Averaging Rows Of Data?

Jun 26, 2013

I would like to find the average of a column of data where the rows of data changes where my starting cell is always B53 but the end row of data can change after each simulation. The average function to be displayed at the bottom of the last row of data.

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Excel 2013 :: Averaging Rows Of Data Within Larger Blocks Of Datasets - Skipping Rows

Jul 16, 2014

I am trying to average different rows and columns within a larger block data set in a series. This data is from a 96-well absorbance microplate reader experiment. I only mention this to describe the raw data output I am dealing with.

Each set of data is in a 12 x 8 block with the next block below it with one blank row between. So I have a block of data contained between A1->L1->L8. The next block is contained between A10->L10->L17. This continues for a total of 28 blocks.

I want to take averages from rows or columns from each block and autofill them into a single column. So for example I'll need =Average(A1-C1) with =Average(A10-C10) below it and so on and so forth. My problem is that if I try to autofill from this already started column the third row will take the average of A2-C2 instead of A19-C19.

Is there a formula/script for me to skip the correct number of rows to the next data block?

I have attached my spreadsheet to this thread. I am using Excel 2013


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Resample Data: Total Number Of Points Reduced By Averaging The Data Not By Simply Deleting One Of Every Four Rows

May 16, 2006

I have several files of data that are from a data logger. The data is broken up by day. Each day has roughly 43000 rows of data, at its sample rate. This has made charting the data a nuisance. Is there a way to resample the data so it fits in the 32000 points excel can chart? In the future I will set a sample rate that will keep the number of points below the 32K per series. I would like to be able to have the total number of points reduced by averaging the data not by simply deleting one of every four rows.

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Summing/Averaging Last 5 Rows (cells)

Sep 14, 2009

I was trying to sum/average last values in a range. If the range is updated, it should sum/average the last 5.

Tried to do it myself but succeded to do my head in only.

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Averaging Multiple Columns / Rows If Two Criteria Are Met

Apr 30, 2014

I have a dataset consisting of concentrations of parameters (alpha and beta) at different locations over multiple years. I've included an example dataset here.

I need to calculate an average and standard deviation for each parameter that spans multiple locations and years (but not all locations and years).

Example 1: Calculate the average and standard deviation of alpha values from years 2009 to 2012 at locations A and C.

Answer should be: Average of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.53. Standard deviation of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.26.

The real dataset is large, including 7 different parameters and more than 30 locations. I need to perform these calculations for many parameters, so am looking for a formula (or array formula) that will do this in as little cells as possible. Can this be done by formula or will I need a macro?







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Consolidating/Averaging Multiple Rows & Columns

May 29, 2007

I am trying to compile a spreadsheet for my job that will find an average of all the break times and meal times that all the employees take. I have the employee list and their respective timeclock punches for the week, so I took that and found their meal and break times for each individual day, but I'm having trouble when it comes to consolidating and averaging the data. The first column lists the employees, but their names are repeated depending on how many times they punched the clock that week, and since not every punch was a meal or break, my time columns contain a lot of zeroes that aren't needed. I need a way to just average each employees' meal and break times.

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Excel 2013 :: Averaging Values Of Rows From Particular Column

Aug 6, 2014

Is it possible to perform average function on subsequent group of rows and make a new set of rows ?

For example: As below, in column 1 the average of values of first 3 rows (i.e, 1, 2 & 3) is 2. similarly average of values in next 3 rows (i.e, 4,5 & 6) is 5 and so on....

Is this possible to get a new set of rows by averaging values of rows from a particular column. without applying average formula in each row of column 2. i m using MS Excel 13.

Column 1 ______ Column 2
1 _____________ 2
2 ______________ 5
3 ______________ 8
4 _____________ 11

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Summing/averaging A Column Of Varying Number Of Rows

May 18, 2007

how to code VB to where when data is sorted a formula can be placed at the bottom a column to sum or average the above data?

I have tried relational positioning e.g

each time a row is created, integer n5 = n5 + 1

Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=1, columnOffset:=12).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=sum(r[" - " & n5]c:r[-1]c)"
ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=0, columnOffset:=7).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=average(r[" - " & n5]c:r[-1]c)"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
n2 = ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=1, columnOffset:=-19).Address
n5 = 0

Where n5 is augmented each time a row is created then set to 0 to count the next list

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Averaging Data From A Table

Feb 8, 2013

I have a table that has a list of product names in column A and a list of product types in column B. Starting in Column C, each column represents a date for each day of the week. Each day of the week we run tests on our products to verify their quality. The result of the test is represented by a number. so column C has the test results for each product that was tested on 01/02/2013. Column D has the test results for 01/03/2013, etc.

I need to be able to average the test results of multiple columns for a given product type (column B).

