Compare Values In Multiple Columns And Return A Result

Mar 17, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with three years worth of data for a property I manage. Each column has cost data for the year and the specific department/cost for that year as the row value.

I have a column between the years that calculates the percent of gross revenue for the specific department/cost.

I would like to find (or create) a formula that will compare the percentage (or specific cost) for the three years within the specific row and if the increase year over year over year exceeds a trigger value it returns something (check me out/true/false) whatever.

The cost items for the property are in the hundreds so I'm trying to come up with a way to quickly see what specific cost items are going up (or down) more rapidly then what would be considered normal.

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Lookup Multiple Values And Then Compare To Get Specific Result?

Mar 29, 2014

I have below table and want to get new order quantity if the closing stock of a particular product is less than or equal to the ROL after viewing that a previous order of the same product has not been placed within the lead time of that particular product even the closing stock is less than ROL.

New Order


- 1st it match the product with the relevant one
- Then compare closing stock parameter
- Then finally look up the previous order and compare it with relevant lead time

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Indexing Multiple Columns To Return A Result From A Separate Column

Oct 22, 2009

col A = contains the style#
col B = contains the color of the style
col C = contains the size of the style
col D = contains the qty of the style,color, size


I would like to do the following:

A1 = input the style #
B1 = input the color of that style
C1 = input the size of that style

then D1 should automatically contain the qty of the mentioned style, color, and size.

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Macro To Compare Values In User Specified Columns And Return To Different Workbook

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to create a macro that will compare several un-formatted workbooks and copy just what I want to a workbook of my one.

I start by having 2 different workbooks opened ("Main" and "Change") side by side like this: 1.jpg

Then i run the macro in my "Main" workbook and it should appear an Userform like it showed in the image below: 2.jpg

This is so that i can manually fill the user form with the correct columns by looking at the excel file, for example:
Ref=E3;City=G3; Data=I3.

Pressing Ok, it fill the "Main" workbook with the matching information so it and closes the "Change" workbook.

At the moment my code is in this stage:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
myfile = "C:Userssst1brgDesktopRelatorios" & TextBox1.Value
Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:=myfile
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=xlVertical

[Code] .....

But I am stuck because there isn't any error and nothing happens.

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Compare Two Columns And Result In The Third?

Apr 30, 2014

I need to compare two columns A and B with a result in column E. BUT I don't want the result to be added together. ( since it's receipt numbers ) SO my formula is incorrect I need a formula that will show the receipt numbers next to each other divided by a comma or forward slash...

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Compare Data Of Two Columns And Want Result In One Column

Apr 3, 2014

I have one column which contains suppose first names & i have other two column which contains first name & last name in same sheet but like they may be having in g & h column.

so i want to exact last name of user form that column(g & h) to my first name column(a).

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Return Multiple Values From Columns To Rows Between 2 Dates

Feb 8, 2013

I got a good start on what I need to do from this thread here: [URL] ......

A user will use a userform to enter in results from a room inspection into one sheet and then on another sheet selects the maid and it pull up the matching room inspections. I wish to then limit it to a date range which can be found in two cells.

Currently cells D2:H2 contain the array

[Code] ......

and cells D3:H3 contain

[Code] .........

I would like to further limit those searches by restricting the date range, Cells D4 and E4 contain the first of the month and last of the month respectively.

I would like to avoid the easy answer, start a new workbook each month, but I won't be the person entering the data or using the separate sheet to conduct performance reviews so it needs to be one workbook that lasts from month to month.

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Return Values Using Lookup Value From One Sheet Across Multiple Columns

Dec 11, 2012

I'm trying to find a way to:

Use a referenced lookup value from sheet "A", to return values, from several columns in sheet "B"

Things to note:

a) The lookup values sometimes repeat. I need all the associated values with each repetition as well.

b) The lookup values in sheet "A" are a comprehensive list, sheet "B" also contains some of these values but not all. Essentially, what I need to do is find a way to lookup each value in an account numbers column in sheet "A", against a different account numbers column in sheet "B".

If that value occurs in sheet "B" I want it to return the values from Columns X, Y, Z, (I want these values returned in sheet "A".

If that value does not occur in sheet B, the corresponding cells should remain blank.

If the lookup value occurs multiple times, I need all the corresponding values from each of X, Y, Z columns.

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Return Multiple Values Across Columns And Rows Based On Criteria

Jun 20, 2008

I have a table with column headings of product ID Numbers (eg.1111) and row headings of Store number (Eg.1) with data showing the time each product was last sold at that store, I need something to consolidate for each store which Product ID's were sold prior to 5pm and what time they were sold.


Store 1 1111 16:40
2222 13:00
Store 2 1111 15:05
3333 16:50

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Compare Multiple Conditions To Calculate Result

Jul 24, 2007

I am trying to compare two types of conditions, one that has 3 variables and the other that has 8 variables (each variable has a numeric range), which places the correct result in F6 and F7 of the atatched spreadsheet.

