Calculate Of Interest With Different Interest Rates Per?

Dec 29, 2013

I have a problem calculating a total interest for an input period that has different interest rates. You can see the attached file: INTEREST.xls

I have used a function but the result comes out wrong. Can I fine tune it or do I have to change my method of calculating.

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Calculate Compound Interest Rates

Sep 22, 2011

I am trying to work out a formula to calculate compounded interest rates.

I have a table that is 24 columns wide (months).

1 row that will have amounts input in to the columns (these will be different amounts)

I want to have a row along the bottom that calulates the compounded interest at a fixed interest rate on the total amount that is in the first row.

I have managed to do this using a table but surely there is a formula for this as the table can become very troublesome if the input amounts change.

Ive added an image (attached) : excel.jpg‎

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Daily Compound Interest Using Two Rates

May 16, 2014

Formula to calculate a daily compound interest based on the higher rate of the two rates for the first 5 years, then after 5 years the calculation would only be based solely on the blocked rate.

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Grid To Determine Interest Rates

Jul 23, 2008

I have a grid to determine interest rates. The are add ons to the rate that are dependent on two factors - the credit score and the Loan to Value percent or LTV, both of which are shown in terms of ranges (720-739, etc). See the screen shot below.

I have already written formulas for converting the score and LTV to the ranges as they appear on the sheet (ie, if you type in a score of 722, the formula converts it to the range of 720-739.

What I need to do is this - when the score and LTV are input and determine which set of add ons come into play, I need the sheet to take those add-ons, identified by an x next to it at the top of the page, and add them to the base interest rate, giving me the final rate. Again, see below to make this more clear.

I've thought of using VLookup, but I don' think that would be applicable here.

What's the best method, and can you give me an example of what a formula might look like?

Loan Level Pricing Adjustments

Base Rate 6.25 6.25

Credit Score 741 >740

LTV 60 740 Cash Out 0 0 0 0.25 0.375 0.375 n/a >740 Investment 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 2.5 n/a >740 2-unit 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 >740 3-4 unit 1 1 1 1 n/a n/a n/a

720-739 all -0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 720-739 Cash Out 0 0.125 0.125 0.375 0.5 0.5 n/a 720-739 Investment 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2.25 2.5 n/a 720-739 2-unit 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 720-739 3-4 unit 1 1 1 1 n/a n/a n/a

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Daily Compounding Interest Formula Based On Two Different Rates?

May 29, 2014

What I am trying to do is to create a formula for the attached spreadsheet - that calculates the daily compounding interest based on the higher rate of the two rates for the first five years then after 5 years the calculation should only be based solely on the blocked rate.

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Calculate Interest Per Month

Jan 12, 2010

Sample data:

02-06-09 to 18-06-09 earned $2500
19-06-09 to 23-08-09 earned $3500
24-08-09 to 31-12-09 earned $4500

I am thinking if there's a formula that can calculate the interest earned for each month from Jun-09 to Dec-09.

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Calculate Compound Interest

Jun 30, 2007

I am trying to create a calculator based on a worksheet I have. I do not know how to write a formula for simple interest calculations and for compound interest calculations.

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Calculate Daily Interest Rate

Nov 8, 2008

Some years ago I came across a formulae to calculate Daily Interest on a Building Society Savings account in the UK. I have used this since but find my calculations never work out the same as my BS, although to my advantage! It is =B3*B4/360*DAYS360(B5,B6,TRUE) Where:

B4=Interest Rate
B5=Starting Date
B6=Finishing Date

For some reason the formulae uses 360/year and not 365/year. Using both still gives wrong answer.

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How To Calculate Daily Compound Interest

Apr 10, 2008

I am trying to set up my excel to calculate daily compound interest.

The amount is 10,000 at 0.75% per day for 6 months.

I have tried several different things with no success -

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Calculate In Memory For Each Portfolio If The (Interest - B/F)

Jan 30, 2010

I need an array formula, that will peform a calculation in memory for each portfolio if the (Interest - B/F) = >20, or Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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How To Calculate Interest Rate For Loan Product

Jan 31, 2014

I currently use goal seek to calculate an interest rate for a loan product. My problem is i would like to have the same function but not through a goal seek. In goal seek i have to set the value i want to achieve but ideally i want it to calculate automatically

I have attached a workbook with details. I use a loan amortization schedule to calculate the interest from parameters set on sheet 1

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Calculate Compound Interest Over A Period Of 10 Years?

Mar 5, 2013

I am looking to calculate compound interest over a period of 10 years.

I am looking at putting a lump sum in at the beginning and contribute in monthly installments for the entire 10 years. How would I go about this.. I know there are formulas there, however I'm not a financial person at all..

