Make A Scatter Graph That Will Graph The Attached?
Mar 21, 2014
I would like to make a scatter graph that will graph the attached. The score would be on the Y axis and the birth date would be on the X axis. This is simple to do by itself but what I would like to do in addition to this is to have the top 25% of the scores a single color, the middle 50% of the scores a second color and then the bottom 25% of the scores to be a third color. And if it is possible to have the ID visible when you move your cursor over a given dot in the graph. Currently when I make a scatter graph the X,Y coordinates show when I hoover the cursor over a dot.
now i want to make 5 different graphs one per each group. Now i am making them manually in excel but it is taking lot of time to format each graphs to get unique graphs. I am attching sample file and graph for better understanding.
How can i make a graph that will graph against time? lets say i have a bank balance like this:
1/2/2000 $500 1/3/2000 $600 3/12/2000 $400
there may be more than one entry on any one given day, or there may not be an entry for 2 weeks. How can i graph the running balance in a way that it will show the timeline just as a calendar year(or however long i selected) and the points are plotting according to their date, not just equally spaced out.
We have a special testing machine in the lab I work in, and it measures reflectivity from reflective vests etc. A special instrument takes a reflective reading and reports back a X and Y value which is used then as a co-ordinate and gets plotted on a graph.
The machine measures for 8 colours, and takes four readings, so for example the first color will be Flourescent Yellow. and then it produces 4 "X,Y" readings, which get plotted onto a graph, and joins all 4 points to create a box as shown in the link >> Graph with joined plots
This is a small capture of the spreadsheet with the values >> spreadsheet
Basically, I need to know how to take the values in columns X and Y, and then make it plot onto a graph as one point, and then join the four points for that one colour,
end result being the grapgh will have upto 8 boxes on it.
I am supposed to make an xy scatter graph like the one drawn of paper. The average point need to have a "cross" around it. So far I can just plot the points. I have added the average point as secondary series. I just need to put the "+ sign or cross around" it.
And can create a scatter diagram fine. However, I've been asked if it's possible to show on the graph, for each point a line to it's respective X and Y co-ordinate. For example, for row 4 (in red), on the same scatter graph, I'd like there to be two lines for this point,
Line1 drawn from (0.1, 0) to (0.1, 0.26) and Line2 drawn from (0,0.26) to (0.1,0.26)
I know it's possible to overlap graphs in Excel, but I can't find how to achieve this with scatter plots
I would like to graph the data shown below using a scatter graph. However, when I use the cart wizard it assigns numerical values to each data point and then plots the data accordingly. How can I get the scatter graph to group the assets with the same ratings together? Note, I don't want to have to assign values to assets with the same rating each time. I have attached the spreadsheet so you an see the problem.
I have an XY scatter with 40 or so different lines displayed.I want to change the thickness of all of the lines. I dont want to have to try and select them individually and change them. Is there any way to do this? Perhaps changing the default thickness of lines for this type of graph?
I am trying to plot a scattered line graph that contains nearly 4000 points on the y axis. The points represent a day. The x axis is the percentage belonging to that day. The problem that I am having is that the graph looks squashed together and the line is very thick because of this. One of the reasons for this is that a lot of the 4000 points have similar percentages so the line just moves a tiny bit. Is there a way that I can make the graph look more presentable?
The following is a picture of how it looks. You may need to enlarge it to see it properly.
I am reporting on the amount of certificates issued over a period of time. Basically the government stopped released data on the amount of one type of certificate being issued during this period and started releasing data on another type. I am having trouble displaying this other data which starts around half way into the time period. So all the data starts in June 2010... but this other data starts in June 2012.
after spending hours searching the forum, I begin to seriously doubt my ability to even formulate a suitable search question. My problem SHOULD be a known one, but I am unable to find any clues. Here we go:
I have made a pretty stright-forward forecasting model. It is used to calculate economics of a coal fuelled power plant (even though that shouldn't matter). The outcome is, among other things, a single number for Profit / MWh in Euros. There are several input data, such as fuel price, price for CO2 emission rights, operational expenditure, capex, etc.
My idea, then, is to lock all in-data parameters except ONE, then let this variable vary incrementally and then produce a new small table with a) the variable data (example: price for CO2 rights ranging from 10 to 50 Euro in 2 euro steps), and b) the resulting net profit in each case. Ideally, I wish to be able to chose which indata to lock and which to vary, i.e. solution need to have certain flexibility.
NB: The calculations are not that simple, i.e. I cannot use a simple formula - I need to use the exising output cell(s) to feed data.
How do I do this?
The outcome should be basically two rows with a suitable number of columns (or the other way around, two columns in X number of rows). The table will then be used to produce illustrative graphs.