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Function To Compare Multiple Cells And Provide A Result..

Jan 6, 2010

I need to look at 2 different cells and have a 3rd cell provide a number based on the first two cells.

Column A: either 1 or 2 (2 results in +5)
Column B: either yes or no (yes results in a +5)
Column C: function would result in either 0, 5, or 10.

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Compare 2 Columns & Delete Rows Ouside Scope & Show Formula Result In Message Box

Jan 22, 2008

I have the following code to compare two columns and delete adjacent rows if 1 is greater than or equal the other...

Sub LastReceipt_GT_Confirmed()

Dim intLstRow As Integer

For intLstRow = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
With Range("E" & intLstRow)
If .Value > .Offset(0, 1).Value Then .EntireRow.Delete
End With
Next intLstRow
For intLstRow = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 .............

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How To Compare Multiple Values Including TIME And Compare Rate

Feb 21, 2014

Basically I have two sets of data. One will be new each week. I'd like to use the non-changing data as a base to compare new data to. The formula would need to match multiple values, including a 'time between', and then return whether a minimum rate has been met.


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Compare Two Columns And Return Value

Aug 4, 2006

I have two columns with the same data type (text) and I want to compare one column to another and if they match, return the data from another column.

For example: I have 2 columns of names on separate Excel files. One file contains name and phone numbers, while the other doesn't. I want to compare the names from file one with file two and if the names match, return the corresponding phone number in a new column.

I've tried VLOOKUP and IF statements, but I can't get it to come out.

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Compare 2 Columns & Return In Third

Jun 1, 2007

I have a sheet with 2 big columns (3000 each). I want to search each element from the first column in the second column and put a message "Yes" if it is and "No" if it isn't, at the same position in the third column. How can i do that? I want to use the sheet for more than 3000 lines (about 5000). I attached an example.

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Search In Mulitple Columns And Return Corresponding Column/Row Result

Apr 30, 2008

Basically, I need to look for an item, lets use "apple" as an example, in a range of cells, A1:D100. Then the corresponding result would be in another column in the same row.

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Compare 2 Columns And Return 3rd If Match?

Jul 4, 2013

I have 2 columns of usernames A and B, A has approx 700 usernames and B has about 80. In column C I have a list of names 1 for each username in column A. I want to compare the B with A and if there is a match return the value in C and place it in D.

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Compare Two Columns And Return Difference

Sep 25, 2013

I have two columns of values and I want to compare them and return differing values. So I named the ranges "A" and "B" so if your in B but not in A I want that value in C.

I started with a vlookup but that doesn't seem appropriate to the way I was using it.


Is there a function better for this.

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Compare 2 Columns And Return Matches

Aug 12, 2008

I have two columns, one with the target text (D:D) and one with text I want to compare it too (A:A). If the text in column (D:D) matches the one in (A:A), I want to return the value in (B:B). I attached a sample of the problem i'm dealing with.

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Return Values Based On Lookup Result

Feb 4, 2008

I am currently looking at the workings of a spreadsheet designed by someone else.

First of all i need to know,how these combo boxes are created in the attached sheet,because it cant be addition to tht in the coloured cell (F17)i'm trying to dereive a formula which is,if (C17 = doll "1"),but its not working.Please someone give me a solution.

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Lookup With Multiple Result Return

Aug 17, 2007

I have an excel worksheet that consists of 4 tabs. Each tabs has approximately 60,000 lines of data. The data consists of user id's and menus that correspond to the user id. There are 131 user id's in total. I would like to be able to return all the menus for one of the user id's. If we need to start with one tab and work from there, that's fine.

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Compare Two Columns And Return Match From Third Column?

Mar 5, 2014

I must match column A and column B to return the column C In colA there are all my countries In column B there are all my countries code and countries I want get the colC where all my colB match than colA.

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Compare Columns In Worksheet And Return Row Value For Matching ID

Jul 17, 2013

I have used the merge facility to incoporate all the worksheets into one excel files. As they all have same heading, I have sorted the data, first by their account expiry time (oldest to newest) and then by manager (A-Z)

For example, system report generated on 15/03/2013, 28/03/2013, 03/04/2013, 15/05/2013, 28/05/2013 and so on and these are sheet names too. What I want is one worksheet called report with the same heading as my merged worksheets and return values where Column C in 28/03/2013 is compared to 15/03/2013 and if the employee ID matches than return the whole row of data for the report.

the next query would then be for finding employee ID in 03/04/2013 and comparing it with 28/03/2013 worksheet and returning the matched ID in report worksheet.

This is the layout of the report worksheet.