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Calculate Compound Interest With Capped Earnings

Dec 6, 2008

I'm trying to come up with a way of calculating Money earned over time by compounding interest, but with a twist. After reaching a set amount of money, all money above and beyond does not gain interest. example:

Principal: $120 (user input value)
Duration: 9 (user input value in days, compounding daily)
%Intertest: 4% (user selected value, either 2% or 4%)
Max interest you can earn: $6 (fixed)
Max interest generating money: $150 (variable dependant on %interest, = $150 or $300)
Response/Answer is final value. I don't need the daily results like the example.
Result would be: $170.84
$124.80 (4.80 interest)
$129.79 (4.99)
$134.98 (5.19)
$140.38 (5.40)
$146.00 (5.62)
$151.84 (5.84)
$157.84 (6.00 reached the max interest level)
$163.84 (6.00)
$170.84 (6.00)

my equations I have so far only do one (below 150 total) or the other (above) but not both. and its just a regular formula: =IF(P<M,IF(P*I^D<M+1,P*I^D,"over limit"),P+6*D)........................

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Table To Calculate Interest With Variable Withdrawals For Loan

Aug 2, 2014

I have been loaning my brother money over the past 14 months. The loans have been in the form or $1000 per month plus random payments for one-off expenses like doctors fees. He's not paid anything back yet but we want to know what the total owed is for interest of 10% per annum.

I can easily create a table with payments I've made and the dates with a running total of how much I've paid but how to I create a running balance of what he owes over time based on adding in interest. This might end with a one-off payment in a couple of months, I'd like to calculate what is owed there as a minimum.

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Calculate 10% Or 20% On Investment Form Depending On Interest Rate In Column

May 25, 2009

The way I have this sheet setup is to calculate a 20% fee off the interest earned column "D". Say you earned 6.5% on a beginning balance so the interest earned is in col "D". This works fine for a 20% fee but I need the fee to calculate a 10% fee if the interest in column "C" hit 4% or below and it also needs to be able to calculate a 20% fee if the interested earned is above 4%.

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Calculate All A Rates Seperate From B Rates And C Rates

Aug 15, 2007

formula is needed to get excel to calculate all A rates seperate from B rates and C rates example 10 A rates @ 50.00 9 B rates @ 40.00 and 6 C rates @ 30.00 so although the rates could be mixed up (not following in any particular order the result which I would like to appear on a separate spreadsheet would be A = 500.00 B = 405.00 C = 180.00 then to get them to total up = £1085.00

A 50.00
B 40.00 then separate sheet with answer a 100.00 b 40.00 c 60.00
A 50.00
C 30.00
C 30.00

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Interest Functions

Dec 3, 2005

The file I am working with is available here

(1) I need to work out the value of 2 years worth of interest on a loan - details would be

Loan = 30,180.00
interest = 14.90% pa (calculated daily)
term of loan would be 60 months

I am currently using an ammortisation speadsheet which calculates the interest per month etc ... at this time I simply highlight and calculate the interest which would be two years worth ...

the problem is this calculation varies from the bank interest calculations (although the repayments are the same and the total interest payable amounts are the same)

The banks calculations are said to be done on the basis that the minimum monthly repayment is met and there are no additional fees thrown in ... so I cant understand the difference ...

(2) In addition to the above question, but working on the same loan, traditionally amortisation tables calculate the amount of the repayments, the interest component and the principal component ... some include a column where you can factor in additional repayments on a row by row basis (like the one I am referring to) the table assumes that the payment is made on the due date ...

what I would like to be able to do is
(a) insert the actual payment dates
(b) if no payment is recorded for that period, automatically insert an overdue fee

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Interest Over 'X' Months

Mar 20, 2008

I'm trying to find a formula that will give me the following:

Rent is $2.00 a month with a 3% escalation each year. What is my Rent after 5 years?

Now the other thing is that I need the number of years to be a formula that counts the number of columns with data up to the column with $0.00.

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Interest Calculation

Apr 28, 2008

I have a macro that formats a spreadsheet to show outstanding invoices, grouped and subtotalled by month. To add to this I need VBA code that will use the subtotals to calculate interest on overdue accounts.

Interest becomes due a calender month after the month in which the invoice is dated. So for example a January invoice would start to accrue interest on 1st March.

Below is the subtotals code (sadly the totals don't adjust if data is added or removed but perhaps that is another question for another day.)

Dim LastRow As Long
Dim NextMonth As String
Dim R As Long
Dim Rng As Range
Dim SubAmount As Currency
Dim ThisMonth As String
Dim TotalAmount As Currency
Dim Wks As Worksheet

Set Wks = Worksheets("Reconciliation")
LastRow = Wks.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Wks.Range(Cells(2, "A"), Cells(LastRow, "D"))

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Compounding Interest

May 6, 2008

attached the spreadsheet that I need help with in that same thread. Please check out the spreadsheet via: [url]

Here's my issue:

I'm trying to be debt free roughly around 10-11 years years based on my current plan. SO, what I am trying to do is figure out what I can do with my savings at 1, 2, and a 3 % rate of return in a savings account that is compounded monthly after that debt free point. My time frame for results are 5-10-15-and 20 years.

