Change Color Of Cell Based On Dropdown Selection
Dec 14, 2012
I have a dynamic drop down list using OFFSET and want to change a selection of cell colors based on the drop down selection. My drop down list is located in cell G4 and the cells I want to change are
These are random cells. There is no value in the cells, I just want to change the color from green to gray.
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Nov 21, 2012
I am new to VB macros, I am trying to figure out how to color a tab Green based on a selection from a drop down list.
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Jun 9, 2014
I've got a drop-down menu with four options in it that match up with the cells D11:D14, and next to those I've got spots for counting the totals (E11:E14). Next to the drop-down I've got plus and minus buttons, and I need to make it so if I have the top option selected in the dropdown and press plus, it adds +1 to E11. Second option and the same plus button, +1 to E12, and so on.
The purpose is for a call tracker, the employee would select the reason for the call (maybe more added later) and hit the button to add the call to the report.
I've looked so I know you normally ask for what I've got so far, and that's nothing. I've got all the other buttons wired up but I don't even know where to start with this one. I can include a screenshot if necessary.
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Apr 2, 2013
How do I change the color of a row, based on the users selection from a drop down box in that row? I have four driving types in my drop down , Towing - Town Driving - All highway - Mixed. I would like each driving type, if selected, to change the color of the entire Row of Data to a different color. I have been able to use conditional formating to change the drop down cell itself, but that is it.
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Aug 7, 2007
I am trying to use a userform ( Combo Box) to update my named cell "Aircraft1" then based on the value selected change the color of an object.
The code works great if I manually enter the value in the cell "Aircraft1", however if the dropdown list selects the value the object does not update its color.
Is there a way to update the cell via a combo box, and then have the VB code change the color of the object?
This is my
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("Aircraft1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
With Range("Aircraft1")
If .Value = 1 Then
Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 17
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Jan 11, 2007
I just loaded 2007, and among the things driving me nuts is I can't figure out how to change the color of highlighted cells that I have selected. The default color is so close to the normal background color(White) that it is difficult for me to distinguish between selected cells and unselected cells.
I've tried the built in help but couldn't seem to search for the right phrase to bring up a relevant answer. I've had the same problem when trying google and Microsoft's office 2007 help site. I also searched the forum before posting and came up blank.
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Jun 12, 2013
I would like to have the cell color changed according to what value is chosen from a drop down menu. I guess you need to make some kind of rule with conditional formatting ...
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Jan 25, 2008
I found many examples on this forum of how one can pull in data from closed workbooks, or copy it and have it stored in the active sheet. So far so good, but I need a solution which would do the opposite - I need the macro to take a range of data form the active sheet store it in a closed workbook and save any changes in the target workbook without opening it.
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Apr 18, 2008
I have two columns. The first one (A) contains cells that have different Fill colors. The second column (B) contains text adjacent to the colored cells. I am trying to change the color of the text in the second column (B) to the corresponding color in the adjacent cell in the first column (A). I don't think conditional formating works well in this situation. I believe the solution would be some sort of macro.
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Jun 3, 2013
If a user selects certain options from a drop down list created by cell verification (from list), is it possible to display an input box and have the resulting input populate on another worksheet in the workbook? I have an attendance template I'm working with and if a user selects OT (Over Time) then a input box is displayed prompting for how many hours. The overtime is then tracked on another worksheet.
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Jan 5, 2009
I've tried to do conditional formatting for each of the "Discipline" values in this spreadsheet but it is restricted to only 3. Is there a way around this? I'm trying to setup a color code for the "Discipline" values for example RN=Red, LPN=Blue, Social Worker=Orange, Chaplain=Purple, STNA=Yellow, Volunteer=Pink & Other=Green. So when the "Discipline" cell/cells on each of the patient sheets (ie. "Doe, Jane", "Doe, John", etc.) is equal to say RN the cell would then turn Red either on the spreadsheet or only when sheet is printed.
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Oct 17, 2006
I have various row cells in column (F) filled with the color Green. And corresponding text in Column G. How can I change the text of that particular row to white.
i.e.: if any cell in column F is Green, change the text color of that row in Column G to white?
