Multiple Product Order Form With Price Lookup

Feb 26, 2009

On an order form the customer will be able to enter the width and projection of several products that they want to order. The way these products are priced are in a Matrix of Width over projection. The current system i have designed is:

1. The pricing Matrix's have all been put into one big table and given a unique id per product matrix.
2. An advanced filter has then been run and and it extracts the appropriate matrix and copies it onto the process sheet.
3. An Index/Match formula is used to find the price for the inputted width and projection. It does this by finding the intersect point of the width and projection on the table.

Currently this will be put into a macro and assigned to a button.

The problem is that up to 15 (or possibly more) products need to be able to be ordered in one order form. With the current system it means there will be a lot of Advanced Filters and there will be a macro button that will need to be clicked after every product order (and they're could be 15 or more). Obviously this isn't very professional, it is time consuming and must be the hard way of doing it.

I was wondering what over systems that could be used for this sort of thing. The more solutions there are to this problem the better. Attached is the file. If you do post a solution it would be preferred if you could also post a file with a working example in. I find it much easier to learn the solution if i can see it working.

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Cell Referencing: Enter A Product Name In One Cell And Have The Price For That Product Automatically Appear In Another Cell

Feb 3, 2009

I'm trying to create a supply order form. Is it possible to enter a product name in one cell and have the price for that product automatically appear in another cell? Is there a formula that I can use to make this happen?

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Sum Up The Totals Of 'quantity X Unit Price' For Each Product

Nov 23, 2009

i am currently working on cost analysis of large projects.

I have a worksheet with about 100 headings and i would like to sum up the totals of 'quantity x unit price' for each product.

I tried the sumproduct function but it did not work and i had to do the '=sum(b4*c4,d4*e4,f4*g4,..........) to get the result in the total column. I attach a small sample of the file.

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Filling Invoice From Product Data When Price Goes Up

Feb 26, 2010

I have a worksheet that contains data on products including prices and I want to use that worksheet to fill out an invoice for every sale of those products. I know how to make the list/table dynamic and varify the data to "list", then use VLOOKUP to get the price to appear, but what I'd like to know is how to overcome the problem that will arise when a product's price has to change. Eg. if on 1/1/10 the price of product A rises from £15 to £20, how do I ensure that 2009 invoices do not change when I update/edit the price, but that the current price goes up? So far, the only thing I can think of doing is to create another product, but there are several other bits of data about each product on the worksheet which will not change (weight, height, width, supplier etc), so I don't really want to have to duplicate the unchanging bits and also leaving the productA with the old price in the list may lead to accidentally selecting the old price. What do you think? Is there a way of maybe fixing the price to date or something?

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Lookup Multiple Same Value And Return Multiple Corresponding Value In Ascending Order

Oct 9, 2008

I have a problem with the formula that look up multiple records with the same values and return multiple corresponding values in ascending order. I am using Excel 2003 and it is a bit complicated to explain so I have attached a sample spreadsheet to show what I mean.

What I want was after I have sorted the occurrence value in column E based on column B and I want to correspond the Rank in column D based on column A in ascending order for the same occurrence value in column E.

Eg: There is two occurrences for number 1 at E3 and E4, and three occurrences for number 2 at E5, E6 and E7 in column E. Then the Rank for the first occurrence for number 1 in D3 should be ranking 6 and the second occurrence for number 1 in D4 should be ranking 7, so the Rank for the first occurrence for number 2 in D5 should be ranking 3, D6 should be ranking 4 and D7 should be ranking 9 based on column A and B, etc.

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Multiple Lookup: List Of Part Numbers Based On The Product Part Code

Feb 12, 2009

I'm creating a worksheet that gives a list of part numbers based on the product part code. In most cases I can use the following.

=LOOKUP(O6,{0,1,2,3,4},{"NONE (M25)","SMP-55-001","SMP-55-004","SMP-55-008","SMP-55-014"})

so this gives a part number depending on what number is placed in O6. What I need to do know is look at 2 different cells and for each combination of numbers give a different part number. so if A1 is 2 and B1 is 3 give a certain result.

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Invoicing Based On Product And Order Number?

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to develop an invoicing system for my company. Most of our customers will have their invoices formatted a certain way which has been relatively easy to solve, however one customer needs to have their invoices formatted in a special way.I have a sheet that pulls in a list formatted like this:

Date product order number kilos
07/4/14 48% cream 445600 1000
07/4/14 PHM 445600 1500
07/4/14 PHM 445600 1000
07/4/14 PHM 445600 2000
10/4/14 48% cream 445800 500

What I need it to display is the following:

Date Product order number kilos
07/4/14 48% cream 445600 1000
10/4/14 48% cream 445800 500
07/4/14 PHM 445600 4500

So you can see it is grouping the invoice by both product type and order number but grouping by product.

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Auto-Populate Order Form From Storeroom Count Form

Jun 17, 2014

I have a spreadsheet I use to keep track of weekly sales patterns and use for estimating the amount of a product I would need to order taking into account what I would expect to sell in a given week and what stock I have at present. On the example I've attached, I show where I enter my storeroom count figures, which are organised by supplier and the position in which a particular product appears on the supplier's order form. I have a page which lists the orders by suppliers and which are used to place the orders by e-mail or telephone.

