Change Focus Between Applications
Apr 12, 2007
I am using MS Word to create a list to go into Excel, it seems advantageous to do it this way because I'm using the Heading Outline Numbering feature of Word.
Presently my macro assumes the word document is closed. How do I modify the macro to:
1. check if the file is open?
2. if already open, switch the focus to word?
3. switch the focus back to excel?
Sub GetDataFromWordDoc()
Dim FileToOpen As String
FileToOpen = ThisWorkbook.Path & "5Whys.doc"
' MsgBox "Active sheet is " & ActiveSheet. Name ' My check
ActiveSheet.Range("WordClear").Select ' Existing data to remove
Set appWD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
' here I would like to check if the word file is open
appWD.Documents.Open Filename:=FileToOpen '
appWD.Visible = True
Range("WTarget").Select ' Single cell range to start paste
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Text", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:= _
'ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
' At this point word in the fore, excel in the back,
End Sub
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Jan 4, 2007
I'm using a VBA UserForm (ShowModal=False) as the front-end on a spreadsheet for logging purposes. Here's the progression of the problem:
1. I have the UserForm loaded and the cursor is in any given textbox/ combobox on the form.
2. I switch to another program, then come back to the UserForm.
3. The cursor no longer appears in whatever textbox/combobox I was in when I left the UserForm. If I type, nothing happens (I have to click the field again first, then type).
However, if I TAB, it will go to the next field in the Tab Order just fine. It seems that the control has "pseudo-focus"--it knows which field to tab to next, but the control won't accept input unless you click it. The odd thing is--this UserForm has a button which launches another "child" UserForm. That "child" UserForm does not have this problem.
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Nov 28, 2013
If the admins or you would like to change or recommend a change, I am trying to figure out what the code would look like for cells B22:B28. I need it to count the number of occurrences of the part number in A4:A17 and then combine the applications from the corresponding cells in column F (F4:F170 into a single cell (B22:B28).
On sheet 2 I would manually copy/paste the list of part #s from sheet 1 and remove duplicates. The add the formula that I can't figure out into column 2.
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Jun 6, 2006
I've got a userform for entering data in a workbook with sheets for each month. ie: Jan'06 , Feb'06, etc. I've added a combobox that looks at my list of these sheets and when a certain month is chosen I would like that months sheet to come up behind the userform, so that the data is entered there when the form is completed.
The other option is to not change the sheet focus but to direct the data to the appropriate sheet based on the combo box. (No matter what sheet is currently selected)
On a related note, I have a text box showing the last date entered and I would like to make shure that it is updated based on the sheet selected in the combobox.
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a worksheet called "zz_Exchange" that contains the exchange rate for my company for each month of the financial year. I am using this info in a summary page that uses the data for multiple calculations in the workbook.As we pass each month I would like to move the focus of a cell in the summary sheet to the relevant month in "zz_Exchange"
The column names are "currency_code" (USA Euro etc),
"currency_year" (09, 10)
"period" (1-12)
"exchange_rate" (this is where the data is held)
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Apr 4, 2014
I am trying to run multiple applications. I can run one application i.e.
Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Value) but not multiple i.e Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Value) & Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A9").Value) at the same time.
I have also tried Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8:A9").Value) but to no avail.
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Sep 7, 2009
How can I control non-Microsoft applications using VBA? For example, how can I open a pdf file, print it and then close Acrobat Reader?
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Dec 7, 2011
A VBA macro uses the Shell command to open several DOS command boxes. Each DOS command box is copying a file from one location to another. Since I am copying the files over a network, it is most efficient to copy the files in parallel (simultaneously) rather than sequentially. I would like to pause the program until all of the files are copied, i.e., until all of the DOS command boxes have closed. Is there a way to pause the program until all command boxes are complete?
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Apr 8, 2013
I have a macro that cycles every 5 minutes. I have tried everything I can to get this program to run while I modify a sheet in the workbook to no avail. I have however figured out that if I open up a separate excel application that my macro can continuously run without preventing me from modifying the other application. Now I need to figure out a way toggle between the two excel application windows if a condition is met. The basis of this is to allow production associates to create a schedule and modify it while a macro looks into the defect database and if a defect becomes too problematic, the macro interrupts the schedule to display the issue.
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May 29, 2009
Is there any way to access all the applications which are opened through only Excel.. Like creating a menu which will list all applications that are running.. like Word., other excel workbooks,Notepads etc?
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Oct 15, 2007
Is it possible to have a query that takes data from external applications?
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Mar 5, 2008
so i'm building an application that'll allow users to manipulate records in Excel with just a GUI, using Userforms, Modules and Class Modules. it's all working but i'm feeling like i skipped a little on structuring it properly.
for example (from my Java work in college), you'd call just one object from the main method, which would create a GUI object, and create/manipulate instances of the different Classes when buttons are pushed. basically you one object whose main created other objects, who ran procedures, etc. what i'm hoping for is to make it as modular and easy to maintain as possible. would anyone have a good resource for optimising a medium-sized application? (the tips Excel/VBA Golden Rules. These Should NOT Be Optional were very good, by the way.)
