Check TextBox Date Higher Than Other TextBox Date
Aug 30, 2006In a userform I have 2 textboxes date1 and date2 (data from calendar1 userform2). I want date2 always to be higher than date1.
View 7 RepliesIn a userform I have 2 textboxes date1 and date2 (data from calendar1 userform2). I want date2 always to be higher than date1.
View 7 RepliesI need to confirm that a date is entered correctly into a userform.
This code works for a command button, but not for a WorkSheet_Change event.
My textbox is the first in the userform, and needs to be checked immediately, as the labels in the rest of the userform all change to reflect the date that was entered.
What is the best way to do this? I tried a keycode = vbKeyReturn option, but cannot get it to work?
Private Sub DateCheck()
Dim DateString As String
Dim DateProper As Date
Dim EntryOK As Boolean
EntryOK = False
If I enter into a textbox1 the following 09/31/2009 the result is that its not a date (because there is only 30 days in September - not 31). OR if I put in "13/25/2009"
Can I have a macro that checks whether or not its a valid date and if so a message box appears that says:
"Invalid date"
I am attempting to format some TextBoxes from within a For/Next loop. I need a way to check which TextBox is the active TextBox in the loop. Using i as the variable, I came up with this code snippet: Me.Controls("TB" & i).Text = Format("TB" & i, "mm/dd/yy")
If i = 3, this gives me in TextBox3 (which is called TB3) the text 'TB3' and not the value of what is in TB3. It has got to bo something simple, I just can't see it!!!
I am trying to allow the Command Button when clicked to go through multiple conditions before making a decision. So, when someone clicks on Command Button 3 the code should look to see if CheckBox1 is true, then it should check today's date, and if it is between a range of days, or even months, then it would add the number in TextBox1 with the amount already in cell H18. This event will happen every time someone clicks on the Command Button.
The end result is to have several sheets (4 total) for each quarter in the fiscal year, and if the dates are within those parameters, the clicking of the command button will update the correct sheet.
I have userform with date pickers and have text boxes overlaid on these, when I select todays date from the date picker it does not display the current date in the text box (I have 8 date pickers on the userform). If I select another date then reselect the current date it works. It has occasionally worked but why.
Below is the code for populating the text box from the Date Picker.
Private Sub DTPicker1_Change()
TextBox1.Value = DTPicker1.Value
End Sub
The initialize userform code uses the following to format and set the textbox
TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy")
TextBox1.Value = ""
Windows 7 with Excel 2010
I am attempting to pick up a date with time entry on a worksheet and place it into a TextBox on a UserForm. Format on the sheet is mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM. The UserForm is placing the value as mm/dd/yyyy 12:00 AM. here is the
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If Not Range("dDate").Value = "" Then
TextBox2.Value = Range("dDate").Value
TextBox2.Text = Format(DateValue(TextBox2.Text), "mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM")
TextBox2.Value = ""
End If
End Sub
"dDate" is the named range where the date is sitting. The format is also set on the TextBox2 exit event. Can anyone see why only the date portion is being transfered with the default 12:00 AM for no time component of the value?
I have a text box in which date will be entered. I am using the following code to validate and format the date.
Private Sub txtTDate_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If IsDate(txtTDate.Value) Or txtTDate.Value > Date Then
sDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date))
I expected it to return error if the date entered is less than Current(System's) date. This is not working.
I have a form where i need to enter date in a textbox from a calendar.
I have created a calendar which opens on clicking a button adjuscent to the textbox.
Now I am not able to enter the selected date from the calendar into the textbox.
I am trying to validate two things for one TextBox and they somehow contradict each other:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox_today.Value = Date
TextBox_today.Text = Format(TextBox_today.Text, "dd mmm yy")
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox_expiry_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
With Me.TextBox_expiry
If IsDate(.Text) Then
.Text = Format(.Text, "dd mmm yy")
Me.Label_expiry.Caption = "expiry as date:"
Cancel = True.................................
Also, what other date formats I could use besides "dd mmm yy?"