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Mar 7, 2013
[URL]....When I select a name in column B, it populates column C's dropdown with that name's list of units. When I select a unity type in column C, I'd like it to automatically populate column E in the same row with the value associated with that unit. The values associated with a particular unit can be found to the right of the sheet. So if in row 2 I select Blake in column B, then Unit 5 in column C, I'd like column E to be populated with 14.
Edit: using Excel 2007.
I attached stripped down version of the sheet which is small enough to post. None of the things I removed should affect the topic at hand. The full sheet is available at rapidshare.
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Sep 19, 2013
I have a value in Cell B2, a drop down value in Cell C2 and a conditional value in D2. I will very much like to have Cell A2 change it's value automatically if the correct if and then statements below are met.
Below are my if and then statements for the values I want in Cell A2.
Cell A2: ADD
If Cell B2 has a value of 1 or more and Cell C2 has a text value "No" and Cell D2 has a conditional value that's "Green"
Then change the value of A2 to Add
Cell A2: Delete
If Cell B2 has a value of 1 or more and Cell C2 has a text value of "No" and Cell D2 has a conditional value that's "Red"
then change the value of A2 to Delete
I haven't used If and then statements in a while and the example I gave above is just to get an idea of what I'm looking for to change in my cell.
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Jul 7, 2014
I am working on excel based tool where I need a small piece of macro. I used two IF loops in the code.
The second IF loop is working fine. The problem is with first IF statement.
What I need to do is -
If E6 is Yes, then in the same worksheet named "Input Sheet", i need to change values of cells D14:M14 to zero and also
I want to restrict people to change this value. So, after changing the value to zero, I am hiding that row.
But if E6 is "No", then -
Unhide the Row 14 and allow users of this tool to change value of cells.
I believe the only issue is with statement - Sheets("Input Sheet").Range("D14:M14").Value = 0
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [$E$6] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Input Sheet").Range("D14:M14").Value = 0
Sheets("Input Sheet").Rows("14").Hidden = True
[Code] ..........
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Jul 20, 2009
I'm putting the sum of 3 cells in a 4th cell(D2). If the sum is greater, I would like the sum to be the color green. If the sum is less, I would like the sum to be the color red. Is this possible?
(D2) has change value, I want to compare the new value against the existing one.
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Dec 20, 2011
I'm trying to set up a spreadsheet to track 20 vehicles mileage, and when they are due for an oil change. I have the value of when they are next due in column D, and the actual mileage in column G. I want to have the row for each vehicle turn yellow when they are within 1,000 miles of needing an oil change, and red when they are due/overdue.
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Mar 29, 2012
I have been trying to figure out how to change the color of a specific tab based on information being entered in cell "B9" for each sheet that the tabs represent. If there is information in cell B9 on "tab 1", I want only tab 1 to change a color. If there is no information entered in cell B9 of tab 2, then I want tab 2 to stay with its default color.
There are 34 tabs I want this to happen to, out of just more than 60 total tabs on the worksheet.
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Sep 9, 2008
I'm trying to change the tab color based on a cell value. This I can do, but only using a Change Event with code in the Worksheet section. I would like it to update more instantly and without the need for a Change on the sheet to occur. So I was thinking a Worksheet_Activate event, or perhaps a Workbook_Activate event, but i can't get it to work.
For further info, if not confusing, the cell referenced in code below (on the Dan sheet) is filled using a user entered variable when the workbook is opened. Depending on this value, i would like the tabs to update their color accordingly and instantly, as well as the color updating if the cell B3 on the sheet is changed. Perhaps I need a Worksheet Activate & Deactivate and Workbook Activate and Deactivate?
Public sPeriod As Long
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
sPeriod = Worksheets("Dan").Cells(2, 4).Value
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Address(False, False) = "B3" Then
Select Case UCase(Target.Value)
Case sPeriod - 1: ActiveSheet.Tab.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
Case Else: ActiveSheet.Tab.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Select
End If
End Sub
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Oct 1, 2011
How to Change The Tab Color Based On A Cell Date ( Thursday & Friday ) Green Color, Rest of the week blue.
