Getting Info From A List And Input Then Transferring Data
Mar 24, 2007
a user inputs the drawing number and revision in a box on the first sheet in the workbook. Once that is done, the user then selects the type of drawing from the drop-down menu, once "Submit" is clicked it takes that info and puts the information in the next available cell for the other worksheets (if that worksheet calls out for that certain part).
I've been having trouble trying to figure out how to be able to accomplish this task.
If you have any ideas, that'd be great.
I've attached a basic worksheet I drew up to give you a better idea of what I'm looking to do.
Forgot to mention that there are totals involved! The "destination" worksheets have set totals for each drawing type, so what also has to be taken into consideration is that the specific drawing needs to have the correct total beside it. I created a "Totals" worksheet to show what drawings are what totals for each cell. Realizing this may always change or be updated, I created a seperate worksheet to pull all the numbers off of. I thought this might be easier rather than going in and changing the coding each time.
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Feb 10, 2009
I am having difficulty with this formula. In the attached spreadsheet. I want to just input the item number in column A, manually. From there I want it to take the information from the hidden list and fill in the rest of the fields. Example. I input in A4-2664, I want it to search the list for 2664 and take the corrisponding information. It would take the information from M5, O5, and Q5 and place that in C4, E4, G4. I place spaces in the hidden list to make the format the same.
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Sep 15, 2009
I have 2 worksheets saved in the same folder (C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocuments). One worksheet is named 'Input' and the other is named 'Records'.
The Input sheet is in the below format (where '|' represents cell divide):
1|First Name|John
The Records sheet lists all the records in the below format:
1|First Name|Surname|DOB|City
On pressing a Command button named 'Add' on the Input sheet I need to be able to extract the information from cells B1, B2, B3 and B4 and place it on the next available row on the Record sheet (ie. row 4)
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Nov 15, 2005
Worksheet 2 is the master file and contains various information. Worksheet 1 is the input sheet. If Column A sheet 1 matches Column A sheet 2, copy data from Column B sheet 2 and input into Column B sheet 1.
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Oct 18, 2012
I have 3 forms(3 sheets) with the same layout (fields) for data collection. I want to transfer the data from the 3 forms to a consolidated database worksheet. Every form needs to have its own rows of data. For example, if there are three forms for three divisions laid out as below:
BegBal Additions Subtractions Adjustments End Bal
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
The resulting database worksheet should look as follows:
Division Beg Bal Additions Subtractions Adjustments End Bal
A xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
B xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
C xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Sub MoveRecord()
Dim WSF1 As Worksheet ' Form 1 worksheet
Dim WSF2 As Worksheet ' Form 2 worksheet
Dim WSF3 As Worksheet ' Form 3 worksheet
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Jun 8, 2014
I would like to know if it is possible to transfer values of cells this way?
I've attached the excel file for easier reference.
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Apr 30, 2008
I am using VBA to copy and paste multiple sheets from one workbook to another. The workbook where the sheets are being pasted has no prior formatting. I want to transfer the *print* formats from the first to the second sheet via VBA. One key thing to note is that the print formats are constantly being changed in the first workbook. So I think I need code to "grab" the formats, then transfer them to the second workbook.
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Jul 24, 2014
I am trying to create a macro which gives me an input box. I need to enter 2 numbers into the input box. It would be as follows:
Input Box Msg 1 - "What is your labor cost?" (NUM1)
Input Box Msg 2 - "What is your productivity rate?" (NUM2)
Then I need the macro to take this info and enter it into a formula which changes according to the row which you are on. (I need the macro to work based on which ever cell I currently have selected). The formula would be this if I currently had a cell on row 10 selected:
So, if I currently had cell L10 selected, and I ran the macro and put 100 in for "NUM1" and 10 for "NUM2" and my sheet had 20 in cell H10, then the macro would enter the number 1,000 into cell L10. If I had L500 selected, then the macro would enter the final number into cell L500 based on what value H500 contained.
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Dec 27, 2012
it has been eye opening to say the least. I have a question however, I am in the process of creating a workbook of different things for my construction company and I am stuck. Is there a way that I can pull a cost code from a drop down and have whatever data is inputted into the cell to the right automatically transfered to a budget report (another sheet)? Example - Inputting time for my crews - select a code from the drop down list say for "concrete" Then I input the crews hours per day in subsequent columns and then sum it up at the final column. Can the sum of the hours worked doing "concrete" then automatically be transposed to the budget in the "concrete" section?