I have a userform with 5 textboxes. Each textbox looks for certain kinds of user code has trouble in re-locating the cursor to the SAME textbox after rejecting the user entry. And BTW, ideally the text box would be highlited in this instance.
Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim okstop As Boolean
Dim yesno_continue As Boolean
Dim mytext As String
okstop = False
TextBox2.SelStart = 0
mytext = TextBox2.Value
If Not IsDate(mytext) And mytext <> "" Then
TextBox2.Value = ""
yesno_continue = MsgBox("Please enter a date...try again?", vbYesNo)
okstop = True
End If
Loop Until (yesno_continue = vbNo) Or (okstop = True)
End Sub
In my Excel VBA user form, there are multiple instances of the MS DTPicker control, which feed multiple text boxes. These in turn are linked to named cells on an worksheet. Note at this stage please that dates will not always be required, hence the text boxes. Only the button on the DTP controls are visible, alongside the related textbox.
My problem is that the values in the cells are in US date format and I need them to be recognised in the UK date format. The dates therein must be formatted as dates (ie not as text), as they are used throughout other worksheets for calculations. In the sample below, DTPickerDateOfIncorporation is the named cell (the control source). I know from Roy's responses to other questions on the DTPicker that he doesn't use it - is there a better alternative?
I have userform In that Twotextbox Need to be Pickdate from Popupcalender..while placing cursor on Textbox1 and textbox2 it popup shows Pickupcalender.... I tried with different code still failed
Go to sheet Repor Wizard Form ,Click Report filter & Export cmd button
find the attachment
I'd like to import some dates into some textboxes on a userform.
I'm also going to let the user edit these, however... what i'd like is for the user to be forced to:
1) enter a date in the format dd/mm/yy
2) Enter a valid date (eg, not feb 30th)
How can I formate the date in a text box on a user form. I want the date to appear as follow: yyyy/mm/dd
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to filter on an excel spreadsheet by dates between x and y. The values x and y are each in my userform textboxes, tbStart and tbEnd.
For whatever reason there seems to be a format issue. When I run the script I see that the data is filled correctly in the filtering fields but I don't see any results. I simply need to click ok when reviewing the filter and it works. This makes me think that there is something wrong with the format of my tbStart.Value and tbEnd.Value
Here are the variations I have tried:
The values on their own should always be formatted as date in the text box as I am using spin buttons to edit the date
with this code or similar
Me.tbEnd = Format(CDate(Me.tbEnd) + 1, "dd/mm/yyyy")
Me.tbEnd = Format(CDate(Me.tbEnd) - 1, "dd/mm/yyyy")
Version 1:
wsData.ListObjects("Table2").Range.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:= _
">=" & Me.tbStart.Value, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="=" &
CDate(Me.tbStart.Value), Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="=" &
CDate(Format(Me.tbStart.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")), Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="
I'd like to import some dates into some textboxes on a userform.
I'm also going to let the user edit these, however... what i'd like is for the user to be forced to:
1) enter a date in the format dd/mm/yy
2) Enter a valid date (eg, not feb 30th)
I have textbox for entering the date.But I don't know why when the code excuted, it displayed "type mismatch"?
Dim datebegin As Date
dateBegin = CDate(txtBegindate.Value)
I have a form that will allow the user to type in a date. I need to take that value and validate that it is between 01/01/2007 and 10 years ahead of the current day.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a calendar userform that enters a date into a userform textbox in the format mm/dd/yy.
I am in the UK, so default date format is dd/mm/yyyy but i need it as above - mm/dd/yy
So, when I get a MsgBox to repeat Textbox1.Value (the date from the calendar object, formatted mm/dd/yy) and repeat it in format dddd mmmm dd yyyy, it reads the value not as I want it, mm/dd/yy, but as the usual dd/mm/yyyy - so instead of reading 08/01/12 as Wednesday August 01 2012 it is giving me Sunday January 08 2012 - even though in the cells on the worksheet that are populated from the textbox, the date reads correctly, so 08/01/2012 is indeed 1st August 2012 not January 8th 2012...
