Changing What Workbook Gets Focus

May 2, 2009

I have 3 workbooks in XLStart. I want to change the workbook that gets the focus after they are all open. The workbook i want to have focus is DG_Tourny.xls

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Changing Column Data Based On Another Columns Focus

Mar 4, 2014

I have 1 sheet called Setup which users enter their character name, their class, and their race, additionally the entire workbook manages data for up to 9 individual characters.

On another sheet called C|R|E, I have tasks listed that are based on each class type and each race type that are available. Currently there are nine classes and four races. Currently on this sheet each class and each race has its own individual data lists and such, and formulas are done in a way that user inputted data can be entered anywhere, but wont count unless the class and race match those selected on the Setup sheet. To keep the sheet short in appearance I used command buttons to hide/unhide classes or races not in use by the user.

What I was wondering is (and this could be hard to describe), can data in one column be changed to reflect data based on another column's focus? I will explain in more detail.

Column B contains the task information for each Class and Race. For example Cells B13-B51 for one class, Burglar. Columns D-L is where users enter data to show if the task is completed or not. In this example lets say the users first character listed on the Setup sheet is a Champion. What I want to do is check the Setup sheet Char 1. Then based on what Char 1 is selected as on the Setup Sheet, C|R|E B13-B51 data is changed to reflect it, IF Column D currently has focus. If Column E gets focus then B13-B51 changes based on the class selected on the setup sheet for character 2. and etc.

If this can be done I can remove the 13 different sections and have it down to 2 sections, one for class, one for race. For now I am using check boxes to hide classes and races they are not currently using, but would like to move all classes into one table and all races into one table to they dont have trouble with columns they have to skip over currently.

This is a sample of how I am currently working on the C|R|E sheet, the full code is much much longer since I am using so many command buttons.

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Focus To The Activeworkbook And Not The Actual Add In Workbook

Oct 15, 2009

i am creating an add in that will allow me to display all pivot tables in a workbook, their name, sheet location and source data in al listbox (called LBPivot) on a form (called FrmPivot)

My problem is that i am not sure how to make sure it points the focus to the activeworkbook and not the actual add in workbook?

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VB Code Error When Workbook Loses Focus

Aug 30, 2008

Overview: I have a workbook named MainPage.xls. This mainpage has several buttons and serves as a switchboard to launch other workbooks. Attached to this Main Page are two worksheets, "Source" and "Value1". The "Source" worksheet is graphical in nature and is used to collect data via a DDE channel to some production industrial processors and then on a timer "log" the data to cells in the "Value1" worksheet. Once the VB code is launched from the "Source" worksheet (via a start button), the code continues to run until it is stopped (via a stop button). The data is then graphed and printed out, etc.

This works very nicely and provides "live" graphing of some constantly changing data.
Once the "Source" worksheet data VB code is running, I need to be able to minimize the worksheets and return to my Main Page and further be able to open any one of the other workbooks on the Main Page and work with that page(s). Thus far, I can minimize the "Source" and "Value1" worksheets and return to the Main Page and the VB code runs along nicely in the background.

However... IF I attempt to open any other workbook from the Main Page, my data collection/graphing code stops and I get a Run-time error 9, subscript out of range... and Excel completely shuts down.

I know this must have something to do with the worksheet that runs the VB code losing focus when another workbook is opened.

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Set Focus Back To Workbook While Form Is Active

Nov 11, 2009

I have a userform, when using the form it has focus, once I click on my "Ok" command button I want to return focus to the workbook while I leave the userform open. I already have the userform open and on top of the workbook.

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Keep UserForm Linked To Particular Workbook Even If Focus Is Lost

Jan 19, 2010

I have an excel program that uses a modeless userform. often times i will open other spreadsheets while the form is active or minimized. if i return to the form and run it without manually bringing focus to the appropriate workbook, i get an error because it references the wrong workbook. is there a way to keep that form tied to that workbook no matter what? also, it is important that this procedure works despite the workbook name changing.

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Workbook Loses Focus When Opening From IExplorer

Aug 18, 2006

I have a workbook that prompts a user with a msgbox and then a SaveAs dialog. It works but when users intend to open the workbook from Internet Explorer, the SaveAs dialog stays behind the browser and everything freezes. Ideally I would want the workbook SaveAs to stay on top till user saves the workbook. Any help?. Here is my Open and Save code.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

'Unhide Function for Macro protection

Dim initialname As String
Dim varAnswer As String

initialname = "DataGathering.xls"

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ActiveX Textbox To Receive Focus On Workbook Open?

Aug 28, 2013

When the workbook opens, sheet 1 is selected. There is an activex textbox on sheet 1 that should receive focus.

using "textbox1.setfocus" or textbox1.activate" does not accomplish what I need. I have also applied this the setfocus and activate to the worksheet open event but without success.


