Comparing Customer Names In Rows And Returning Text Data In Different Cells If Same
Jan 26, 2010
I've got a list of donor names, names listed multipled times in Column A, each row with different donation data. For instance:
Sheet 1
A1 - Mary Jones, B1- Internet Donation
A2 - Mary Jones, B2 - Silent Auction Purchase
A3 - Mary Jones, B3 - Event Ticket Purchase
A4 - Gary Jones, B4 - Foundation Grant
A5 - Gary Jones, B5 - Internet Donation
A6 - Sara Parker, B6 - Event Ticket Purchase
I want Excel to compare rows A1 and A2, and if the name has not changed, enter the donation data from Column B into another sheet that will just list that person's name once:
Sheet 2
A1 - Mary Jones, B1- Donation1, C1 -Donation2, D1 - Donation3
A2 - Gary Jones, B2 - Donation1, C2 - Donation2, D1 - Donation3 (which would return no value because there the name changes
Does this involve IF, MATCH or VLOOKUP formulas?
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Aug 1, 2014
I have a list of Spid numbers and a service category identifying if it is a Water Spid or a Waste spid.
The Spid is split into 2 parts. The Core is the identifier and the Category states if it is a Water or a Waste spid.
If the 1st digit in the Category is a 1 = Water.
If the 1st digit in the Category is a 2 = Waste.
There may only be a water spid or a property may have a water and waste spid.
What I want to do is have the information on 1 row rather than 2 rows
I have data in this format
Service Category
and I need to convert it into this format.
Core spid
I have tried IF(lookup) and it works for the 1st row but I can't get it to look at the 2nd row.My data consists of 400,000 plus rows
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Feb 24, 2014
I would like compare data using a certain column to key off of and compare whether data has changed.
I have 5,000 rows and 26 columns. Cell C1 is CALLED PMNUM, cell I1 is called CHANGEDATE
I want to find all of the same PMNUMs (C2-C5000), look at the last change date (I2) (sorted in descending order), compare it to the previous change date (I2) and if anything has been changed in columns D2 through G2 and J2 through Z2 compared to the last time the data was reported, list the changes in in AA2.
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Sep 18, 2013
If I am working from cell (D16), I am looking for a formula to compare the value in 2 different cells (D8 and D12) to a value in a third cell (D14) and the one with the closest value without going over returns a seperate value from either (D7 or D11), But if both D8 and D12 are above the value of (D14) then the closest value would be the answer and return the answer from (D7 or D11).
Example: D7=Bob and D8=25
D11=John and D12= 40
D14= 45
D16 (answer cell) =John
D7=Bob and D8=46
D11=John and D12=48
D16 (answer cell) =Bob
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Aug 5, 2009
I have data exported as .txt from an external program in the following format:
Sample Name Marker Allele1 Allele 2 ....Allele n
AAA D8S1358 10 11 XX
AAA D16S539 16 19 XX
and so on.
Each "Sample Name" will have 16 different "Marker"s and upto 10 different "Allele" at each "Marker". There could be upwords of 200 Sample Names on each exported sheet. Is there a simple way to compare all of the data from each "Sample Name" to each other and possibly to another sample set that will always be static but of the sample general makup as this?
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Apr 22, 2014
I have an attendance sheet that employees scan their badge number, and returns their name and time/date stamp using a simple VLOOKUP.
I want to create a report that compares the names in the attendance sheet against the all the names in the master sheet, and only returns the names that have not attended the training.
I have tried a few test formulas using COUNTIF function, but with no luck.
I have attached an example. Use the worksheet labeled April 2014 A (2nd shift)
New Six Point Safety with Attendance Sheet Barcode Scanning.xlsx
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Apr 8, 2014
I have two Columns C and E that have dollar amounts in them. I want to compare each row in those columns and then total the number in column C that are higher that column E.
So basically C6>E6, C7<E7, C8=E8,C9>E9 should return the result of 2. There are two instances where the price in C is higher than the price in E.
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Oct 2, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with data of customer orders. I am looking for a way to pull the customers who have placed an order between January and August, but did NOT place an order in September (in order to reach out to those customers who have stopped ordering).
I can't post attachments for some reason, so this is a description of how the sheet looks.
A - Delivery Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
B - Month (MM) --> formula created to pull month from column A. For example 2/12/2013 returns "2"
C - First Name
D - Last Name
I need to find a way to create a list of customers, without duplicates, who placed an order previous to Sept, but not in Sept. So, pull unique names from column C and D that have an entry in column B of 1-8, but NOT 9.
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Feb 16, 2014
I've had a search on here, but can't quite find what i'm looking for. I have a cover sheet with a drop down list which has customers in it. under it I have the customers address, phone etc. What I am trying to do is when I click on a particular customer, I want the address and phone numbers to all fill in automatically. I have tried a few things, but to no avail.
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Mar 13, 2007
the system works by whoever has the most points wins.. i already have my formulas and everything done..
i want the excel program to move the entire row, if possible, by whoever has the most points to the top..