Display NameEmployee IDAccount StatusE-mailDepartmentManagerComment
15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013
28/03/2013 to 03/04/2013
03/04/2013 to 15/05/2013
15/05/2013 to 28/05/2013

so for the above report worksheet, if employee id matches the two compared worksheet (15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013) return all value (Display name, employee id, account status, email, department, manager, comment) from the 28/03/2013 and so on.

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Counting Formula (compare Values In 2 Separate Columns To See How Many Times The Same Value Appears In Both Columns)

Oct 13, 2008

I'm trying to compare values in 2 separate columns to see how many times the same value appears in both columns. Ideally I would be able to insert a range function to compare the values in the column "ID 1" against the values in column "ID 2" and return the count of times that a value appears in both columns. For example 2122, 1112 and 1718 appear in both columns and I would like the formula to return a count of 3.

ID 1ID 2

In my actual project I'm comparing 2 columns in the same worksheet. The column are column B with data in cells B2:B10266 against column C with data in cells C2:C18560.

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Formula: Return Result Based On Other Cell Values

Sep 27, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that give me the percentage difference of two cell say a1 and a2 (=a2/a1)[format as % two decimal places]. The result is on say b5 as a %[format as % two decimal places]. Now on B6 I want to do this:

if B5 is >3.01% then b6 =" Market Test Required"
if B5 is +3% then b6 =110
if B5 is +2% then b6 =106
if B5 is +1% then b6 =103
if B5 is 0% then b6 =100
if B5 is -1% then b6 =96
if B5 is -2% then b6 =93
if B5 is -3% then b6 =90
if B5 is >-3.01% then b6 ="Market Test Required"

So on and so on.... I would really appreciate your help on this issue.

I have used excel for some time now but not with complex formulas or any vb.

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Copy Values To Another Worksheet For Calculation & Return Result

Jun 13, 2008

I have wind speeds and elevation data for 200 points. Each variable needs to go into a calculations spreadsheet on another worksheet. Once each variable gets put in the calculations automatically spit out the result. Now I need to use macro to automate this process so that it will repeat the steps I took for every line of data.

In English code terms, I want the Macro to say, take wind speed number and input in wind speed cell in calculations spreadsheet. Then take elevation number and input in calculations spreadsheet. Then take result number from calculations spreadsheet and input in cell. Then loop to go down the 200 lines of data. Is this possoble? Sorry for the non-technical wording.

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Index Function With Multiple Ifs Won't Return More Than First Result

Aug 11, 2014

I am attempting to get an INDEX function with multiple "IF" statements to return more than one result. Building multiple IF statements. That portion of the below formula works. However, I can only get the INDEX formula to return the first, single result.

=IFERROR(INDEX(Func_Area,SMALL(IF(Const_Start<=DATE(YEAR($B$2),MONTH($B$2),DAY($B$2)), IF(Cost_End>=DATE(YEAR($C$2),MONTH($C$2),DAY($C$2)),ROW(Func_Area)-MIN(ROW(Func_Area))+1,"")),ROWS($A$4:A4)))," ")

Func_Area,Const_Start,Cost_End are all Named Ranges on Sheet "Proposed". My intention is to return a list of projects on Sheet Test1 for all projects starting construction after a certain date and completing construction before a certain date. I suspect something in my ROWS fuction or ROW-MIN+1 is wrong.

This formula returns the first result in the first row, but every subsequent row is blank...see attached spreadsheet.

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Lookup Multiple Conditions To Return One Result

Sep 28, 2009

I am preparing an "automated" order form. I have a list of products (ten) in a pull down list, a list of options (3) in a pull down list and a list of the pricing.

So, If PRODUCT_A with OPTION_A, then PRICE = $X.
If PRODUCT_A with OPTION_B, then PRICE = $Y.
If PRODUCT_B with OPTION_C, then PRICE = $Z.


I want the user to select the product, then the option, and have the correct price "pre-fill" the cell.

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Return Result Based On Multiple Criteria

Sep 19, 2009

I have been trying this for hours but to no avail.

I have a table with 4 columns headers
Name, Amount, Loc and Code

The name may look like ABC 1, ABC 2....
The Loc may be in US, GB...
and the Code may be AA, BB

I need to return a result "Y" if the sum of the amount is > 100
and "N" if the sum of the amount < 100 based on the conditions
of the following :if

1) Name is the same entity, such as ABC 1 and ABC 2 and
2) Loc is the same, US..and
3) Code is the same

I have attached a sample to illustrates the result

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Compare Columns On Different Sheets, Return Matches To Third Sheet

Mar 21, 2007

I've got two worksheets ("June" & "July"). On both worksheets, column A is comprised of ID numbers and column B contains dollar amounts. I need to compare the ID numbers in Column A on each worksheet, and if they match I want to copy the ID number and the amount to a third worksheet ("Results").

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