Bypass Save Warning

Sep 17, 2009

my main file goes out and opens another worksheet, modifies it in its existing environment, copies it to a tab on my main file then closes the other file but not save it. Even though I did those things when I was recording the macro, those steps are not coming through.

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How To Save Workbook With Macros Without Warning Message

Oct 3, 2013

I have several workbooks that use macros from my personal macro library (MyExcelAddIns.xlam).

Some of these, especially new ones, get an error message every time I save them: "Privacy warning: This document contains macros, ActiveX controls, ... These may contain information that cannot be removed by the Document Inspector."

Then after I save it once or twice, the message goes away. Why am I getting this message? Why only sometimes? What can I do to get rid of it entirely?

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Excel 2007 :: Removing Name Triggers Privacy Warning With Every Save

Jul 14, 2010

When I duplicated a worksheet in Excel 2007, I received a warning that "A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name ___" (an existing Name) and was given options. The Name in question should not have been relevant because I never intentionally linked it to the worksheet that was being duplicated, but apparently something happened at some point to create such a link.

I opened Name Manager and deleted the Name in question, and this invoked a warning. "Privacy warning: This document contains macros, ActiveX controls, XML expansion pack information, or Web components. These may include personal information that cannot be removed by the Document Inspector." I had no macros. Each time I attempted to save the document, I got this error/warning, even after disabling Macro Security completely.

It was still saving, fortunately, so I closed Excel and relaunched, and the issue seemed to vanish.

Should I be worried about the integrity of my document? Everything seems fine now, but I'm a little concerned.

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Bypass Inputbox In 20 Seconds?

Apr 4, 2012

I am working on a script that allows a user to enter a number (days), and an automatic process performs based on that number. The inputbox has a default value. I have everything except for one issue--we would like the default value to be accepted and the inputbox close if the user does not click OK in say 20 seconds (in order to keep the process from tying up the rest of the process). Is there a way in VBA to click "OK" in the inputbox in 20 seconds so the process can run if the user doesn't click it himself?

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Import Text And Bypass Wizard

Feb 16, 2009

I am trying to write a Macro that will alow me to choose a text file to important but bypass the Import Text Wizard when doing so. I used the record macro function to get this

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Bypass Text Cells While Using Sum Feature

Dec 15, 2012

Is there a way to use the =SUM(--:--) feature, but to bypass any cells that contain text instead of numbers that are in the range?

I'm currently using this formula:

=SUM(N(I31)+N(L31)+N(O31)+N(R31)+N(U31)+N(X31)+N(AA31)+N(AD31)) only add up the number cells, as next to each cell, there is a column that has text (the reason for the "N(--:--)" is because depending on criteria, some of these cells print blank).

I just added 50 more columns that need to be added to the formula listed above and I will need to repeat this a dozen times. It will be much easier (and tidier) to be able to do something like this:


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VBA - Can I Bypass/ignore Automation Errors

Jul 4, 2009

I have an ongoing project under constant upgrade. Essentially its a timesheet (used by about 40 secretaries) that gets sent to two administrators who import it into a report.

I have written a script to import these timesheets into a report which works fine and currently resides in a module which the administrators access via a command button on there report.

To make there life even easier I have constructed a script that triggers in event Sub Workbook_open (), embedded in the timesheets themselves, based on

If Application.UserName = "Admin1" Or Application.UserName = "Admin2" Then .....

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How To Bypass Source Length Limit

Dec 8, 2009

I was getting so close to the end of what I was trying to finish until I got stuck by an error.

I think the data source in Data Validation has a limit of character. Please see Below


I need to extend the list until ZAO. However, I think the Excel limit is only until ZAC.

I tried to create a new "list" that would contain those ZA,ZB,ZC.
(the list would be named ListofZ) and replace the lengthy formula above by the following:


However this technique doesn't work.

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Code To Bypass Outlook's Security Prompt

Sep 11, 2005

when sending an email in code from Excel through Outlook, the following Microsoft Office Outlook dialog appears during code execution in Office releases since 2002:

A Program is trying to automatically send e-mail on your behalf.
Do you want to allow this?
If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose "No".

Two buttons: [Yes] [No]


Has anyone used or developed code that bypasses this prompt, and if so, would you please post an example of your code here. What I would like is a macro in VBA and / or API that you know from your own first-hand experience has worked for you, that emails an Excel attachment from Excel, using Outlook (not Outlook Express) as the email client, which bypasses the above prompt.....................

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Off The Warning Message

May 28, 2007

I have a lot of links on my excel page, links going to videos. Everytime I click the link, I have this message :

"there might be viruses... are you sure you want to open this file?"

