Automatically Sort On Worksheet Activation
Sep 6, 2007
I'm trying to auto sort a list of ranks that are linked to another sheet. My sort code works when it referers to input number values, but when it refers to cells that have formulas, it does not recognize the value from the formula, only the formula itself. Any ideas would be welcome.
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Apr 29, 2014
I am brand new (Day 1) to VBA programming and I am running into an issue when trying to activate a sheet based on the value chosen in my userForm that I cannot seem to solve. The error seems to be a compile error and says I am missing and End statement to one of my If Then statements, specifically:
Compile error: End If without block If
I thought if the If Then statement was all on one line that I would not need an End If statement. In fact, if I try to add an End If statement, I get an error (all proceeding text turns red).
This is the part of the code with the End If error.
[Code] .....
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May 14, 2006
Currentley I have a worksheet(2)containing data updated from another woorksheet(1). I have a command button which runs some code for a filter ( recorded macro). can I run this code every time the worksheet(2) is activated instead of using the command button?
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Feb 1, 2014
I am currently putting together a Directory and want each of the 19 programs and the worksheets to be maximized when they are opened.
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Oct 28, 2012
I have a worksheet change macro that from the insertion of date (dd/mm/hhhh) in a cell, fills some other cells with the day number, the week number, the month,...
Everything works fine when i fill one date after the other. But when I try to fill many cells with the same day by dragging the black cross at the right corner of the cell the macro is not activated. how to activate a worksheet change macro by dragging the black cross as a mean to fill many consecutive cells in a column?
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May 19, 2008
I am using Excel 2003 and have used the Data > List > Create List... menu. I am after a worksheet deactivate macro that will sort the data within a data list first by column A and then by column B. I have found a macro that can be activated by a button when working on the worksheet:
Sub Sort_A_then_B()
With ActiveCell. CurrentRegion
.Sort Key1:=. Cells(1, 1), Order1:=xlAscending, _
Key2:=.Cells(1, 2), Order2:=xlAscending, _
Header:=xlYes, OrderCustom:=1, _
MatchCase:=False, _
End With
End Sub
However it is important that the data within the worksheet is sorted by column A then B when I move to another worksheet. I would like the macro to be able to sort the data list by however many rows or columns there may be within the list. I assume this would include as follows: With ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
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May 14, 2014
I want activation of userform to hide worksheet, but as soon as the Userform is closed, the worksheet should show.
I have attached file to aid.
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Apr 24, 2014
How To Make the Table Sort Automatically Without using Sort Button? For Example, I Changed one of the Cell's Value. Then The Table Sort itself.
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Aug 11, 2013
i have a load of data that i dump onto a sheet and i would like to sort automatically with out the need to do it via data and sort
I have attached an example
Can it be do within a lookup?
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Nov 8, 2008
I am now trying to write a macro which is a little over my head and was hoping some one may have some idea how to do it or have some code that is similiar and I can try to customise it myself. So here goes.
Basically all that happens is I paste data into a work book that always has two columns. The first column is a list of names and the second column is a list of numbers. I need to sort that information automaitcally every time it is pasted into the work sheet as follows.
1) Once any information is pasted to sheet 1 run macro automatically with no user interaction
2) All numbers must be rounded up or down first before sorting. If it is say 2.4 then it would become 2 and it it was 2.6 it would become 3.
3) Then move the numbers only from a specified column from sheet1 to sheet 2 and split them up into seperate columns based on the following results.
a) 0 - 3 gets moved to column B
b) 4 -7 get moved to column C
c) 8 - 10 gets moved to column d
4) Delete both columns from sheet1 after this is run so the user can re paste new information
5) If a user does this again then do the same but move into a new set of columns e f g and so on until the work book ends.
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Jan 14, 2010
Here is what I want to accomplish:
I have a spreadsheet with data in cells A36 to G52. In The D column (D36 to D52) I have a date in there. I would like to have this column sort in ascending order automatically, but also have it sort the other data within the same row with it.
I have tried a couple of VBScripts that I have found in other posts that are similar, but I just get errors when trying it so I assume that I am not putting something in correctly.
Can anyone help me write this functionality? I have other data in a similar setup on the page that I also want to sort automatically but the script for this first part should be just a copy and paste, and change a couple of least I am assuming so.
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Apr 29, 2006
Is there a way to automatically sort a column in ascending order while entering numbers so that the column is sorted when last number is entered.
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Oct 17, 2013
I am trying to get a list to sort automatically. I am running a competition over an 11 week period and entering weekly data that is totalled on a separate "Totals" sheet.
This "Totals" sheet, in turn, feeds a "Scores" sheet which I want to automatically sort in descending order of score in order to show the current positions in the competition.
The data in the list isn't entered directly but comes from formulas that reference cells in other workbooks.
