I have a normal line graph I would like to see plotted vertically rather than the normal horizontal layout. In other words, points/lines would appear around a vertical axis and go from side to side. The normal graph would look as if it was tipped on its left side.
How do you control the orientation of a floating toolbar? The code below puts the elements horizontally, while I'd like to make the toobar have a vertical format (one macro per line). I'd also be interested if there's a way to do sub-menus to organize the toolbar buttons better. how to revise the code below, and/or a pointer to where I can read about this. I tried searching google and this forum to no avail.
Option Explicit Public Const ToolBarName As String = "My Toolbar" Sub Auto_Open() Call CreateMenubar End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Call RemoveMenubar End Sub Sub RemoveMenubar() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars(ToolBarName).Delete On Error Goto 0 End Sub Sub CreateMenubar()......................
I've created a workbook with several pages, on all of the first pages they are set up in Landscape view since it contains several columbs of accounting amounts. Below each (page 2) I would like to create a receipt template that I can use the sum formulas and text formulas which is no problem. However, when I print the selected page 2 of 2 to get the invoice, it also comes out in landscape set up. Can I have one page (ie: rows 1-44) in landscape and then page two (rows 45-83) in portrait.
how do you create a graph with a field such as vendors on the X-axis, but with dollar values spent on the left side of the y-axis and percentage of total dollars spent on the right side vertical axis?
Is there a way to make the bar on a vertical column bar graph increase in height gradually over a couple of seconds rather than jumping from one height to the next height instantly.
if a vertical bar graph is reading data from cell b5, and b5 currently reads as 46, if b5 then changes to (let's say) 58, I'd like the column bar graph not to instantly change from a height reflecting the 46 to a height reflecting 58, but to slowly rise, showing the transition from 46 to 58.
I would like to change the color of my text on my X-axis of a graph. I would like to have 4 or 5 different colors to identify different categories. I see how I can change all the text but how would I change just the text in column 1-3 to red, column 4-7 to blue, etc...
I am trying to automate a graph for data that is not always the same amount but always in the same format. I have attached a spreadsheet that has an example of the data.
Columns B, D, & E are the ones that I am interested in charting in a line with markers type graph, but the rows may be 100 for one set of data and 1000 rows for another set of data. I am trying to get the macro to open a new worksheet and as part of the macro create a userform that will ask for the text information on the top of the worksheet (as this is not always correct when imported).
I have a database in excel with a lot of tables in which lets a uses a combo box so the user select can view just one table.
I want to be able to create a macro so when a button is pressed, it copies the data into a new workbook and creates a chart so they can do whatever they want without disrupting anything in the original workbook.
I have been able to find code that will export the data and create a chart (see below) but the problem is the range changes from table to table so I need to find a way of changing how the chart picks up the data range.
Sub Chart_New_Book()
Sheets("Temp").Select Cells.Select Selection.Copy Workbooks.Add ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A1").Select Charts.Add ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C10") ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Sheet1" End Sub
So at the moment when charting ony cells A1:C10 will be plotted no matter what the size of the table is and making the target range bigger only sees the blank cells being plotted.
I have a vast database where I have linked charts. I send the data from a macro to the database and sometimes there are 1000 inputs and sometimes there are only 20. How would i set up my charts to only graph the inputs that are present?
I work with a team of users that are continually publishing reports in Word that contain charts and graphs copy and pasted from Excel into Word 2010.
We have a custom script that leverages a PDF engine to automatically convert .doc files to .PDF files that we distribute electronically to our clients. This all works great, but only if all my users select 'paste special' and Enhanced Metafile Format when adding their excel charts into our reports. Most of these people aren't tech savvy, and I'm havin ga hell of a time getting them to follow this workflow and am hoping there's a way in Office 2010 to select the default paste from excel into word when the content is a chart.
It seems like the default paste from excel is an embedded chart/graph that you can then further manipulate each component of the chart in Word; the default doesnt' paste an actual image. I am assuming the pdf renderer is using a lower resolution .PNG version of the image and when these are scaled for print and or pdf, they look like crap.
Is htere anyway I can automatically change the default paste format for the chart from excel into word to be an EMF/EMV (enhanced metafile?) Either thorugh the registry or some other saveable setting?
I am trying to create a graph for a range of data that updates monthly (adding an extra month each time). I wanted the graph source data to update automatically each time the data is refreshed so used an OFFSET formula to identify a named range. I then point the graph to the named range as the source data.
When I enter the range as the source data the graph picks it up. However, when I re-enter the source data option on the graph it has converted the named range into a cell written range (ie. replaces "=QUALITY" with "='Front page'!$B$7:$J$10" - which therefore will not update when the range increases.
I'm trying to write some code to make an existing chart display the correct series of data. However, on the ".SeriesCollection..." lines, it gives me the error "Object does not support this property or method." I'm using a Bar-Line graph, if it makes any difference.
I have a listbox that gets filled via '.rsRS.GetRows', which works great; all rows are being displayed neatly.
