Combining IF Statements With Max Value?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm having a mental block here. I need the below statement to have a max value of (B14*B4) in the instance where

(B17-B19)*0.7 exceeds (B14*B4),

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Combining 3 Or If Then Statements

Sep 29, 2008

I am trying to combine all 3 of these statements in a formula and the syntax seems to keep tripping me up:

=IF(AND(G27=" ", M23=0), " ")

=IF(AND(G28=" ", M23>0), F28+$M$23, " ")

=IF(G29=" ", " ", IF(G29>0, M23>0, G29+M23))

Basically, If M23 = 0, I need the cell to remain blank. But if M23>0 then the 2nd and 3rd formulas need to apply.

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Combining Multiple IF Statements

Nov 11, 2009

I have attached a sample spreadsheet for your review. I think I need to combine multiple IF statements into one single statement. See column I:

There is currently a formula in Column I that looks at Column H and computes a ROUND formula based on this information. Unfortunately, this formula only works if Column J says "MB". If Column J says "Minutes" then I need Column I to compute with this formula: =IF(H2<30,0.5,ROUNDUP(H2/60,1))

How can I combine this with the current formula to get what I am looking for? Here is the current formula (for MB): =IF(H2<0.125,0.125,ROUND(H2,4))

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Excel 2007 :: Combining Countifs Statements

Mar 25, 2014

I know about using countifs and or but utilizing sum(countif(..... [all because of this site] - but I have a statement that is quite long and is confusing me when trying to reduce it... if not then I can just use this and it'll be fine... but I would really like to reduce it if possible... here it is:


Basically I have a Data sheet that has 19,000+ records that have data from A to AJ... I am tasked with trying to find how many open work orders there are in our company on each given day that were submitted 30 days prior to a specific date. A = Region, AA = Date Submitted, AF = Date Completed and AJ = Days open.

The table looks like this:

1-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb .........
Midwest 39 39 39 42
Northeast 119 119 120 126
Southeast 46 47 50 54
Southwest 53 53 53 57
West 53 53 53 60
Total 310 311 315 339

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Multiple IF Statements (skip The Next Two Statements Or The Result Will Be Changed Again)

Nov 22, 2008

I have three IF statements as below. the problem is if the first statement is true I want it to skip the next two statements or the result will be changed again.

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If Statements; List Any Date That Has Three Or More True Statements With The Coresponding Name

May 26, 2008

Sheet one will contain the following:


On sheet two I need to list any date that has three or more true statements with the coresponding name.

2/26/2008 Bill

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Nested IF Statements: Combine The Two Statements

Oct 14, 2009

How can I combine the two below statements like these to make one "Or Statement"? Sorry...I haven't done excel and/or's in forever?

=IF(('Proj Info'!L10="main")*AND('Proj Info'!L9="CT"),"BMSVC",'Proj Info'!L9)


=IF(('Proj Info'!L10="serv")*AND('Proj Info'!L9="CT"),"BMSVC",'Proj Info'!L9)

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If Statements That Have 11 IF Statements

Aug 9, 2007

My formula is not working correctly; not sure what to do. I use this same formula with numbers and it seem to work, but only have 8 IF statements as well. This example below doesn't even work with only 8 IF statements.
What I am saying below is = If E3 = a swat team (i.e. EO-Deal Processing-Prescreen) then please enter "Chumbley" and so on. For anything else put an na or n/a for blanks or swat teams that I haven't lised in the criteria.

=IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Prescreen",Chumbley,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-DocGen",Chumbley,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Events",Chumbley,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Triage",Junk,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Processing",Queck,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Calcs",Doyle,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Closing",Terry,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-D11B",Blazier,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Isolated UI",James,na)))))))))

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What Do These Statements Do

Aug 22, 2008

a = Range("d1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,2).Value

Range("G1").Resize(n,2).Value = b

what do the above two lines of code do?

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Three IF Statements

Oct 1, 2009

I have the following:


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If And Else Statements

Dec 23, 2009

if-and-else statement in vb.

I made a combo box where the user selects a part in a combo box and I want the part selected to be stored in a certain cell. The first selection would be stored in C15 and if thats not empty then in D15 and if thats not empty then in E15 and if thats not empty then in F15.