I know there must be a way to take this message off : I worked with it for months, and then it suddenly disappeared. But now that I formatted, it's back again

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MsgBox With Warning

Aug 26, 2005

I have several material takeoff sheets and one material SummarySheet in my workbook.

Each material takeoff sheet has a subtotal cell at the bottom of the sheet. The subtotals are added together and the total sum is displayed in a cell on the SummarySheet. At least that is how it is supposed to work. Excel or somebody else arbitrarily changed the cell reference in the SummarySheet formula to call up the cell one row above the subtotal cell on the material takeoff sheets. This little action resulted in a loss of $674,000 and may eventually result in my unemployment. Meanwhile I am sitting here putting out fires.

This is what I would like to do: Place a formula on the SummarySheet or add a Macro that will trigger a warning message box if the total on the SummarySheet is not equal to the sum of the subtotals on the material takeoff sheets. Also would like to have the message box animated or brightly colored.

If(PlateCostsTotals+AppurtenancesCostsTotals+StructuralCostsTotals+MiscellaneousCostsTotalsSummaryCostsTotal MsgBox “Hey, Don’t You Know How to Add”) or an alternate formula that works.

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Warning Before Closing

Mar 22, 2007

I recently added some code to close a file after a few minutes of inactivity. (Here's the sub code)

Sub time_out()
If Timer - LastEventTime

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Warning When More Then Two Decimals Are Used

Mar 30, 2007

I am trying to put together a code so that when a user enteres more then two decimal points in the cell value they should get a warning regardless if they formatted the cell to show 2 decimals or not...

Simply the problem is on the sheet I have a lot of people format the cell to show two decimals but when you copy and paste the cell values to other sheets the decimals are still there which causes problems.

I am intermediete in VBA so if someone can shoot me some example codes I think I can make it work on my sheet.

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E-mail Warning

Aug 14, 2007

I have a plan to create an excel sheet DB of softwares I sold to clients. Each license lasts 1 year. Here's an example of my sheet: ...

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Crashes Without Warning

Jun 6, 2008

On one laptop Excel crashes, without warning. It happens during copy/paste job (from one workbook to another). But not every time she copies something.

It is completly the same laptop like others in my company. My user has deadlines, and lot of copy/paste job.

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To Get A Warning Message..

Mar 3, 2009

I have an excel sheet there i am maintaining the details of our sales invoices. Invoice no is in the column D . My concern is while entering a new number in the column D, excel should look at the entire column and give an error message if the no is already exixting in the column.

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Warning Sometimes Appears

Oct 24, 2007

I have an Excel file that contains macros that I made. Sometimes when I open the file I do not get prompted to enable macros. I DO want to get prompted so I can enable the macros. Any idea why this happens? By the way, my macro security is greyed out so I cannot change it.

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Warning Of Invalid References?

Jul 28, 2014

Running a worksheet with vba, at the start of the code I turn warnings off and at the very end of the code I turn them back on.When the routines complete a warning is raised:

A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references.

Verify that your formulas contain a valid path, workbook, range name, and cell reference.

When I run Error Checking everything comes up clean.

Clicking on "Show Formulas" shows no formulas for there are no formulas on the sheet to show, just a chart, and clicking "Show Formulas" just turns my dates into serial numbers and screws up the display of the two comboboxes, messing the fonts and drop-down arrows, and since closing and reopening didn't revert the comboboxes back to normal I will now have to blow them away and resurrect them. I also see Show Formulas also messed up my command buttons. nice...

The only way I find to avoid the error is to turn Warnings OFF at the start of the charting routine and NEVER turn it back on.

I made certain that none of my names had any errors in them. Everything looks proper. So what next?

I fear something will create an error for me now along the lines of Murphy's Law

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Manual Calculation Warning?

Sep 14, 2009

Is there a way to make excel 2007 pop up a warning whenever calculation is set to manual by a macro or any other means? I have on several occasions noticed formulas not working, only to discover that calculation was set to manual without me noticing. And then I don't know how much of my work may have been afffected. This seems like a pretty vital piece of information, and I am surprised that it's not made more obvious.

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Duplicate Entry Warning?

Jan 29, 2014

I have a userform with a text box which asks for a Tag number which is then linked to a cell. Is it possible to show a warning dialogue box if a duplicate Tag number is entered?

how to set this up on a single cell also would like to see if code can be written for this?

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Warning Message/box If Cell Over Value

Apr 2, 2009

I have a range of cells and I would like a warning message to pop up if a value over 0.1 is entered. I'm sure it is pretty easy to do, just can't find any info on here and I'm not great with Excel.