However, when the recordset only holds one record, i.e. one row is desired to appear in the listbox, then the listbox changes its orientation: instead of one row with seven columns I get one column with seven rows!
The listbox properties in the local window states that the lbx.List() object has a column count of '7', but what I see looks like:
[] name [] surname [] age [] zip [] colour [] dob [] phone
how would I change the orientation on ALL my worksheets, I'm saying every single one, imagine I got like 100 for the purpose of this excercise (sorry I'm not trying to make this harder, it's just there's always that one guy that'll come on and say 'Go to Print Print Preview, then click on Setup' or something like that.
So yeah, that's pretty much the question that I have for you brainaics:
How do I change the printer orientation setting to landscape on all worksheets (maybe a loop?).
I would like to reference cells in another tab in my worksheet, but change the orientation.
For example, in Tab 2, I want to make rows A1:A26 equal to columns A1:Z1. Do I have to click back and forth between worksheets 26 times, or is there a way around this?
I want the data field to change to a different field when a command button (cmd_view) is clicked. So when the command button has a caption of "Toggle to Feeds", the code changes the field from Sqm to Feeds, and changes the caprion on the command button to "Toggle to Sqm". When this is next clicked, the fields are swithed over, and the command button caption changes relative to it.
The code I have written is below:
The problem I have is when the code changes the view from feeds to Sqm, it works fine, but when the code changes from Sqm to feeds, it crashes out in the true part of the If statement on the code line ".orientation = xlhidden" with the error "Unable to set the Orientation property of the PivotField class".
As the code for the change of view is the same, apart from the field names, I am at a loss on what is the cause.
I have tried to record a macro to see if the field names appear differently, but they do not.
Sub Tog_pivot()
Dim Toggle As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False Toggle = Sheet5.cmd_View.Caption
If Toggle = "Toggle to Feeds" Then 'switch view from Sqm to Feeds Range("F12").Select ' hide existing field With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Pivot_forecast_old").PivotFields("Sum of Sqm") .Orientation = xlHidden End With ' Create & display new field "Feeds"......................
I have two vertical ranges that I need summarized into 2 adjacent vertical ranges.
" A B C D | SUMMARY model qty| modelqty 1 4.12922.0000| 4.12952.2000 2 2.000012.1250| 2.000025.1250 3 4.12929.0000| 318.0000 4 318.0000| 5 4.1291.2000| 6 213.0000| "
A1:A6 is my SKU's model number B1:B6 is my inventory C1:C6 should contain formulas that result in a summary of the models D1:D6 should contain formulas that result in a sum of the inventory count for each model
Someone Im working with says she used to change Excel to work on it on some vertical monitor. Is there a way to do that in Excel 2010 or even 2007?
Obviously I'm not talking about print layout, but viewing the whole application in portrait view, as if she turned a monitor sideways and altered the Aps view.
I'd like to just copy or move cells or cell ranges and have lines and shapes come along for the ride, and disembark with the same orientation. E.g. if cell E29 has an arrow through his head, I'd like AA66 to after copying there.
I haven't got the knack of when I've selected enough to grab the shape. Sometimes I think I've got it but when I paste I discover that the slippery critter stayed at home. But sometimes I just cut one cell and the shapes move too.
Any advice? BTW, I stay on the keyboard, and off the mouse, as much as possible - I'd like to avoid slowing down to make mouse selections.
I would like to make a scatter graph that will graph the attached. The score would be on the Y axis and the birth date would be on the X axis. This is simple to do by itself but what I would like to do in addition to this is to have the top 25% of the scores a single color, the middle 50% of the scores a second color and then the bottom 25% of the scores to be a third color. And if it is possible to have the ID visible when you move your cursor over a given dot in the graph. Currently when I make a scatter graph the X,Y coordinates show when I hoover the cursor over a dot.
How can i make a graph that will graph against time? lets say i have a bank balance like this:
1/2/2000 $500 1/3/2000 $600 3/12/2000 $400
there may be more than one entry on any one given day, or there may not be an entry for 2 weeks. How can i graph the running balance in a way that it will show the timeline just as a calendar year(or however long i selected) and the points are plotting according to their date, not just equally spaced out.
I want to use a line graph to display an amount over time - that's the easy part. On the other hand, I would like to have to group the lines based on a value.
A short example: Imagine you own 3 different stores and you're selling oranges. So your table looks like this: http://img179.imageshack.us/my.php?image=orangeshm4.jpg
Now I'd like to have one graph (3 different graphs won't work as the rows increase -I need to select the whole column as data source):
Date on the x axis, Oranges sold on the y axis, and one line per store (e.g. a green one for store A, a red one for B and a blue one of C, doesn't matter).
This may have been answered on here but can not seem to find it. My situation is I have values in A1,A2 & A3 that are like counter reading so the value is always changing. What I am looking to do is change the cell color if one of the values is over 500 from the other two values. Say A1 is 3000, A2 is 3250 and A3 is 3500. I would like the cell for A3 to change color.