Compare And Get Result

Sep 23, 2013

Here's what I would like to accomplish

The result is in cell B18

If K18 is greater than D18 by 50 to 99 B18 shows 3
If K18 is greater than D18 by 100 to 149 B18 shows 6
If K18 is greater than D18 by 150 to 199 B18 shows 9

And so on. I tried with IF but doesn't seem to work.

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Compare Two Columns And Result In The Third?

Apr 30, 2014

I need to compare two columns A and B with a result in column E. BUT I don't want the result to be added together. ( since it's receipt numbers ) SO my formula is incorrect I need a formula that will show the receipt numbers next to each other divided by a comma or forward slash...

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Excel To Compare Between Tables And Come Up With A Result?

Jan 23, 2014

How do i get my excel to compare between tables and come up with a result. For example i have 2 tables,

Table 1


Table 2

[Code] ....

How do i make them compare and then come up with a result like

[Code] ....

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Data Compare And Result In Another Column

Apr 25, 2012

I have DAta in Col A (Med ID ) and B has number of events assocaited with the unique ID. The Unique ID is also in Col C from another data source. I wnat to return the value from Col B in in Col C that mathces the MD ID if available. There are several more col in the sheet that have other dta that is not assocaited with this. HAving an Excel formula or VB code will do some analysis. Example

Exported Med ID Data Source 1Exported Med ID Data Source 1 Number of Times Not Availle able Med ID- Matched Result From Col B to Med Id in C

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Compare Data Of Two Columns And Want Result In One Column

Apr 3, 2014

I have one column which contains suppose first names & i have other two column which contains first name & last name in same sheet but like they may be having in g & h column.

so i want to exact last name of user form that column(g & h) to my first name column(a).

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Compare Multiple Conditions To Calculate Result

Jul 24, 2007

I am trying to compare two types of conditions, one that has 3 variables and the other that has 8 variables (each variable has a numeric range), which places the correct result in F6 and F7 of the atatched spreadsheet.

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Lookup Multiple Values And Then Compare To Get Specific Result?

Mar 29, 2014

I have below table and want to get new order quantity if the closing stock of a particular product is less than or equal to the ROL after viewing that a previous order of the same product has not been placed within the lead time of that particular product even the closing stock is less than ROL.

New Order


- 1st it match the product with the relevant one
- Then compare closing stock parameter
- Then finally look up the previous order and compare it with relevant lead time

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Function To Compare Multiple Cells And Provide A Result..

Jan 6, 2010

I need to look at 2 different cells and have a 3rd cell provide a number based on the first two cells.

Column A: either 1 or 2 (2 results in +5)
Column B: either yes or no (yes results in a +5)
Column C: function would result in either 0, 5, or 10.

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Macro To Compare Colors In Cell And Type Result

Feb 6, 2014

Like u see in attachment i have products in cells wich are painted in different colors. I need to compare two numbers of different product, and write result to column "Type D,C,B". If one of two products is without color/white or they are not the same color then result is always "D", if both products/cells have same color and different number then results is "C", if the color and number is the same then result is "B"

Below cell B2 I will write numbers by hand, when I finish and start macro it will compare first cell B2 and B3 and write result to C3, then compare B3 and B4 and write result to C4 and do that until there is any number in column B:B.

Attached File : excel help.xlsx‎

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Compare Values In Multiple Columns And Return A Result

Mar 17, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with three years worth of data for a property I manage. Each column has cost data for the year and the specific department/cost for that year as the row value.

I have a column between the years that calculates the percent of gross revenue for the specific department/cost.

I would like to find (or create) a formula that will compare the percentage (or specific cost) for the three years within the specific row and if the increase year over year over year exceeds a trigger value it returns something (check me out/true/false) whatever.

The cost items for the property are in the hundreds so I'm trying to come up with a way to quickly see what specific cost items are going up (or down) more rapidly then what would be considered normal.

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Excel Formula To Compare Text And Give Result

May 5, 2014

I have multiple sheets in excel file. Every sheet having same information for different areas. e.g. The bug was reported. One sheet might have answer in YES and other sheet might have No. I need to get answer YES if even one of sheet contains YES for the field.

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Compare Dates In Table & Adjust Adjacent Value Based On Result

May 6, 2008

I have built a macro that tests to see if a date in a range is before the Period Start Date, and if it is, then the labor rate in that same row (3 Columns Over) should be escalated by the appropriate AWI. My code below works, but I am wondering if there is a better way than using offset(0,3) to prevent a code breakdown if columns are inserted between the Date and Rate columns. The date range is names "DATES" and the rate column in names "RATES"

Sub CountTheCells()
Dim cell As Excel.Range
Dim i As Integer
For Each cell In Sheet2.Range("DATES")
If cell.Value < Sheet2.Range("POPS") Then
i = i + 1
End If
MsgBox ("You have " & i & " Rates that will be escalated b4 the POP Begins")
yesno = MsgBox("Would you like to Escalate the Dates and Rates?", vbYesNo)
If yesno = vbNo Then
MsgBox ("Not Done")

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Compare 2 Columns & Delete Rows Ouside Scope & Show Formula Result In Message Box

Jan 22, 2008

I have the following code to compare two columns and delete adjacent rows if 1 is greater than or equal the other...

