Automating Adding Worksheets

Jan 23, 2007

I have created a workbook consisting of a 'master sheet' (this sheet is a worksheet in itself but also summarizes the totals from the subsequent worksheet) and subsequent work sheets. I wish to be able to add worksheets as needed while having the 'master sheet' still updating as you add sheets.

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Error Message When Automating Copy/paste Worksheets

Oct 9, 2009

I have been working on this macro all day and no matter how many different ways I write it I can't seem to get it to finish correctly without giving me an error message. The error messages are different depending on how I write the macro, so what the message says is not important.

I have attached a sample of my work which contains the macro, but I'll post the code below as well. There are two tabs in the workbook. One contains the data("download") and the other is the template("Blank") per say. I need the macro to create a new worksheet using the template for each line of the data ("download")until it gets to the "finalrow." It names the worksheets the value of D3 currently, but I'd like to figure out how to name the worksheets by C3. c3 contains the names of customers, and is duplicated for each product they have purchased. I'd just like to attach a number after the name if it is a duplicate. i.e. Adam, Adam1, Adam2, Adam3 for all "Adam"s.

Look into the code and see if that makes sense. if not, feel free to ask questions.

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Adding Different Worksheets

Apr 3, 2009

I have 5 Sheets and want to ADD a particular cell say A20 from 4 of the sheets onto A20 on the 5th Sheet. In Lotus 123 sheets are identified as A:a20, B:a20 etc How are they identified in Excel?

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Adding Worksheets...

Dec 31, 2009

I have a workbook which has ten worksheets within it. I want to add more but it won't let me. Is there a way to adjust that limitation?

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Adding More Worksheets

Aug 22, 2009

need a worksheet code not a module code.

Because, the modules delete after the workbook copies but the sheet code does not.

In Worksheet1 cell H5 if a number is input 500 is entered. I need cell H3 say input 5 to be divided by cell input then divided by 21

So example 500/5= 100/21 = 4.7619 If you round up the answer I need Sheet1 thru Sheet5 to show.

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Restricting Adding Worksheets

Apr 30, 2009

We published a 2003 spreadsheet for people to enter expense information, but some get cute and add worksheets to it (instead of sending in multiple spreadsheets). How can prevent a worksheet to be added to our spreadsheet?

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Adding And Renaming Worksheets Using VBE

Apr 13, 2006

I've undertaken a project for work with my very very limited knowledge of Excel VB.

What I am trying to do is automate the process of creating a new worksheet in a "Master" Workbook, rename and save that worksheet with the date it was created.

Each worksheet will hold a list of dates for staff members who have attended or attempted courses for that week and the information will come in via email in separate pre-created worksheet templates. The consolidated weekly data will ultimately end up in an MS Access db (but needs to be sorted and validated before upload).

Here is the code I have so far:

Private Sub AddSheets()

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Worksheets.Add.Move Before:=Sheets(1)
Worksheets.Visible = True

Dim myDate
myDate = Date

Sheets. Name = Date

End Sub

Using VB6.3 in Excel 2000

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Adding Values Across Different Worksheets Not In Same Order?

Jan 29, 2014

Let's say I have 3 worksheets, the first of which being the total of the 2 other one, let's say total Apples, Red Apples, Green Apples.

The first column has the name of the customer, and the other columns afterwards have several other values such as sales in 2012, sales in 2013, year-to-date sales, growth etc...

I want people to be able to type in the name of the customer, then the sales for Red Apples, and the same in the worksheet for Green Apples, and then their total is shown in the Total Apples worksheet. The problem is that not all customers will buy both, and so overtime the cells will no longer be aligned to have one formula dragged across both worksheets.

Is there a way to get Excel to search the entries in both worksheets and compile them in the Total worksheet, summing entries that are under the same supplier name?

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Adding Names To Worksheets During Merging?

Oct 31, 2013

I have an output in the form of multiple worksheets. I have found a solution to merge them all toghether into one workbook. But I would like the sheets to be named after the original file name.

Lets say my file is called 9252400.xlsx, i would then like the corresponding sheet in the workbook to be called 9252400

The code I am using for merging is:

Sub GetSheets()
Path = "C:Documents and SettingsDAJOMy DocumentsMD-CPHPI_Database-908315-3PlantInfo_Excel"


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Adding Numbers From Multiple Worksheets Within One Workbook

Aug 22, 2012

I would like to be able to use VBA to add a total amount from different worksheets. What I have attached is a copy of my workbook. It is a blank PO and at the bottom is the word total. Is there any way that I could use VBA or an add in to be able to sum the numbers that are adjacent to the word total on separate worksheets?copy.xlsm

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Automatically Adding Rows When Worksheets Are Added

Jun 30, 2014

I'm using a workbook that has one sheet that pulls data from all the others, displaying a series of rows that summarizes data from each worksheet, each of which is full of data. Its a worksheet that a lot of people use so its kind of tedious to use as of now, because whenever you add a new worksheet of data you have to manually create a row and then manually change all the worksheet references. Is there a way to make rows automatically add and update when a new worksheet is added? I know it would probably have involve some sort of Macro or VBA.