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Delete Sheets Without Warning

Jul 29, 2009

For instance: Sheets(sheets.count).delete. I delete the last sheet, but I dont want a message box warning. Can i disable that with vba code? (offcource I can, but how?)

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Outlook Email Warning

Oct 12, 2009

I have some code to literally email a workbook to a specific user. But when the email is sending...i am getting the warning form Outlook whethere to send or not. If the user clicks No...then this opens up a can of worms when asking to debug. Is there a way i which i can amend the code to disable this warning and send regardless...without changing security settings in outlook???

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VBA Warning For Misplaced Workbook ...

May 7, 2007

I have one excel workbook (called “workbookA”) stored on network device (hard drive with its own ip address). The idea is not to allow users to save that excel workbook locally on individual pcs; otherwise, others wont be able to see updates done by a particular user that saved the workbook on his or her computer (regardless of intention).
The idea I have is to have a second workbook (called “workbookB”) on the same network drive; and cell $A$1 of this workbookB is being referenced by workbookA.

$A$1 cell of workbookB has value of ‘20’. And, cell A8 of workbookA refers to that cell

My code below checks the value of A8 cell of workbookA against the value of $A$1 cell of workbookB has value of ‘20’. If the values do not match, cell A9 of workbookA displays “Unauthorized Copy”. (One can even elect to have the VBA code to overwrite all cells - thus destroying the workbook.)

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("$A$8") "'[NO_NO.xls]SHEET00'!$A$1" Then
' places "Unauthorized Copy" to Cell $A$9
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("FID").Unprotect Password:="password"
Range("'[FID.xls]FID'!$A$9").Value = "UNAUTHORIZED COPY"
Sheets("FID").Protect Password:="password"
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub

I feel embarrassed, but this is the best idea I’ve got. Plus I am getting "Run-time error '1004'; Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed" & whenever the workbook is being opened, excel asks is the links (referenced) are to be updated or not (whole another story). Are there any simpler & more interesting ideas to ensure that the user gets alerted whenever the workbookA is removed from (saved in a location other then) the network device?

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Warning When Macros Are Disabled

Jun 22, 2007

How can I write a "warning" in the form of a message box that will appear if the user does not enable macros?

Also, can I have one of the buttons on this message box turn on macros?

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Warning / Alert With Conditions

Jun 1, 2009

I am trying to set up a warning. If an amount is entered in columns u,v, w a warning box to appear telling the clerk to enter a comment in col ab or what I would really like is if they enter an amount the cursor jumps to comments with a command for them to write an explainations.

Do you have a way to do this. (excel 2007)

Col U V W X AB
Held Amount
Write-off AmountTransfer from Proj. to Proj. AmountFinal Invoice
Comments $ 5.00 $ - $ - $ 273,143.29

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If TxtOther.Value Is Not In List Warning Msg

Jun 16, 2009

This part of the form is where the user selects the supplier of the fitness equipment via 3 buttons;


Clicking CmdOther checks if there is a text value in other so we have a record of the supplier.
We can't limit this to a definitive list as there may be new suppliers/some in other regions. However, I would like, when user click CmdOther, excel to look up the value they enter into TxtOther.

If it is in a set list, then it goes straight through, if not a MsgBox propmpts the user to check the name and gives them the option to edit the supplier or accept

Private Sub CmdOther_Click()
If TxtOther.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Supplier!"
Exit Sub

[This is where I want it to then check if it is valid before continuing bellow]

If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True
ActiveCell = TxtOther.Value
Unload Me
End If
End Sub

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4.0 Macro Warning On Open

Aug 26, 2008

I keep getting this warning. I temporarily used a 4.0 macro, but found a better way to do it, so I no longer am using that function. How do I remove whatever it is that is calling it so that user's don't have to see this message. There is a small probability that something else somewhere is calling a 4.0 command, but I have no idea how to find out what that is.

I've checked the references, and excel 4.0 Macro's aren't listed, and I'm pretty sure they were before when I was using them.

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Popup Warning Before Saving

Feb 9, 2007

I would like to create a macro that looks at a specifc cell with a formula that compares the values of two other cells on the spreadsheet. If the variance is more that $10, I would like a popup window to come up telling the user that they are not in balance. I would like this to happen when they attempt to save the file.

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Unwanted ActiveX Warning

Jun 7, 2007

I have used the OWC.Spreadsheet 11 object in a form. But since then, I get a warning, usually when I open the spreadsheet, saying "This application is about to initialize an ActiveX Control that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file Select OK.etc,etc". I am using Excel 2003. Is there anyway of getting rid of this message? I am worried that users will see it, worry about using it and press cancel instead of OK at the prompt, thus rendering my form useless.

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