Compare Two Sheets And Update Prices Based On Item Code?
Jul 16, 2014
I have a price list from my supplier with the new prices.
I then have my Accounting software where I need to update the cost and retail prices. The problem I have is the Accounting software has allocated it`s own Unique ID for each item. So in order for me to bulk import this I need to keep this unique ID with the Actual Product ID together otherwise it will duplicate the product.
Here is a example
Sheet to be updated (Cost and Retail only) from PRICE LIST SHEET
Uneque ID
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Feb 7, 2007
Each monday i get a new price list from our supplier. My job is to compare this list with ours and update if neccesary. The reason, why I'm writing here is simple -I need to automate the process. Since their and our pricelist is somewhat different, it's only possible to use selection comparison. So, I need something that can do this:
1. First I open those two files and make a selection on both of them (like all the apples on the supplier list and all the apples on our list)
2. Push a button that executes a code
3. The code compares a value in the first column
4. If it finds a match, compares the data in second column
5. If data is same, color the cell (or the text) lets say yellow
6. If data is different, update field in our pricelist and color the cell (lets say red), so I can find and recheck it later
7. If the supplier has a _new_ product, the code will insert it somewhere in our list. Doesn't matter where, it may as well be a new sheet
8. Compare the next cells in selected area
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May 26, 2013
I would like to be able to choose a Size from a drop down list.
After choosing the size, the Parts and Price records (rows of data) will populate below a few cells.
I will manually insert the Quantity amount of items I need,
This will calculate the total from the cells (price & Qty).
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Feb 9, 2006
I have to update our ticker(US and Can stock) prices manually in our portfolio system.
I use as our source . I can import the file in Excel. So what I would like to do is update the prices in Excel from the Not just today's prices but prices from previous day or two as well. Once I go to the website, I click historical quotes, then type in the stock symbol, and the date ,then write down the price.
Would Excel web query be the best way to approach this? If so, how would I import the the price for that particualr ticker for that date from the website into my excel?
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Apr 18, 2006
I have a script that pulls my stock prices every minute and update an excel page I've created...basically an excel stock portfolio...the problem I'm running into is when a stock is unchanged...instead of being $0.00 it returns "unch" you can imagine this throws my calculations into chaos...I have the following formula but it doesn't seem to be working =IF(J18<0,R18*J18,(IF(J18>0,R18*J18,0)))
Basically J18 is the returned change in stock price...R18 is the number of shares can I get it to view "unch" as $0.00?
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Jan 29, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with ~35k rows of data. This isn't too easy to explain I have the following data (example).
User Name Employee ID Data Level Jan 08 Feb 08 March 08 etc.
Jo Bloggs 12345 A1 1 1 0
Jo Bloggs 12345 A2 1 1 0
Mark Jones 89101 A1 1 1
Mark Jones 89101 A2 0 1
For each user with data level A1 I wish to add an X if the same user has a corresponding data level of A2 so the result should be,
User Name Employee ID Data Level Jan 08 Feb 08 March 08 etc.
Jo Bloggs 12345 A1 X X 0
Jo Bloggs 12345 A2 1 1 0
Mark Jones 89101 A1 1 X
Mark Jones 89101 A2 0 1
I would really love a formula or macro to be in existance that would save me from trawling through all this data and going blind.
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Aug 29, 2008
I have already got an anwer for this long back from this site. The code was writted by Mr. Krishnakumar
the thread is here :[url]
i need some changes to be made in this code. The existing code creates and updates the details in the sheets automatically from the master data. I just need the sum of Column I in all the sheets after the last row of Column I.
selecting all the sheets and typing the formula in I column is not possible because, the last row in Column I is different in all the sheets.
In sheet 1, the last row of Column I is Row 15, in sheet 2 Row150 is the last row.
I guess something could be done in macros.
follwing is the existing
Sub TestIt()
Dim sWS As Worksheet
Dim Sellers As Range, Seller As Range
Dim lRow As Long, fRow As Integer
Dim CopyRng As Range, ws As Worksheet
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Mar 28, 2014
I have a column C with different text in cells (item's title). Column D - relevant description for each of the items. 100+ rows.
Now, unfortunately, often a spreadsheet with items is updated with many new items. So I get a new spreadsheet with old and new items mixed. I need, somehow, to import descriptions of the old items (Column D of the old spreadsheet) to the new spreadsheet from old spreadsheet. So I want excel to look for old items in column A of the new spreadsheet and, once found, insert a description in the column B from old spreadsheet.
See attachment : Example for forum.xlsx
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May 28, 2014
I have a workbook with 2 sheets. Both the sheet contains Column "Name,Avg,Max". Compare both the sheets and paste the Avg values in Sheet3(Avg) and Sheet4(Max). I have attached the sample file below.
