Sort Macro On Protected Worksheet
Jun 8, 2008
I'm not fond with macros, but this is what i need help with.
I need two macros one to sort ascending (Ctrl+A), and one to sort descending (Ctrl+D).
This is what the macro to do. Unprotect, sort selected column, protect.
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Sep 11, 2006
I have a column containing 365 entries, one for each day of the year. This I intend to send out to Army bands, to have them fill in their forecast of engagements. I do not want them to be able to amend the original diary, but to scroll to the bottom of the list, add a new entry with the applicable date and then be able to 'sort' back to chronological order. This would then allow a separate entry for every engagement to allow me to interrogate the spreadsheet. As I have protected the sheet, the 'sort' facility does not function even though when protecting I ticked the box to allow users to 'sort'.
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Apr 11, 2005
I need to protect my worksheet and only allow users to edit certain ranges. I am allowing the use of autofilter which I can select when I apply protection. However, I am now aware I cannot sort protected cells..which is essential. I basically need to be able to sort a column titled 'surname'. The worksheet is a record of pupils attainment in my class.
Now, I have a macro which seems to do the job: ....
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Mar 25, 2014
I want to run a macro in a worksheet which is proteced.
It's a simple macro which erases the content in (some) cells, nothing more. Even those celles are formatted as unlocked the macro fails.
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Aug 16, 2007
I have the following macro and when it "reprotects" my worksheet I need it to also turn on these Protect Sheet properties:
Format cells
Format columns
Format rows
Insert hyperlinks
and I need it to leave on the defaults of Select locked cells and select unlocked cells
Sub Spell_Check()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="pmo"
Cells.CheckSpelling "SRdictionary.dic", SpellLang:=1033
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="pmo", DrawingObjects:=True, _
Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
End Sub
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May 18, 2009
I have incorporated print/print-preview command buttons/VBA into a workbook with protected sheets. To enable these command buttons to function when the relevant sheet is protected, I have had to add VBA code to unprotect the sheet before generating the print preview, and then to protect it again afterwards. However, the code I have used (see below) prompts the user to enter the protection password, is there any code I can use where I can write the password into the code itself to unprotect the worksheet without the using having to enter the password?
'Unprotect Sheet
'Print preview & cell formatting code
'Protect Sheet
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingColumns:=True
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Feb 20, 2007
I have a protected worksheet, which I have 2 macros, 1 to spell check and 1 to insert rows, they both unprotect the sheet and re protect it again once they have completed. The problem I am having is that when I protect the work sheet first time round I tick the box to allow users to insert rows, once the Macros run they disable this functionality. Is there anyway I can include this in my Macros or do I need to add a new button!
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Mar 25, 2009
I basically need a macro to sort the sheet by V, U, T starting from row 3 and ending before the last vechicle. This is the problem though, the last vehicle ends everytime right before Car # in column A. So in other words in this example i would need it sorted by v u t, starting from 3 down to row 12. It ends at 12 because the next line includes car and a number.
Another sheet might have a longer list of vehicles and might end at row 100 before the next line has car number .
It always starts at 3, but the ending is dynamic where it should stop its selection before "car number ".
I would also like it to work on the current sheet im on, because i have up to 100 sheets like this and would not want it name dependant. Just want to click on a tab, and run a macro and have it sort from 3 down to the line before car in column A.............
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Nov 4, 2009
I need a macro to clear data on 2 worksheets that i can add to a button. lets say sheet1 B55:Y55 and sheet2 b102:y102
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Dec 30, 2013
I have a sheet protected and filters enabled. I use this code to enable sort and filters:
[Code] ........
Nevetherless, when I try to sort, I receive this message in excel: "The cell or chart you re trying to change is on a protected sheet.
To make changes, click Unprotect Sheet in the Review tab (you might need a password)."
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Apr 15, 2014
What settings should I use in order to allow a user to sort data in a table when some of the cells are locked?
When I protected the sheet I ticked the option to allow user to sort data but it doesn't work...
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Aug 29, 2006
Is it possible to keep the sort icon available on a worksheet which is protected? I have issued a spreadsheet to colleagues which contains formulas so I have protected it, but I have now been informed that they need to be able to sort the data according to a ref number.
I thought of using code (which I'm not very good at) and used some from another excel document, but couldn't get it to work...the code was ....
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Nov 9, 2008
Is there any way to allow autofiltering and sorting even with locked cells within the range to be sorted? I've conditionally locked some cells based on user input, and at the end of my vb code I have allowsorting and allowfiltering. But I want to sort cells that are locked even after that. Does anyone know if that's even possible with VB?
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Dec 20, 2012
When I either manually check the box for allowing sorting and autofiltering, or I do it through vba with:
With Sheets("Inventory")
.Protect Password:="###", AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUserInterface:=True
.EnableAutoFilter = True
End With
I still am unable to use the icons. The icons are clickable to filter or sort, but every time they say that the cells I am selecting are protected. I want them to be protected from editing the data, but want to allow them to be sorted or filtered.
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Sep 16, 2007
Is there a way I can sort multiple hidden protected worksheets with a password “Protect”
I have 12 worksheets “Jan”, “Feb”. Etc
“The Range on each worksheet is the same ("A11:CR200") ....
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May 19, 2009
The first sheet is the row data given to me, the second one is where I want my data to be analysed automatically by macros.
I managed to create a pivot table manually to give me the info I want but then I still have to copy all the results from the pivot table sheet to my analysis sheet.
