Bond Price Conversion - Decimal Form
Jan 4, 2007
I have a list with prices of US Treasury bonds. They are quoted in a partcular way that I would like to convert to decimal form. They are quoted like this eg: 99-02. Now this means that the price is 99 and some decimal. The two first numbers are the number of 32:s. Thus in this case the price is 99 and 2/32. However if there are three decimals eg 99-021 the last digit refers to the number of 124:s. Thus the price is 99 and 2/32 and 1/256.
Sometimes There are only two decimals followed by a plus or minus sign eg 99-30+ or 99-10-. The plus/minus indicates that you should add/subtract 1/64. (This is the correct way, I know it seems strange but that is the way it is). Also number of digits before the line (in the example 99 might be one, two or three, eg it can look like this: 5-01, 99-021 or 100-21). Is there any way that I can convert these price quotes into decimal form using worksheet functions?
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Dec 14, 2009
I have received help on this topic in the past and I though I had solved the issue, however I realized recently that my formula will not work on any fractions larger than 1 inch. I am converting machine threads in fraction form to a decimal equivalent. here is an example of the what the entry looks like before it is converted.
1/2-20 3A (becomes .5000)or
3/4-13 2A (becomes .7500)or
1-14 3A this one will not work with my current formula (should be 1.0000);
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Feb 18, 2014
I am taking a decimal degree (longitude) and converting it to binary then to hexadecimal. The value I am using is a Binary Angle 32 bit structure that will be translated into an 4-byte hexadecimal (with two characters per byte i.e. "20" is one byte and results in spaces).
This is what I have:
Input of 359.999999916 (in cell A2)
Cells B2 through AG2 I have converted A2 into binary (using formulas like "=IF(A2-180>0,1,0)" for cell B2, "=IF(A2-180*B2-90>0,1,0)" for cell C2, "=IF(A2-180*B2-90*C2-45>0,1,0)" for cell D2, and so on)
I then concatenated all of the results into one cell using the following formula:
To get a result of (located in cell A4):
However, when I attempted to use the BIN2HEX conversion on A4, I get a "NUM!" error. Here is the formula that I was using in cell A5:
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May 9, 2009
I am auto-importing statistics from the web via web query. This information imported has a number in the form of a decimal stated as either x.1, or x.2. x.1 represents x-1/3 (one-third) and x.2 represents x-2/3 (two-thirds). I need to use these numbers in a calculation after importing them, but using x.1 or x.2 obviously does not give me accurate results as the numbers should actually be x.3333333 and x.6666666 respectively. What is the easiest way to convert the imported numbers to their actual decimals?...
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Aug 30, 2012
How can I make my data in "input" tab to look like in the "output" tab the easiest way?
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Sep 16, 2009
I have a some detail in the tabular form with different criteria as size, colour ,purity,cut ,by combining all these i have price list in a tabular form , if I want to intersect all this and find the price how can i do so
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Feb 26, 2009
On an order form the customer will be able to enter the width and projection of several products that they want to order. The way these products are priced are in a Matrix of Width over projection. The current system i have designed is:
1. The pricing Matrix's have all been put into one big table and given a unique id per product matrix.
2. An advanced filter has then been run and and it extracts the appropriate matrix and copies it onto the process sheet.
3. An Index/Match formula is used to find the price for the inputted width and projection. It does this by finding the intersect point of the width and projection on the table.
Currently this will be put into a macro and assigned to a button.
The problem is that up to 15 (or possibly more) products need to be able to be ordered in one order form. With the current system it means there will be a lot of Advanced Filters and there will be a macro button that will need to be clicked after every product order (and they're could be 15 or more). Obviously this isn't very professional, it is time consuming and must be the hard way of doing it.
I was wondering what over systems that could be used for this sort of thing. The more solutions there are to this problem the better. Attached is the file. If you do post a solution it would be preferred if you could also post a file with a working example in. I find it much easier to learn the solution if i can see it working.
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Oct 29, 2002
Is there a formula to convert a Decimal location into D/M/S form for Lat and Long
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Mar 31, 2009
Ok i have a formula that i use to convert bond prices, which are in 32nds to numbers that excel can understand. I use the formula:
This allows me to type 101-16 in and excel recognizes this as 101.5
My problem is that my data I am copying into the sheet is often in 1/8ths. So the price will come in as 101-272, which means 101-27 and 2/8 (or 1/4).
I admittedly dont understand this formula and just use. Can someone help me tweak it to recognize the third digit?
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Feb 1, 2013
E.g. bond price is quoted in 32 so 101-16 will be 101.50
I only know how to add them to my addin but how to write the code.