At present I have each supplier section of the order form directly linked to a cell on the storeroom count as per columns K to M on the attached file. However, this means that as products are de-listed by suppliers and extra products become available, I have to edit the formula in each cell as the products now appear in a different position on the storeroom count and may otherwise end up on the order form for a different supplier. I would like to set it up so that I just have to select the supplier name and the table below will automatically fill with the required info, in order of the position they appear on the supplier's form. I'm struggling to combine vlookup and hlookup. Is there a way to do it or do I need to rethink?

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Ascending Order Of A Price List?

Apr 8, 2014

formula getting an ascending order from a long list of numbers.

I use excel for mac, 14.3.9

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Using Price List To Populate Purchase Order

Mar 1, 2013

I have been sent a price list from a supplier and need to create an order form that can be populated from the price lists. I have to pages of price list as well. I will also be adding to these as I start getting other supplied product and need my client to be able to generate a order from these in the simplest way possible. Again I hardly use excel and these docs are all sent in excel format.

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VLOOKUP Or SUMIF: Find The Line Staus Of Each Product In Production Against The Order

Jun 2, 2006

I have a very large spreadsheet where i have orders, product and line status listed. I neeed to find the line staus of each product in production against the order. I'm using an array sumif formula but since the spreadsheet reachs 10000 rows of information I dosn't alway calculate correctly.


Required Result

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Bond Price Conversion - Decimal Form

Jan 4, 2007

I have a list with prices of US Treasury bonds. They are quoted in a partcular way that I would like to convert to decimal form. They are quoted like this eg: 99-02. Now this means that the price is 99 and some decimal. The two first numbers are the number of 32:s. Thus in this case the price is 99 and 2/32. However if there are three decimals eg 99-021 the last digit refers to the number of 124:s. Thus the price is 99 and 2/32 and 1/256.

Sometimes There are only two decimals followed by a plus or minus sign eg 99-30+ or 99-10-. The plus/minus indicates that you should add/subtract 1/64. (This is the correct way, I know it seems strange but that is the way it is). Also number of digits before the line (in the example 99 might be one, two or three, eg it can look like this: 5-01, 99-021 or 100-21). Is there any way that I can convert these price quotes into decimal form using worksheet functions?

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Price List - Detail In Tabular Form With Different Criteria

Sep 16, 2009

I have a some detail in the tabular form with different criteria as size, colour ,purity,cut ,by combining all these i have price list in a tabular form , if I want to intersect all this and find the price how can i do so

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Lookup/Fill-in Form ? (insert Data Fields Into A Spreadsheet Form)

Dec 2, 2008

I'm having trouble trying to come up with a way to insert data fields into a spreadsheet form. I have a travel authorization form that I would like to have automatically fill in the required fields based on typing in a name. i.e. I would type in an employees name, and it would automatically fill-in the correct address, etc for that employee. I have attached a spreadsheet that contains one sheet as the form, and another sheet containing the employee data. I know nothing about VBA, but I have a feeling that is where I need to go.

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Price List Lookup

May 8, 2009

I have a price list Width/Drop



I need to index given :-

My ranges are named Width and drop and List. Rules are anything above largest drop/width must return 0. anything below lowest width/drop will be the lowest listed
anything inbetween will choose the value >= to the value. lookup is returning the closest, and my other formula fell foul of nesting, i am working in 2007 but it is targeted at XP/2002.

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Lookup Manufacturing Details Depending On Product Type

Dec 15, 2009

I have created a drop down list of products that we manufacture on a tab in excel. I want to use this list so we can create production/manufacturing paperwork that can be used in our factory.

On other tabs I have created the manufacturing specifications which are a list of specifications and cutting sizes that vary depending on the 1st column /size selected. The rest of the data for follows across.

However for the three products the manufacturing specifications are different so what I want to know is can I create a formula that says if I select product A then look at product A's specification tab, if I select product B select product B's specification tab or if I choose product C then look at product C's specification tab?

I can create a vlookup formula that works for one product and drops the necessary information into a sheet I have designed but I don't know to get it to distinguish the correct cutting info depending on the product type selected.

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Lookup Function To Find Price Between Dates

Dec 23, 2013

I try to find the price between two dates . I used lookup function, but couldn't get the correct result.

See detail at attached file and explained what exactly wanted : rates.xlsx‎

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Lookup Date And Ticker And Return Price

Dec 4, 2012

What I need is a formula that finds the ticker (actually it is a CRSP permanent number) and the date in Sheet 1 and returns the price in Sheet 2 (cell B2 etc.), and if no price is available, return 0.

I have attached a shrinked example (the actual dataset contains more than 150.000 observations). example.xlsx

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Order Form

May 1, 2007

I have a list of some 200 odd items on one sheet that is my price list; what I would like to do is have another person - who may only have very basic, or virtually no excel skills at all, be able to select items from the price list and have each of those items go to the top of an order form on another page.

It needs to be automatic, and anybody that has only basic excel should be able to use it.

