I have a workbook and I want to check in a cell, if the value in the cell starts with "S" or "D". In VB.net there is a method .StartsWith to check the starting letter in a file. Is there a way to check the starting letter in the cell?
Basically, I need to be able to determine whether a particular letter is stored with another letter in the 'CG column' of the attached spreadheet.
The criteria is this:
1. Letter J can be present as long as there is no other letter in that column. 2. Letter B and D cannot be together in the column, but B can be with any other letter and likewise for D.
Basically, I could have a load of Js in the CG column and that would be fine. If another letter was with those Js, I need a warning box. I could have a B,H,S,T etc.....and that would be fine, but as soon as a D is entered, I need a warning. Similarly, if I had D,H,I,U,T etc......that would be fine too, but as soon as a B is entered, I need a warning again.
I have a cell range that is passed as a String to a function, and within that function I need to extract only the Column letter. If it was just 1 letter it would be simple, but it may be 2, so does anybody know of a way of testing to see if the second character is a letter or a number?
I need to compare for each trip whether there is a trip with Es and no Es in it and mark every line in column E with tag "Mixed Use". In the data below trip 2 has mixed use. I have attached a sample file.
For the below formula is it possible to replace the B's (column location) with a cell Say Z146 which contains the letter B (or a number if thats easier and someone can tell me the numbers for each column).
When the formula is dragged into the next cell (down) it takes its column reference from Z147 and then my life becomes so much easier.
I am trying to auto populate into a column that starts in cell E5 and references cell C5 (along with a dataset in N and O). In cell E6, I copied and pasted this formula and changed all of the C5 values to C6. When trying to use the auto populate cross hair tool, excel changes all N and O cells, from O165 to O166, O167 when they should have remained O165 and N165 for every cell.
I am working on an excel macro and need to know what the vb code is to get my cell pointer to move to the top left (ctrl-home) of a frozen pane. I don't want my cell pointer to go to a1. I want the cell pointer to go to the cell where the "freeze pane" starts.
I'm using the following code to delete rows that I don't want to include and I've ran into some more things that need to be deleted...
For lLoop = RngCol.Rows.Count To 2 Step -1 Select Case RngCol(lLoop, 1) Case " Date:", "Skill:", "Agent Name", "~*", "*Train*" RngCol(lLoop, 1).EntireRow.Delete End Select Next lLoop
An example of "~*" would be: ***SICARII*** An example of "*Train*" would be: Ozgrid Train1
It's not recognizing these new cases. Do I have to utilize FIND? (since CTRL+F does work with the given cases)
I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.
Code: Sub Tester()
Dim WB As Workbook Dim WS As Worksheets Dim modCounter As Long Dim Cell As Range
Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm") Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)
When I type a single lower case letter into a cell, what formula or conditional formatting should I use to always convert it to a capital letter automatically?
with this code, how can I make my combobox1 starts with the last record ??
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()Dim cell As RangeWith Worksheets("Sheet1")For Each cell In .Range("C2:C" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row)If Not IsEmpty(cell) Then ComboBox1.AddItem cell.ValueNext cellEnd With
Column A has numbers starting with 1, 2, or 3 and Columns B & C have various amounts. I would like to get totals or columns B & C for Column A numbers starting with 1.
Tried a few things including SUMIF(A:A,"1*",B:C) with no luck
I would like to have a question box pop up w/Yes and No Buttons at the start of my macro to choose between two different sub routines. Therefore, MsgBox would say: Import New Yard Inventory?
If Yes, then it would run the alternate subroutine. If No, Then it would run macros normal routine. Not quite sure how to do this. Would the msg box have to be a form box where, a representive value would have to get filled into a cell? Then reference if cell value is true ,then or would it register the value to memory so then, the code would have to to call the given value then run code if value it true?
I have data that I am trying to sort that starts with a number and contains a number within, then sometimes ends with a letter. Here is the dataset I will use as example.
Is there a formula that I can use to sort the data in numerical order by the last digits exactly like the first dataset? There are all sorts of veriations of the first digits and the last, but the "-TP-" always remains constant.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range If Not Intersect(Target, Range("e273:g284")) Is Nothing Then Set rng = Range("e273:g284") ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Range("g273:j284")) Is Nothing Then Set rng = Range("g273:j284") ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Range("j273:l284")) Is Nothing Then Set rng = Range("j273:l284") End If Application.EnableEvents = False If Not rng Is Nothing Then If Application. CountIf(rng, Target.Cells(1, 1).Value) > 1 Then MsgBox "This vehicle is booked out at this time" Target.ClearContents Target.Cells(1, 1).Select End If End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
the code is perfect for what i need it to do but the only problem i have is that the codes roll on from each other... I.E:- E273:G284 - G273:J284 - J273:L284. first ends in G second starts in G, Second ends on J third starts on J. for some reason this doesnt work, the first code gets the prority and works but the second works in all the columns except the first one.. in this case the first code is fine, second actually works from H not G and third works from K not J
Sub BrownBH() If Range("Brown!B4:B31") = X Then Range("C4").Value = [#A] Else Range("C4").Value = NT End If End Sub
However, this doesn't even work.
When somebody enters an X in a specific cell on one worksheet, it's supposed to change the value to A of a specific cell in a different worksheet. Sounds simple enough...but...
So I added a x-y scatter series to a line chart (in order to add a vertical line to the chart) and now I'm having a problem with the x-axis. It lets me select the start and end date, but when I put it on auto is starts 1 day before the data does. For example, if my data starts on 5/1/2011, the x-axis starts on 4/1/2011 and the there is no data point at that date.
I could manually change this, but the data is dynamic so the start date changes. Since I can do formulas in the format axis tab (date+1).
Here is what I am trying to do with no luck so far.
If I type RS23U1R109000 in a cell A1, I want B1 to read the 5th letter or number and fill B1 with E86.
Example A1= RS23U1R109000 B1=E86 A1= RS23V1R109000 B1=E87 A1= RS23R1R109000 B1=E84
As you can see in my example, the 5th letter could be U,V,R or whatever, but I need cell B1 to read that letter and populate B1 with E86, E87, E84 or whatever.
I have to loop through a range in A, and if the letter "C" or the number "9" appears in the cell anywhere (it won't be a whole cell value) then I need column B to show "C".
I know how to do a whole value loop, but I'm stumped on a 'find X anywhere' search.