I have found ways of sorting a list when you enter data into the list itself but what I need is a macro that will update the sort order automatically whenever a new value is entered in one of the other workbooks.
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Nov 21, 2006
I am currently in the process of creating a league table using Excel, and was wondering how I could get the teams to automatically arrange themselves in order of total points?, without using macros, is any formula capable of this?
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Jan 6, 2007
I have (what seems to me) a somewhat complicated request. I’m trying to do a custom workbook without using VB (if possible). I’m trying to design a file list that can be updated easily by anyone. The new row of information needs to be entered (by a data form maybe?) and then automatically alphabetized by ‘ case name”. See below. I don’t know Excel formulas that well. This seems fairly easy, but I am at a loss how to do it.
Case NameCase #Open Date Closed DateRep
1Apple, Aaron2006-45 12/8/06 Tom
2Apple, David2004-02 01/14/04 Bill
3Bennett, Tim2006-0411/28/06 Bob
4Carter, Jimmy2005-23 04/22/05 Chris
5Carter, Tim2000-11 08/02/00 Jim
6Ford, Gerald 2007-206/06/05 Jill
7Gold, Bill 2006-7803/12/04 Pat
8Hill, Jim 2006-7703/18/04 Amanda
9Janes, William2005-6803/14/05 Dave
I would like to enter a new record (“case name -e.g. Jones, Smith, etc.) , with all the other corresponding info (Case #, Open Date, Rep #) and have excel automatically insert it ALPHABETICALLY by case name into the sheet and also, if possible, renumber. I know I can add the new record it to the last row and the Sort by case name, but I wanted to have others do it, and when they try to enter and sort the spreadsheet it always gets messed-up.
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Sep 24, 2007
I have created a validation list which automatically adds any new values a user enters.
Is there any way of sorting the validation list every time a new value is added to the list?
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Mar 6, 2014
This code sort data of every Column of workbook.
I want sort only range e.g (c10:c61) of sheet(10) correct this code :
[Code] .....
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Nov 30, 2008
I have a sales sheet that records every sale as it comes in. I want it to copy the relevant information (only that sales reps sales) into each sales reps individual sheet automatically so that I can send each rep his own sheet. Can this be done? SEE ATTACHMENT
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Mar 21, 2013
I have a list of Y-intercepts (Column B - highlighted in Yellow) and I'd like to sort it based on a certain value (in J4) and get the 10 closest numbers above that value and the 10 closest values below that value followed by the remaining numbers.
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Aug 15, 2014
I'm attempting to get a column of due dates to update automatically every time a date changes. The due dates are in B3:B15. There is a header in B3. The day after the actual due date, it is automatically changed to the same day on the next month (showing the next due date). I need the spread sheet to automatically sort the due dates from the closest due at the top, to the furthest due date from today at the bottom. Running it manually, or sorting it manually every time won't work. This is for an elderly couple who are having problems keeping track of everything each month. I just need something that will show them the upcoming bills and how soon they are due when they open the workbook. Anything other than opening the workbook is going to be too complicated. I'm new to macros. I've tried to modify some I've found in other threads, but no luck (lots of error messages). I don't understand it enough yet to figure out what I need to change. I've attached a sample sheet that shows the part of the workbook I'm having trouble with.
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Feb 2, 2010
Scenario: You have two columns in a spreadsheet. Column A is a text input and column B is a tracking number for each row. Using the ISTEXT statement, I had it configured so that when a cell in column B recognized a TRUE statement in an adjoining cell in column A it would then assign a number. B1 is assigned a number when A1 has text.
What I would like to happen is build the spreadsheet so that after the user enters text in column A, column B automatically fills in so that the user doesn't have to manually enter it. I've figured out how to do this if the data is never sorted, however, if you sort the data then the tracking numbers don't follow and are really a mess.
Is there a way to auto fill column B and at the same time, make it so that the tracking number that is originally assigned to the row follows with A when sorted?
I've tried using =MAX but run into circular reference issues.
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Dec 31, 2012
I have a Spreadsheet with five columns. The column headings begins in rows 3 and 4(merged), these are Reg.#, Rank, First Name, Last Name and Station respectively.
The 5 row is used as a filter row. Therefore my Data Range is from A6:E505. So far I have input some data up to row 25.
Problem: Each time I input data I have to sort manually, I need a VBA Code to paste to automatically sort by Last Name even as I continue to input data in the other rows.
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Jun 17, 2009
I'm using a table with columns from A to F and an unlimited number of rows. Note that there is a title at the top of each column.
-I'd like my datas in column F to be automatically sorted in descending order from top to bottom when I hit the enter key or when the number is entered in last column (column F).