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Mar 31, 2012
master spreadsheet resides in x directory, up to 100 individuals upload a file into that directory weekly. The uploaded files are from the exact same template, but file-names are slightly different
Is there a way to to extrapolate the data in specific cells from each sheet, to the master sheet. Ideally separated by date of submission (or a date supplied from within the uploaded sheet itself)
I'm guessing at using a variable like "*" in the file name
- but that would include the master file? causing duplicate data
- what about duplicate submission dates?
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May 29, 2009
I have this code going for a sheet i've been working on, but thers only one thing I can't figure out how to do.
I want it to take the text that was entered in the "Grid Date" input box and stick it in the bottom 10 cells (plus one space). IE - if A14 is the last used cell, paste it into A16 through A26.
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Mar 19, 2014
I'm trying to make a sheet to calculate my taxes. I would like to keep tax rates from previous year(s), and have them applied based on which year I input in a cell..
Let say that in cell B1 I write year 2013
In cell G1 I have year 2013 and in cells G2:G7 I have tax rates from year 2013.
In cell H1 I have year 2014 and in cells H2:H7 tax rates from year 2014
In cell B17 to B20 I would like to make a formula that multiplies cell B11 or B12 with information found in either column G or H based on input in B1.
I have attached a spread sheet as example.
I know I can make a formula based on IF(B1=2013;G*;IF(B2=2014;H*;etc..
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Jun 26, 2012
I am wanting to transfer data from one sheet to another depending on cell input
If I enter "2" in sheet1 cell B1, then I want a macro to take A1 to sheet2 but place it in A1 & A2.
Then say I enter "1" in sheet1 cell B2 goto sheet2 and put A2 into A3 and so on.
Depending on the number entered on sheet1 column B, the Macro duplicates the info from Column A in that row into column A on sheet2. ??
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Oct 30, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that has 5 columns. The first row is the Header row, the second row is for the data input, here are the columns:
Column 1: Company Name, I have a drop down list associated with this column.
Column 2: Sales Person, I have a VLookup function to check for the company name in Column 1 and fill in with correct Sales Person.
Column 3: Total Sale, Manual input.
Column 4: Commission %, I have a VLookup function to check Company Name and fill in the correct Commission.
Column 5: Commission, Basic function of Total Sale * Commission %.
I have a macro created that when run it will take all the information from row 2 and move it to row 3 and at the same time inserting a blank row 2 with the functions for me to fill out new information.
The problem that I am having are 2 things:
1: When running the macro the functions will get applied to the newly inserted row but the drop down list for the Company column doesn't.
2: I would like to be able to start typing in the company name i.e "F" and have it jump to the F's in the drop down list.
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Jan 21, 2007
I am currently working on a project for college. I have downloaded an example from a website and want help editing some vb code so I can use it in my project.
I have attached the example. As you see there is an input worksheet and the record of what you have already entered. The vb code takes some information from the system such as time and date and the user. All I want it to do is that it takes data from 5 cells I have.
I am no vb expert but I have tried and failed.
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Dec 8, 2009
I am creating a spreadsheet where the user enters food they have eaten that day. The way this is done at the moment is with validated list boxes, one depending on the other using the indirect function. I want to be able to make this into a user input form. Is there a way of adding these validations from the spreadsheet, to an input form.
I want the input form to have an input for the day, food group, food item, and quantity of the food. The food item needs to depend on the food group.
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Nov 25, 2013
I want to return the data from a list in a cell on worksheet1 if I input a variable on worksheet2. I need to avoid VBA and pivot tables.
Example, if I put "Expense" in the input cell on worksheet2, I want to return a list of each row that has "Expense" in it on worksheet1:
Worksheet 1 (ColumnA/ColumnB):
Worksheet 2 required output (no row gaps or spaces):
Input cell "Expense" - in A1
List required (A3:B5):
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Jun 12, 2009
Whats the VBA code for transfering selections on a multi select list box to a page.
ex. the list box has selections from 1 to 20 and I want to select 3,4, and 5
then on the page I want it to say 3,4,5
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Aug 23, 2012
In VBA Excel transferring data from Excel to Access.
I want to know how to increment the [ID] for each value of the range. [ID] is the Primary Key.
I have tried "NULL".
I have tried adding "n=n+1" after the "for each" and "thisSQL = "INSERT INTO... VALUES (" & n & ",..."