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Adding Worksheets Based On Cell Criteria

Aug 4, 2006

I would like one column (column A) to be an "indentifier" column. Column B is the customer name, column C is the customer city and state, column D is the customer phone number, and column E is the customer email.

By calling column A an "identifier" column, what I mean is that I would like to be able to go down the list and put an "x" next to each customer I would like to include in that particular workbook. I would then like to be able to run a macro which would take each of the customers with an "x" in the column A, create a copy of the template comfirmation call sheet, and fill in the identifying information from columns B through E into the copied template. Each worksheet would also need to be renamed the same as the customer name. It would need to perform this same procedure for each row that has an "x," making sure that all worksheets (confirmation call sheets) are grouped into one new workbook.

Sheet 1 is called "main"
Sheet 1 contains 5 columns
A = Blank
B = Customer Name
C = Customer City and State
D = Customer Phone
E = Customer email

Sheet 2 is called "template"

"x"'s are placed into "main" sheet, column A to identify which customer will be affected by macro...................

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Comparing Two Columns On Different Worksheets And Adding Rows Where Matches Occur

Jan 18, 2014

Essentially what I want to automate is a check through one list on the Sheets("Notes") in column A, with another column B on Sheets(template). If there is a match I want to insert a part of the row that the match occurred on Sheet("Notes"), and insert it above the row where the match occurred on Sheets(template).

Here is my code so far, currently I keep getting a "Application-defined or object defined error" on the line

Sheets("Notes").Range(Cells(i, 2), Cells(i, 11)).Copy
Sub add_notes(template As String)
Dim Rng As Range
Dim i As Integer


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Returning Match And Adding Values On Multiple Worksheets To A Master Sheet?

Aug 4, 2012

how I can keep a running total of information added to a different worksheetS. They would not always be the same peson ID so I would like to return a match on any unique ID number found on multiple worksheets and add their values on a master front sheet. i.e this becomes a running total of items purchased per ID number.

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Excel 2003 :: VBA - Adding Named Template Worksheets Based On Single Cell Value

Apr 24, 2012

I'm trying to make a macro in Excel 2003 to create x amount of named worksheets that are a copy of a different worksheet.

1. I have a main worksheet that will have a number manually entered into a cell (lets say A1);
2. I have a 'template' worksheet;
3. I'll assign the macro to a button on the main worksheet

If I enter '10' into cell A1 of the main worksheet, I'd like to click the button and have Excel create 10 copies of the template worksheet. These new worksheets should all share the same name with a number after them (ex: banana 1, banana 2..... banana 10).

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Automating Brackets

Mar 18, 2004

I found a template at it's just a bracket. I feel it has some underlying functionality, as they have a template in visio as well, but I can't figure it out.

So, what I'd like to do is have a workbook with say 100 worksheets. Each worksheet will have a person's bracket. Each person will write in all their picks. Their will be a master bracket where the actual winners will go, as the results are posted. When the master bracket is updated, Excel will flip through each worksheet, checking to see if the win in the master bracket matches the individual bracket. Points will be awarded or not.

Can that be done? I've also done a google search and can't get anymore help. I know that the web has multitudes of free versions, which I'd use, the only problem is that people would hesitate to register. doing it in excel, on the office system, there's no need to register, your cpu login takes care of authentication.

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Automating Graphs

Jun 30, 2006

I'm trying to make alot of graphs(400) and I'm not really sure where to start but here with what I've got so far.

Sub macro2()
Dim x As Long, t As Long, y As Long, z As Long
y = 3
z = 5
x = 4
While x < 1000
With Worksheets("cabernet (2)")
t = Cells(x, 1).Value
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("cabernet (2)").Range("By:Hz"), PlotBy:=xlRows
ActiveChart.Location where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Cabernet (2)"
ActiveWindow.Visible = False
ActiveChart.HasTitle = True
ActiveChart.charttitle.Text = " " & t
Windows("complete Favorite Genes.xls").Activate
y = y + 3
z = z + 3
x = x + 4
End With
End Sub

I don't really know if putting a variable directly into a range works, so far it doesn't.

As you can tell I need a line graph of the range B3:H5, then the next is the those same columns but 3 rows down, so the next graph is at B6:H8. I'd also like to through in a title here, but I may just be playing with fire. The title is located in column A starting at 4 and corrosponds with each graph, so it too goes is increments of 3, i.e., the first title is at 4 the second at 7 the third at 10. Somebody help me out this isn't working very well at all.

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Automating To Export

Sep 16, 2006

Private Sub Database_Click()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
masterfile = "S:OfficeMaster File.xls"
Answer = MsgBox("Do You want to export to Final Database?", Buttons:=vbYesNoCancel)
If Answer = vbYes Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2). Range("q9").Copy
End If
End Sub

for some reason, it doesnt work as it said the masterfile.worksheets is not recognized, but as i go to the immediate thingee, i type in ?masterfile, it give me the exact address, i had been working on this thign for hours, and have no idea what i did wrong.