(i.e If ryan d. has the most points he will be is vince v.'s spot)
can this be done automatically in excel or do i have to do it by hand?
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Jan 26, 2005
I have a spreadsheet that has long text sentences in each cell. I have a 2nd spreadsheet which is a slightly updated version of the first spreadsheet. The slight updates consisted of editing the odd word here or there out of the first spreadsheet.
Unfortunately, I didn't keep track of the changes I made, and I need to know what they are.
It's easy to tell if a change has been made, simply by comparing the cells. But I can't find an easy way to find out exactly what change was made. Comparing the cells a line at a time is very time consuming.
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Aug 13, 2009
I need to compare some cells, but sometimes one or two cells can be empty (but sometimes none of them)
e.g. A1 = January
B1 =
C1 = January
D1 = January
E1 =
and I need to compare this cells A1:E1 and if text in not empty cells is the same then write TRUE to F1 and if not write FALSE.
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May 31, 2007
I want to return the proper value from sheet 2 into column C in sheet one. I have the current formula set up as an array but I only get the value that matches the first row in Sheet 2.
HTML Column A Column B Column C
Date Number Who
3/23/2007 902-555-2596=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-123-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-123-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-555-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-678-0352=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 902-555-7958=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-555-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-555-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 902-555-7958=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 902-555-7958=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheet 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Column A Column B
902-555-7958Big Bird
902-555-5100Daffy Duck
902-555-5752Donald Duck
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Feb 10, 2009
I'm quite new to array formulas in excel and was wondering whether or not I can advance on this formula:
The problem is I would like to compare the entire colums (or array) and return the number of 'TRUE' statements in the array as a value.
however, this returns all values as 'FALSE'
example of arrgument:
IF C5:C65535=customer then count how many cells in K5:K65536=completed
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Jan 22, 2010
I need a function to compare two ranges and return a match. For example
Range A: {A56, B43, C98, D44}
Range B: {A33, G89, D44, K123, OB55}
the function would return D44. Is it possible at all with functions or do I need a macro?
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Apr 20, 2009
I have a spreadsheet containing donation data for a non-profit organization with over 25,000 rows. The spreadsheet contains a lot of data, and is sorted by donor name, donation date (when the donation was made) and the feedback date (feedback on how the donation was used).
I'm looking to analyze how many transactions were made by a donor within 10 days of receiving feedback for a previous donation. The condition to check for is
(donor name is the same) AND (donation date >= feedback data for a previous donation) AND (donation date <= feedback data for a previous donation + 10 days).
How do I best perform this comparison? For instance, a donor may have made 20 donations, so I need to compare these donations amongst themselves and flag the ones where the donation date within 10 days of the feedback date for any other donation. I need to perform this exercise for each individual donor.
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May 30, 2014
Excel user that has been manually computing a 6000 row spreadsheet. Here is sample data and what I need. Column A goes through the alphabet (A,B, C, etc.) and Column B is numbers from 1-65. I need Column C to count the number of rows for each alphabet/number pair. K, 28 has 3 rows; K, 33 has 1 row; L, 21 has 4 rows; etc.
Column A
Column B
Column C
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Jun 12, 2009
Assume there's an even number of rows containing textual data.
I would like to compare the lengths of text1 to text2, and return the row containing the greater of the two/delete the row containing the shorter of the
two. In either case, the contents below would then have to be shifted up by one. Then repeat for the next 2 rows all the way down to the last row using VBA.
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Nov 11, 2009
(Core starting issue solved but other threads were created to continue with trouble spots.)
I'm terrified to use VBA just yet, so right now I'm determined to highlight values in my spreadsheet just using conditional formatting.
I have 5 plus 1 columns of data. For example,
A B C D E....F
3 2 4 5 7....2
4 6 1 3 4....1
4 7 4 5 8....4
2 1 5 3 9....1
I successfully applied a MIN formula to compare between columns on each
row and display in F the MIN value. Notice each cell going down F has the
minimum value in analyzing across each row.
Now, I *also* want to apply a formula on the whole F column to compare these resultant MIN values
and give me the MINIMUM value between those as well, so now I'm comparing across
rows. Got it? Now then.....I want the ENTIRE row that has this MIN value in F to be highlighted, because that will be the best choice for the application of what I'm doing. Did you understand this paragraph. It might have been confusing, but I think I said everything correctly, so read it carefully.
I've tried all sorts of "Formula is", "Cell value is", dollar sign this, dollar sign that, no dollar sign this, <, >, =, highlighted ALL the block of data, highlighting JUST the column across the rows of which will be compared, only highlighted one cell, but nothing has worked.
Is my problem that you can't have 2 formulas in one cell? So then I thought I should ADD another condition, but nothing works.
Let me throw in one more element that I did not state. If anywhere down the F column there is a 0, I don't want that to be my minimum. I want it to evaluate and give me the minimum value greater than 0.
Please read everything I wrote carefully. It might be confusing, but I hope someone has an answer, because it sure has frustrated me.