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Feb 13, 2012
I have a large spring-selection table, which is populated with things like "4.88 x 635" and "5.26 x 584". There are 1520 fields in the table populated with any combination of the 432 springs available for selection. The spreadsheet takes my criteria, finds out which springs it's allowed to choose from, and populates the table. It could be 20 springs, could be 30. I'm trying to get the number down to 10. The table updates when I change the criteria.
What I'm after at this point is a macro which will color-code the table based on the cell contents, so that all the "4.88 x 635" have one color and all the "5.26 x 584" have another colour. Doesn't have to be any particular colour, just so long as it's a bit different to the cells around it. how the table reacts.
The biggest spring size is "6.93 x 1727", which could be converted to a color reference, perhaps by adding up all the digits, or taking out the non-digits and dividing by 123781, I don't know I'm thinking out loud. And then just assign the cell color to that number.
Where to start a macro like this. Obviously it would use ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex but I can't find anything like this on the web.
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Jan 15, 2014
I have cells in range L12:BN1000 with formulas that will output a 1 or a 2.
If the output is 1, I would like the cell to color yellow
if the output is 2, I would like the cell to color orange
the reason I dont want to use conditional formatting is because the use needs to be able to copy and insert rows and by doing so the use would need to manually add the new cells into the conditional format range. I would like to come up with a macro that applies this condition to a large range.
also, were do I add this macro? under sheet1? this workbook? or as a module?
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May 8, 2008
Can I change the color of a cell based on my deviation from the number based above it? I am making a golf spreadsheet to base my performance off of, and I was wondering if I could make the cell change color based on my performance on the hole (different color for how many strokes above or under par). If anyone has any idea on this issue, please let me know.
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Jan 20, 2009
I'm using Excel 2003- and I am trying to change the fillColor of a cell based on the value of that cell.
If I use Conditional Formatting I can only use 3 colors, I'd like to use 8 or 9. Is there another way to do this without using the Conditional Formatting?
I'd like the result to look something like this-
I've looked at the similar threads in this Forum, but I couldn't find exactly what I needed.
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Jun 26, 2007
In an excell worksheet I need to change the color of a cell within a column based on the date entered. For example, if the date in the cell is 60 days from today's date then the cell should be green, if the date in the cell is 90 days from today's then the cell should be blue, if the date in the cell is 120 days from today's date then the cell should be yello.
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May 11, 2009
I want to change the fill color of all cells on my sheet, based on the value of one specific cell. In my sheet, I am using cell F1 as the trigger for the change. If the word Blue is in the cell, I want the background color of all cells to be Blue. Likewise for Red and Yellow as well. I don't believe conditional formatting can get this done, as all but the one cell (for this) will be empty.
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Nov 17, 2009
I want to change the color of a cell's background based on valid data in the cell. I have a pull-down list, it uses a named list, and this all works fine. I want the cell to be red, and then after the user selects a valid entry from the pull-down list, I want to change the cell to yellow.
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Oct 30, 2013
I am having an excel sheet where I enter the delivery dates. There are few freezes and restricted dates.
When I am entering the delivery date which falls under the freeze or restricted date, the colour of that cell should change.
How to achieve this either using some macro.
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Apr 28, 2009
My cell has a 'P' or an 'F' plus some additional text. I'm trying to change cell color based on the 'P' or 'F' but I can't get it to recognize the letters.
Samples of what I've tried:
I can 'FIND' the 'P' or 'F' but there may be a P or F else where in the cell so the color may come up incorrect. I'm trying to get it to just look at the first character in the cell. Can the 'IF' be used with CFs?
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May 10, 2007
I looked around at some date functions and could not find one to work.
I have a sheet that has 365 days. When I load the sheet I want to cell for today to be highlighted in some way..... color or just active.
If date = 05-10-2007 then
BackgroundColor = 17
BackgroundColor = 9
end if
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