For Each value In Range("D5:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
accDateSub = Cells(value.Row, 1)
accDescSub = Cells(value.Row, 2)
accSub = Cells(value.Row, 3)
thisSQL = "INSERT INTO [Table1] ([ID], [Date], [Desc], [Data]) VALUES ("[U]What goes here?[/U] ", #" & Format(CDate(accDate), "MM/DD/YY") & "#, '" & accDesc & "', " & accData & ");"
conn.Execute CommandText:=thisSQL
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Jul 29, 2014
I'm trying to print score cards from the scores sheet (two different worksheet pages). Some score cards (each score card is one page) will only have 3 players and some will have up to 5 players so I can't just go down the list and use a formula to transfer data line by line. I will set the score sheet up I just all of hole 1 players to be printed on a card and so on with hole 2-18 also I need First and Last names on the cards and possibly score total by the name.
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Aug 5, 2014
Itransferring data across two work books I have.
Every month I get sent sales figures of products, from now I have been typing in every sales figure which is long and boring. So I was wondering whether there is a way to make excel match the products on each workbook (mine and the one I get sent) seeing as there is a product number on both workbooks and then have excel automatically fill in the field I type manually which are quantity and value. So excel would see on the one workbook that product X has sold 10 units with 1000 value and then would go across to my workbook and fill that in the area I need on mine matching from the product code?
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Mar 15, 2013
So I have a spreadsheet with a list of item codes and a subsequent excel sheet with corresponding item codes. I would like to match up the item codes and enter everything found between column E to L.
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May 13, 2014
I need to alter this piece of code so that it extrapolates the data in the same row as the keyword and not from the column. The keyword i'm using is "N" and is found in the first column.
[Code] .....
I have also attached a copy of the workbook : 120514 KCS CLEANING MAY DATA CALLED.xlsx
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Jul 2, 2014
I have a workbook, which is having many sheets but I am sending here two sheets only.
Please refer test file.
I want here a 'Add' button which transfer Column C,D,E,F's data to 'EOD' sheet's F,G,H & I. next time when I click 'Add' Button EOD'S f,g,h,I data should shift to j,k,l & m and calci sheet's c,d,e,f's data to eod's f,g,h,&I, and so on.
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Feb 16, 2009
I am trying to get a macro to update information from attached sheet GTS807 to the Stock sheet. The code in Module 26 works only for the first line and will be very long if I repeat it for the 20 lines of the input sheet! Basically we need to copy the new stock balance from GTS807 column AA13 to AA32 to the individual corresponding product name on the stock sheet (Column E)!
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Dec 17, 2009
I wanted to : when i write data on one cell (sheet A), i want to see the same i wrote into another cell (sheet B), thts very simple, i know, but when its in blank (Sheet A), in sheet B appears a zero.
I dont want to have zero, i want to remain blank as in sheet A.
i did in sheet B "='sheet A'!A117".
i am a noob in VBA, just beginning, and i am loving....
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Jul 22, 2008
I have somewhat of a complex issue (at least i view it as one).
I have included a sample Excel Doc.
I want to be able to enter data into the spreadsheet titles LIST as i receive it. i receive invoices and checks and i keep a running tally. but i am trying to avoid re-entering the same data into the BREAKDOWN tab. but i need the data to go to the proper place in BREAKDOWN. The problem is that i have no idea how big the list will be and how many invoices i will be receiving. so i think new lines will needed to be inserted in BREAKDOWN when i add to the running total in LIST.
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Mar 25, 2012
I'm looking to transfer data (added within the fields by the user) from a userform within a peice of software, to a different userform, in a different piece of software...
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Sep 7, 2009
I'm entering some sales data on a worksheet named 'Sales'. Some items are sold on a 'sale or return' basis, and others are not.
What I would like to do is to have all items that are sold on a sale or return basis copied automatically into another worksheet named 'Sale or Return', along with some other data related to that sale. The data transferred would have to be: Date, Agent, Item, Units, Date of return. I would like the data to be transfered into consecutive rows in the 'Sale or Return' sheet. After some Googling I'm vaguely aware this may have something to do with VLOOKUP.
The challenge I'm having is that there may be one sale or return entry for every ten rows of data on 'Sales' yet I would like them to appear consecutively in 'Sale or Return'.
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Feb 5, 2014
I have a sheet containing lots of information (lists of flight information to and from all countries). So entries are duplicated in the entire sheet. For example LITHUANIA, USA, CHINA... appears lots of times. I only need to highlight particular countries.
I would just use conditional formatting, but maybe there is a quicker way to do that?
So there is a list of 50 countries in one sheet and in another sheet I got all the info. I need those 50 countries from the list to be highlighted in the info sheet (sheet has many columns and rows).
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