Sub LastReceipt_GT_Confirmed()

Dim intLstRow As Integer

For intLstRow = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
With Range("E" & intLstRow)
If .Value > .Offset(0, 1).Value Then .EntireRow.Delete
End With
Next intLstRow
For intLstRow = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 .............

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VLOOKUP Formula Dragdown Copies Previous Cell Result Instead Of Unique Result

Jun 10, 2014

When I drag my VLOOKUP formula down a column in Excel 2010, the return value copies the formula result from the original VLOOKUP formula result. For example, if the first VLOOKUP returns a value of 0.5, I expect to see 0.5 or 1 in the cell below that one. However, I get 0.5 which is not the expected result for the cell below.

When, I click the fx on the cells below, the expected return values appear in the formula result. After I click OK, the expected formula results updates and now appears in the cell.

I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My computer was updated recently from an old machine to a new one. I have never experienced this issue before.

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Print Result Cards Automatically From Result Sheet

Apr 25, 2014

I have excel result sheet which contains students information. i.e. name, subjects and their corresponding marks, grade, percentage etc. So from that sheet I want to print result cards for each students separately from the data (result sheet).

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Result Based On Existance: If Coulmn Contains A Anywhere Then The Result Should Be A

Dec 4, 2009

I have 4 categories A, B, C & D. These are in desending importance, means A is most important and D is least important. Now there could be many A, B, C & Ds listed in a column. The challange is if coulmn contains A anywhere then the result should be A. If A is absent, then search for B, if present anywhere then display the result as B. It doesn't matter how many times A or any character is listed in column. I am attaching a sheet for better explanation.

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Copy Formula Result & Paste Value/Result Only

Sep 3, 2006

I created a simple auto numbering function whereby Cell A7 contained =Row()-6, and Cell A8 contained =(A7+1). I then shift, and pasted the contents of cell A8 until cell A600. My aim is to simply copy the increments of 1 - 600 into another column. However when i copy and paste i'm also copying the initial underlying formula ie: =( A?+1), Is there a way to copy the results, not the formula?

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How To Compare Multiple Values Including TIME And Compare Rate

Feb 21, 2014

Basically I have two sets of data. One will be new each week. I'd like to use the non-changing data as a base to compare new data to. The formula would need to match multiple values, including a 'time between', and then return whether a minimum rate has been met.


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Fill In The 3 Criteria Fields, Calculate The Result, Copy The Result, And Place It Into The Correct Place On The Table

Oct 19, 2006

I have a macro that imputs data from an external database and puts it into a temporary worksheet. This data has 3 columns (ID, Date, Amount). I am then making another sheet which has X number of tables (one for each ID), with the years being the column headings, and months being the row headings. ie.

| ID X
| +------+------+------+--->
| | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 |
| Jan | $100 | $250 | $300 |
| Feb | $200 | $300 | $200 |
| Mar | $300 | $250 | $100 |
| Sum | $600 | $800 | $600 |
| +------+------+------+--->

| ID Y
| +------+------+------+--->
| | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 |
| Jan | $100 | $250 | $300 |
| Feb | $200 | $300 | $200 |
| Mar | $300 | $250 | $100 |
| Sum | $600 | $800 | $600 |
| +------+------+------+--->

Currently I have a few hidden fields for the DSUM Criteria. I start making the tables. And then filling in table based off of the month and year. Doing so I need 3 criteria:
>= First Day of the Month
<= Last Day of the Month
= ID #

The problem is it takes Excel too long to fill in the 3 criteria fields, calculate the result, copy the result, and place it into the correct place on the table. Is there another way to get this data into the correct tables faster? Instead of using DSUM?

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Compare, Truncate, Compare Again, Write (VBA)

Mar 10, 2009

I have two ranges of numbers stored as text on two different sheets.
The first one is from product code and the second is from product category.
The problem is both ranges are of different lengths and I have to find out if a product from the right is part of a particular product category. Even if the length is different the first digits are indicative of the belonging of a code. For example 1234 and 12345 are “family”-their first 4 digits match.
Just to give you an example of what is desired:

Category____ Code
2200 ________22002
2323________ 232347

So, the loop should do the following:Compare the first string from the “Category” column to each and every entry on the right, if a match exists (we have no match here for 2200) write “ok” next to it.
Next trim one digit from the right from every string in the “Code” column.
Compare same first string from the “Category” column to each trimmed string from “Code” column (here we should have a match 2200=2200)
Write “ok” next to it
Now the loop goes to the second string from “Category” column and for this one we will have to trim 2 digits from the right of each string in “Code” column to achieve the result (2323=2323) and so on.

