Coding The Page Setup Efficiently
Mar 7, 2008
I've managed to clean up my code removing all of the selecting to get the macro to run faster but it seems to slow down when it gets to the page setup. Is it because of the ActiveSheet? Is there a better way to code the following?
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Jul 8, 2014
The report that I am trying to build relies on DCOUNTA formulas.
This report has 200 lines and 200 columns approximately. Each of these cells would be a DCOUNTA formula. I have a separate sheet, 'Criteria', where I intend to describe all of my criteria for the DCOUNTA formulas.
My problem is that for each DCOUNTA cell in my report, I have to create 2 rows and 5 columns worth of criteria information... so, for 40,000 cells to populate, I need to create a huge sheet of criteria.
So, while I could do the above, and it would take me some time, more efficient and elegant way to spend my time in order to get this report display DCOUNTA formulas?
For more context, I am trying to present information for 100 individual salespeople, monthly and year to date. For each cell, I need to tell DCOUNTA that the date needs to be comprised in the current period (2 columns), what the name of the salespeople is, and what the nature of the information is, which could be more than 2 additional columns.
I can to some degree autofill most of this, with some OFFSET magic, but its still feels like an ugly way to achieve my objective.
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Jun 16, 2009
This might seem a strange type of Excel question.
Some "Clever" person decided to create a site plan using MS Excel. It has been done quite well tbh. The problem with Excel is that I am unable to set a custom page size as this plan sits nicely on a paper size I made ealier through using Word. Guess what there is a custom page size selection on Word but not Excel. Is there a walkaround for this ?
The only other way I can do this, is to print off 2 a4 landcape print out but the printer goes to the next page and leaves a nasty seperation.
The copy of Excel i have is 2003 sp3
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Jun 16, 2008
I set up a spreadsheet for use by my colleagues, on an Acer 17 inch portable. My colleagues all use HP or Dell with 15 inch monitors (and different graphics cards to mine). They all complained that when they opened my sheet, the page breaks were all in the wrong place. When they fixed the breaks on their machines and I opened those file, the breaks were now in the wrong place on mine, but were all right on theirs.
I have now "upgraded" to a Toshiba 17 inch laptop, and find that my original spreadsheet done on the Acer 17 inch shows page breaks in the wrong place on my new machine.
Is this something to do with display adaptors? If so, does anyone know what I can do to standardise this across the board? (My boss uses a 20 inch screen, and the sheet for him is even more wildly out).
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Jun 23, 2008
This part of my macro can be improved as it runs through over 100 sheets and takes a while?
For Each sh In Worksheets
With sh.PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.LeftFooter = "&F" & Chr(10) & "&A"
.CenterFooter = "&P of &N"
.RightFooter = "&D"
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.15748031496063)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.15748031496063)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.393700787401575)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.354330708661417)
.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047)
.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)
.TopMargin = 1
.BottomMargin = 1
.Orientation = xlPortrait
End With
Next sh
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Jan 8, 2009
I visited all of the sites listed in the various posts & downloaded the XLM function help file.
My question is which syntax would I use? I'm wanting to add this to an existing macro (one that currently takes FOREVER). I think syntax 1 for worksheets & macro sheets, but I'm adding to visual basic, so maybe syntax 3 for vb modules?
Here's my existing code, if anyone wants to help me change this to XLM4pageSetUp ..
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Jun 13, 2007
Is it possible to protect against users changing the page setup?
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May 18, 2009
Is there a way to copy page setup settings from one workbook to another in VBA?
Example, I have a spreadsheet with 5 tabs with each of them different page setup options.
I have a second spreadsheet with 5 tabs where I need to make the page setup the same for each tab as the saved spreadsheet #1.
Background: This is a workaround for not being able to do copy/paste special values for pivot tables. My workaround is to save an .xlsx as a .mht then reopen and save as .xlsx. The only problem is that I lose page setups through the process.
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Feb 21, 2009
Once a week I need to export data to excel for a report. Some weeks there may be 30 rows and other weeks there may be 100 rows. I created a macro in the attached spreadsheet called 247 formattedV2 that seems to work fine except that it seems to get caught up in the Page Set up area. Here is the things that I have already in the macro that need to be accomplished.
