to transfer data from one sheet to another depending on cell input


If I enter "2" in sheet1 cell B1, then I want a macro to take A1 to sheet2 but place it in A1 & A2.
Then say I enter "1" in sheet1 cell B2 goto sheet2 and put A2 into A3 and so on.

Depending on the number entered on sheet1 column B, the Macro duplicates the info from Column A in that row into column A on sheet2. ??

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Auto Insert A Row With Info Populated From The Row Above

Jan 14, 2010

to be able to do is have a stock control sheet that tells me how much of 1 item we have in stock which is easy, the hard part comes when this stock is sold as this stock can be sold to a number of different customers e.g.

We have 10,000 X Pens

Customer 1 buys 1,000
Customer 2 buys 6,000
Customer 3 buys 3,000

i need a way of saying that we have 10,000 pens but if we sold 1,000 then we can click a button (macro maybe) and that will automatically see that we have 10,000 for that line and we have only sold 1,000 so we need a line inserting saying that we have 9,000 remaing and so on.... The sheet needs to record who these goes to though, that the reason i was thinking of adding a row

If this doesnt make sense then i am happy to answer your questions?

i can upload an example excel sheet if required if someone can explain how i do this?

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Auto Pick Up Info From Different Sheets By Conditions

Dec 26, 2013

I'll need to pick up the rates from sheets "SYD" & "BNE" by info from column A of "Summary", which means if the info in column A is "sydney", the formula should pick up the rates from sheet "SYD", if it's "brisbane", the formula should pick up the rates from sheet "BNE".Also, the rate should be matched by the column B,C & D from "summary" page.

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Detecting Duplicate Cells Using Info From The List

Feb 5, 2014

I have a sheet containing lots of information (lists of flight information to and from all countries). So entries are duplicated in the entire sheet. For example LITHUANIA, USA, CHINA... appears lots of times. I only need to highlight particular countries.

I would just use conditional formatting, but maybe there is a quicker way to do that?

So there is a list of 50 countries in one sheet and in another sheet I got all the info. I need those 50 countries from the list to be highlighted in the info sheet (sheet has many columns and rows).

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Dropdown List Created From 2 Columns Of Info?

Mar 24, 2014

I have a list of names in column B, I can easily put this into a list

I also have a different list of names in Column C

These two list are feeding from sharepoint and are updated regularly

What I want to do is create a drop down list that will list all the names in Column B and Column C, while keeping the initial lists in there separate columns

I have been trying to find a formula to lookup both columns and return all the names into another column (E) using the formula below


the plan been to just put column E into my drop down list, but this formula is returning alot of blanks between Column B + C in the list (there might be 100 names in column B and only 30 in column C)

To try remove the blanks I tried another formula pulling the info into Column F,


But while this did remove the blanks (about 500 blanks) it left me with about 70 "0" errors.

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Need To Pull Out Specific Info From Mixed List

Apr 3, 2014

I pulled a report into excel that lists staff details and workgroups that they have access to. There are nearly 8000 staff who can have anywhere from 0 to 120 workgroups.

The workgroups are listed with the staff details in the following format:

SurnameForenamePost Title183860314040|188778743040|261226948048|584865373040|088365861041
SurnameForenamePost Title695416612049|751836367043|430463930049|461208099048|488798547045|723225723045|183860314040|472108996043
SurnameForenamePost Title177448555041|315136549047|400323457046

With the whole list appearing in one cell and not in numerical order.

I need to pull out a list for each workgroup, with all the staff who have access.

Even if there was a way I could separate out the workgroups and get them to line up.

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Limit Drop Down List And Linking To Other Info

Feb 1, 2006

I have set up a spreadsheet that requires info to be inputted into cells. I have created drop down lists in the cells to only allow certain information to be inputted.

Allow user to use a drop down list and pick the appropriate entry, then have another drop down list in the adjacent cell that only contains items that correspond to what the first drop down entry was (i.e. company name in first drop down box, adjacent cell drop down list only contains parts made for that company). Then I would like the next column to contain the pricing of the item that was chosen in the previous cell's drop down box. Ideally, this cell would be populated automatically depending on the part chosen for the company. I am trying to create a log of parts shipped and total amount shipped.

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Returning Something In A Cell If Another Cell Has Info Input

Apr 1, 2008

my spreadsheet to return the word unit if cell a18=1 or the word units if its over 1 but i also want the cell to remain empty if there is nothing input into cell a18 is this possible

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Auto Date And Time - Input Data

Dec 6, 2013

Auto date and time using excel macro.

In cell B2 until Z2 I am inputting data.

Once the data has been inputted in cell B2, I like to have date and time to have in Cell B6.

If input in cell C2 then cell C6 to have date and time..

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Link Input To Auto Output In Next Cell

Apr 9, 2014

Is it possible to have a code of say numbers or letter assigned to an explanation of that said code which automatically appears in the next cell?

See attached spreadsheet : Auto fill next cell with predetermined answer from list.xls

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Auto Input Data Dependant On Selection

Mar 6, 2008

I have a list of electrical item brands in column B and a list of item types in column C what i need to happen is when i select a certain brand with a certain type i would like the cost of the item to automatically enter in to column D!