How can I create a macro able to do all that by it self? I tried to record a macro using the recorder but then when I try to play it it gives me an error straight at the beginning in the definition of the pivot table I think.
An example of what I want the pivot table to do is:
in the first sheet, go in the small table in column K and L, take the value of L1, then in the row data in column A to J, in column C look for the value in L1, once found, look for the value 1 in column J then do the average on the values in column E and put the result in my second sheet in cell F5
then do the same but look for 2 in column J and put it in F8, then 3 in F11, ... until 7 found (the data is in ss.000 and so the results in the second sheet should be formated the same way)
then do the same all over again for value in L2
etc etc etc
this should be done for the 6 values in column L, each having values up to 7 in the J column.
Then I need to do the same for other columns and not only averages but minimums as well but I can adapt the code I think.
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Feb 4, 2012
If I protect a sheet but tick the boxes to allow sorting and autofilter I still get an erro when I try to use the sort buttons on the autofilter.
It allows me to use the filters but as soon as I sort I get told to unprotect the cells im trying to sort.
Is there a way around this where I can keep formulas from being touched but allow sorting of data through autofilter?
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Aug 23, 2006
One of my work colleagues need to add a worksheet to an existing Excel Spreadsheet which has VBA behind it, but the worksheet is password protected. The developer who wrote the application has now left, so we have no idea what the password is. Is there anyway of getting round it, like cracking into the spreadsheet to find out the password, or another way?
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Jan 5, 2013
I have this workbook to keep track of current and new work for the team - each individual inputs information on their own tab.
In turn, the current information is displayed on a summary page so we can all see who's doing what.
I want to protect that summary page and its formulas from accidental amendment.
However, while the summary page (when unprotected) updates as soon as someone enters new information on their own tab, the summary page won't update when I have it protected.
Is there any way of doing this - preferably without VBA as it's a work situation and the employer doesn't like VBA code running?
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May 20, 2012
I have the following code which works fine when Sheet1 is unprotected (The code is placed in Sheet3)
however if I protect sheet1 then the code does not work
I have tried it with
it still will not work on Sheet1
here is the code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo Handler
With Sheet1.Range("B6:B10045")
[Code] ....
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Dec 12, 2007
I have a protected worksheet where I allow all users of the worksheet to filter yet when I filter, Excel gives a run time error 1004 - you cannot use this command in a protected worksheet. Could someone let me know what am I doing wrong?
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Nov 16, 2006
I've built a workbook using Excel 2000 that uses several combo boxes. When I try to protect the workbook the combo boxes become locked, even when I have done FORMAT CONTROL / PROTECTION and unticked the LOCKED box. Is this normal?. I also have data validation cells and they work fine if I unlock them and Protect the workbook. As a result, I am thinking of converting the combo boxes to data validation cells, but should I even need to do this
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Dec 15, 2008
I have a data list which needs to be updated by others on a shared drive. I want to protect the worksheet as there is other info on it (advancefilter from the main list). The problem is that the >>Data>>Form tool will open, but all the boxes necessary to update the list are greyed out (New, Delete etc.)
My other option is to create a macro to advance filter out the other data to another worksheet.
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Sep 13, 2013
What if you forgot the password in a protected sheet? is there a way to unlock it?
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Oct 13, 2013
I have created a table where the first 6 columns are data entry and the next 6 columns are formulas to give desired results.
I have made all the data entry cells unlocked and the rest of the spreadsheet locked (cells with formulas etc.)
I would like to be able to insert rows to the protect sheet which I have managed to achieve but when I insert the row the formulas do not update in the row.
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Jul 21, 2014
I was able to create a macro that allows a user to unhide rows in a protected worksheet without unprotecting the other locked fields (see below). My question is: I want to add to this command so that 1 row can not be "unhidden" if the previous row is still hidden. For example, row 25 can not be unhidden if row 24 is still hidden.
Macro command used:
Private Sub Commandbutton4_Click()
Sub Hide_Rows2h()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="xxx"
Rows("25").Hidden = Not Rows("25").Hidden
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="xxx"
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Feb 10, 2014
I have A TABLE (Named Table1) and some columns filled by formula. (Like E,F,G,H columns) When I protect the worksheet E,F,G,H columns are locked, but A,B,C,D columns are UNLOCKED. When is sheet PROTECTED , If I add a row bottom of Table1, does NOT automatically fill the E,F,G,H columns and Table1 range does not expanding. But, if UNPROTECTED, it's OK. when add a row bottom of Table1, automatically fill all columns with formula and table range is expanding aotomatically with new row.
When sheet is PROTECTED , How can I allow, to add a row and aouto fill all columns like unprotected.
And I want to protect sheet in any case, after allowing to add row.
I need a macro code to do this.
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Jan 20, 2010
I have (several) worksheets that have protection enabled. I have unlocked all the cells that users need access to and locked all the column and row headers/labels.
When I enabled protection on the sheets, the ability to add comments was taken away.
Is there a way to add comments to an UNLOCKED cell in a PROTECTED worksheet?
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Mar 19, 2012
I was hoping to force end users to use a user form to input data into a work sheet. The problem is that the form wont input the data when the sheet is protected.
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Nov 1, 2013
I have the following VBA in my spreadsheet.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("kellyz")
If Intersect(Target, Columns("o:o")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For Each C In Intersect(Target, Columns("O:O"))
[Code] ......
As soon as i type anything in the columns, my sheet is unprotected. I need the sheet protected so that the users can not change my formulas.
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