Check To See If File Is Open, And If It Is Open, Activate It
May 14, 2009
I have two workbooks. One is a no-nonsense form interface that my bosses will use to enter safety information. I'll call this workbook "Form". This file is stored locally on each of their computers. The other workbook is stored on a common drive. I'll call it "Master".
When my bosses fill out the Form and click "Submit", the Master file is opened, and certain cells are populated based on information entered in the Form. This is the code I am using to make this happen:
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May 26, 2014
I want to create something like this: macro checking if file aaa.csv isn't open, if it is macro should stop and show message box "Close aaa.csv", and if file isn't open it should continue to work.
The file aaa.csv is stored in the same folder as workbook with my macro.
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Jul 1, 2007
I would like to write a Sub that will see if a workbook is open and if it is not then open it. I know how to have a macro automatically open a workbook, but I run into problems when the macro runs and tries to open an already opened workbook.
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Dec 19, 2006
I have a form in Access with a button that opens an Excel file. I think I've seen vba code to tell if a specific Excel file is open already. What I'm looking for is a way to tell if an Excel file is already open when you don't know the filename of the Excel file. Is that possible? Or at the very least is there a way to be able to tell if Excel is already open?
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Oct 27, 2008
I have an application that requires users to download a file from a location that is then imported at their execution into the application. I've done my best to counsel users to download the file to their desktop (for ease of locating) and to stick with a standard filename so that there are no errors. Some of these people just don't take direction well, will save the file wherever, or save the name inappropratly, or worse, open up multiple copies of the same file corrupting the name: ie: FileName.xls, FileName.xls(1), FileName1.
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Jul 17, 2009
I am just wondering if there is a way of checking if the workbook that is currently open is the only one that is open, as I have been asked to make my code exit the application if this is the case rather that just close that one file.
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Mar 2, 2007
way to find out if an Excel file is open from PowerPoint. I know there are ways to open the Excel file, but you can get a warning message if the file is already open. So I want to check to see if it is open first before I go to the code that opens it.
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Sep 18, 2009
I have a command that opens up another workbook. This workbook is sometimes open on another computer, so that the book opens up on my computer in write-protected mode (shows in the top of the window). Usually, when opening other books through the Excel functionality, a message box appears if the file is open and warns that the file is in use by another user. However, with the code I have at the moment, this is not the case when I try to open with my command. See code below:
Private Sub cmdOpenBook_Click()
'Open book
ChDir "I:DevelopmentSpecialUtvikling"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
End Sub
Is there any way of displaying a msgbox warning when opening another file through VBA?
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Jul 28, 2004
I have a program that opens an excel-workbook, I first check whether the file is opened by another user(open for read-write). This works fine, but I'd like to know which user has the file open with VBa code. ex. ....
if open
then msgbox " Book opened by user"
end if
So it's the same as you open an excel(with your windows explorer) on a network and you get the message that the file is already opened by the user....
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Jun 27, 2008
the Data Grabs and pastes perfectly now but the Macro copies the data from the open file - the problem is that every day the filename (eg stats_01_02) changes according to the date so what I want to know is how to have the macro copy the data from an open file using just the first part of the filename.
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Sep 27, 2006
I did a macro on my mac to transfer a sheet from one workbook to another worbook. It works very well when the destination workbook is open. Therefore I wanted to add some piece of code to check if the destination workbook is open. If not then I wanted the macro to open it before tranfering the sheet. Here is the code I´m using for tranfering the sheet
Sub Transfer_Sluttet()
If ActiveSheet.Index <> Sheets.Count Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Sheets(ws.Index + 1).Delete
ws.Move Before:=Workbooks("Sluttet.xls").Sheets("sheet2")
'Moves active sheet to beginning of named workbook.
'Replace Test.xls with the full name of the target workbook you want.
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub
This is the type of macro I useually use on my pc to check if a workbook is open and if not then open it
If IsWorkbookOpened("Filename.xls", "C:Documents and ..................
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May 31, 2013
I have a tool file which contains Excel VBA codes. When I click button it asks to select a file. I want that anytime I click the button the dialogue box should open in the folder containg the tool.,
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Oct 18, 2008
I want to create a macro that will “open the look in list” and stop so I can pick a file to open. I’ve tried to use “record a macro” and “ctrl-o”, but the record a macro won’t stop until I pick a file or cancel the file list. I also tried to use “o” in the short cut key box
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Aug 15, 2007
Need some VB Code to check if a workbook is open or not. Either way, it needs to be opened and made active.
I have tried using some of the answers already on here but not getting anywhere.
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Jul 3, 2007
I'm doing the following:
Dim myname As String
myname = Application. GetOpenFilename
I use it to attempt to open first a QuickBooks file and then an excel workbook.
The Quickbooks file opens fine. The Excel workbook never appears to open but
I do get the full file pathname to my excel workbook returned which I then
parse off to get just the workbook name.
Why would it behave this way? I open both these files manually all the time.