Private Sub workbook_open()
Worksheets("regular sku").Select
Worksheets("regular sku").ScrollArea = "I1:T36"
End Sub

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Return Focus To Workbook/worksheet After Updating Form

Jul 24, 2009

I have a form that displays when i open a workbook. I enter data into the form's fields (listbox & textbox). When I click the form's "OK" button, the focus doesn't return to the current worksheet, and in fact, focus doesn't return to any of the open windows / applications I have open.

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Changing Workbook Formulas To Reference New Workbook Name

Aug 6, 2012

I have a workbook "Weekly Field Report-Master Copy" and another workbook "Weekly Field Report $$$-Master" The "Weekly Field Report $$$-Master" workbook has all the formulas that pull data from the "Weekly Field Reports-Master Copy" workbook and populates a financial report of that week's field unit production.

When I save the "Weekly Field Report-Master Copy" workbook to a new name "Weekly Field Report Job #1" and then save the "Weekly Field Report $$$-Master Copy" workbook to a new name "Weekly Field Report $$$-Job #1" is there a way to automatically change the formulas in the "Weekly Field Report $$$-Job #1" workbook to now pull data from the "Weekly Field Report Job #1" workbook instead of the "Weekly Field Report-Master Copy" workbook???

Currently I am manually changing the formulas in the new workbook "Weekly Field Report $$$-Job #1" to reference the data in the new workbook "Weekly Field Report Job #1". Otherwise the formulas pull the data from the "Weekly Field Report-Master Copy".

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Hyperlink Within Workbook Without Changing Name Of Link

May 27, 2014

I have an overview worksheet that features a list of dates; I want to hyperlink the dates to the another worksheet within the workbook that represents the month. I want to do this without changing the dates in the overview sheet. For example, I have 2014-05-23, 2014-05-24,2014-05-25 in my overview sheet and I have a worksheet titled May 2014. When I try to hyperlink the dates to the May worksheet it turns the dates to #### in the overview sheet. How can I stop that from happening? 

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VBA Selecting Workbook With Changing Dates In Name

Nov 5, 2013

I am working with two files everyday: today's and yesterday's. Each report has the day's date in the name of the file.

So I'll take today's (11-5) and import it into yesterday's (11-4). Then, tomorrow I'll take 11-6 and import into 11-5. The day after, I'll take 11-7 and import into 11-6. So on and so forth. I'm trying to figure out how I can get VBA to accommodate these changes in names. So that it sees the date in the name of today's report, sees that it is today's, then selects yesterday's (or says "Open yesterday's report!"), and imports the information.

I can figure out everything else, just not the naming issue.

I guess I could always stipulate to the person running it that they should only have these two workbooks open and that they should run the macro starting in yesterday's workbook. Just writing VBA code to select the only other workbook so VLOOKUP can be done from it. But I am trying to make it fool proof.

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Saving Workbook And Changing File Name?

Mar 20, 2014

I've got a macro set up to copy a range of cells in one workbook, open another existing workbook, and then paste that range. So far so good.

However, I need the macro to also save a copy of that second workbook with a filename that is derived from the original workbook.

To be a bit clearer, let me give an example of how I'd like this to work. Let's say the original workbook is titled Pickle2014-03-14.Raw.xlsm, and I have a second workbook titled UploadFormat.xlsx. I want to run the macro in Pickle2014-03-14.Raw.xlsm, have the data pasted to UploadFormat.xlsx, then save UploadFormat.xlsx with the file name Pickle2014-03-14.Final.xlsx.

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Changing Page Setup In Another Workbook

Jul 22, 2006

can anyone show me the way to run a macro when visual basic editor opens

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Entering Monthly Changing Workbook Name Into Macro?

Mar 7, 2014

i have a workbook that is doing a copy and paste between 2 workbooks.

the trouble i am having is every month workbook a changes to be the name of the current month and year workbook b never changes. so when a change in month happens the macro stops working due to new workbook name.

how could i have the macro reed the name of the work book and input that name into the necessary locations withing the macro.

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Changing A Workbook Event Handler Via Code

Feb 5, 2007

I have a workbook, that when opened the first time needs to prompt the user to save it. I got that working with no issues by using

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

where SaveOnOpen is a procedure in another module. What I would like to do now is re-assign the Workbook_Open sub to be set to null, so that it doesn't run any more. Is it possible to somehow assign Workbook_Open to call a null procedure, as opposed to setting up an onTime call to delete the code itself?

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Copy Formula From 1 Workbook To Another With Reference Changing

Apr 17, 2008

I want to copy a formula from Workbook A to Workbook B and have the formula configured with Workbook B's spreadsheet cells, not Workbook A's.

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Changing Page Setup For Multiple Worksheets In Workbook?

Mar 7, 2006

I am trying to change the page set up setiings to fit to 1 page for 56 worksheets within a workbook.

