I am trying to change string values of a name from uppercase to lowercase. The data is layed out as lastname then first name. As an example, I have the following values in column C:
I am trying to convert to following (with "," between lastname & firstname):
Anderson, Michael
Smith, Susan P
Johnson, Patrick
Jordan, Michael R
Woods, Tiger
Clinton, William J
I have a start of how I think the code should flow but can't figure out how to do the conversion.
=upper("venkat") returns VENKAT =upper(a1) returns the text in A1 in upper case
similary lower proper will turn the first letter into uppercase
is this what you want;.
Terry <terrybetts11138@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:dbl0dk$poa$1@nwrdmz02.dmz.ncs.ea.ibs-infra.bt.com... > Win XP Pro > Office 2003 > > Using "Excel" and wish to select any text in a worksheet to ALTER the case > to either upper or lower. > When using "Word" it is easy via the menu. > Is there a menu driven option in Excel of using a function for this purpose.
find the "add in" that converts the case text from lower to upper in excel. i've already downloaded this before but can't remember where from and it is much easier than creating a formula or a macro
I would like to format a row of cells so that when a word is entered into the cell it automatically becomes a capital.
I need the word to be capitalized so that I can use it in a custom function. The function uses the word from this cell and goes through a bunch of cases in determing how to classify the string.
I think more than one solution is possible and I would greatly appreciate some feed back, I've tried looking into turning all the letters of a string in my VBA code to capitals, or a way to format the cells, so that the string is already capitalized when entered into the VBA code, but I'm still a novice at VBA and unsure on how certain commands work.
here is a sample of my vba code.
Function WeightI(Shape As String, sDim As String, dLenFt As Double) As Double Const pi As Double = 3.14159265358979 Const Ft2In As Double = 12 Const dDen As Double = 0.2835 ' density of steel, pounds per cubic inch
I'm using Excel 2010. When I type 'true' or 'false' in any cell, Excel automatically changes to CAPITAL and Align Centre. I have to use the function 'lower' to change to lower case and manually to align to the left.
if there's any way for vba to detect if each individual character in a string is in caps, and if so, convert to lower case, and if it's in lower case, convert to capitalized
The text will vary in length and content... so he wants to see how we can change: "This Is Strange" to "tHIS iS sTRANGE" "THIS IS STRANGE" to "this is strange" "this is strange" to "THIS IS STRANGE"
For Each cel In Range("E6:AI15").Cells If IsError(cel.Value) Then Else Select Case UCase(cel.Value) Case "H" cel.Font.ColorIndex = 0 cel.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Case "S" cel.Font.ColorIndex = 0 cel.Interior.ColorIndex = 10
but I want the cells to accept both upper and lower case values and format the cells accordingly ie. H or h, S or s
I have looked in conditional formatting, but do not see a way to change lower case to all caps. Is there a way to do this so that when someone types in a cell it returns all caps instead of leaving it in lower case?
I have a file with about 30-40 macros in it. In a file with nothing in it, whenever I type the word " range" xl automatically changes it to title case. But I noticed recently everywhere the term 'range' occurs in my macros it is lower case.
I've got a column of data that I need to split into further columns, the only way of identifying the split from the data is if a lower case character appears next to an upper case character.
For example, a cell in column A could look like;
Computer ProductsDrivesDVDExternal And I'd need to split that out to cover columns A B and C with
Computer Products / Drives / DVDExternal I'd need to do that for all the cells in column A.
A sample macro has EXACTLY the effect that I want, but contains absolute references. I want it to operate on a string selected by the mouse. How can I make that conversion ?
The successful macro will change the case of text I select to lower case.
I am trying to set up a worksheet that shows shifts using a Capital "D" and a lower case "d" (one is for a 12 hour shift, the other for only 6 hours). Is there any way to set up a Countif formula that makes the distinction?
I've got a 96000 line spreadsheet with individual words or abbreviations in each cell of the first column. I need to sort it with numbers first, then Capitalized words, then lowercase words. The numbers aren't an issue but sorting the Caps first then lower case without getting words that have a cap in the middle is frying my tiny brain. Originally I dug around here and found a search for caps that returned a True/False then sorted the columns on the result. =MIN(--EXACT(Dict3,LOWER(Dict3)))=0 Then I found that I had abbreviations in the list like cGy and eV or cGMB that incorrectly showed up as true but weren't. Now I need a modification or a better answer. I tried a fw dozen things but obviously I'm barking up the wrong functions.
I am using the Find fuction to look for values in cells that contain text in both lower and upper case. I am comparing the values that I have stored in a lookup table. I am running into trouble when the lookup table doesn't match the text cells....
I am trying to detete rows that have several specific values, upper and lower case, (A-H) in any of several columns (B through H). I can delete upper and lower case "D"s in column B, but I'm having difficulty stringing together several variations and getting at the "D"s that are midstream (such as: ADeC), I tried ("*D*") to no avail.
With . Cells(Lrow, "B") If Not IsError(.Value) Then '**** If LCase(.Value) = LCase("D") Then .EntireRow.Delete
how to make upper case after mark "." (dot), see this below :
sample data after formula Tabrani,Ny.yusmaniar Tabrani,Ny.Yusmaniar Badu Zai,Tn.surjaah R & Darussamin Badu Zai,Tn.Surjaah R & Darussamin Zainal Arifin,Ny.elvyati Zainal Arifin,Ny.Elvyati etc..
it's possible with excel code? if could perhaps not macro.
Is there a way to get Excel to automatically change the first letter of single word entry to lowercase in each cell of the first row of my worksheet leaving the case the same for all other letters?
This creates a problem because apparently excel believes "range" is the name of a variable. So when I run the macro, it runs the line and declares the following error:
Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
The following is my exact code. The very last line line is where the error occurs.
Dim count As Integer Dim column As Integer Dim startRange As String Dim endRange As String Dim theRange As String
I need to change the all Upper Case character to Lower case character for all cells. See below my code, i am getting error message, Tye Mismatch. "cell.Value = LCase(cell.Value)"
The Average of the last 6 items in column A is R112.50
I want a formula that will make the first letter of the sentence in proper case i.e "The average" as well as "R" before the value in proper case i.e R 112.50