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Feb 11, 2009
I need a code to look for the same numerical value on Sheet1. The same value will be found only once in 5 different columns: R,AA,AJ,AS,BB. if all at least 2 columns or all 5 columns have same value, (example for value of 1, found in column R) the value for the cell offset,4 to the left of the column will display on Sheet2 where the corresponding (example for value of 1) will be found
in column A.
Therefore, offset cells' value for R will display in Column C for the Row value 1 in Column A....
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Aug 29, 2006
I want to be able to calculate a price based on a given quantity. But here is the trick.
Example: Widget comes in cases of 12 at $1.00 per case. If the customer orders 36 widgets, then the cost is 36 x $1.00.
If item A is ordered in quantities less than "12" than there is a 15% upcharge.
Example: Widget comes in cases of 12 at $1.00 per case. If the customer orders 4 widgets then the price is 4 x $1.15
But, if the customer orders 35. Then the first 24 are calculated at 24 x $1.00 and the remaining 11 are calculated at 11 x $1.15.
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Dec 18, 2012
I am using Vlookup to compare our item number with the suppliers item number but the result is removing the decimal point on some but not all items.I have included a small sample but it concerns almost 10.000 items.
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Dec 5, 2007
with outputting a table with calculations based on the quantity that the user enters, and depending on that quantity, will calculate the price based on if he/she will receive the discount.
I think I should use an IF statement and calculate depending on if they receive the discount or not, but I don't know how to do that for one type of product code and not have to go manually put it in one by one.
I've attached a speadsheet to show how I should output the data. The prices will be listed in column E, with the prices depending on the quantity that the user will input with an input box and then if he/she qualifies for a discount.
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Mar 20, 2014
I've got 2 columns.
Column A, Item Description
Column B, Item Cost
In Column B, it will display the item cost as either a numerical value, (example $1.00) or it will say "disco" for discontinued.
I want to update the item description in Column A by adding the work "disco" if Column B display's "disco". If column B display's any numerical value (0-999999999) then I would it to do nothing.
what IF formula I need to accomplish this?
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Feb 3, 2014
I have a userform that search for a value in column A, it displays the results in the listbox. Example: Search for value "111" and it brings me back the following results back in the listbox "111 David 35". So this means 3 columns matching data is returned.
I want the following to happen if I double click on the item in the listbox it needs to update the value selected in the worksheet eg. strikethrough the row on the sheet to show item has been selected/done.
Code for my listbox populate:
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Jul 2, 2007
Suppose I have a department List, and I made a list from that column (Department List), and I enter more staff and selected a department for them during registering, now one of the Department List Item change, How is it possible to change all the entry which has that department?
For more info see the attachment.
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Aug 1, 2014
How can I update column B for each item selected in a Listbox populated as below:
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then ListBox2.AddItem ListBox1.List(i)
Next i
For each item selected in Listbox1, I want Column B to show "CONFIRMED"
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Jan 23, 2009
I have a big spreadsheet that has 30 columns. The data is downloaded from an SQL database from time to time. The row identifying data ( the record number/key ) is in the left most cell. I often have to move over 10 to 20 columns to view some other data in the same row. I can do this by selecting the preset Excel row number which higlights the whole row and then use the lower slider bar to go to the correct column to view the data.
However if I wish to select an item of data ( or update a particular cell ) then I loose the highlighting for that row and I can "loose" which row I am on. ( maybe I'm stupid but it does happen ) Can I use Conditional formatting to highlight a row whenever I alight on any data in that row and it sttays highlighted until I select another value on another row?
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Mar 15, 2008
I am trying to make a summary from a table showing the newest value available for a set of items(1,2,3,4), this is according to an investigation date the summary table shoul display only the values for the investigation date, but if there are no values for the investigation date, them should take the previous recent date from the investigation date, and if there is not value at all, then shown N/A
I am attaching the excel sheet for a better ilustration of the problem
I tryed a combination of formulas that I tooked from other threads but is not working properly.
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Jun 18, 2008
I am using a vlookup and have a problem. I am assigning a category to an item number based on the first two characters of the item number. For example item number 60123 would equal scrap because of the first two characters of 60. But the item number can begin with either a number or letter. Here is the formula I am using that works for item numbers that begin with numbers:
It works fine until I reach a item number that begins with a letter, then I get the dreaded #Value error. If I take the value out of the formula then it works for the letter based number items but not for the number based item numbers.
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Jun 3, 2008
I receive hundreds of excels which I combine into one sheet for input into a program (which I don't know much about). The combined sheet contains 2 columns repeated with different information. For instance Column A is Category, Column B is Dollar Amount, Column C is Category,
Column D is Dollar Amount and so on.
I then start with Column A and compare it to Column C to make sure the categories match. If C is a new category (not listed in Column A) I shift columns A and B down one and add the new category to Column A. This updates my master list in column A but also maintain the format and correct dollar amount that was listed in Column B. Then I move to Column E and compare it to A using the same logic.