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Single Sheet SaveAs Without Changing WorkBook FileFormat

Feb 25, 2009

I wish to save a single sheet from a multi-sheet workbook as "xlTextPrinter"
to do this I use:

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Changing Workbook That Is Looked Up On INDEX Function As Formula Dragged Down

Dec 13, 2013

I have a variety of different order forms in workbooks titled IT1314-0001, IT1314-0002, IT1314-0003...etc... They're all stored in the same location, but they need to be on different workbooks as each workbook is sent as an order form to a different organization, for that organization to fill in. All of the order forms have the same layout, but the user will input different information onto them.

In a summary workbook of all of these Order Forms, I need to be able to drag down an INDEX formula, such that the INDEX looks in a different workbook (the next workbook in the sequence) with each row. As you go down the rows, it should look like;

INDEX(‘[IT1314-0001.xlsPARTS A & B!$D$5:$E$5, 1, 1)
INDEX(‘[IT1314-0002.xlsPARTS A & B!$D$5:$E$5, 1, 1)
INDEX(‘[IT1314-0003.xlsPARTS A & B!$D$5:$E$5, 1, 1)
INDEX(‘[IT1314-0004.xlsPARTS A & B!$D$5:$E$5, 1, 1)

Can this be done without VBA?

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Next Row Focus

Apr 2, 2009

I have the following code which copies specified cells from one sheet to the next available row on another sheet. I would like to keep the next available row somewhere near center focus on the display. Can I use the variable 1Row to do this, or maybe 1Row plus or minus 20 depending on how I want it displayed on the screen?

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Set Focus To A Particular Cell

Jan 6, 2004

I am writing some VBA, and this is what is going on:

I display a form which asks the user to insert the desired number of invoices. After inserting the number, I would like a the cursor to appear in a textbox labeled "Invoice Date" (ref A28). Additionally, I would like the user to only have to key in the day and month. Therefore, I would like to have the cell be defaulted to / /2004.

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Textbox Set Focus

Nov 2, 2007

I am using the following code to validate text entry in Textbox1 of a userform. I want that if the user enters a numeric value than a msgbox should popup and then cursor should get focus on Textbox1. But with this code, it is setting focus on textbox2 and not on textbox1.

Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then MsgBox "Please enter TEXT value only.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End Sub

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Set Focus On Combobox

Apr 25, 2006

I have an application in excel in which a “combobox1” has been created on the main sheet of excel. Somewhere during the code execution the program requires input from the “combobox1”. What is the code required to highlight the “combobox1” allow the user to select from the box and then return control back to the regular code?

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Worksheet Get Focus

Jun 2, 2006

I've got a worksheet with a cell called "cellName" and a button "cmdSearch". When I enter a string in cellName and press cmdSearch a query is done on a database and the result is returned to the form. Now, when I enter text into cellName I then have to click on a different cell before I can click on cmdSearch. What I'd like to do is have cmdSearch take focus if I press enter in cellName. I know how to do this with a UserForm, but I like having all of this on the worksheet and not dealling with a popup box.

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Which Control Has Focus

Jun 17, 2008

is there any way to know if a COMBObox has the focus?

* * *

I have a ComboBox and when I press ENTER inside this comboBox a run a Macro

Private Sub CbFormularios_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)

some times I am inside the ComboBox and one of the Item whithin this combobos is Selected, but stead of pressing the enter keyboard I press a commadButton but to run the macro attached to this command button I have to know if the cursor of my mouse is whithin the ComboBox "Over the comboBox". kind of:

If ActiveSheet.Cbox1.Value Is Not highlited Then call Macro1

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Remove Focus From Form.?

Dec 9, 2008

I have an active form that is always in focus. I would like to be able to seamlessly transition back to the worksheets under it, and move back and forth between the worksheet entry and form entry. Is there some way to alter the focus between events to do so (like a mouse over type event)? Currently, I can only exit the form to get back to the worksheet. excel 03 sp3

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Takes Focus When Printing

Jan 8, 2009

I am running software that calls an Excel macro using DDE. The macro populates a sheet with information to be printed, then prints the sheet.

I would like for this to take place in the background with Excel never taking focus from the software that calls the Excel macro. Currently Excel some times takes focus from the software and some times does not. The macro also takes the information it prints and stores it to another sheet, but I don't think that's the culprit stealing focus from the other software.

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Get Cells To Focus In The Order

Jan 12, 2009

The following code gives me a 'Method' Range of Object'_Worksheet' failed error. I'm using Excel 2003.

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Returning Focus To The Worksheet

Jun 24, 2009

I've made a non-modal 'Toolbox' form that floats over my worksheets. When a button is clicked a graphic item is copied from a hidden sheet and pasted into the current sheet. The graphic remains selected but the toolbox form takes the focus away from the sheet. When the user wants to move the graphic there is no problem in mouse-dragging but I'd like the user to be able to nudge the graphic using the keyboard arrow keys without having to click to give the sheet the focus. So, I guess the question is: How can I give focus to the worksheet following the Paste action?

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