Now, I'm thinking that VBA programming may give me answers, but I am so terrified of macros, I don't know how to begin that. I have this impression based on the many sites I've looked at on the internet that many people do macros and it's quite easy, but it's funny to me that I am so scared. There's something about me freaking out that I won't have a period or a quote in the right place and I'll stress my day away over it.
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Apr 14, 2013
I have an excel file with some data in it. I have two columns with one of four words in it. For simplicity I'll call them RED, GREEN, BLUE, and Yellow. A few columns over I have columns "Same" "Good" and "Bad". I'm trying to figure out a way to get excel to put a 1 in the appropriate column, if cell A1 is Red I need excel to look at the word in cell B2 and put a 1 in the "same" column if A1 and B1 are the same word. If the word in B2 is Yellow I need excel to put a 1 in the "Good" column. If the word in B1 is GREEN or BLUE I need it to put a 1 in the bad column. The tricky part is each of the four words RED, GREEN, BLUE, and Yellow have a different set of words that will be called "good" or "bad". So if the word in cell A1 if Green for example it will have a different set of good and bad color words.
So it seems I need four different functions depending on what word is in A1. In the column next to these lists of words I have the date which I'll need to use to give me the sums of same, good, and bad for each day. But first things first. I think I need to use a combination of IF functions and MATCH function, but I can't figure out anything that works. Below is what I'm hoping it will look like when I've got the right formulas.
First column
Second column
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Mar 21, 2014
I have two lists, one has 250 items, the other 4500, both contain a String
I need to compare any word within a cell in the short list, against any word within a cell in the long list.
The returned value needs to display both the short list item, as well as the long list item for manual comparison by an analyst.
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Aug 15, 2012
I have attached a work book example of what i am trying to do.
Column D is what i originally did in terms of the formula and now i have to have a column display text dependant on what is in column A to C.
I was trying this formula =IF(b2>a2,"Start Target Missed",IF(c2="","Failed","Tracking")) However if this isnt working.
Is there anything i can do to change this?
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Jul 9, 2014
one of my suppliers can only provide me with a basic .xls product list as shown in the attached test sheet.xlsx.
Is it possible to create and run a macro from test sheet.xlsm that will extract data from test sheet.xlsx, specifically from below the heading on row 64 down to and above the heading on row 123 and paste into the (new) worksheet in test sheet.xlsm
This sheet is updated daily and all the heading rows are constantly fluctuating as products are sold and added.
I can do this manually easy enough but if there's any way that this can be automated
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Jan 21, 2010
My boss has given me a spreadsheet to put together for him, unfortunately i am not really an expert on Excel and i am at a loss as to how to do this.
This is what he wants:-
Column A : Policy Surname
Column B: Policy Forname
Column C: D.OB
Column F : Policy Surname
Column G; Policy Forename
Column H: D.OB
He wants to be able to cross check all the names in A with the names in F, and if any matches then also compare Column B with Column G. Again, if any matches then finally check Column C with Column H and pull the results
I would be extremely grateful if someone had an idea on this and could possibly give me a formula that could do this, or am i asking too much from Excel?
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Jan 14, 2013
I am constantly given the task of comparing to list of names that come from different sources. One source(SourceA) provides the names in a two Cols as first name and last name. Luckily Source A usually just has first and last name list but sometimes they have a third name or middle initial included and it could be in the first Col or the second no real pattern. The second source(SourceB) provides their list as a single Col and it has every given name for the person including suffixes and prefixes. A couple of examples of Source B names would be-"John Henry David" or "Dr. Billy Bob Adams Barone Beard IV".
I have spent countless hours and days probably weeks on some list as there are anywhere between 20-50,000 names per list I am sent. I am hoping there is a better solution to compare these names. As of right now the only thing I can do right now is manually trim the data from SourceB down to a format like "John David" and "Billy Beard" and then combining the Cols from Source A into the same format and then comparing them.
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Feb 5, 2014
I'm trying to compare two columns of names that are different lengths. I need a formula that will return the differences. I've tried everything my nonanyltical mind can think of
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Apr 24, 2014
IN column J(on sheet 1) i want it to return text (OB) if Sheet 1 column A1 equals Sheet2 Columns A1:A500. And if Sheet 1 column A1 do not equal Sheet2 Columns A1:A500 return text(IB).
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Sep 10, 2009
is it possible to compare two sets of data (can be numerica or alpha) and produce a different outcome comments.
Attached workbook might explain better.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have two different lists of names. One is about 3000 names long and the other has about 3500 names. I want to identify the 500 people that are not in the first list that are in the second. If there anyway to do this? I was going to put them in A-Z order and then go through and using an IF(A=B,"yes","no") and go through and insert new cell when ever it says no till it says yes BUT the functions start messing up when I insert a new row and it's taking way too long.
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Jan 23, 2014
I have a list of over 2000 names and need to establish which names from column A appear in Column B, as well as which do not appear in column B.
I attach an example : NameCheck.xlsx
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