Can A Cell Have A Formula That Only Affects Other Cells
May 16, 2009
What I need to happen exactly is this:
If cell BE72 says "Natural", then cell CM11 equals the value in cell BE73.
If cell BE72 says "Deflection", then cell CT11 equals the value in cell BE73.
If cell BE72 says "Dodge", then cell DA11 equals the value in cell BE73.
If cell BE72 says "Insight", then cell DH11 equals the value in cell BE73.
If cell BE72 says "Luck", then cell DO11 equals the value in cell BE73.
If cell BE72 says "Sacred", then cell DV11 equals the value in cell BE73.
If cell BE72 says "Compet.", then cell EC11 equals the value in cell BE73.
But, If nothing is entered in BE72, then I want to be able to type my own values in cells CM11 through EC11 without overwriting any formula.
Since I cannot have a formula in a cell and still type in it without overwriting the formula, I was wondering if it's possible to have another cell (maybe cell A1) that has this formula in it. Can a cell like A1 hold a formula that functions for other cells even though nothing happens in A1? If so, how would I make the above work?
Usually if I filter and perform some kind of operation on the cells displayed by the filter it is only these cells affected. For example, if I run a filter that shows 10 rows and I Paste a value into say, Column A, of all 10 Rows then remove the filter and look through all my rows, only the 10 cells displayed during the filter contain whatever I Pasted in.
However, sometimes when I do this many rows that were not displayed as part of the filter are affected. For example, I Paste something into my 10 filtered Rows and after removing my filter I find that whatever was Pasted into the 10 cells is now in 200 cells.
How can I be sure that any changes I make to a set of filtered cells are ONLY applied to those cells?
I have made a workbook file which is a form. I deleted all tool bars except "Print" and "save as". And I have saved this workbook. When I startup XL again to do other work It brings up my same bar arangement as my form. When I change it back it also changes my form file. How do I keep my form arrangement seperate from the standerd excel set up?
Sub CreateRectangles() X = 1 Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(X, X).Value = 0 X = X + 1 Loop variable = Round(-0.026 * (X * X * X) + 0.56 * (X * X) + 24.7 * X + 5, 0)
Set Box = ActiveSheet.Rectangles.Add(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Left, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Top, variable, variable)
I have my raw data in one Worksheet and have made multiple pivot tables based off this data. Since I needed to have the same calculated fields in all these Pivot Tables, I used to simply duplicate the pivot table sheet and edit the pivots to create a new table.
Now, I'm trying to create a new pivot table from scratch, by selecting the base data table and going to "Insert Pivot Table". However I see the same Calculated Fields and upon removing, the field is removed from all other Pivot Tables.
I built a web form interface which I use to adjust orders on a web-based system our company uses.
The code I have looks at a sheet, checks if the line needs adjusted, makes adjustments as needed, and then clicks a box for lines needing ordered.
Here is the code I use:
Sub Adjustorder() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim ie As Object t = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Adjust").Range("C3").Value 'checks for valid orders to adjust If t = 0 Then MsgBox ("No Skus to add"): Exit Sub Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") With ie
This all works fine, but the amount of lines can be anywhere from 1 to 11,000. The fewer the amount of lines needed to loop through, the faster it does each line. With 11,000 lines it took nearly 1 second per line. With 200 lines it took 2 seconds for all of them.
I have a macro that takes a worksheet and copies it to another workbook. It works, but the graph that is contained in the new worksheet ends up a little screwy; for instance, the Plot Area is larger than it should be (height-wise along the screen), and the chart's legend isn't in the exact same place as in the original chart.
Is there a way to make a cell populate certain text based on conditions of other cells without putting the formula in the cell you want to populate. So that someone could type other text into the cell if the conditions were not met?
I have a formula that looks at a cell on a front sheet, and then returns the contents of that cell as the result if it meets the criteria. So for example this formula would be in Cell A1 on Sheet2 IF(SHEET1!A1,"New",Sheet1!A1,"-")
This formula is always in the same cell (different sheet) as the cell that it is looking at, down 1500 rows. Instead of having the formula named for each cell is there anyway to ask excel to 'look at this cell but on this other sheet'. e.g IF(Sheet1!"This Cell" etc). That way no matter what cell you put the formula in it is always referencing the correct cell for the formula?
I'm working on a spreadsheet that includes items I sell as well as the packaging it goes in.
The formula I'm looking for basically will tell a cell that if one cell (# of box) is equal a certain # it will add two separate cells by the weight of the box.
I have cells for each of the following: Weight in lb and weight in oz of the item (no box), a cell which holds the number of the box (ranging from 1-15) and two cells with weight in lb and weight in oz which would be the total weight of the item + box.
So, for example, if weight of item equals 1 and box cell equals 2 then it will put the weight of item + weight of box into a third cell.
Here's a picture of my current spreadsheet : [URL] .....
Basically, I would like to do something such as if P3 = 5, then Q3 will equal N3 + U6 and R3 will equal O3 + V6.
In the sample worksheet, there are columns "Min", "Max" and "Average". The next 2 columns "Remark1" and "Remark2" I have formulas.
In column D "Remark1", I use this: =IF(IF(C2="",0,C2)>B2,"Ave>Max",IF(IF(C2="",0,C2)<A2,"Ave<Min",""))
In column E "Remark2", I use this: =IF(B2=0,IF(B2<A2,"Min>Max",""),IF(B2<A2,"Min>Max",""))
How can I include col E formula into col D formula, so that i do not need to type anything in col E and such that consolidated formula in Remark1 will populate value in Remark2? Will Offset formula do the justice or need a VB code to do the job,
I am working an Excell sheet. It have many cells with formula like sum of a range of cells etc.