Function BONDPX()
End of Function
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Sep 5, 2012
I need J22 to multiply based on years in B22 AND increase 5% for each of those years (compounding) after two years (excludes year 1 from 5% increase). In addition the cell needs to remain blank if D22 is blank. B22 = 1, then the stockprice needs to remain the same, and only increase by 5% after year 1.
B22 = a number of years indicated by the formula: =IF(A22="","",DATEDIF(A22,I3,"y"))
J22 =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE))
If J22 stockprice lookup is $1000.00, and the number of years listed in B22 is 6, then the reported value in J22 needs to be $1494.40.
Windows 7 Ultimate / Excel 2010
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Jun 9, 2008
I have calculated the implied volatility for different single options using the newton raphson method. But, I also need to calculate the implied volatility which minimizes the sum of squared differences between the observed market price and the model price for each day. I guess one needs to use vectors (jacobian matrix) to do this, but I do not know how to expand the code to be able to do this. Anyone have any idea how this can be done? I have attached the [code] I have used to calculate the implied volatility for one option.
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Jan 4, 2010
The analysis basically has 2 data components to it:
The 1st part, is a basic transaction list of shopping items bought through the year. Each transaction's shopping item also has the quantity of that item purchased at that time.
The 2nd part, is a pricing sheet for all the different types of shopping items. The pricing sheet has different prices for different quantities at which the item is purchased.
What I am trying to do is to find the relevant price for shopping item, which depends on not only what the item is, but also the quantity. In point form, it should follow the logic below:
1) Identify the item in the shopping list (worksheet 1) from the list of prices (worksheet 2)
2) Find quantity in the prices worksheet that is closest to the quantity in the shopping list (i.e. where the difference between the quantity on transaction list and the quantity on the pricing sheet is the least)
3) Pull the price for this "closest quantity"
I have uploaded a worksheet showing the structure of that data.
Is there some VB code I need to do this, or can it just be a few simple formulas?
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Dec 26, 2013
I need a formula to convert:
3.759 to 3' 9"
3.974 to 4'
4.005 to 4'
I have this currently:
=INT(D9)&"' "&ROUND(TEXT((D9-INT(D9))*12,"#"),0)&CHAR(34)
However, 3.974 returns 3' 12" and 4.005 returns a #VALUE error. I'm picky about the spaces. I'd like it formatted as I have it now.
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Jul 24, 2006
All data is located within one book. I have two sheets with material codes in each sheet which include pricing (existing and current)
Sheet1 (has existing material codes plus existing pricing) Has about 1200 lines
Sheet2 (has current material codes plus current pricing), has about 36000 lines
I need to cross check if the material code (taken from sheet1) are still available in sheet2, and if they are, copy the current price back to sheet1. The current price needs to be pasted back into sheet1 (next to the existing price). If the material code doesn't exist (for whatever reason, in sheet2), the program needs to move onto the next line and leave the current price for that material code blank. The program should finish once all the lines in sheet1 are completed. I have attached a sample of what I'm trying to do,
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Feb 12, 2010
I have have a large array of prices (across rows) and am looking for the closest price to match a price that I have been provided with. It's a basic benchmarking exercise on a row by row basis....and the price can be positive or negative. Is there a clean way to reference the closest price?
I have come across a fair amount of solutions, but none worked optimally - particularly the =INDEX(Data,MATCH(MIN(ABS(Data-Target)),ABS(Data-Target),0)) just didn't work for some lines, and only worked for values less than source price in other instances.
I would also like to reference the source on the next column.
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Mar 17, 2009
I am trying to do an if statement where I ask if the 2009 price is .50 or less away from the 2008 price, bring back "Check" See below:
2008 2009
$23.95 $24.15
Using excel 2007
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a vba macro that takes data from one workbook and pastes it into another workbook. In doing this I have declared a few variables of type single (I only need two decimal precision). However, when I copy the values from the cells on the source workbook and paste them into the target workbook, the numbers end up having 12 decimal places. Ultimately, this extra precision causes my totals to be off by .01 or more after a while. I have tried rounding the number as I pull it off the source workbook into the variable, but that didn't matter. How do I solve this problem? Code for pulling data from source workbook:...
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Aug 3, 2006
Basically, I want to format a group of cells to display 1 decimal figure if the number is not a whole number. If the number is a whole number (or if the rounded first decimal place is 0) I want it to display no decimal.
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Jun 10, 2009
I need to convert a column of numbers currently formatted with 2 decimal places e.g. 112.12 to 4 decimal places (without the decimal point). I need the end result to be 1121200. I've tried a few different suggestions given on the forum previously but can't seem to retain the 4 decimal places that I require.
