I have a cell range that is passed as a String to a function, and within that function I need to extract only the Column letter. If it was just 1 letter it would be simple, but it may be 2, so does anybody know of a way of testing to see if the second character is a letter or a number?
Basically, I need to be able to determine whether a particular letter is stored with another letter in the 'CG column' of the attached spreadheet.
The criteria is this:
1. Letter J can be present as long as there is no other letter in that column. 2. Letter B and D cannot be together in the column, but B can be with any other letter and likewise for D.
Basically, I could have a load of Js in the CG column and that would be fine. If another letter was with those Js, I need a warning box. I could have a B,H,S,T etc.....and that would be fine, but as soon as a D is entered, I need a warning. Similarly, if I had D,H,I,U,T etc......that would be fine too, but as soon as a B is entered, I need a warning again.
I have a workbook and I want to check in a cell, if the value in the cell starts with "S" or "D". In VB.net there is a method .StartsWith to check the starting letter in a file. Is there a way to check the starting letter in the cell?
I need to compare for each trip whether there is a trip with Es and no Es in it and mark every line in column E with tag "Mixed Use". In the data below trip 2 has mixed use. I have attached a sample file.
I am creating a macro that saves a file using the value in X1 as a variable name to save the file. I want to check if the last character in cell X1 is a period ("."), and if it is I want to either remove the period from X1 and continue to save, or tell the user it is not possible to save the name that ends in a period.
I have letter and number combination code in two collumns and they differ for 10.000 numbers:
BAM98314 BAM88314 BAM90000 BAM80000
As you can see the left code is for 10000 numbers higher. the letters are allways the same. In the event that this isn't so, if difference between codes in same row is more or less than 10000 numbers. I was thinking on making conditional formating so the cells with wrong difference would be marked red, but I do not know how to make formula for this difference.
How to translate a specific number into a specific letter related to the number itself.
I have lots of different numbers for example all going down a specific cell (These numbers I want to separate into 3 different catagories. The positive numbers I want to be calculated as the same Letter that is next to that row directly over to the left of that cell.
So if the letter
B / cell / cell / +9 / Then I want if its a positive number like +9 to answer in the formula with the same letter (B) listed to the right in the same row in a different cell of course
B / cell / cell / -6 / Then I want if its any negative number like -6 to answer in the formula as the opposite Letter of (P) listed to the right in the same row in a different cell of course
P / cell / cell / +17 / Then I want if its a positive number like +17 to answer in the formula as the same letter (P) listed to the right in the same row in a different cell of course
P / cell / cell / -3 / Then I want if its a negative number like -3 to answer in the formula as the opposite Letter of (B) listed to the right in the same row in a different cell of course
and thirdly if its a (0) zero and only (zero's) Then I want the answer to stay (0) zero.
The number can be any numbers it doesn't matter. Only distinction is that positive number of +1 and up repeat and stay the same letter that the cell on the far left is already stated.
and all the negative number of -1 amd below all reverse the letter to the opposite letter of (B to a P) or (P to a B) listed to the right in the same row in a different cell of course
and of course (0) zero would be listed as a positive number and only return a (0) zero as the result of the formula.
I received a request from a coworker regarding custom formatting some numbers in his spreadsheet. Those numbers are serial numbers of 20 characters long. Sometimes in my files I use this custom number formatting ###0 and its enough for the data I handle. But when I tried to use it in his spreadsheet, the following shows:
The cell must look like this: 08456891070060510302
The reason to have it like this is due to a Delivery Program requirement to deliver Set-top Units for repair. The Delivery Program do not recognize other format than the above. My coworker takes the data from a spreadsheet, and the spreadsheet needs a custom number format to display the correct number.
find a custom number format to be able to display as my coworker need it??
I have records combined with letter in column A: number is always on left and letter always on right, such as 456UI, 4689746COMPREH. How can split the combination into number in column B and letter in column C?
I made a calendar, and I need a letter next to the daynumber. How could I put a letter next to the number? The problem is that I have a formula for the daynumbers, how could I add the letter?
I'm trying to add plus 1 to a cell from another cell but it doesn't work because the number starts with a letter. I do want to keep the letter in there for a reason so removing the letter to make it work is not what I want.
The following displays a name and number as the Chart title with VBA...how do I change the code so that is it name plus letter...instead of being Group 1 , Group 2 etc..etc.. it will be Group A , Group B etc..
is there a way to make the following code return the letter of the column instead of the number? currently if the 'String' value that is in 'ColumnFind' is in column B this code returns a value of 2. i Need the 'B' for later code to work.
I need to figure out the number of occurrance of a letter in a word written in a cell. For Example i am writing "pattern" in a Excel cell. I want to know the marco/vba code that will give me the number of occurrance of each letter. The output should be:
I am inserting a formula into a cell using VBA, but the problem is that I don't know the letter value of column "K" (used in the middle of the line); instead, I know it as column number 11. Is there a simple way to convert the column number 11 to the column letter "K"?
I have a spreadsheet with information in columns a-x. In column A there are part numbers like: RH630-34, PH630-343, 6-255, 16-01, 72500, There are may combinations of just numbers, and numbers first letters second, and letter first number second. All usually seperated by a hyphen. The entire spreadsheet will be sorted by Column A first.
I need to sort them so the order would be numbers first and combo with number letters next. finish product: 6-255, 16-01, 72500, PH630-343, RH630-34. Is this possible? I have seen other posts and suggesting putting spaces before the numbers. That seems to work but in the case of 6-138 and 6-1038 the 6-1038 is first