I wanted to divide a range of cells with the given cell (which is inturn having a formula for sum of a range of cells.) want i wanted is to divide a range of cell values with a given cell whose value (number) is obtained through a formula.
when i do
=100*(v65)/v20 for T65 cell and copy the formula for T66-T106 cell range
it is calculating for T66=100*(v66)/v21 and T67=100*(v67)/v22 ........T106=100*(v106)/v61
what I want is all the cells T66=100*(v66)/v20 ... T106=100*(v106)/v20.
I want to create a string of 0's and 1's in the same cell in excel.
I used the function =randbetween(0,1) to generate 1's and 0's. Just wondered if there is a way to repeat this multiple times in same cell so it looks like 1 0 1 0 0 1 etc... as an example. Or a way to merge cells?
I am making a sheet that has many colums of data that I want to sumup colum wise. I am doing is using this macro .. ============================================= Sub Add_Totals()
For Each NumRange In Columns("C").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).Areas
If I type a VLookup formula in Cell A1, the resultset goes into cell A1, as expected.
Is there any way to have a formula in Cell "A1" that populates a different cell, like Cell A6 that contains no formula ?
The reason I need this is that the user sometimes needs to type in manual data into Cell A6 and would overwrite the formulas. I was thinking that if I could have them actually type something into A1, it would populate other cells, such as A6, that did not have any formulas.
The worksheet (Payments) contains a list that allows the user to input accounting transactions. Almost every input cell contains a formula or data validation enabling selection from a dropdown.
The worksheet feeds the data to 3 separate spreadsheets (Debits / Credits / VAT) and the formulas for that are contained within dynamic ranges in the other 3 sheets. A command button macro then feeds that data from the 3 sheets to the Master sheet. This all works perfectly.
After the macro is run and the data is copied to the Master sheet, I would like all of the data in the 4 other sheets to be cleared without losing the formulas and data validation, ie so that the sheets are empty and clear for the next batch of inputs.
I'm trying to build a price index in which when a user changes the value in any one cells, the other cells on that row would change dynamically. In other words, if a user enters 25% in the "discount %" column, the "net price" column would reflect this discount ( attached is a sample sheet). I thought I had this covered but ran in to some problems I can't figure out on my own.
The worksheet_change function only inserts a formula in to a cell once. After a value has been added to that cell manually, the function doesn't insert the formula in it again. Also, there are empty cells inside the price index and I don't know how to take them into consideration in my code. And for last, if, and only if a discount % is entered a phrase "Z106" should appear in the last column. But if any of the net prices are manually entered, a phrase "ZSOP" should appear in the last column.
I am trying to determine how to great a formula for cells E5, E6 of the attached (in pink) that says if the value of the cell above (E4) is equal to or Greater than the value of cell E10, the cell will perform the formula that I already have in E5, E6.
But what I'm trying to do is create a 5 year investment plan whereby the worksheet automatically inputs those values for me if the balance is above our minimum reserve. That way I can play with the default assumptions and see how it changes throughout the worksheet.
I have a workbook with multiple sheets interacting with one another. On one of them the user is prompted to make lists of expenses in multiple columns. The column labels are in row one, and row two has the sums of all the cells below. I have every sheet in the workbook protected, so that only the cells that need to be modified are unlocked. The problem is that the user can drag cells around and change the range of the functions in row two (locked cells).
For example, A2 has the function =sum(A3:A100). But if the user drags the values in A3:A5 to A6:A8, the formula in A2 changes to =sum(A6:A100). Is there anyway that I can allow the user to drag cells (this could be a useful feature), but keep the formulas in the second row fixed?
I am making a form with drop down boxes and auto fill to make things easier. I have one Box for the Company selection another box for the occupation selection and I need a formula to find a $ value based on the selections made in these two cells. If I could establish the actual cell reference of the selected data in the second drop down list. The data will be much larger than this example and will live on a separate sheet.
The idea is to select an item i one cell, which in return will affect the following cells with the nutritional values. So far so good. I would then like, if a given amount is entered, it calculates the values.
A food item is typed in Cell A. The following cells will Index Match a table (on a different sheet), importing calculation formulas based on the food items nutritional value (Cells C - G). If an amount is typed in Cell B (i.e. 100 grams) the following cells will then calculate the correct nutritional values.
i learned to make an INDEX MATCH function, so that when i type "Gulerod" or something like that, the following cells import information from the Table tab... When the table contains fixed values, this works just fine. However - i tried to make the table (the cells) with calculation formulas (i.e. =SUM(4*B3))... this means the values in the tables are 0 untill a value is typed in B3 (in this example).
... however when i do the Index Match in my main tab, only the "0"'s are imported, and no matter what value i enter in B3 in the main tab, the following cells remains with the fixed value 0.
... so my question is - is it even possible to have the Index Match function import the calculation formula from the table and have it work in the main tab as well? Or is there any other way to make this work in Excel? Basically - to have the main sheet find the relevant data to use for calculation on a different tab/sheet, and then do the actually calculations on the main tab/sheet.
I have a spreadsheet with data populated down column B. This size will vary from day to day so is there a macro I can run that will populate Column C with a formula based on their being data in the adjacent cell.