Dim m As Integer
m = cboPart.ListIndex

If m = 0 Then
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Range("C15")) = True Then
ActiveCell.Range("C15") = cboPart.Value & vbLf & "Name: " + txtName
ActiveCell.Range("D15") = cboPart.Value & vbLf & "Name: " + txtName
End If
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Range("D15")) = False Then
ActiveCell.Range("E15") = cboPart.Value & vbLf & "Name: " + txtName
ActiveCell.Range("F15") = cboPart.Value & vbLf & "Name: " + txtName
End If

End If

When I run this if-and-else statement it stops storing the selected data after the following:

If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Range("C15")) = True Then
ActiveCell.Range("C15") = cboPart.Value & vbLf & "Name: " + txtName
ActiveCell.Range("D15") = cboPart.Value & vbLf & "Name: " + txtName
End If

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Nesting For Each Statements

Nov 19, 2013

I got a 2 columns (A:B) with values in workbook1 (survey2.xlsm)

I want to open a sheet named according to values from column A wb1 in workbook2 (du_database2)

And I want to fill in the offset values (column B) in the aproppriate sheet

I wrote this sub for it. I am having troubles with the for each statements (how do I set them up properly?). The script itself hasn't been checked might also been wrong there.

Sub copytest()
'by J
Dim ws As Worksheet
Workbooks.Open "survey2.xlsm"

[Code] .....

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VLOOKUP Within IF Statements

May 12, 2014

I'm using vlookups within IF statements to look in a number of various speadsheets depending on what the lookup value is.

So for example,


This works well enough however I need some look up values to look in multiple spreadsheets as the data is split out between several spreadsheets. So for example, if B1=Hello I want to vlookup to 2 different spreadsheets.

I know I could do two instances of a vlookup within the formula, both for "hello" but looking to different spreadsheets. But doesn't this mean that if the first vlookup finds the value, the second one will overright it with an "#N/A" if it doesn't find it?

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2 IF Statements In 1 Formula?

Dec 6, 2013

I have 2 conditions that I need to apply.

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Four IF Statements To Combine

Jan 29, 2014

I need to write IF statement with 4 criteria, or at least I think IF will do the trick. It would be difficult and not very visual to describe my question here, therefore I have attached a dummy workbook with the comments. Basically I have got 2 values in 2 columns. Next 2 columns will hold letter "x". There are 4 possible variations how "x" will appear in those two columns: first, second, both or none. So depending where the "x" is, I need to return one of the 2 values.

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HLookup V If Statements

Feb 7, 2014

I have various 6 x 6 blocks which contain just numbers, in another part of the spread sheet I have a 1 x 6 block of numbers. What I need to do is to check whether any of the numbers in the 1 x 6 block appear in any of the 6 x 6 blocks.If that does occur then I want to make a specific cell increase by the times that the match happens.using HLookup but just got errors and the If Statement, although did work, went on and on and on.

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If Statements With Dates

Nov 17, 2008

I have a list of dates and I need to calculate how many of the dates are before or between certain dates. I can't quite get my parameters correct.

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Multiple IF Statements

Nov 23, 2008

I'm having trouble joining the followinf IF Statements. They work independently, however, I cannot get them to work in the same Cell.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

=IF(A9="YES", SUM(A15+A21),"0")

=IF(B9="YES", SUM(B15+B21), "0")

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Vlookup Or IF Statements

Dec 8, 2008

I am new to this thread and hope you can find the time to help me. I am using excel to look up data manually entered in Widgets, Gidgets, Lidgets fields to find an exact match in an array and return the value in "field 1" with no luck. My lookup formula should return "9" from the Field 1 column.

Data Entry:

lidgets5 ........

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How To Exceed 8 Max If Statements

Mar 4, 2009

I need to write an IF statement that exceeds the 8 statement maximum. Basically, what I want to say is: IF(U2>K2,1,IF(U2+V2>K2,2.........all the way up to U2...AM2>K2,19)

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Long IF(AND Statements)...

Apr 8, 2009

I've attached the workbook to make this easier. If you look at the file master.xls you will see 2 tabs. On the Tool tab I've highlighted some blue cells and some rose cells. If you look at the blue cell G68 there is a long formula that reads up to 3 cells from the Specs tab and then plugs in the correct data from the blue cells on the right side of the Tools tab page. I need the rose cell F69 to do the same thing only with the data from the rose cells to the right. When I try and duplicate the fromula from G68 into F69 I get errors. I hope I made this clear enough. The formula in G68 is long, is there a way to shorten it? Also sometimes in this workbook when I try to type a formula in a cell I get the text I typed instead of the formula. For example I might enter in A1, =B2. Instead of getting the data from B2, it reads =B2. I've looked at how the cell is formatted but can't get it to work.