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Compare Date: Compare The Date From The User Input And The Date Listed

Jan 18, 2007

I need to compare the date from the user input and the date listed on excel. How can I compare it? Is it correct? lngCmp = Val( Cells(I, 31))

Dim lngBegin As Long, lngEnd As Long, lngCmp As Date, lngResults As Long
lngBegin = 9 'beggining of data
lngEnd = 232 'end of data
lngCmp = InputBox("Please enter the date", "Begining of the week")

Lngcmp1 = DateAdd("d", 1, lngCmp)
lngCmp2 = DateAdd("d", 2, lngCmp)
lngCmp3 = DateAdd("d", 3, lngCmp)
lngCmp4 = DateAdd("d", 4, lngCmp)
lngCmp5 = DateAdd("d", 5, lngCmp)

'lngCmp1 = lngCmp + 1
'lngCmp2 = lngCmp + 2
'lngCmp3 = lngCmp + 3
'lngCmp4 = lngCmp + 4
'lngCmp5 = lngCmp + 5
lngResults = 0
lngResults1 = 0
lngResults2 = 0..................................

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Display Only One Of Each Result?

May 2, 2014

I've got results in row 3 - 16 386 and sometimes these results are exactly the same in some rows. What I now would need is row AB to display only one of each result and row AH to display how many percentages of the time this particular result appears.

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Show % As % And Not Result?

May 26, 2014

I have a cell in which numbers are displayed. The next cell is a calculation to display percentage. Lets say Cell A1 = 12,45. Cell B = 12%. What I would like is for cell C1 to sometimes display the "12,45" and other times the "12%". I imagine I have to get excel to see the % sign as text, but I do not know how.

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How To Change Result If Zero

Jun 3, 2014

I have a formula that looks up a cell reference, if has a custom format to read "Days Left". If the result is zero or less i'd like it to show "Completed"

How do I do this??


This has custom format of
## "Days Left"

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Using The Lookup Result As A Value

Oct 13, 2008

I am having a problem writing a macro that sources one of its values from a cell that contains the following formula =LOOKUP(J9,{0,80,85,90,95}, {"0%","40%","60%","80%","100%"}).

The above formula correctly returns '80%' but when I use this cell as an input for another formula Excel reads it as '0%'. Can, and if so how does, one use the resulting value of the lookup function as a fixed value for another function?

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Color The Result

Dec 21, 2008

Is there a way I can color the result of a formula? The background or the text. If it is positive (exceeds the goal) It will be Dk green or the bkgd cell color will be Dk green. If the total hasn't made the goal the color would be red.
Am I able to add that function/formula to the existing formula ie=ABS(SUM(B82,B93,B104,B115,B126,B137)-6000))

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Result In The 1st Occurence In A Set

Mar 10, 2009

Is there a formula which will result in the 1st occurence in a set? I would like the formula to look for "Y" in columns A, B and C and let me know the month in which "Y" first appears. I've attached a spreadsheet to make sense of this.

For example, Header Row

(A1) July (B1) August (C1) September (D1) 1st Occurence

(A2) Y (B2) N (C2) N (D2) July
(A3) N (B3) N (C3) Y (D3) September
(A4) N (B4) Y (C4) N (D4) August

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If, Then Comparison With Result

Jun 12, 2009

Compare 2 columns of data and have a new 3th column tell me the result of the query based on some conditional information. So, here's an example.

Column A = Programmer Assigned (Yes/No)
Column B = Project State (concept, plan, develop, qualify, rollout, etc)

I'd like to compare the values in A to B and have the formula tell me if the programmer should be assigned in that phase or not. So, in english.

If A = No, then look to see if B = "develop" or "qualify", if it does, populate C with "Update required". If it doesn't, populate with "Correct".

I hope I explained it well enough for you all to help. I originally looked into using conditional formatting to just format the cell differently if I needed to perform an action.

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VLOOKUP-result #N/A

Jul 5, 2009

I have a problem:

Cell A1 has this formula: =MID(B11;8;3)
with this value: 428

Cell A2 has a lookup-formula =VLOOKUP(A1;Tabell;2)
Result is #N/A

If I overwright the formula in A1 (the MID-formula) with 428 I get the result I expect.

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Negative No.s As Result Is Getting

Jul 7, 2009

I've got a file with sum formulas and datas as well,i need to know when ever i'm getting a negative no as result, it should be zero or the cell should be empty.

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