1.All cells should be set to wrap text
2.Bottom justify text on row 1 for wrap text
3.Top justify all rows below it for wrap text
4.Adjust width of columns to exactly what is shown. If text runs over, it should wrap (shown in parenthesis)
5.Center all titles at the top of each column - show with grey background as indicated
6.Center text in columns A, B & C
7.Lighten grey cell in beteen each call (keep them in for all notes, they were accidently removed in this version)
8.Darken grey cell for column headers
Page setup: Set margins to narrow setting at .25 top, bottom, left, right. Set to landscape. Should be 1 page width, as many as necessary for height
Set for 8.5x14 paper (legal size)
Column Widths
•A - Last Call Date (w=10),
•B - Priority (w=7),.............
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May 18, 2009
Is there a way to copy page setup settings from one workbook to another in VBA?
Example, I have a spreadsheet with 5 tabs with each of them different page setup options.
I have a second spreadsheet with 5 tabs where I need to make the page setup the same for each tab as the saved spreadsheet #1.
Background: This is a workaround for not being able to do copy/paste special values for pivot tables. My workaround is to save an .xlsx as a .mht then reopen and save as .xlsx.
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Jan 27, 2010
I have an 6 sheet excel workbook that generates 27 additional sheets upon an executed macro. I am trying to page setup the additonal 27 sheets only to a zoom of 90. Here is what I have so far but this zooms all 33 sheets.
HTML Sub zoom_2()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wk As Worksheet
For Each wk In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.zoom = 90 End With
Next wk
End Sub
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Apr 2, 2005
I am testing some code to have my sheets print consistently on different computers. I have
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.CenterHorizontally = True
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.FitToPagesWide = 1
End With
but it still previews at more than 1 page wide. Any suggestions?
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Nov 19, 2003
I was curious if in VBA is there a way to switch in the page setup from Fit to X Page by X Page to the Scaling %.
I have set all my pages to fit 1 x 1 and would now like to know the scaling % (Zoom) of the sheets.
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Jul 22, 2006
can anyone show me the way to run a macro when visual basic editor opens
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Apr 8, 2008
I generate several reports, all saved as seperate files, with the same page settings (margins, headers, footers, etc.). Is there any way to copy these page settings from one file to another so that I don't have to enter the settings seperately for each file?
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Dec 25, 2013
I am looking to create an invoice details in excel where it correlates to the payment schedule. and the schedule is biweekly starting jan 3rd
I want to also match the start dates to each invoice date, where the invoice date is every 7 days (on a weekly basis)
But, I'm looking to have the invoice date driven in accordance to the employees start date
I'm doing this for a friend, but i'm not sure exactly what he is looking for, and what I have to do in excel
Does he just want me to keep on filling out employee 5 to finish the process?
Or should I create a separate column for each employee for it to be more detailed?
The Overall goal is to get an accurate cashflow
Attached can see what excel sheet looks like : excel.jpg‎
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Sep 3, 2012
I have a vba to do page set-up:
*Left, Top, Right, Bootom as 0.5
*Header and Footer as 0.2
Once vba is run page set-up is ok ie margins but when printed Left and right margins are not 0.5cm.
solve this mystery?
Sub Print_Format()
Dim myRange As String
myRange = Selection.Address
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = myRange
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
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Jan 25, 2013
I have data range which have three sections identical in shape and size.
How should i set the page setup so that each section print on a separate page.
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Apr 2, 2014
My macro "prints" (saves) my sheet as Pdf-file.
I wish to improve this such as print/save is based on the active area I choose at the time.
Now I must hide a lot of columns (show only the ones I will print) before "printing":
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A:$Z"
I just want to select some columns and set this range as a print.setup area.
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Mar 7, 2006
I am trying to change the page set up setiings to fit to 1 page for 56 worksheets within a workbook.
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Apr 14, 2014
I am extracting data from an electronic medical record (EMR) which has many search limitations. I am able to export data into a CSV file (attached) to perform some calculations (All the patient data is fake btw). I am trying to find the number of appointments for each patient within a specific date parameter. For each patient, one appointment appears on one row.
pt appt sample.png
What I want to do is count the number of rows (appointments) for each patient in an efficient manner. Right now I've just used the COUNTA function, but don't want to repeat this for every patient, due to the way that the workbook is set up. The data is all from the CSV file from the EMR; the only column I've added is the "Appointments since 2013" column.
The patient data is fake because I am using a test server for the EMR. However out in a real doctor's office, there will be over 2000 patients with possibly up to about 100+ appointments.
