I've built a workbook using Excel 2000 that uses several combo boxes. When I try to protect the workbook the combo boxes become locked, even when I have done FORMAT CONTROL / PROTECTION and unticked the LOCKED box. Is this normal?. I also have data validation cells and they work fine if I unlock them and Protect the workbook. As a result, I am thinking of converting the combo boxes to data validation cells, but should I even need to do this
One of my work colleagues need to add a worksheet to an existing Excel Spreadsheet which has VBA behind it, but the worksheet is password protected. The developer who wrote the application has now left, so we have no idea what the password is. Is there anyway of getting round it, like cracking into the spreadsheet to find out the password, or another way?
I'm attempting to make a simple userform that inputs data onto an existing worksheet. I have the userform but would like to use a combo box to choose a "category" item of data, however I dont know what the categories are! I would like the combo box to, somehow, look at the spreadsheet and read off the already entered categories and offer those as choices.
A picture is worth a thousand words: http://www.copestake.org/images/excel.png
Is there a simple way to fill the combo box (using the form initialize I assume) with the existing categories?
[Edited to link to image instead of displaying on board~admin]
I need a macro to search for certain info on different sheets combine them and place it on a Report sheet. This is extensive and complicated so it would be easier if I emailed the .xls file
If you think you can help, let me email you the file.
I have this workbook to keep track of current and new work for the team - each individual inputs information on their own tab.
In turn, the current information is displayed on a summary page so we can all see who's doing what.
I want to protect that summary page and its formulas from accidental amendment.
However, while the summary page (when unprotected) updates as soon as someone enters new information on their own tab, the summary page won't update when I have it protected.
Is there any way of doing this - preferably without VBA as it's a work situation and the employer doesn't like VBA code running?
I have a protected worksheet where I allow all users of the worksheet to filter yet when I filter, Excel gives a run time error 1004 - you cannot use this command in a protected worksheet. Could someone let me know what am I doing wrong?
I have the following macro and when it "reprotects" my worksheet I need it to also turn on these Protect Sheet properties:
Format cells Format columns Format rows Insert hyperlinks and I need it to leave on the defaults of Select locked cells and select unlocked cells
Sub Spell_Check() ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="pmo" Cells.CheckSpelling "SRdictionary.dic", SpellLang:=1033 ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="pmo", DrawingObjects:=True, _ Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True End Sub
I need a list in my form, simple "Name/Number" list (only two options) but i don't want it to refer to any cell in the worksheet. I want to input a text in a textbox and with the selection in the list above i want to have multiple choices at how to approach the text (if i input a name i want it to be different than if i input a number). All the info i came up on the web refers to lists made upon a range of cells. How can i make a list without involving ranges of cells?
I have a combo box in a worksheet with a macro written for it that works fine but when I open the worksheet it doesn't run automatically, I have to find the macro and tell it to run.
How can I get it to run as soon as the worksheet is opened
Run "PinchInternHeatExchanger" Select Case ComboBox1.Text Case "Mit Rekuperator" ActiveSheet.Range("I62") = Worksheets("uorc").Range("L99") Case "Ohne Rekuperator" ActiveSheet.Range("I62") = Worksheets("uorc").Range("E11") End Select Run "PinchPoint" End Sub
I am trying to figure out how to delete a row on a worksheet via a VBA User Form. I currently have a User Form with a Combo Box that is populated by cells in a named range ("PickCategory...") on a worksheet... I am populating thsi box using this
Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ComboBox1.List = Worksheets("data").Range("PickCategory...").Value End Sub
First off, I want to include a lable that will display the contents of the cell to the right of the currently selected entry of the combobox on a label (or textbox). So, whatever entry you select in the combo box, the corredponding value (to the right of it on the worksheet) will appear in the text/label box. Is there something similar to the VLOOKUP that will work in VBA?
Also, what I want to be able to do is to allow the user to select one of the entries from the combo box (which is already working) and then be able to delete the row of that entry on the worksheet. So, the user selects an entry from the combo box and then clicks a "Delete" command button to delete the row of that entry on the worksheet...
I want to create combo box 'on the fly' but i want them to be aligned vertically and horizontally to the cells of the worksheet i.e. i want it to fit into the cells exactly. I would also like it to enlarge its length depending on the size of the values (Text) it holds.
I have a data list which needs to be updated by others on a shared drive. I want to protect the worksheet as there is other info on it (advancefilter from the main list). The problem is that the >>Data>>Form tool will open, but all the boxes necessary to update the list are greyed out (New, Delete etc.)
My other option is to create a macro to advance filter out the other data to another worksheet.
I have created a table where the first 6 columns are data entry and the next 6 columns are formulas to give desired results.
I have made all the data entry cells unlocked and the rest of the spreadsheet locked (cells with formulas etc.)
I would like to be able to insert rows to the protect sheet which I have managed to achieve but when I insert the row the formulas do not update in the row.
I was able to create a macro that allows a user to unhide rows in a protected worksheet without unprotecting the other locked fields (see below). My question is: I want to add to this command so that 1 row can not be "unhidden" if the previous row is still hidden. For example, row 25 can not be unhidden if row 24 is still hidden.