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Averaging Each Year Of Data With Zeros

May 8, 2014

For taking out zeros i am using =sum( : )/(sumproduct(( : <>0)*1))

im trying to use {=average(if( : ="1962", : ))} for each year in date column G and average data in column N.

How would i put this together?

Average each year starting with 1962 without counting zeros.

*attached is the file example

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Averaging Out Data From A DATEDIF Formula

Apr 10, 2008

Im going insane trying to figure out how to Average out the data i've accumulated with the DATEDIF Formula...Can anyone please clarify if this is even possible ??

Here's the situation...

I've got a range of data that has been calculated by using the DATEDIF Function (below):

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Averaging Each Calendar Day Of A Five Year Data

Jan 13, 2009

I want to find the average value for each Jan 1st, 2nd, 3rd ..., for a data set of five years. How do I do this quickly? I can filter, but would have to do that 365 times and involves a lot of pasting. I tried a pivot table, but basically came down to the same problem, although I don't understand pivot tables that well.

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Averaging Daily Set Of Data With Each Day Containing Different Amounts Of Data

Feb 4, 2014

I have attached a tiny part of a massive data set I am working on. As you can see in column 2, the data is roughly every 15min for 5 days. The data I am interested in averaging is color coordinated in column 3 (if you scroll down you can see a different color for each day's data set.)

In column 5 the dates are summarized into days as opposed to the 15min breakdown. In column 6 is the problem. How do I get the averages of the relevant data in column 6 in such a way that I can drag the formula down and the next cell will automatically calculate the average for the NEXT day, REGARDLESS of how many temp readings there are, as this data fluctuates from day to day.

Excel Problem 2.xlsx‎

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Automatically Averaging Consecutive Data In A Column

Jan 10, 2014

How can I automatically average consecutive data (4 rows) in a column and jump to the next 4 rows...until the end of my column?

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Averaging Data Not To Include Null / Zero Cells

Mar 10, 2014

I am having difficulty trying to solution this:

Row 1 = Dates e.g. 1-Mar - 31-Mar
Row 2 = Day of Week e.g 1-Mar(B1) = Sat(B2) through 31-Mar ending at (AF)

Column A has hourly time intervals
A3 = 0:00
A4 = 1:00 etc to 23:00

Numbers fall into cells by date/day and interval up to today 10-Mar

What I am trying to do at is average the days separated by Weekdays and weekends..so the formula at AG for interval for weekday would be =AVERAGE(D3:H3,K3:O3,R3:V3,Y3:AC3,AF3) weekends (Column AH)would be =AVERAGE(B3:C3,I3:J3,P3:Q3,W3:X3,AD3:AE3)

I want to average the weekdays and weekend numbers without having to group the weekdays and weekends in a custom sort in the final column. That way when I add the data every day, it auto calculates in AG and AH. If I do it as it shows above, the AVG is skewed due to the blank cells.

Attached a sample worksheet.

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Averaging Data By Week - Automatic Calculation?

Jun 18, 2013

I need to average data following the format below by average per week by week/store combination e.g. wk 1/store A average is 6.



[Code] ..

I can easily use SUMIFS to achieve this, but I have a large amount of data between the weeks of 1-52, a dozen different stores and I will be adding to this. I don't want to have to enter new SUMIFS every time I enter a new wk/store combination. How do I get this info to automatically calculate?

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Macro Inserts 3 Rows Below Each Existing Row Of Data And Copies And Pastes That Data Into Each Of The Empty Rows

Nov 30, 2009

need to create a macro that inserts 3 rows below each existing row of data and simply copies and pastes that data into each of the empty rows before moving on to the next unique row and doing the same thing again.

This is what I have so far, but I can't seem to get the loop right.

Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

activecell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
Range(activecell, activecell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
Selection.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Select

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May 27, 2009

How can I do an average in Excel 2003 when it's not a range but I also don't want to count a certain cell when there's no data or zero? I have attached the spreadsheet.

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Averaging Only If NameID Is The Same

Apr 8, 2007

I'm trying to average data for the past 3 years. My spreadsheet is setup like this.

Year, NameID, Salary, Average Salary

I have the spreadsheet sorted by NameID so most people in the database will have 3 entries right after another. How do I determine an average salary for the person across all 3 years?

I need the average salary to display across from the most recent date if that is possible as well i.e. if the latest salary date is from 2006, I would prefer that is entered into the row corresponding to 2006 and leave the 2004/2005 rows blank.

Also, some people might only have 2 years of data so keep that in mind as well.

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Duplicates And Averaging

May 20, 2009

Column A has approximately 50,000 rows with unique property parcel numbers. Column B has numbers that represent an elevation point on the parcel. The parcels are not level. The elevation of a parcel varies depending where one measures. So,...I have many rows with the same parcel number in column A but the adjacent column B shows a different elevation. Is there any way to:

1) remove all of the duplicate column A parcel number rows so I have just one column A parcel number row.