I repeat this process throughout hundreds of columns. I then delete all the category columns and am left with Column A as a master category list and all the dollar amounts in the correct location for all excels that have been sent in. I'm hoping someone here knows a faster way for me to do
this using VB or VBA for Excel or a Macro. I've tried a few things I've found on these forums to no avail, and I'm not an expert when it comes to this. This currently takes me days to complete, and I know it should not take this long. Please save my sanity!
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Dec 15, 2007
I have two workbooks, one is reference (W1), other is the one that needs update(W2). I need macro that compares reference column in W1 with targeting column in W2, then for match cells update two or more cells in same with new data from reference cells in W1, and for end to report what data in W1 in reference column wasnt find in W2. I tend to use macro in reference book W1, and to update book W2 without opening, so I need this macro to work just with file manager from excel . No need for user modul for targeting columns, they are static in both woorkbooks. In practise in W1 is invoice prices with part numbers, at other one is the same, but with prices for distribution (with formulas), I want ti automaticly refresh part numbers with new prices, an to have report what part numbers are not in price list (W2)
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Jun 7, 2008
We have a tariff table with the following data per row: Area code - Destination name - Price - and some other stuff that is not important. Once or twice a month we receive updates on Price for some destinations and maybe even some new rows with area codes and destination names that we do not have in our table. Can someone help me with a macro that will look into two sheets and do 2 operations:
1) taking as reference the Sheet2 - Column C (Price Tag) will update column C in Sheet1, using the Area Code (Column A) of both sheets as identifier to find to what row will apply the change;
2) if there is a new Area Code - Destination - etc. row that is not present in sheet1, will add it to sheet1
It does not matter to me if will update directly sheet1 or it will write the entire sheet1 content with the updates to Sheet3.
I am attaching a small example of of the sheets.
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Jun 17, 2008
I would like a macro that can match column A & column B data of Worksheet(WeeklyJob) to column A & column B of Worksheet(Master) then if match is found copy column C through column F into Worksheet(Master) column C through F (and overwrite any [outdated] existing data there may be in those columns [thus updating the job's weekly charges, etc.]).
If match is not found I would like it to copy entire row from Worksheet(WeeklyJobs) into first blank row at end of Worksheet(Master) (thus giving me a new record of a new job from the weekly report).
All the columns in both worksheets are labeled the same (& row 1 is headings).
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Nov 23, 2009
I have two idential spreadsheets with several rows of items each with different packaging quantities, price break quantities and corrisponding prices next to each break quantity. I'm trying to build a discounting sheet on an idential page by using formulas that read off the price sell in the same relative position on sheet 2. Below is one row of sheet1 and the idential row of sheet2 - underneath the cells are the rules I would like incorporate:
Sheet 1
1Pack QtyQty 1Prc 1Qty 2Prc 2Qty 3Prc 3
Sheet 2
1Pack QtyQty 1Prc 1Qty 2Prc 2Qty 3Prc 3
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Oct 12, 2012
I have a list of items that are made up of numerous components.
Sales are not set against components, just the item itself. Yet the stock is set against the components and not the item they make up.
Some components appear in more than one item.
What I need is to add the average sales of all components that have the same item number, and then divide the Stock by this total average.
I don't know how to attach a worksheet as I can't install any of the screen shot programs at work.
Picture :
note that this is not the entire list - there are som components that appear in over 100 items.
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Jan 2, 2012
know a macro code to add 3 columns after each different Item.on my spread sheet.
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Aug 18, 2006
I think this should be simple to answer. I have a userform that has multiple listboxes on it. When the user makes a selection in Listbox1 it highlights the item selected then when the user makes a selection in Listbox2 it highlights that next item and the selection in listbox1 remains highlighted. What I want is to deselect the selection in Listbox1 when Listbox2 is selected. I have tried things like below:
Sub Listbox2_Click ()
End Sub
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Sep 5, 2012
I have enclosed a picture of my problem : Diagnostic Notes Generator Example.jpg
The treeview on the left-side panel will populate with different options based on what is chosen from the "category" combo box.
Based on the category chosen, different "troubleshooting steps" will be presented in the Treeview List.
As each selected tree node is mouse clicked...the text values needs to be copied into the adjacent text-box.
My question, what is the code to copy a Treeview item over to a text box?
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Apr 25, 2014
I am trying to find an item within an array and then VBA could execute code.
Here is an example:
LookupItems =("text", "value", "book") or should I acutally be using Split("text,value,book",",")
For Each sht in ThisWorkbook
If = array(LookupItems) Then.....execute code
[Code] ....
So basically in this example I want to loop through all the sheet names in the workbook and if any of the names in the arrary are found it will execute the code for those particular sheet names.
I know alternatives are the select case or write an if statement for each value I am looking up or even use an OR for each value to lookup; but I just wanted to see if this method was even possible as it would be less coding.
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