Because of my rubbish description i have attached an example

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Dropdown List In Spreadsheet Which Combine Info From Two Columns

Oct 24, 2012

I'm trying to have a drop down list in a spreadsheet which combines the info from two columns.

For example:

1 John 29
2 Sandy 40, etc

And the drop down list turns into

John 29
Sandy 40

Is this possible?

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Compiling Info From Different Sources To Make A Mailing List

Aug 22, 2013

I do not know what function will do what I need. I am compiling info from different sources to make a mailing list. Basically it boils down to the following. Sheet 1 has Names and Parcel Numbers, sheet 2 has Parcel Numbers and Addresses. I am trying to combine it in a way that I have names and addresses on the same sheet.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Combine Info From Columns Into 1 List

Oct 4, 2011

is there a way to combine the info from several columns into 1 list?

All of my columns have information in rows 1-20, but I want it all to automatically combine into a list in column B on a new sheet.

This is Excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Putting Info Together To Make A List

Apr 17, 2014

If I have a set of number in a column. a1-12345 a7-12356 and a20-15487. how can I get them to show like this in columns Z.


I am use 2007 and my data go down to cell 40000 in column A:A

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Auto Generation Of String Based On User Input

Jun 3, 2009

Without using VBA, how can i generate strings say


assuming user has inputed two numbers 1 and 5. I know you might have lots of questions like how the hell user input is coming when there is no usage of VBA.

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ComboBox Selection And Auto Userform Input Popup

Nov 22, 2011

I am new in Excel VBA and working on developing a form for Quarterly Reporting. My userform (Quarterly Report) contains controls such as combobox (one of them). I am trying to have another Userform (Risk and Mitigation) to pop-up when a specific item is selected.

With cboRiskScale
.AddItem "High"
.AddItem "Moderate"
.AddItem "Low"
End with
cboRiskScale.Value = ""

I am looking for the code where I will be able to have the "Risk and Mitigation" userform pop-up for user input when the "High" is selected.

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Auto-Fill Data Based On User Input

Dec 22, 2009

Excel 2003, I have a list of products with corresponding prices located on a hidden worksheet. I have a spot on another worksheet where users can select a certain product and next to that cell there is a column for price. What I want excel to do is auto-populate the price cell based on what product the user selects. For instance, if the user selects OD2000N, then I want the price to auto-populate with the corresponding price that is found on the hidden sheet. Like I said before, I know this has probably been answered, maybe even mulitple times but I can't seem to find the appropriate thread.

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Auto Change Row Color After Cell Data Input

Jun 4, 2008

Not sure if this is possible or if I would need to run a VB macro. image multiple columns with text headers.

'A'=Project Number 'B'= Date 'C'=Description etc etc etc 'S'=Cancelled (i actually use up to 'Z' on the columns for various other data)

I have added a Conditional Format on the cells in column 'S' that if the cell data = Y then colour the cell RED. This at first glance will show that the project has been cancelled. What I would like it to do is to colour the complete row (shaded grey for example) this would then show up more easily with the amount of data that is on my sheet.

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Add List User Form, List Box And Get Input

Dec 16, 2009

I wrote a macro which creates desired output based on one default variables. But I want to change it to take user selected assumptions and perform the macro for each user selected variables.

I am confused with user forms and controls and what to use.

Can anyone give the code to how to add a list box to a userform and then add items to the listbox, and run macro based on thegiven input in the list box?

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Auto Filter Based On User Input With Multiple Choices

Apr 29, 2014

I have here an example of how I might extract data from a source workbook and paste it onto a template workbook, using autofilter to find the rows that are needed. It is currently set-up to take rows that match "AREA 1" or "AREA 2" in column A, along with a number of other criteria in other columns.

What I want to do is add into this macro, a way for the user to be able to choose the filter options will be used for column A of the source workbook. So if they want only "AREA 1", they can choose just that, or if they want "AREA 2", or perhaps both "AREA 1" & "AREA 2", or further additional options. They need to be able to specify just one, multiple, or all of the filter options with regards to column A of the source data.

In effect what I need is a user input box or form with a dropdown menu that will give the filter choices based on column A of the source data, and then for the code that copies the data across, to do so based on which choices the user makes in the filter menu of the input box.

I have uploaded examples of the source data workbook and the target template workbook. The macro exists within the template workbook.

[Code] .....

How it may be possible for the user to be able to specify, one, multiple, or all available filter options for column A of the source data, via a user input box or form.

Attached Files :

Sales Analysis Template1.xlsm‎

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Input Data In A Cell And Press Enter - Auto Save?

Dec 28, 2011

I have a excel sheet in it. Is it possible? That when in any cell I input data in a cell and press "enter" then it save automatically.

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Insert Rows Based On User Input But Then Auto Delete Them At The End

May 25, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that I use throughout the day and have to send an email to another person when a customer makes a payment. The number of products they pay for will be different each time and I have the code to copy the right cells into an email and the code to insert the right number of rows for how many things the customer is paying for however as I use it multiple times through the day, I need the code to insert the right number of rows, copy it over to the email then automatically delete the rows it has just inserted so it is back to basics so I can use it again.

The code I have for the inserting the rows (from searching through forums) is:

Sub PRows()
Dim NextRow As Long
Dim NrOfCopies As Long
Dim i As Long
Const NrOfCopiesDefault = 1
Const NrOfCopiesMaximum = 9


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