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Lookup Price Per Unit Based On Quantity Sold

Nov 22, 2007

I can't seem to get my head around this one. I have a list of ranges of prices for different materials depending on the quantity bought. I want a formula that returns the correct price depending on the quantity required.

Please see attached workbook. My desired results are in column S. I can't stop thinking that a nested IF statement is the solution so I was hoping for a fresh pair of eyes on it.

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Tab Order In Excel Form

Sep 13, 2013

I have a spread sheet that has four distinct boxes and need to be able to tab between them in order which happens to be down the page.

I have protected it and it tabs to my required cells but right to left then the next on right and then left again

I want it just to tab down the page.

I have never used VB and as such all of those options I have seen posted I cant get to work.

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Order Form And Do Total

Aug 4, 2006

I have a list with 3 columns, p/n, discription & amount
what i want to do is when i enter a amount in the amount column, the p/n, discription and amount are filled in, in the order screen.

see attachment for a small version of what i want.

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Lookup Percentage Formula Depending On Price Entered In Cell?

Jan 28, 2013

I have the following table in excel:

Price: Percentage:
$150 10%
$100 12%
$50 14%

I'm trying to use the percentage depending on what price I enter in a cell. For example; if I enter $135 then 10% will be used, if I enter $65 then 12% will be used, and if I enter $47 then 14% will be used.

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Form - Tabbing Fields Out Of Order

Jul 8, 2009

I created a user form to get information to be added to a spreadsheet, and then later needed to add a few more fields. Now when you tab through the fields, they are out of order. For isntance it will tab down through the first three fields, then flips to the second column of fields, then back to the first again.

Is there a way to setup the order in which fields are tabbed? (Note: I am refering to the tab key on the keyboard being used to move between fields, not tabbing a form to create multiple pages.). How do I add a horizontal rule to the form? I dont see it in the toolbox...

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Excel 2010 :: Price Lookup Based On Width X Drop Values

Mar 14, 2012

I'm trying to create a excel sheet which will automatically return a price based on a given width and drop value. Currently, I calculate the price manually by looking in a price book which has plenty of rows and columns and prices. I want to simplify this by simply entering the dimensions so it automatically calculates price based on the dimensions entered.

Below is the start of my worksheet. If I choose the exact sizes shown on the table, it will return a price, however if I choose a size that is not listed, I get an #N/A. Eg. If I choose 780 x 1500, it will return the price $179, but if I choose for instance 775 x 1490, it only returns #N/A, when I want it to still return the price $179.

My formula in K3 is

18520121823324911Excel 2010Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaK3=IF(AND($I$3>0,$J$3>0),INDEX($A$3:$F$8,MATCH(J3,$A$3:$A$8,0),MATCH(I3,$A$3:$F$3,0)))

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Conditional PRODUCT Function Formula (return The Product Of A List Of Numbers In A Column)

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to use a PRODUCT formula to return the product of a list of numbers in a column, between 2 specified dates. The spreadsheet is arranged as follows:

Column BA list of dates
Column C & DNumerical data not used in any calculations
Column EThe numbers to multiply together
Cell A1Start date to be used in the PRODUCTformula
Cell A2End date to be used in the PRODUCT formula

The formula I have to multiply the data in column E, subject to the start and end dates in Column A is:


This returns zero though works appropriately if I replace “PRODUCT” with a “SUM”.

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Dynamic Named Range For The Product Name On The Product Details Sheet

Dec 24, 2008

I'm working on a order spreadsheet system, and I have one sheet called Product Details, where the product name, list price and product code are found, these link to the Sales order page, and I need them so that they can be added to.

So far, I have created a dynamic named range for the Product name on the Product details sheet, and linked the the range via a list validation on the Sales order sheet.

The drop down list displays the products and can be added to by typing new product names on the other sheet.

What I need now is that when a product on the sales order page is selected, it draws the the list price and product code data automatically from the sheet, I tried using a normal vlookup, but I couldn't get it to work. I also need the list price and product code columns to be 'dynamic' so new values can be added further along.

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Create Order Form That Inserts Rows Based On Value In Column

Apr 11, 2014

I'm trying to make an order form that is based off of a price list. Basically there will be 200 items or so someone can just enter the quantity they want into a column. I would then like another sheet on the workbook to auto-populate all of the fields available. The thing I'm having trouble with is I don't want the finished form to be as long as the price list with blank rows in-between. I've been reading up to make a macro work for this, but have had no success.

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User Form: Which Format The Code In Order To Get Information To Appear In A Spreadsheet

Oct 24, 2007

I have created a userform but just unsure how to format the code in order to get information to appear in a spreadsheet

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Macro For Name Generation From Product To Product With Sizes And Filenames

Jan 30, 2014

I would like to have a Macro to go from the first tab called "Start" and end up with the second tab "End" automatically. BAsically I need to take the product on each line under Tab Start and reproduce it for sizes 35-41 always ending with "-(size)". Then this new Product with Size needs to be multiplied one below the other for as many times as I have pictures (number shown under column B of the tab Start). Next to this value in column B of tab End I'd like the same name listed again but with the number 1, then 2, then 3, etc. as needed and the extension .jpg.

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