Not sure if there's formula out there that would make my task a lot easier and more efficient, or I need to play around with the columns to set it up differently.
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Apr 8, 2008
In the attached work book I have 2 sheets named, Data Entering page-plan and Varaince Summary-in hours.
Data Entering page-plan - is used to enter data
Varaince Summary-in hours. – is used to retrieve data
In ‘Varaince Summary-in hours. sheet in Cell A6 I have a drop down to select the job nos, according to the job no selected date, position no, and milling hours are filtered and displayed. I have written a index/match formula in G6 and have dragged it downwards since I don’t know how many positions would be fetched in each job no selected. Is there any way not to display N/A in unused cells in Column G each time a job no is selected ?( embedding the function in a IF using ISNA or ISERROR would be inefficient as I feel since this sheet is going to house lot of data of about 30 sections, I have shown only one section here)
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May 17, 2014
I have a large number of files that are structurally the same - only the data and the file names are different. I want to insert some code into all of them.
I don't yet know how to open all the VBA pieces together at one time for editing. Is that possible? Otherwise all I know how to do is a manual, file by file, process.
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Aug 23, 2009
I have a two workbooks, one which is a daily schedule and the other is a yearly summary. The worksheet in the yearly summary uses a date in the first column and the daily sheets each have a date on them. I've isolated my data in the daily schedule and I've retrieved the date in its numerical equivilant. I have data that is 6 cells wide by "x" amount deep on any given day. Essentially, I schedule different things to be made and each row has that designation, process, dimensions, quantity, etc.
I want to test the contents of the first cell in the array, copy the pertinent data, switch to the proper worksheet, and paste it into the line where it goes. I believe I need to check a few cells to narrow down exactly which group of cells on which sheet they would be copied to.
I am not trained at all as far as programming goes, but I've been practicing for a few years now. What I am just going to start doing is testing the cells in the rows in the array of data and trying to divide it out that way. This just seems like the long way around.
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Jun 9, 2009
When I view a sheet under Page Break Preview, it shows the Page numbers in the centre of the Page. While I am aware that it would not print the page number I was wondering if there is an option to remove/hide the page numbers.
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May 18, 2006
I have some code that parses an html table. I want to put in error handling in case the format of the page changes or the internet page is unavailable. I am testing without an internet connection and the run time error is not being branched off to the error handler and is fatally ending the macro. This is true also if I raise an error manually.
Private Sub ParseInjuryPage()
On Error Goto ErrorHandl
Dim strPage As String
Dim webIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim myURL As String
Dim tableBeg As Long
Dim tableEnd As Long
Dim RowBeg As Long
Dim rowEnd As Long
Dim cellBeg As Long
Dim cellEnd As Long
Dim strBeg As Long
Dim strEnd As Long
Dim myCell As Range
Dim rowNum As Integer
With Sheets("INJ")
Set myCell = .Range("A2")
.Range("A:F").Value = vbNullString
rowNum = 2
Set webIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
myURL = ""
webIE.Navigate myURL
strPage = webIE.Document.body.innerhtml...................................
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Mar 26, 2006
I suddenly can't adjust my page breaks in any Excel spreadsheet while in Page Break Preview. Is there some option to turn it on and off?
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Oct 16, 2013
I have a sheet that changes the number of columns based on data from other sheets. This is the only sheet in the workbook that I will print out every day. I have it set right now to fit all columns on one page, however sometimes this will result in the bottom 1/3rd of the sheet not being used. If I use fit all rows on one page, then some of the columns will get cut off. Is there a way to scale in both directions? My guess is there is not, but I thought I would ask because it would work great for me if I could.
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May 21, 2009
I have a report that I use and right now I have a command button that prints the report x2. What I would like to do is to have it print one in color and one in grayscale. I could do this I think with two different buttons, but I would like to utilize just one. I tried creating a macro but it did not pick up the fact that I changed the properties to black and white.
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May 1, 2009
I am looking for a formula that will take data from one page and graph it on another page. The data I am trying to graph is arranged like so:
1 q 2009.05.01
2 w 2009.05.02
3 w 2009.05.01
4 q 2009.05.01
I am looking for something that will look at column A and if the answer is "q" and then look at column B and if the answer is "2009.05.01" Excel will take that and count it in a specific cell on another page. In the case above, I want Excel to give me the answer of "2" in a designated cell.
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