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Automating Xirr

May 7, 2007

I have a very peculiar problem. Each month I have a set of financial products for which I calculate the IRR values using XIRR, as the cash flows are uneven. Imagine this, Product names in ColumnA, the cashflow dates in B, and the cash flows with transaction types in ColumnC and finall D has amounts in negetive and positive. Each month I add new cashflows for each product as rows.

Manually I scroll down to select the range for XIRR (both date and amount)
Offlate this work has gone really high in terms of values, and manually cacluating XIRR takes hell lot of time for all the products (currently 80 odd)

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Automating Data Processing

Jul 25, 2008

I have a large number of sheets with data in the following general format:

x ..... y ............ z etc

A Unique value Unique value
A Unique value Unique value
B Unique value Unique value
B Unique value Unique value
C Unique value Unique value
C Unique value Unique value
D Unique value Unique value
D Unique value Unique value
E Unique value Unique value
E Unique value Unique value

In seperate sheets, I want the following:

x y1 y2

x z1 z2

And so on for a number of columns - I always want column "x" with another column, however I want the two values for the same value of x to be next to each other, not above one another.

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Automating The Removal Of Certain Data

May 6, 2009

Just wondering if any one can help me come up with some code to remove some lap time in my document ....

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Automating Weekly Formula Changes

Dec 11, 2009

The attached workbook is a follow up report that gets run every Friday. There are 1092 cells that contain formulas that reference a file that was created on Wednesday of the same week. eg.

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Automating File Name Via Inputbox

Jun 11, 2007

I am trying to do is have the code display an input box asking the user to type in the file name, or generate this automatically? to an existing folder in a drive

My master file, imports data from another source (excel file) pastes it in the necessary columns at the moment, however the file is run every Monday so the file name is generic, last week was 10723, this week will become 10724 when the data is run next week,

Can I do what I want to? Via either an inputbox for the file name, or by using something so the file name becomes “107 “ & Weeknum(today()-3)

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Automating % Weight Calculation

Mar 16, 2008

I have 1 spreadsheet in which I need to calculate the % weight of some numbers. Columns A to G have data I do not need for the calculation.

Column H has the numbers of whose % weight I need to calculate. The problem is that the no. of rows containing the numbers can change from week to week and I am trying to automate the calculation of the % weights.

So I want try to use column G (as a reference) (like go at the bottom of it so I can know how many rows of numbers there are) and then calculate the % weights.

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Automating With Internet Explorer

Apr 30, 2008

I am trying to use Excel VBA to conduct a transaction automatically.So far,I managed to get all the required input in.Now,I need to click the "Submit" Button.

I was thinking of using the InternetExlorer.Document.Links(x).Title to search for the link of the "Submit" button and then use the .Navigate method to proceed to the link.

But when I wrote and ran the :


i get the following mesage:

"Run Time Error 98

A property or method cannot include a reference to a private object ,either as an argument or as a return value "

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Automating Copy And Paste ...

May 16, 2008

I have a spreadsheet which i work on everyday, basically I have a formula which needs to be copied in the second column depending on the range in the first column.

Ex : one worksheet will have A1:A100, the B column should be copied to B1:B100, if the next one has A1:A200 then B column should be copied to B1:B200, how to do this with VBA?

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Automating And Looping A Web Query

Mar 4, 2009

My spreadsheet is linked to a stock data web page using the little documented .iqy function. I have set cell A1 to the web page ticker symbol, so that whenever this cell value is changed the data in the spreadsheet is automatically updated.

My problem is in several parts:
1. Read TickerSymbol.csv file which is comprised of just ticker symbols,
2. Insert (TickerSymbol.csv) symbol 1 into cell A1,
3. Save the results to a file c:XXXSymbol1.csv,
4. Insert (TickerSymbol.csv) symbol 2,
5. repeat, repeat

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Automating Fill Down Of Formula

Oct 20, 2006

I have a report which has several tabs of data input which is automated.

There are then several columns of formula which I manually fill down at the minute, is they an easy piece of code to automate this?

The attached example may help, on the tab data source I want to automate the copying down of the formulas in columns D&E.

Can this to be automated by the button on the tab front page?

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Automating Saving Tabs Used For Billing?

Sep 15, 2012

I've been experimenting with automating saving tabs that we use for billing into a .prn file. It works great on my workstation but when I run it on a coworkers workstation the file gets output to the Windows 7 Documents Library, not the workbook's file path. I want it to Save in the same file path that the workbook is saved in already.

Just to clarify I have many sheet tabs, and these are all saved in the .xlsx file. I was previously clicking one by one and doing save as, other file type, prn... but I've automated that by recording a macro and hacking away at it. specifying the workbooks file path correctly? Here's my code, truncated to just show the name of 2 of the tabs:

' This Macro saves the sheet then exports all tabs as a PRN.


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Automating Count Of Various Text Values

Mar 11, 2014

I have 300 cells filled with around a dozen different names - i.e. the same names crop up multiple times. What I need is automatically creating a list of all the names that appear, ordered by how many times they appear and with the number of times they appear next to them - i.e. ranking the names by their frequency.

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