I guess I could hard code a table by simply enter data, but heck, that's not the way to use Excel!
I have put my values into a XY scatter graph but need to find the maximum point i.e when the gradient is zero. I am using visual basic to obtain my data and draw my graph.
I made a graph with thousand of points, but the lines which make the curves are too thick and so I can't see exactly where they intersect. I would like to make them thinner.
How can I make a panel data graph I have 40+ observations and 500+ individuals. I would like to make an excel graph that can display changes over time for each individual.
Is there a way to make the bar on a vertical column bar graph increase in height gradually over a couple of seconds rather than jumping from one height to the next height instantly.
if a vertical bar graph is reading data from cell b5, and b5 currently reads as 46, if b5 then changes to (let's say) 58, I'd like the column bar graph not to instantly change from a height reflecting the 46 to a height reflecting 58, but to slowly rise, showing the transition from 46 to 58.
This is how my pivot table would look like to start. Over time I would refresh and more things will be added. I want to make a Pie chart, and everytime I refresh the Pivot I want the Pie to get updated.
BUT I want to do this on a separate tab. So basically I want to do a Vlookup of sorts. Where all the Fruit items are pulled and automatically updated when I refresh the Pivot. Then I would do the same for Veggies.
I'm trying to make a line graph with specific increments on both the x and y axis. Now, I can make specific increments on one, but have to sacrifice the other in order for me to label the lines. Im not sure how to get around this. I'll just type out what i'm trying to do and maybe you smart people can help me here.
Okay, both the x and y axis must be in increments of 8,10,12.5,16,20,25,30, and 35.
The first line should be labeled "Indicated magnification, and should have the values 8,10,12.5,16,20,25,30, and 35... the same as the x and y values, making the line a straight linear line.
The second line should say "actual m value" and have values of 10,12.5,15.5,20.5,25,31,37.5, and 44.
The third line should say "actual n value" and have values of 10,13,16,21,26,32,38.5, and 45.
I have been given a task to create a line graph who has 10 categories and each category has 5 different values. I need to plot a line graph, so that those 10 categories should appear on the Y-axis instead of X-axis.
Is there a way to make multiple charts off of 1 big data sheet. Sounds easy but there is more.
Sheet name is Field Column A is Name ( about 40 different names) Column B is Date (x axis primary and secondary) Column D is Oil (y primary axis) Column G is Water (y primary axis) Column E is Gas ( y secondary axis) Column M is MCFE (y secondary axis)
There is about 2-3 thousand rows, updated monthly. I need to make a graph by each well name.
1) can I make multiple graphs that can just look at the "field" sheet and then breakout just the 1 well name that shows up on the chart sheet that I create
I've tried pivot charts but you can't have secondary acess because it resets every time.
Basically, make multiple charts that will graph the data of a specific name in column A
I want to use a line graph to display an amount over time - that's the easy part. On the other hand, I would like to have to group the lines based on a value.
A short example: Imagine you own 3 different stores and you're selling oranges. So your table looks like this:
Now I'd like to have one graph (3 different graphs won't work as the rows increase -I need to select the whole column as data source):
Date on the x axis, Oranges sold on the y axis, and one line per store (e.g. a green one for store A, a red one for B and a blue one of C, doesn't matter).
I have a project coming up where I will receive tables in a certain format. I want to be able to create a macro that well create a chart based on a single inputted cell (start of data). The chart will have 4 series and five values per series. See the link below for sample data! The first data point is not in the same place in the sheet, but the table will have the rest of the data relative to that!
I have a X-Y graph with 602 data points. My x scale is a counter from 1 to 602 and the Y is a decreasing set of numbers. When I hover my mouse over the points on the graph (I zoomed the graph) My first 3 points are all labeled as Point "1". At the end of my graph, my last 3 points are labeled 599,601,602, it skips 600.
I am using Excel 2007. Has anybody seen this before?
I am creating a graph with a wide range of values (0.06 - 300). The smaller values are barely visible on my column graph. I have tried all of the tricks I know. Any way to get the smaller values to show up instead of just hovering towards the bottom of the graph?
I need to set up a graph (smooth line chart possibly) with an (x axis) that are not regular intervals. I've attached an example.
the amounts would be (y axis) and the corresponding dates (x axis).
That would be great to start with. Then I have one of these sheets for each month, can there be a continuous graph made using each month or does it need to be individual graphs.
I need to create a graph using the data in the following format: Item X Y A: 10 100 B: 20 200 C: 30 300 D: 40 400 E: 50 500 etc. I need to annotate points with A,B,C etc in the scatter plot so that the same can be quickly identified in the graph.