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Apr 14, 2006
The VBA shell command is as follows:
programPath = "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe" ' works
'programPath = "iexplore.exe" ' does not work
Shell programPath + " " + fileToLaunch, vbNormalFocus
but the drawback is that the invoked program (iexplore.exe, at least in my case) needs to have the FULL PATH to where the program exists = the "C:Program FilesInternet Explorer" which may or may not work on someone elses computer. This hardcoding will not work and is not transportable.
Is there a trick to find where the executing program lives? or launching it without the path?
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Apr 2, 2009
I have the following code which copies specified cells from one sheet to the next available row on another sheet. I would like to keep the next available row somewhere near center focus on the display. Can I use the variable 1Row to do this, or maybe 1Row plus or minus 20 depending on how I want it displayed on the screen?
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Jan 6, 2004
I am writing some VBA, and this is what is going on:
I display a form which asks the user to insert the desired number of invoices. After inserting the number, I would like a the cursor to appear in a textbox labeled "Invoice Date" (ref A28). Additionally, I would like the user to only have to key in the day and month. Therefore, I would like to have the cell be defaulted to / /2004.
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Nov 2, 2007
I am using the following code to validate text entry in Textbox1 of a userform. I want that if the user enters a numeric value than a msgbox should popup and then cursor should get focus on Textbox1. But with this code, it is setting focus on textbox2 and not on textbox1.
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then MsgBox "Please enter TEXT value only.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End Sub
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Apr 25, 2006
I have an application in excel in which a “combobox1” has been created on the main sheet of excel. Somewhere during the code execution the program requires input from the “combobox1”. What is the code required to highlight the “combobox1” allow the user to select from the box and then return control back to the regular code?
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Jun 2, 2006
I've got a worksheet with a cell called "cellName" and a button "cmdSearch". When I enter a string in cellName and press cmdSearch a query is done on a database and the result is returned to the form. Now, when I enter text into cellName I then have to click on a different cell before I can click on cmdSearch. What I'd like to do is have cmdSearch take focus if I press enter in cellName. I know how to do this with a UserForm, but I like having all of this on the worksheet and not dealling with a popup box.
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Jun 17, 2008
is there any way to know if a COMBObox has the focus?
* * *
I have a ComboBox and when I press ENTER inside this comboBox a run a Macro
Private Sub CbFormularios_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
some times I am inside the ComboBox and one of the Item whithin this combobos is Selected, but stead of pressing the enter keyboard I press a commadButton but to run the macro attached to this command button I have to know if the cursor of my mouse is whithin the ComboBox "Over the comboBox". kind of:
If ActiveSheet.Cbox1.Value Is Not highlited Then call Macro1
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Dec 9, 2008
I have an active form that is always in focus. I would like to be able to seamlessly transition back to the worksheets under it, and move back and forth between the worksheet entry and form entry. Is there some way to alter the focus between events to do so (like a mouse over type event)? Currently, I can only exit the form to get back to the worksheet. excel 03 sp3
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Jan 8, 2009
I am running software that calls an Excel macro using DDE. The macro populates a sheet with information to be printed, then prints the sheet.
I would like for this to take place in the background with Excel never taking focus from the software that calls the Excel macro. Currently Excel some times takes focus from the software and some times does not. The macro also takes the information it prints and stores it to another sheet, but I don't think that's the culprit stealing focus from the other software.
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Jan 12, 2009
The following code gives me a 'Method' Range of Object'_Worksheet' failed error. I'm using Excel 2003.
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May 2, 2009
I have 3 workbooks in XLStart. I want to change the workbook that gets the focus after they are all open. The workbook i want to have focus is DG_Tourny.xls
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Jun 24, 2009
I've made a non-modal 'Toolbox' form that floats over my worksheets. When a button is clicked a graphic item is copied from a hidden sheet and pasted into the current sheet. The graphic remains selected but the toolbox form takes the focus away from the sheet. When the user wants to move the graphic there is no problem in mouse-dragging but I'd like the user to be able to nudge the graphic using the keyboard arrow keys without having to click to give the sheet the focus. So, I guess the question is: How can I give focus to the worksheet following the Paste action?
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a userform that is called by clicking on a button and it copies the value in cell A to my userform. This works great it is called via:
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a userform with several inputs which are validated, and should the input be invalid an ErrorProcedure is run. This basically displays a message telling the user what is wrong, and it should also be highlighting the text in the relevant field, but for some reason it is not doing that.
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Sep 28, 2009
I had to reset my excel on friday now today I'm getting an error when opening up an workbook. The error is " Cant move focus to the control because it is invisible ,Not enabled or type that does not accept focus. I have this code in a workbook when the workbook opens
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Apr 10, 2012
How to change focus back to Excel from other applications, how simply to report what application currently has keyboard focus - there is no need to change it?
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Jan 18, 2014
How do I isolate "FOCUS" in the following string
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a macro that launches another program (Windows Title - Storm). I then use sendkeys to have it export the file to an excel file. (This launches another instance of excel.) I want to be able to focus back to (Storm) so I can sendkeys to close the program down. I can get it to the end result using sendkeys, but I am trying to have it switch back to the Storm application so the user does not need to close it manually.
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