Change Button Function Based On Dropdown Menu Selection?
Jun 9, 2014
I've got a drop-down menu with four options in it that match up with the cells D11:D14, and next to those I've got spots for counting the totals (E11:E14). Next to the drop-down I've got plus and minus buttons, and I need to make it so if I have the top option selected in the dropdown and press plus, it adds +1 to E11. Second option and the same plus button, +1 to E12, and so on.
The purpose is for a call tracker, the employee would select the reason for the call (maybe more added later) and hit the button to add the call to the report.
I've looked so I know you normally ask for what I've got so far, and that's nothing. I've got all the other buttons wired up but I don't even know where to start with this one. I can include a screenshot if necessary.
I am developing a spreadsheet at work that is very similar to one that I made at a previous job. I am using the same formula in each spread sheet, but the one I am developing now does not work, where the previous one works perfectly.
I have a drop down menu created with data validation. Each possible selection is one or two letters of text, or the selection can be left blank. The drop down is cell A12, and an example of the if function that is used many times in this spreadsheet is as follows:
In the previous spreadsheet, the function returns true only when the appropriate selection is made. In the latest version, it will return true if the appropriate selection is made, or if drop down selection is blank. I have been able to work around this with the following:
Sheet 1 has a table of prices. There are 7 columns labelled 2 thru 8 and two rows, labelled 1 and 2. Each combo has a separate price.
Sheet 2 has a weight specification (1 or 2 referring to the rows in sheet 1) and a drop down menu with options 2 thru 8.
When I choose a number from the drop down menu, let's say 5, I want to populate another cell with the value from sheet 1 of column 5 on row "whatever the weight spec is", let's say 2.
I have a dynamic drop down list using OFFSET and want to change a selection of cell colors based on the drop down selection. My drop down list is located in cell G4 and the cells I want to change are
How to create a dropdown menu to pick from two selections?
Basically, I have a 'Status' column and the status will always be 'Open' or 'Closed' and I'd like you just to be able to click a cell in that column and select one or the other.
I have a spreadsheet which is made up of 4 worksheets. I have a drop down menu on the front page (created with data validation). I want to be able to choose one of the 7 geographical areas from the drop down menu, then have a formula search through the other worksheets for rows of data with this geographical area in it. Any ideas on how to do this, I have tried with VLOOKUP but cannot get the formula to refer to the drop down menu for the first input, i.e. the geographical area that it should be looking to match.
I have a spreadsheet that has a long list of charges... some of those charges have multiple codes attached to them... when this happens I am wanting to group them together and let the user pick which one they want to view at one time.
Here is a very small example of what exactly I am referring to... with charge #14 I am wanting it to combine and let the user pick between 2565 and 2566. The problem is that the values can range and will not always be 2565 & 2566 and there is 10,000 + records similar to this.
At the moment if a pupil has done foundation listening then I write their numerical result in, for example C3 or if they have done higher listening I write it in F3 (and it works out the UMS and then the grade), but I wondered if there would be any way to just put a dropdown menu in a column for each name, or change it so that I can type in H or F that will change which data is used? Because the UMS and grades are different depending on whether the pupil has done higher or foundation I am unsure how to format it
If a user selects certain options from a drop down list created by cell verification (from list), is it possible to display an input box and have the resulting input populate on another worksheet in the workbook? I have an attendance template I'm working with and if a user selects OT (Over Time) then a input box is displayed prompting for how many hours. The overtime is then tracked on another worksheet.
I have a workbook with two sheets. The idea behind the workbook is an Interview Guide to be used just before an Interview. For now my problem is this.
Sheet 2 "Competencies" is just data. It stores competencies with their associated definitions and questions.
Sheet 1 "Control Page" is the sheet where the questions will eventually go. The user (Interviewer) will input data on the first two pages which will include name of candidate, date of interview etc. but they will also select 5 Competencies from the already existing drop down menus on page two. From there as the selections are made I wish for a code to copy the corresponding definition on sheet 'Competencies" to cells lower down in sheet "Control page".