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Cumulative Interest Formula

Nov 18, 2008

I have a person who was paid £1000 pension pa for ten years. I've found out that the pension should have been split 50/50 with half increasing by 5% pa. Thus in year 1 total pension would be £1000. In year 2 the total pension would be £1025 ((£500 x 1.05) plus £500)

I know that in year 10 the total pension should be £500 (non increasing) plus £814 (£500 x 1.05 to the power of ten). My problem is how do I work out a formula which calculates the total arrears due in year ten? I'm thinking the arrears due after the ten years is £314 but something is telling me it's a lot more.

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Interest Template: How To Sum Up According To Date

Sep 9, 2009

I have created a template that I use to determine interest calculations (it is based on simple daily interest, but monthly compounding and adjusts for any variations in interest rates during the month), and it seems to work fine so far.

However, I am trying to make it better and would like to eliminate as much manual input as possible. I have attached an example of the template to help explain what I would like to achieve

The Running Balance is dependant on column "J" - Interest for the Month. At the moment, I am manually adding up interest accumulated for the month, however if I add one cell too high or miss a cell when adding, it can lead to compounded problems further down. So in short I am looking for a method that would automatically calculate "interest for the month" by adding all the amounts in column "I" (Interest Daily) at month end for that month only (dates are entered in Column B)

In the attached template, grey areas indicate capital movements and/or interest rate changes that may occur during a month (ie movement in the month in question that affects the daily interest calculated)

I hope I've covered everything!

Any help in this regard comes most appreciated. If anything is unclear, I will do my best to explain what I am trying to achieve in greater detail.

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Calculating Compound Interest

Aug 6, 2006

I have a column of years and a column of numbers representing annual
amounts placed in a savings account for the year. I would like to calculate
the balance of interest earned added to the balance of the account and then
calculate the interest earned on the accumulating amounts each year. The
results would be the account balance displayed in an adjoining column. So
far, I have not found a worksheet function for that. Could someone point me
in the right direction? Perhaps there should be several columns of data?

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How To Sum Interest During Calendar Period

Oct 13, 2011

How can I find the total of interest (or and expense) during a given calendar range

Data is as follows

Date Type Amount
4/1/11 Interest 4.00
4/15/11 charge 22.00
5/1/11 interest 3.00

I want a cell to compute the interest in april only.

I have tried =sumif(range, end date, amount_range)- sumif(range, beg date, amount_range)

but how do I nest the type argument into the argument

Possible approaches advanced filter? and function? add another column that uses an if statement to do interest only and do the sumif statement above I was hoping to have a drop down box that could have interest, COGS, beside it and april, may, june above it

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Interest Rate Function

Mar 6, 2007

Is there a function that calculates what interest rate is needed to turn a $2000 investment into $9000000 in 30 years based on compounding interest?

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Compounding Interest Formula

Dec 10, 2007

I am trying to set up a budget for my self. Of course I am trying to make it as complicated as possible.

I have done searches online and that is how I found this forum. I am finding amortization formulas, but not what I want

Here is my question.

I have two fields, Mortgage and auto loan

I want to have a field that does a calculation for me.
I know following fields as an example making numbers up
Interest rate is fixed at 5.5%
Amount left on loan is 150,000
Loan is fixed at 30 years with 28 years left

I want to run a formula so when I make a monthly payment of 1000 dollars how much of that goes to interest, how much to principle (not to make this complicated even more, but let say that I have 200 escrowed which I am not sure if that has interest calculated on(I don’t think so as it is property tax?))

Same example for car loan.
5 year loan, 4.5% interest, payment 438 a month.

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Simple Daily Interest

Aug 31, 2008

does anyone know how to calculate the interest so it matches this? .......

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Interest Only Payment Formula

Aug 24, 2006

I have been raken by brain for a simple formula to calculate an Interest Only Payment on a mortage note, example,

sales price = $162000
term = 360
interest = 8.5

I was able to calculate the payment of principle and interest, but I need to validate what would be an Interest Only payment on this?

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Bank Interest Calculator

Dec 1, 2006

I'm an amateur to macro as I'm only in a low level class at a university... But I'm attempting to make a macro for a bank interest calculator. It asks your type of account(which then assigns an interest rate to it), how much money is in the account, and also how long th emoney will be in the account. I used a "Select Case" for the account types, but I seem to be struggling for it to work, it won't put the value of the total into the assigned cell, or it's just not computing it(as I get "0" each time I run it)...

Public Function BankCalculator()
'Bank Calculator for different accounts
'declare variable
Dim shtBank As Workbook, strAct As String, intMon As Integer, strLong As Integer, intTotal As Double
Set shtBank = Application.Workbooks("Bank Calculator.xls")
'input box for amount of money, assign address
intMon = InputBox(prompt:="How much money do you currently have in the account?", _ ......................................

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Display Rows Of Interest Only

Jun 29, 2008

I have this sheet at work which contains a bunch of courses my employer runs, alongwith the dates and other details (which spans columns A through O)

Course-rows which require action/follow-up are highlighted with a certain color. The "completed" course-rows have no fill.
Note: the courses requiring action may have a past date, the only distinguishing feature is the highlight color.

Is there any way by which i could generate a pop-up box of some sort which would display the "highlighted" rows (maybe from A through I or something).

I could add 'follow-up' flags on another column if the highlight color won't do.

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