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Multiple If Statements....

Aug 31, 2009

Trying the following multiple if formula, however it only works for my first if statement and not the rest.

=(IF(G21="onl",WORKDAY(E21,L27,K26:K43),(IF(G21="telb",WORKDAY(G21,L27,K26:K43),(IF(G21="mrt",WORKDA Y(G21,L27,K26:K43),(IF(G21="tlr",WORKDAY(G21,L26,K26:K43),(IF(G21="atm",WORKDAY(G21,L26,K26:K43),(IF (G21="chq",WORKDAY(G21,L26,K26:K43),(IF(G21="crcdwu",WORKDAY(G21,L28,K26:K43)))))))))))))))

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Nested 'IF' Statements

Oct 30, 2009

I'm hoping someone can help me sort this out. I have a formula I need te determine if a TAT was 'met' or 'missed' and it has multiple criteria. Here is the formula I am trying to get to work:


I've been able to get separate pieces of the formula to work correctly, example:

but when I try to combine everything into one string I can not get it to work.

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Case Statements

Jul 3, 2008

I know the concept of Case statements sounds simple, but trying to write it in my scenario seems a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I have three columns with an unspecified number of rows (which are generated from another macro). Lets say those colums are C, D, E, and they should be strings because my criteria are based on the number of digits contained in each cell. I want to add a certain number of periods to a given cell, then add that string onto two other cell strings, and form one combined string in a separate cell.

Basically I want to sort of Concatenate the cells into a given cell in column F for each row, but there are many conditions. If the cells in column C contain 3 digits, I want to add one period "." onto the original string. If it has 4 digits, then I add nothing, and then, add that cell to the string in cell D, and then Cell E. [It is like the function Concatenate(C1&".",D1&"..",E1)]. Cells in Column D have 6 criteria, and cells in Column E have zero criteria.

And I need this to loop down until it reaches an empty row or cells.

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Many If, Or Statements In One Formula

Dec 4, 2008

I have a spreadsheet which I need to write a formula which looks at a field and if the number in the field starts with either 55, 50 or 78 it populates my selected field. This is an example of what I am trying to do :

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Conditional Statements Using IFs Together

Aug 14, 2009

Trying to use several ifs together. Not sure, where my end if's need to be. I keep get Next w/o For error.

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2 If Statements In Macro?

Sep 28, 2009

I've done a few searches and found the 2 macros I need. They are:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 4 And Target.Count = 1 Then
If InStr(1, Target.Value, "REL", vbTextCompare) Then
If IsEmpty(Target.Offset(0, -1)) Then
Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = Date
Target.Offset(0, 1).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
With Target
If .Count > 1 Then Exit Sub...........................

I know very little about VBA. The first program I use to enter a static date to the cell (Column C) to the left when I type "REL" into a cell (Column D) and the second will be used to enter a static date into the cell next to the one above (Column B) when I type anything into a cell (Column E).

They both work individually but I am now trying to compile them together and get the compile error (Because they have the same worksheet_change name). I do not know how to rename or make them in the same.

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Can I Use =if With Vlookup Statements

Jan 27, 2006

I would like to use an if statement to fill in data in one column - I have 1
lookup table with 6 columns and a spreadsheet with multiple columns -
basically I want to ask if a cell=13 go to my look up table"res type"
A$2:$B$220 if not go to the same lookup table but go to E$2:$F$220
this is what I wrote but it is not working: ...

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Can SUMPRODUCT Do OR Statements

Aug 13, 2008

let's say my basic SUMPRODUCT formula starts off like this:


Can I get it so that the SUMPRODUCT gives me results for criteria in which D35-D3082 is, say, OP and OT and OZ?

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Add Two If Statements Together But One Contains Text?

Dec 29, 2011

I have two sets of data and am applying an IF statement to each one. What I would like is if the answer is positive, to have the value displayed. If the answer is negative to have a string of text displayed.

They way I have it currently set up is IF statement #1 performs the logical test. If the result is a positive number, it performs a calculation. If the answer is negative it returns a string of text.

IF statement number #2 performs a logical test and if the result is positive it performs a calculation. If the result is negative it returns a 0.

Now, this setup allows me to add the two IF statements together if the results of the logical tests are both positive or if the #1 is positive and #2 is negative. However, I get a #VALUE error is the results are both negative as statement #1 is returning a string of text.

How can I set this up so I can get the string of text as the result if the results of both logical tests are negative?

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