So it's the MsgBOx function reading the textbox in the userform wrong, and formatting makes no difference...
Can I fix this without changing my regional settings? Is there a way to set the region in vba then unset when leaving the program? I don't want to have to change regional, and anyway, the program will be used by others who won't know / want to do that.
I have a userform (FrmComp) and in it i have several Textboxes. When i click on any of the textboxes the calender appears but how i i make the calender assign the date value selected on it to the last clicked on textbox? here's what i have:
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my form I have the user enter in the current date in Textbox1. My program is designed only to work in 2009 so I want to check to make sure the 1) the date is in 2009 and 2) textbox1 is not empty. If it is empty then it displays a message box with "Not a Valid Date. Please Enter Date as MM/DD/YYYY. Date has to be in 2009" - this doesn't work. Second, if the date is outside of 2009 it is to display a meeage box saying "Date has to be in 2009".
Here is my current code which is not working.
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If TextBox1 = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
If IsDate(TextBox1) Then
MsgBox "Not a Valid Date. Please Enter Date as MM/DD/YYYY. Date has to be in 2009" ...
I have a log that I am trying to make compatible for international users. They enter bike rides via a form. When the user hits submit Excel finds the date and then posts the ride info.
The problem is that if I format the date textbox (textbox1) as international the date inputted in textbox1 isn't being found in the column.
Here are the snippets of code from the form (other parts of the code were excluded because they shouldn't effect this issue.
Code when the form initializes ...
I have a userform with many textboxes that I am using to collect data which is transferred to a worksheet using a command button on the userform. All data is correctly transferred to the worksheet except for the text box I am using for the date.
The date is transferred from the userform to the spreadsheet but the date is left justified implying that it is text but dates that I have manually entered into the spreadsheet cell are right justified. This may seem picky but I am using a 'count' function within the spreadsheet to determine how many rows contain the date.
I am using the following code which I am entering in the format of dd/mm/yyyy, to to transfer the date to Cell A1 the worksheet 'Results'.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Worksheets("Results").Cells(1, 1) = UserForm1.Textbox1
End Sub
how to transfer the date to the cell so that it right justified, hence treated as a number within the cell.
Trying to enter dates across first column with userform. Must not enter same date twice. Need to searching row to skip entering the date from userform textbox if date is already there. Dates are in order but not sequential. I want to search for existing date before the following
Set LastCol = Sheet2. Range("jk1").End(xlToLeft) 'enter data on sheet2
LastCol.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox2.Value 'date
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("b1"), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").sort
.SetRange Range("b1:jk10000")
. Header = xlNo
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlLeftToRight
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
I've done lots of looking on the forum, and the helpfiles, but just cant seem to format my text box properly! Its a form where the user inputs to the text box. I want to control thatway where they enter numbers e.g 05052008 and it gets converted to 05/05/2008 or 05-05-2008. I've tried a range of things, but am really stumped!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a userfrom with 2 textboxes used for entering dates. would like to either force the user to enter the date as xx/xx/xxxx or have a calendar feature where they can select a date. I checked my 'additional controls' in my toolbox but do not see a calendar option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOne of my userform text boxes is for the input of a date. this date is being exported to a defined cell in excel, but in a US format, mm/dd/yyyy. i need this to be exported into excel in UK/Aussie format dd/mm/yyyy as our accounting software is getting confused (i am also).
Private Sub TextBox3_Change()
Range("C7").Value = TextBox3.Value
End Sub
I need to insert text at the curson position in a text box on a VBA form. I know how to make the button not take the focus; I just need to know how to pass the cursor a timestamp.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a Userform that allows users to add projects to a tracking sheet. If the project is a WIP, no 'Sign Off Date' needs to be entered. When the project is complete, I would like the user to be able to hit a shortcut key (while inside the user form, with the cursor in the 'Sign Off Date' textbox) to populate the 'Sign Off Date' textbox with today's date (i.e. like CTRL + ; does in Excel) rather than have to enter it manually.
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