2) get the average of all the column B elevations to show up on the same one row?

I should only have approximately 15,000 rows if I could get rid of the duplicates and get the average elevation. I have version 2007 but I have to share with others who have version 2003. I don't know if that makes a difference but I thought I should mention it

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Grading And Averaging

Jun 10, 2009

I have received a task to do for school and I tried my heart out but I can't seem to figure this out. It's really simple but I can't seem to do it... I'm not very good with excel.

The excel file is attached .....

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Averaging Words

Dec 1, 2006

I have a spread sheet and it has a column in it with a drop down menu. The words in the menu are Hot, Medium and Cold. I want to have it tell me which one if showing up the most.

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Grouping And Averaging

Dec 2, 2008

The organisation I wish to report on has many cost centres which each contain many people. These people are on many different grades, and each are on differing salaries (even those in the same grade).

One “reporting group” has many cost centres.

There are several reporting groups.

I need to report on average salary per grade / per reporting group.

I have attached some dummy data. The “rep group” tab displays the reporting groups and the cost centre mappings (ie reporting group England contains cost centres 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7). Note in reality the cost centres are not this simple, they are 6 digits and varying ranges.

In the “salaries” sheet each individual is listed along with their cost centre (in column c) and their grade (column d). Their salary is shown in E.

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Averaging Time In VBA

Oct 13, 2009

I have a column of data in Excel in the [h].mm.ss format. These values range from a few minutes to hundreds of hours. I need to get the average of these times.

My code is below. I'm getting a type mismatch error on the line that tries to add the time to the total. The line is in red. I've tried using a Integer, Long, Double, and Date as variable types for this particular variable. All with the same result.

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Averaging Of N Weeks

Apr 28, 2007

I am attempting to find the average units of the last "n" weeks. I wish to input the required number of weeks in cell D20 which will show the average in cell D22. In this particular example, I have manually calculated using the average formula....

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Formula For Averaging

Jun 16, 2007

I need some help with a formula. I've tried daverage, cant seem to get it to work. below is an example of the spreadsheet.

Date Name Project Score Pass?
5/1 Joe Test 55% No
5/1 Jan Quiz 88% Yes
5/4 Jon Test 100% Yes
5/9 Gary Test 75% Yes
5/11 Joe Quiz 90% Yes
5/18 Mary Test 45% No

Ok, I need a formula that I can execute from a different worksheet than the data is on. I need the formula to give me the average of the scores in column D for the criteria in Column C "Test". I tried daverage=(A1:E7, "Project", C1:C2) I cant get it to work. Do you guys know any other way to do this?

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Averaging A Vlookup

Jan 27, 2009

in Sheet1, i have 'part number' listed in column A and 'customer number' in column H. in column P, i have 'customer price' (for that part). so there are multiples of the same part numbers listed in column A.

in Sheet2, i have a summary showing totals for the parts (regardless of the customer), which includes SUMIFs for other columns such as pieces sold, etc. what i am looking to do is get the 'customer price' average by part (in column P/worksheet1) for each part on Sheet2.

Sheet1 sample:
Column A / Column H / Column P
31397 / 1001240 / $6.60
31397 / 1020312 / $6.65
31397 / 40020 / $6.63
31832 / 1047493 / $4.22
31832 / 1035195 / $4.22
31832 / 40017 / $4.40

So for Sheet2 i would like it to be like:
Column A / Column B
31397 / $6.6267
31832 / $4.28

i also need this formula to work if column P has any cells with zero entered.

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Averaging Columns

May 16, 2009

I'm making up a list of average scores across a season. I have an average column and I need to be able to deduct 10% from this average, then have excel ignore any scores below this new number and make up a new average (kinda like a handicap score).

I have columns for average (BD), 10% of this (BE) "ignore any score lower than"(BF) but Im not sure how to get excel to add up only the scores below the number in BF and make a new average column of only these in BG -

Last column would be to give each person a classification based on cutoffs (for instance 1-10=C Class, 11-20=B Class, 21-30=A Class etc etc). Is there a way to make "if BF=xxxx, make BH A, B, C etc?

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Averaging A Set Of Numbers

Jun 25, 2009

I need to average out a set of numbers but the amount of numbers inputed will vary, these number can also be either positive numbers or negative numbers but will never be 0.

How do i do this and I would like this in formula terms?

Say cells a3,b3,c3 were the numbers that I want averaged but there is not always a number inputted in each of these cells. I want the answer to show up in cell a4

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Averaging An Array

Jun 29, 2006

i've got a worksheet with 3 columns each declared, called date, place and avspeed
I'm trying to average the avspeed if it falls under certain criteria within the other 2 columns.

The dates are in day format and basically I require the average over the week

If tried using

also declaring it as an array formula but both

also tried the following by summing and then counting the data and dividing one by the other, but so far neither are working

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