Automatic Invoice Creation

Apr 7, 2008

I need a macro to copy the data from the rows in Sheet3 into a specific place on "Sheet2" (Column "C" to E10 on Sheet2, D to E11, Q to E12, R to M12, S to T12, G to Y26, H to AF29, M to AF30, N to AF32, and lastly the current date to AC10) then rename the sheet to the Value of "E10" on that sheet then Copy that sheet to a new workbook and then clear the data on "Sheet2" so that only the information that was on the sheet before the data transfer is left and reset the name back to the original. My problem is i'm going to need this macro to do this for every row of data (Customer) that is in my list range of B10:R2114. So i'm looking for maybe a macro that loops an amount of times equal to the counts of data in the address range


I have a macro that Creates a new workbook (which you name and place, which is good) and then copies a specified sheet over to the new workbook. I hope I wasn't to convoluted in what I'm trying to accomplish. heres the current macro I'm working with.

Sub copySht()
'declare the variables
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim fName
With Application
'prevent unnecessary error messages
.DisplayAlerts = False
'switch off screen updating to speed up code and prevent screen flickering
.ScreenUpdating = False

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Automatic Chart Creation With Range Of 4 Columns

Jun 30, 2014

I need to create 69 charts with 4 different series in every chart displaying information like average stock growth and so on. Is there any smarter way i can do that than manually when i know that the range of these charts will be consistent?

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Automatic Invoice Number?

Oct 3, 2013

I'm Trying to create a invoice that generates the invoice number automatically every time its being opened
Now, how to do it with a macro but the problem is i need the invoice to be saved as a template. In the end i need the invoice template to move the invoice number to the next one when opened and when im done with the invoice i need a print button that saves the invoice with contents to a specific folder, clears the contents and saves the invoice with the current invoice number as a template so that next time its being opened it can just adjust the counter.I have done the counter adjustment part .

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Trying To Make A Automatic Invoice

Sep 23, 2008

im trying to achieve is creating an microsoft word (or simalar) invoice from my excel spread sheet.

My current excel spreadsheet is set on a monthly basis. on it it has my customer list. I provide a service for people so at the end of that month i enter what type of service and who for and make a seperate invoice based on the calculations........ C#&P ive got no idea what im talking about

Im gonna make a fake formula and hopefully somone will understand what im trying to do, everything in these brakets { } is what im trying to do

={cell F6 (customers name)}({send the info in this cell (customers name) to word temlate and insert into customers name section})

Good way to explain it is that i want excell to automaticly create a word invoice, and im guessing i need to have a word template for it.

I really hope someone understands what i am trying to do because at the end of the month it takes about 2 hrs to enter all the different info for the customers into my excel spread sheet and another 2 days to make all the invoices for each customer and it is only a matter of time before i make a simple mistake which could cost me thousands...

was told that words mail merge would work but it wont do what is required. Open to any and all sugestions

I also got told to steer clear of word cos excell can make a good invoice and it would be easier

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Automatic Timesheet Creation For Individual Employee From One Master Sheet

Apr 26, 2014

How to come up with solution for preparing monthly time sheet for each employee from master sheet automatically by entering details in master sheet (Master sheet is all employees attendance sheet).

Just by entering data in master sheet it need to copy data to individual employee sheet. If I enter new employee name in master sheet can it creates one new sheet with same format by itself?

Data are
Project, Emp Name, Position, Date, Day, Time In, Time out, Overtime or under time (if any)

I have total 30 employees and it is increasing day by day

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Saving An Invoice Number When Reopening An Invoice

Oct 30, 2008

I have an Excel Invoice Template, saved as a template.

I have code that generates a new invoice number each time the template is opened in VBA Editor. The auto numbering system works great! However.... (here comes the sad part)

After I enter all the data I need on the invoice, I want to save a copy of the invoice in a different file folder, which I can no problem. The problem is, if I re-open the saved invoice, we will call it Invoice #100, excel asks me if I want to update, if I say either yes or no, the invoice number will change to Invoice #101. I'm sure you can see how this can cause a major problem if we need to compare information later on, finding the correct invoice would be almost impossible as it would not match the customers invoice number.

What I need to know is:

Is there code I can add to the existing code, to stop the increment on a saved invoice, but not on the original template?

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Add-in Menu Creation

Jul 19, 2007

I am wanting to make a macro into an add-in. An add-in is basically a workbook with macros that is opened when excel is correct? I know how to create an additional menu item under an existing one, but I'm wanting to create my own menu with this add-in item under it. I've used this code to try and create the new menu and placed it in the workbook open:

HelpIndex = CommandBars(1).Controls("Help").Index
Set NewMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=HelpIndex, Temporary:=True)
NewMenu.Caption = "&Separate Cashiers"

But ran into an error on the first line of code. I saved the workbook with the add-in macro in it as an .xla and used the addins under tools to have it open each time.