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Apr 15, 2012
I have to make a excel document in which I have length and width in feet and inch format.
E.g. 10.01 in which 10 is feet and .01 is inch
I have all the length and width values in the above format. And what I want to do is convert the inch value (10.01) to feet value (.01=.08 feet) .
Just like the calculator here does.. [URL] ........
...and so on...
Here is table of conversions from inches to decimal feet. But I don't know how to get a formula for this in excel...????
Inch Decimal of a Foot
1 inch 0.0833
2 inches 0.167
3 inches 0.250
4 inches 0.333
5 inches 0.417
6 inches 0.500
7 inches 0.583
8 inches 0.667
9 inches 0.750
10 inches 0.833
11 inches 0.917
12 inches 1.000
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Aug 8, 2008
I am trying to create a unique sample code by putting together the values of other cells that a user will input. It's all working well apart from the last part, where I am trying to include a decimal number. I want the decimal number to appear without the central "." and in a four digit format. e.g. 2.5 would appear as 0250, 14.25 would appear as 1425. This is the formlua I am using currently:
However, where the value of H4 is 2.5, I am getting a result of 0303 (I've put this part in bold). I have attached a small spreadsheet to aid understanding.
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Jun 10, 2007
I need a formula to multiply only the decimal number in a cell and not the integer. For example: the number in the cell is 57.3615. I want to multiply .3615 only.
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Aug 13, 2008
to formulate Excel formulas to obtain the average buy price and average sell price for me to do this futures trading. Thanks a lot. I downloaded the Htmlmaker to post the spreadsheet here to show the manual way to calcualte the average buy price and average sell price but when it is on html form, i clicked on the 'Please click this button to send the source into clipboard' button & then i paste into this thread. Is the way to make my spreadsheet appear here correct cause it cannot work.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a unit price and a quantity. I want to be able to take the sum of the extended price without having to add a column for extended price. I don't want to just hide it, either.
Example attached.
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Feb 27, 2014
I need a formula to take a number with several decimal places and round it up to two decimal places to either .33, .66 or, .00 if its above .66.
For example, 4.23423423423423 will be 4.33
4.43453453533434 will be 4.66
4.8353453453 will be 5.00
Lets say the number is in cell A1. What formula would do this?
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Mar 31, 2009
I'm missing something in my UserForm initialization code. If I fill the form out once and click 'OK' (run the code to put the form data into a sheet), when I go back into the form all the old info is still there. If I then click 'Cancel' (Unload Me) and reopen the form, the old data is cleared out. What am I missing to make it clear it out the first time?
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Dec 2, 2008
I'm having trouble trying to come up with a way to insert data fields into a spreadsheet form. I have a travel authorization form that I would like to have automatically fill in the required fields based on typing in a name. i.e. I would type in an employees name, and it would automatically fill-in the correct address, etc for that employee. I have attached a spreadsheet that contains one sheet as the form, and another sheet containing the employee data. I know nothing about VBA, but I have a feeling that is where I need to go.
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Jun 26, 2013
I am needing to create a form that exports data (a quote) to an Excel Db (table) and is then able to recall the data back into the form. (the default form in excel does this and I want to copy that.)
Once the data is called back in, I can then export it to another Table to show that the quote has been approved and will be used.
I am having trouble with the VBA coding that copies the inputted quote in Cell C2 (the reference for the quote number) of the "Form" sheet and looks it up in the "Database" sheet. I have tried several variations of code, but nothing works so far.
Sub RecallQuote()
' RecallQuote Macro
Range("C2").Select 'this is the cell that holds the quote number to look up from the table
[Code] ......
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a spreadsheet I use to keep track of weekly sales patterns and use for estimating the amount of a product I would need to order taking into account what I would expect to sell in a given week and what stock I have at present. On the example I've attached, I show where I enter my storeroom count figures, which are organised by supplier and the position in which a particular product appears on the supplier's order form. I have a page which lists the orders by suppliers and which are used to place the orders by e-mail or telephone.
At present I have each supplier section of the order form directly linked to a cell on the storeroom count as per columns K to M on the attached file. However, this means that as products are de-listed by suppliers and extra products become available, I have to edit the formula in each cell as the products now appear in a different position on the storeroom count and may otherwise end up on the order form for a different supplier. I would like to set it up so that I just have to select the supplier name and the table below will automatically fill with the required info, in order of the position they appear on the supplier's form. I'm struggling to combine vlookup and hlookup. Is there a way to do it or do I need to rethink?
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