Also, I'm trying to use a filter as follows:
myname = Application.GetOpenFilename("*.QBW")
I get a compile error saying that I'm calling the function wrong.
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Aug 15, 2008
I have 2 workbooks open
Book1 has a call to ChangeBook()
Book2 is empty
Function ChangeBook()
End Function
ChangeBook() is located in a .xla file loaded on Excel launch.
Calling the function from Book1 does not cause Book2 to activate.
Running the function via the F5 key in the IDE works fine.
I am modifying existing routines that have problems and being able to activate certain books at will would make the changes much easier.
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Jan 26, 2010
On a command button in a userform, I have this code to open another workbook:
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Nov 5, 2008
I have a workbook containing macros that opens a second one (no macros) and does some 'data mining'.
The following VBA is used for that (I use this code on dozen of files and it has always worked, except here):
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ChDir (WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"))
BladNaam = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel File, *.xls", , "Excel")
Workbooks.Open FileName:=BladNaam
TabNaam = ActiveSheet.Name
The problem is that most of the time the newly opened workbook is NOT activated (i.e put on top) and thus the rest of the code is executed on the wrong workbook...
If I put in a Msgbox(ActiveWorkbook.Name) 9 out of 10 times the active workbook is the initial one and not the one that was opened by the code.
tried replacing Active.Workbook with wb (dim wb as workbook).
tried to wait-a-few-seconds in between code
tried renaming
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Dec 6, 2008
I am trying to create an event macro that would deactivate column and row headers when the workbook is launched and activate a sheet. i am not managing to do this,
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Aug 20, 2008
activate an open workbook based on the workbook name that is typed into a cell that is a named range?
So, I keep wanting to do this:
Windows.Activate Filename:=Range("MyRange")
Because this works:
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Range("MyRange")
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Jun 7, 2008
Looking for a macro, to run upon opening file, that opens a linked file and if the file is already open does nothing.
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a program that has all Excel Workbooks in seperate instances of Excel. There is a very sound reason for doing this.
The user has maybe 3 to 10 workbooks open. There are times when a workbook is active and has a Macro Link to open one of the already open workbooks.
When the user clicks the link, they naturally get an error message stating that the workbook is already open. Then they have to close the error msg and click on the Macrosoft Tab and look thru the list of open workbooks and then click the one they are looking for. Additionally, in this Menu Program the user really doesn't even have to know the name of the various workbooks.
I hope everyone will believe me when I state that this program works berautifully.
Right now I am simply cleaning up and making a few little things work better.
QUESTION When the user clicks on a macro link that is to open a workbook that is already open, how - On error - can I have the macro continue on and activate the requested workbook - - - Please remember they are all in separate instances of Excel.
Since the code I'm using can determine if the requested workbook is already open, I think there has to be a way to activate that workbook.
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Mar 17, 2007
I have the VB Editor open and am manually activating different workbooks in Excel (with 20/25 modules each), the VB Editor goes through a process of maximising each and every module in the workbook I have selected before I can edit any code or, indeed, do anything in the workbook. This process takes about 8-10 seconds every time I select a different workbook in excel! I have played around with the settings "Full Module View" in the options section of the VB editor, but to no effect.
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Jan 19, 2010
I need VBA code to check if two spreadsheets are open at the same time. One is named OMD.xls and the other Report.xls
If they are not, then I need the current sub-routine to stop and exit, followed by a message box that informs the user to open the two spreadsheets at the same time.
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Feb 27, 2013
I have a code that close a csv workbook after use. But sometimes the book is not opened from the start of, and then I get an error trying to close it.
How can I easily determine if the workbook wbOBX is open or not?
If Not wbOBX Is Nothing Then
wbOBX.Close False
End If
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Apr 12, 2013
know a simple code that I can use in Excel VBA to simply check if Microsoft Word is open or not? I'm not worried about checking for a specific document, but just if the application is running or not.
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Oct 8, 2006
Is it possible for excel to check that a particular window is open and if it is then carry on with a macro
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Jul 3, 2009
Does anyone know a way to check (Using VBA) if another excel application is already open?
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Aug 19, 2006
I have to files and a macro which copies data from one file to the other. The code goes as follows:
Sub test()
ChDir "D:"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="D: est2.xls"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
Everything is ok as long as the second file (test2) - the one data is copied to, is closed the moment the macro starts acting. The problem is: when test2.xls was opened before the macro was activated a window pops up saying that all unsaved data in test2.xls would be lost.
The best thing to do is to write a piece of code stating that : if the target file is closed then the macro should open it and do its stuff, but if the target file is already opened than the macro should simply switch to the already opened workbook without trying to reopen it. All I need is a piece of code regulating that
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Sep 23, 2006
Y have files that are stored as .xla files because they are standalone applications that just contain the code.
Y need to test if one .xla file is open and if so close it, so i'am able to open another one. Otherwise the APP withevents from both APP get all mixed up.
I'am actually doing it from 2005 and i 'am using latebinding.
But the code would be similar y guess.
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