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POPUP Message Creation

Feb 23, 2010

I want to create a pop up message showing count of cells turned red,each time the workbooked are column "I" has two dates in red colour,so the pop up will say "you have 2 contracts expired"

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Folder Creation With A Macro

Nov 12, 2008

is it possible to write a macro that will create a folder labled "2009" then a subfolder for each month with four subfolders labled "Week 1" through "Week 4", and have the "March", "June", "September", and "December" folders contain subfolders labled "Week 1" through "Week 5"?

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Dynamic Range Name Creation

Feb 8, 2009

I'm needing some code that will program-magically do the following interactive stuff:

1. Go to the first cell that will be the start of my range, say "D1".

2. While holding down the "shift" key, press "end", then "down". All of the desired cells will then have been selected. [side note: how can I detect that the "d2" cell is not blank - I don't really want 65K cells in my range?]

3. Next, "Insert", "Name", "Define", then typein the desired name range ("schoolList", here) and press enter.

This would seem to be a case for using the macro recorder but the range will always come out hard-coded, rather than the cells that would be selected using an "end" "down" selection.

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Creation Of Dynamic Checkboxes

Jun 3, 2013

I have a UserForm with a CommandButton; when I click on it a function creating dynamic checkboxes on another UserForm is implemented and then this second UserForm is displayed (and the dynamic checkboxes are displayed too).

Private Sub cmd_BUTTON_Click()
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to add Dynamic CheckBoxes?", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "") = vbOK Then
UserForm2.Caption = "DYNAMIC CHECKBOXES"
End If
End Sub

Sub Create_DynamicCheckboxes()
Dim CheckBoxTop As Integer
CheckBoxTop = 75
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
Set theCheckBox_ID = UserForm2.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1")

[Code] .........

Everything work fine!!!

Now I have the UserForm2 displayed that include 10 CheckBoxes, which names should be:


Why the following code doesn't work???

Private Sub chk_1_Click()
End Sub

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Paste Special Hot Key Creation

Jul 7, 2008

In the new 2007 version , can a specific hot key be created to perform Past Special Values? This key assignment was available in 2003, but we can't find it in the new 2007.

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Multiple Worksheets Creation

Nov 7, 2009

I want a marco for excel which does the following task

There are there are two worksheets namely Sheet1 & Sheet2 in the same workbook.I want to create multiple (new) worksheets in the same workbook based upon the number in cell A2 of sheet1. Further the new sheet that has been created shall be same as Sheet2.

Suppose the value in A2 is 2, then the macro shall create two new worksheets (whose data is same a sheet2).

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Random List Creation

Jun 28, 2006

This might be a little complex to understand but I am going to try to make it clear as to what I am in need of. Basically I have a larger macro that runs and I need to add a pop up that asks for a percentage to be put into a new sheet. The percent is the percent of random rows on the current sheet to be put into a new sheet. Then it would have to create the new sheet with the random information. This is for a audit and we want to have it done randomly and no duplicates. There are no duplicates in the list at this point. The width if needed is from column A to column E.

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Loops Creation For Treeview

Oct 24, 2006

I write macros that creates a treeview according to data from column "A". In attached example I have series of numbers, that means following:

0 is a root (A1), 1 is its nod (A2), 2 are nods of 1 (A3,A4), three appearance of 3 are nods of 2 (A5,A6,A7) , e.t.c.
It means that I must dinamically to create the loops.
How to make it.
All that I know is a static creation.

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Custom Toolbar Creation

Jan 11, 2007

I'm preparing a model which has a few macros built-in. Let's call them Macro A, B, C etc. I want to trigger them via buttons on a custom toolbar (no problem) which a recipient of the model, on another PC, will be able to see (problem).

It was suggested to me that in Customize mode I can right click the custom toolbar and then click "Attach..." but this always causes Excel (2002) to freeze; I must then close Excel.

Someone else suggested that a better way is to have VBA code create the toolbar "on the fly" automatically when a recipient opens the spreadsheet. This is too advanced for me to write at the moment. Could someone give me a steer?

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Dynamic Creation Of List Box

Jan 17, 2007

i am SAP developer and i m working on SAP - excel integration. i am fetching data from SAP tables in to excel and in each row of the excel i want to create a dynamic list box and populate dynamic values.

i know the logic for data fetching but not logic for cretion of list box dynamically and handling events of dynamic list boxes..

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Checkbox Creation - Vba Code

Feb 26, 2007

I just realized that after create 1200 checkboxes using VBA then excel will prompt an error. Something like object automation bla...bla....bla. What Is the shortest code with VBA to create 2000 checkboxes? I run copy paste function with VBA but seems not working well.

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VBA Automate Footer Creation Code

Mar 29, 2013

Trying to automate footer creation, center header sets ok then errors out on left footer with

Runtime error 1004 : Unable to set LeftFooter property of the PageSetup Class

if I comment out the left footer line the center sets ok then stalls with the same error on the right footer

For Each WS In Worksheets
With WS.PageSetup
.CenterHeader = "&""Calibri""&22 &B" & msg9 & vbLf & "&14 &B" & msg1
.LeftFooter = "&""Calibri""&11" & msg2 & " " & msg3 & vbLf & "Owner: " & msg8
.CenterFooter = "&""Calibri""&11" & msg4 & vbLf & "&11 &B &K4a0c80" & msg5
.RightFooter = "&""Calibri""&11" & msg6 & vbLf & msg7
End With

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Data Validation - Formula Creation..