I don't see a place to upload a file as I have a sample of the sheet ready to go.
I am building a sheet that facilitates managers at our company decipher information that is given to them on a daily workbook I created.
I want to have a drop down menu in Col J, that refers to the major questions they will ask.
Time started (Before) Time Finished (After) Number of Cards (More than) Stops Per hour (more than) Amount of Time Taken (More Than)
I have set up in Col (K) a secondary drop-down list which based on the question selected in (J) will offer options for the answer E.G Time questions will make (K) refer to options based on time and selections based on amounts will offer numbers as an answer.
The elements in brackets are the parts of the formula that create the search option. E.G If select 'Time Started' it will search for all records that started before the time selected in the next col (K)
Right if that makes sense.. I have completed this. so I have the following: A question drop down list in (J), and an answer drop down in (K) which is dependant on the type of question asked. (I have attached an example)
I want to now have a totals box after the question where it displays a total amount of cols that are true to the details in the question.
After that (if possible) I will want to use conditional formatting to highlight the ones that reflect to the question.
Realistically if possible i wouldnt mind creating a question box, a box that allows them to select 'more than', 'exact' or 'less than' and then the specific value. Basically a conditional formatting box for dummies within the worksheet. Attached is a demonstration.
I have a list of staff in cell A1 in a drop down list. In cell A2, I would like Excel to populate automatically the branch from which the staff is from when I choose the staff name in cell A1.
i am considering the use of custom menus in an Excel application. is it possible to limit the selection of menu items for each worksheet? for example, sheet 1 all menu items are available, sheet 2 all but 2 menu items are available, sheet 3 all but 5 items are available.
Attached is the file i am working with. The table spanning from A:AA5:16 contains hours worked per day of the week with respect to the Project chosen from the drop down menus in A7:16. Cells in the range of F,K,O,R,U,X,AA7:16 total those hours worked on a daily basis. The table below should sum the total hours worked per day according to the Project selected in A19 from the drop down menu, with respect to the Project(s) chosen in cell range A7:16. For example, if i am looking for total hours worked Monday on Project RSB i select "RSB" from the drop down menu in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to be the sum of cells A7 and A9, with respect to the Project selected from cells A7:16. If I select "FRG" from the drop down in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to reflect the sum of cells F8 and F10.
Ok, so I have a sheet with a working drop down list with dates, and depending on the date you choose, certain columns getting hidden and some un hidden. The layout is the same form is repeated 7 times, and which ever date you pick, the corresponding form gets un hidden. My question is, I have a button that will export it to a new sheet with just the values, to be sent to the office. I don't need to send the entire work book and confuse people.
I know how to export, just not using an if then to choose which columns to export.
I am creating a excel calculator to quick and easy calculate CBM (cubic metres) for a total number of cartons and pallets loaded into a container. The value of 1 carton or 1 pallet will be different depending on which type of packaging/pallet it is.
I have created drop down menues in order to choose the correct packaging / pallet. But I am stuck on on to create the formula.
If I for example choose "LANDFROZEN 7KG CARTONS" from the drop down menu, I need the formula to collect the value in cell E18 If I for exampel choose "LANDFROZEN 10 KG CARTONS" from the drop dwon menu, I need the formula to collect the value in cell E25 .... and so on.
I have tried to use several functions, but none is working the way I want them to :-)
I have a excel file to keep track of sales pipeline. What I am looking for, is an automated utility or code that will allow excel to automatically move entire rows once a task is completed and can be moved to another sheet. In Prospect sheet I have a column for " sales stage" and here you have to select from a drop down menu, either "Prospect", "semi-qualifed" "Pre-qualified" "verbal" "closed-won" and Lost. What I would like, is that once you have selected one of the sales stage, the entire row or entry, will be automatically moved to a new sheet according to each stage.