-the the entire row of data needs to be sorted according to the sorting criteria of column F ( datas entered need to stay on the same row)
-the macro should validate that the number value entered in column F is the same as the number value entered in column A. (to make sure that there was no typing mistake)
-Result in column D must be the difference between the corresponding value in column B and C (B-C=D)
*The next couple of constraints are not absolutely required, i'd like to have them only if it's possible to add constraints with filling color:
-Whenever there is no value entered in column C on a specific row I'd like the entire row to be colored in yellow (fill color)
-IF a number is entered in column C, and that the result of B-C in column D is not equal to zero, I'd like this specific row to be filled in Red.
-when all the values are entered in a row from column A to F and that the result of B minus C is equal to Zero in column D, i'd like this specific row to be filled in a green color.
***in other words, the datas in each rows from column A to F will be entered on 2 occasions; on the first time, only the datas in column A,B and F will be entered (so basically after entering this set of values the row should be filled in yellow. the second time, the remaining values will be added to the rows, so at this time A,B,C,D,E and F will all be entered. when this is done there will be two options
1-the value in column D is equal to Zero then the entire row should be filled in green or
2-the value in column D is'nt equal to zero, then this specific row should be filled in red.
Keep in mind that the datas of a row should be automatically sorted only when the value in column F is entered or when the enter key is hitted to add a new row.
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Feb 5, 2008
I've created this fantasy football programe to calculate all the scores from all matches in this years European Championships.
Basically everybody ranks each team from 1 to 16, giving 16 points to the country you think will win the european championship, 15 points to the runner up, and so on down to the country, you think is the weakest on just 1 point.
Everytime I try and change one of the values in the 'Results' tab I get an "Compile Error/Syntax Error".
What this macro should do is sort all the data in the "League Table" tab into a highscore table list.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("b1"). CurrentRegion.Sort _
Key1:=Range("h2"), Order1:=xldescending,
Key2:=Range("c2"), Order2:=xldescending,
key3:=Range("e2"), order3:=x1descending,
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Apr 21, 2008
there are two colums, one for product name (unique names) and other one is for their prices (may be same for more then one product). I want to arrange these columns by the their price vlaues in assesnding/desending order and to have their unique corresponding product names in respective columns. Provide me any solution, probably using any excel formulas. presently i have tried this using Large and Vlookup funstions...but it fails.. when there are same price is available for two product names, then it takes only first one. I WANT TO GET THIS DONE AUTOMATICALLY, AS THIS IS TO BE POPULATED ON SOME OTHER SHEET AS A PARETO. waiting for your vlauable responces ASAP.
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Mar 21, 2014
This code is to find a number in Col F that is designated in E6. Currently hitting Enter will run the macro, where in the code can I change that run command to another key besides Enter or a form control button?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim MyRange As Range
If Target.Address = "$E$6" Then[code].....
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Jun 15, 2009
I'm just trying to fine tune my project to making users enter specific data into fields C17 and C19 [eg enter the word "hello" in C17 and the word "goodbye" in C19] before the command button is activated.
The existing code i am using [below] activates the command button when anything is entered.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C17, C19")) Is Nothing Then
If Not IsEmpty(Range("C17,C19")) Then
Me.Shapes("CommandButton1").ControlFormat.Enabled = True
Me.Shapes("CommandButton1").ControlFormat.Enabled = False
End If
End If
End Sub
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Aug 23, 2007
I have a macro that returns a lot of data and I need it to automatically resize the row in which the data is being returned. Here is an example of what I mean:
Function MyMacro()
ReturnString = "help" & chr(10) & "me"
MyMacro = ReturnString
' resize the row
' need to define "Location", based on the location of the cell in which the data is being returned
End Function
Even if I specifically hardcode the location of the row to be resized in the macro, it still doesn't work. The cell has "Wrap Text" turned on.
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Sep 20, 2008
I have a simple projectlist on sheet1 formatted like this:
Column A=Projectname, B=Description, C=Owner, D=Deadline and E=Status.
On sheet2 I have the same columnheaders.
What I would like to do, is that if Status changes to "Done",
* the entire row should be copied to a free row on sheet2, or just inserted on sheet2.row2 without overwriting anything
* the now empty row on sheet1 should be deleted (so there're no empty rows)
* the data on sheet2, should be sorted with D as first key and C as second.
Then, if Status on sheet2 changes to "Reopened", the same procedure should happen but from sheet2 to sheet1.
My first choice was to create a checkbox on each row in the Status column,but I noticed it didn't seem to follow with cut/paste even though I changed the property Locked to false. Anyone knows if it's possible to change this behaviour?
I only know small bits of VBA but my idea is this: ...
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Oct 27, 2008
I have been building a program in Excel and one of my lines of code just stopped working. I am just selecting a different sheet, say I am Sheet1 and I want to jump to Sheet2:
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