Feb 11, 2009

I would like the individual cells of C1 and D1 to allow me to input values up to 100. The tricky part is that if D1 equals 100 I would like C1 to be less than 100 and vice versa, if C1 equals 100 then D1 should equal less than 100.

Ex. C1 = 100 & D1 = 10

This should never happen: C1 = 100 & D1 = 100. I would also like an error box to show when either of the cell values exceed 100.

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Calendar Creation From Dates On Various Worksheets

Oct 22, 2012

What I am looking to do is have a calendar on a worksheet that populates with dates from multiple worksheets across the workbook. I've got approximately 15 worksheets to pull dates from. Within each worksheet I have a table with 5-10 check options (Form control check boxes). When an option is checked, several dates appear going across the rows on the table. The dates in each row have several date ranges. For example, if I check option 1, I will get 4 separate date ranges of varying amounts of time. I would like these date ranges to then populate on the calendar. All worksheets should populate the same calendar. As each worksheet may have similar options, I would like the listing on the calendar to state Worksheet Name - Option Name for it's entry onto the calendar.

I've looked at the design of the calendar provided by Pete_UK and it looks like something that would work for me.

I've included a condensed version of the spreadsheet I am working on as well as the calendar created by Pete_UK.

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Creation Of Audible Alert In Excel

Jan 28, 2013

How to create an audible alert in XL. To be more specific, I would like the system to alert me on various due dates for the data entered. The key filed is the DATE. The due dates for re-validation could be between 07 days to 3 years.

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Automate URLs For Web Query Creation?

Feb 6, 2014

I need to create a lot of web queries to extract data from several webpages. The web pages all have the same url except the last string of numbers, e.g.[x] where [x] is just one or more integers that are in sequential order.

I want to create around 50 web queries (maybe more later) without doing this manually. Is there any way to put these urls in a column and have excel read through them and query the data?

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Data Copying And New Sheet Creation

Jun 17, 2014

I have an excel workbook with 2 sheets.For now, the first sheet is blank and the second sheet is a "standard" form we use at work.Now by doing this by hand, we have to change 4 individual cells, print it out, change the 4 cells again and so forth, which is tiring and time-consuming.Imagine having to do this ~90 times/day average.Here's the real question.

I want to be able to input my data on a sheet with this format:


Data is plain text, no formulas, no nothing.Plain simple text.What i want to do is, or at least i hope to, is as soon as i am done,i want excel to create a new Sheet with the name of the text input from row A (create a new sheet for every single data input though), copy the "standard" form from sheet2 and change the necessary cells provided from row b, row c and so forth.

So if my input is: NWS1790 XX-AAA RHO 155

I want it to create a new sheet with the name nws1790 by copying a pre-existing sheet but replacing certain cells with XX-AAA, RHO, 155.

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Lock Spreadsheet After A Month From Creation?

Feb 12, 2014

For each new case they have a spread sheet that they edit - I would like for this spreadsheet to lock a month after it is first edited/updated.

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Creation Of Message Box As Per Mentioned Condition

Nov 18, 2008

I have attached one excel sheet. I have programmed this in such a way that it always asks the name of the person who opens this excel. Then the name & date with time autometically noted. I have used password "007" in this excel sheet. The code is below:-

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VBA - Pivot Table Creation Error

Aug 9, 2012

Why does the following code give me a runtime error on the first statement?

Sub pt()
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"'Data-Consolidation (2)'!Source_Data", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion12). _
CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="Data-Consolidation (2)!R1C6", TableName _
:="PivotTable9", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion12

[Code] ............

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How To Add Formatting To Shape Creation Macro

Aug 7, 2013

I have to create an identical button on 20 sheets.

I have a shape creation macro but it creates in the default format.

Can I either change the default format so they are created in the way I want or code to add formatting? I need no shadow, can colour (pref with gradient fill), bevelled edges and text.

Sounds like the first option will be easiest if it works!

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Auto Creation Of Variables / Constants

Mar 25, 2007

I am trying to create a set of global variables (or actually constants) that can be used in my program based on two columns found in a spreadsheet. The first column in the spreadsheet contains the name of the variable, and the second column contains its value.

VarName VarValue
Var1 abc
var2 def
var3 ghi

When the program (which is an Add-in) is called by the user, the very first thing that I would like the program to do is to create each variable from the first column and assign the string value from the second column to this variable (or constant).

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Code For Automating Template Creation

Aug 8, 2006

I have a census file. All records have a TK number assigned to them. I need to create a new workbook (for each TK number) from a template file and fill in the file with data from all the records belonging to that TK number. I can write this out in English, but I don't know what type of functions/searches/etc. to use to make this work most efficiently.

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