I have a large workbook, with multiple sheets. I would like to be able to select a name from a drop down menu, and have the cell color change for all entries of that name in my other sheets. I can do it manually, but it would be much cleaner and easier to have Excel do it for me. I have looked at other answers here on this forum and know that if it can be done,
I have a column with various drop down menu boxes and I need to add another selection to the menu list. My problem is, it's been so long since I did the drop downs, I have forgotten how to do it..
I have created a User Form that has been tested and is working properly. Now my last step is to do the following:
I would like to Display the User Form (coded as CommRM) if in Column C (can be any cell as it is a large worksheet) someone selects "Retail News" from the drop down option.
The code that I have been able to create so far is below. The problem is that when I select Retail News from a drop down in Column C the user form does not appear.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Range (C14, C3333).Text = "Retail News" Then Call UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Load CommRM CommRM.Show End Sub
I have a excel file to keep track of sales pipeline. What I am looking for, is an automated utility or code that will allow excel to automatically move entire rows once a task is completed and can be moved to another sheet. In Prospects sheet I have a column for " Stage" and here you have to select from a drop down menu, either "Prospect", "Contacted" "quoted" "WON" "LOST" What I would like, is that once you have selected one of the sales stage, the entire row or entry, will be automatically moved to the right tab from the "prospects" to a new sheet according to each stage.
I am trying to create a sheet for identifying work hazards based on the job assigned. So what I have set up is a drop down list to select the job type. Once this job type is selected I want the pre written hazards to autopopulate in the hazard box. I would also like the required PPE to appear in the PPE box for the job selected.
I have 6 different choices in the drop down list. For each choice I have the hazards and PPE in a separate sheets in the worksheet.
Is there a way to get this information to autopopulate?
I am trying to develop a worksheet that will adjust dates based on a selection from a drop down box. I can do basic formulas in excel
I am trying to get the drop down box in "Revisit Type" to include three selections ("Sanitation", "Spark", and "High Five"). Once the dropdown box is created I want to be able to make a selection and enter an initial visit date under "Initial Visit Date" then have the "Earliest Return Visit Date" and the "Latest Return Visit Date" automatically populated based on this information below:
Sanitation or Spark = 10-30 day window High Five = 10-21 day window
I am at a loss . I have attached a sample of the workbook for reference.
I'm wondering how I could display information based on the user input through dropdown selection. I know how to make a dropdown-list already.
Example: A1 has a dropdownlist with Apple and Banana in it. If I select banana then I want B1 to display "8" and if I select Banana I want B1 to display "4".
Changing the data based on a drop down selection. My drop down list is based on the months I need the data (percentages for each person) to change depending on which month is chosen. So If I select Jan, the percentage fills in for each person. I've attached an example.
I am trying to create a spreadsheet which allows me to select an antibiotic from a drop-down menu (refer to cell D1) on Sheet 1.jpg, which would then color the cells below based on the color-coded coverage based on another sheet (refer to D2-D17 of Sheet 2.jpg).
I have a shared worksheet that has many rows of data... but only certain rows are relevant to each specific users. I would like each user to be able to select their name from a drop-down list in order to have all rows that are not important to them be hidden. I can put the name of the user in column 'A' in each row they need to see, but how could I make all rows that do not contain their name in column 'A' hide? In other words, if 'Bill' is selected from a drop-down list, only rows that contain 'Bill' in column 'A' would be seen.
to put in the correct format I am thinking of usinf drop down boxes so that the user can selct the camp name from drop down and based on that the session name can be populated and alos the rest of infomration of that accput in to the specified fields
I found many examples on this forum of how one can pull in data from closed workbooks, or copy it and have it stored in the active sheet. So far so good, but I need a solution which would do the opposite - I need the macro to take a range of data form the active sheet store it in a closed workbook and save any changes in the target workbook without opening it.
I am trying to use a row of cells as update cells, where the user inputs an amount into greyed out cells, which in turn updates Sheet1!$I$2:$I$11, from which it will update other worksheets that are currently in progress. but I do not know how to go about it. Is it possible?
For each amount the user enters (for each Code Number) a date will be displayed below the amount.