Macro command used:
Private Sub Commandbutton4_Click() Sub Hide_Rows2h() ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="xxx" Rows("25").Hidden = Not Rows("25").Hidden ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="xxx"
I have A TABLE (Named Table1) and some columns filled by formula. (Like E,F,G,H columns) When I protect the worksheet E,F,G,H columns are locked, but A,B,C,D columns are UNLOCKED. When is sheet PROTECTED , If I add a row bottom of Table1, does NOT automatically fill the E,F,G,H columns and Table1 range does not expanding. But, if UNPROTECTED, it's OK. when add a row bottom of Table1, automatically fill all columns with formula and table range is expanding aotomatically with new row.
When sheet is PROTECTED , How can I allow, to add a row and aouto fill all columns like unprotected.
And I want to protect sheet in any case, after allowing to add row.
I have (several) worksheets that have protection enabled. I have unlocked all the cells that users need access to and locked all the column and row headers/labels. When I enabled protection on the sheets, the ability to add comments was taken away. Is there a way to add comments to an UNLOCKED cell in a PROTECTED worksheet?
I was hoping to force end users to use a user form to input data into a work sheet. The problem is that the form wont input the data when the sheet is protected.
Code: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("kellyz") If Intersect(Target, Columns("o:o")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub For Each C In Intersect(Target, Columns("O:O"))
[Code] ......
As soon as i type anything in the columns, my sheet is unprotected. I need the sheet protected so that the users can not change my formulas.
I have a protected worksheet that from time to time I need to insert a new row and copy a specific range of cells that are with formulae (protected) to the newly inserted row. For a better idea of what I want to achieve, a snapshot of the worksheet is attached.
******** language="JavaScript" ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - ACR-INFRA.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutI23K23M23F24H24I24J24K24L24M24N24F25H25I25J25K25L25M25N25H26I26J26K26L26M26N26D28E28F28G28H28I28J28K28L28M28N28D29I29= ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO22CR NoCodeStatusEstimateContr's PriceDeltaAgreed ValueCommitment Impact Impact ImpactFunded from23 2,730,382.00 320,000.00 180,000.00 241380AIA180,000.00 180,000.00 2,910,382.00 (180,000.00)140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 252482AII 0.00 2,910,382.00 0.00 140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 26 0.00 2,910,382.00 0.00 140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 27 28 180,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180,000.00 2,910,382.00 (180,000.00)140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 29 A0.00 2,910,382.00 1036 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I would like to insert the new row at row27 downwards each time the macro runs.
I have incorporated print/print-preview command buttons/VBA into a workbook with protected sheets. To enable these command buttons to function when the relevant sheet is protected, I have had to add VBA code to unprotect the sheet before generating the print preview, and then to protect it again afterwards. However, the code I have used (see below) prompts the user to enter the protection password, is there any code I can use where I can write the password into the code itself to unprotect the worksheet without the using having to enter the password?
I am being asked to create a workbook where 80% of it is protected. And user input is restricted to specific columns and rows.
However the user wants column R unprotected so that Comment boxes can be used, but when I protect the workbooksheet the Insert option is not available when you right click.
I curently using the group and outline to subtotal certain data. I do not want to data to be modified. As a result I protect the particular sheet. Problem is once I protect the worksheet, I can't expand the data hidden (using the group & outline). Is there anyway that i can expand the data & in the same time protect the data. A sample in enclose(without worksheet protected)
I have a worksheet which is used to display analysis data to the user. The sheet will be further protected with only some cells available to the user. I've used the attached code to retrieve some data from the sheet, clear a bunch of cells to reset the sheet and reset a graph (the graph itself is plotted as a log-log with the 1 to 100 on the Y-axis, hence the resetting of data to 0.5 to push it below the axis and make it invisible ready for later data dumping).
The code worked fine until I protected the worksheet. I have set the charts to unlocked using the format option in the chart area prior to locking. When I run the code though, it stops on the line indicated with the error "Application-defined or object-defined error". I've double checked and Chart 7 is the correct chart, and it is unlocked according to its format properties.
'get date of survey and equipment number for retrieving the data from the archive dateSurvey = Worksheets("Calculation Page").Range("B2").Value equipNum = Worksheets("Calculation Page").Range("F2").Value 'stop screen updating Application.ScreenUpdating = False
EDIT: Oops, I've just noticed that even if I unprotect the sheet, I get an error on the .select within the seriescollection stating "Method 'Select' of Object 'Series' Failed", and the code worked perfectly before. I'm completely lost now...
I got a worksheet here. I'd like to lock all the cell height and width using protected sheets function. I realized from time to time I have the need to hide them. How do I enable hiding sheets while maintaining cell integrity?
I'am trying to make a button that will let me send a email via outlook. trick is work book is password protected but need to send some of the data contained to perssonel that dont have the password so sending teh complete work book doesnt work just need something simple. I have learned all ( little) i know from reading and searching here.
no links to other sites as my firewall here at work will possibly reject it