Finding Unique Names When Comparing Two Lists

Jan 25, 2010

I have two different lists of names. One is about 3000 names long and the other has about 3500 names. I want to identify the 500 people that are not in the first list that are in the second. If there anyway to do this? I was going to put them in A-Z order and then go through and using an IF(A=B,"yes","no") and go through and insert new cell when ever it says no till it says yes BUT the functions start messing up when I insert a new row and it's taking way too long.

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Comparing 2 Lists (names) And Finding Missing Values

Jan 23, 2014

I have a list of over 2000 names and need to establish which names from column A appear in Column B, as well as which do not appear in column B.

I attach an example : NameCheck.xlsx‎

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Comparing Lists Of Names

Jan 21, 2010

My boss has given me a spreadsheet to put together for him, unfortunately i am not really an expert on Excel and i am at a loss as to how to do this.
This is what he wants:-

Column A : Policy Surname
Column B: Policy Forname
Column C: D.OB

Column F : Policy Surname
Column G; Policy Forename
Column H: D.OB

He wants to be able to cross check all the names in A with the names in F, and if any matches then also compare Column B with Column G. Again, if any matches then finally check Column C with Column H and pull the results

I would be extremely grateful if someone had an idea on this and could possibly give me a formula that could do this, or am i asking too much from Excel?

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Formula To Generate Unique List Of Missing Values By Comparing Two Lists?

Mar 28, 2014

Is it possible to have a formula that generate a Unique list (List 1 and List 2) of Missing values in List 2 by comparing two lists? Something like this

List 1 List 2 Missing in List 2
1 1 3
3 4 6
5 5
6 6

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Comparing The Lists

Jun 9, 2009

I have two Excel lists. One master list (list A) contains all our email addresses from our customers. The other list (list B) contains a list of people who do NOT want to recieve emails. How do I take the emails from list B (there are 1,200 of them) and compare them automatically to list A? Basically if any email address from list B appears in list A, I want it to delete in list A.

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Comparing Two Lists?

Apr 3, 2012

I have two lists of data and am trying to write a formula that will return a "1" if the second list firstly contains one or more entries that are not in the first list and secondly the fourth cell on the same row of one or more of the entries not in the first list contains an "F".

The first list is in a sheet called "Select" cells J2:J7 and the second list is in a sheet called "Model" cells A2:A50. The second list will occasionally contain blank cells.

I have tried to use a combination of COUNTIF and VLOOKUP but am struggling to make any progress.

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Comparing Two Lists ..

Oct 1, 2007

I have two lists in the same sheet. List one spread over 3 columns contains all the possible postcodes available to my job, the second list once again over 3 columns contains all the postcodes my job is currently using.

How can I find out the Postcodes that I am not currently using from the available list. I am sure it is a simple Lookup command, but cant for the life of me figure it out.

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Comparing Two Lists

May 9, 2008

I have a worksheet that contains six columns (A-F). I am trying to compare the values found in column F (~50 values) with the values found in column E (~1500 values). Both columns contain unique values. The majority of values in Column F are contained within Column E. The goal is to run a function that returns all rows in column E that contain a value found in Column F. I've been trying VLookups and what not, but my overall goal is to match up all values found in Column F with the appropriate row that contains the same value in Column E.

First Name
Last Name
Account Number

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Comparing Two Lists ....

Apr 30, 2009

I have a list of names, some of which occur several times, with values attributed to the names in the adjacent column. I want a list in which the names occur once and the all the values belonging to the name appear in the row the name is in. I have code which almost does it, but not quite.

My data looks like this example:

fred 10
dave 1
jill 4
fred 11
marc 74

I want:

dave 1,
fred 10,11
jill 4,
marc 74,

so I start with a list


and then run my code.

My code is:

Option Explicit
Sub Compare()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim i As Long, j As Long, LR As Long
Set ws1 = Sheets("Deutsch")
Set ws2 = Sheets("Deutsch2")

It works fine for a while, then gives me an 'error 1004 object or application error' at always the same point, when it gets to row 144 in the destination list.

The editor tells me I should debug the line 'If ws1.Cells(i, 5) = ws2.Cells(j, 5)' in the second 'Do'-block in the code.

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Comparing Two Different Price Lists?

Jan 6, 2014

I'm trying to set a formula that will calculate the price difference between two identical items in two different sheets. The items' order is not the same and each list includes some different items along the identical ones.

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Comparing Two Lists For Duplicates

Oct 15, 2008

I'm trying to compare two lists of songs to see which songs are not shared by both lists. I wrote a simple function to try to do this but ran into problems pretty fast. I want to create a function which will tell me if the song in a cell (lets say cell B2) is the same as any of the cells in Column A.

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Comparing Data Lists

Sep 27, 2011

I have two lists of serial numbers which I want to compare to find those number which are not in both lists. I have used the following formula: =IF(A2=$G$2:$G$283,"",A2) where A2 equals the first cell in list 1, G2:G283 the range of the second list, true value "" false value display the contents of the original cell.

This works so far; where the contents in the A and G cells are the same on the row eg A2 and G2, but where they are different the contents of the A cell are being returned even if they are elsewhere in the range.

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Comparing Filtered Lists

Jan 20, 2007

I'm trying to compare filtered lists across several worksheets. What I'd like to do is:

1) compare the filtered list from Sheet 1 with the filtered lists from Sheets 2-5, and if an item from Sheet 1's filtered list appears on ALL the other filtered lists, said item will be pasted to a new list on Sheet 6, under the heading "Sheet 1".

2) I need to do this for every item on every filtered list, ultimately creating five new lists on Sheet 6 (i.e. after going through sheet 1's filtered list, move on to sheet 2 and compare each item to Sheets 1, 3, 4, 5, and qualifying items pasted in Sheet 6 under heading "Sheet 2", etc.).

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Populating A Cell When Comparing Two Different Lists

Oct 10, 2008

I have a list of names and a seperate list of names with emails.

In column A there is a last name, column B a first name, and then for the second list in column D there is an email.

I need to tell Excel that if column A and Column B both have a replication on the list, then in Column D populate it with the email address on the list.

I know this is confusing so I have attached a sample of my spreadsheet. The email address is in yellow and I need to have it copied to the cells in white. The list is almost 14,500 lines long and it would take forever manually.

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Comparing Lists, Formula Not Working

Feb 18, 2010

I have 2 lists. One column has a about 200 values of 7 digit numbers. The second column has about 500 cells with text. This text should include one of the 4 digit numbers from the first list. If it doesn't, I want to purge it.

The 7 digit numbers always appear in the same spot in the column 2 figures. So say the number I'm looking for is 1122 and the second list has a cell with L2871122BD. Perhaps there is an easier way to do this, but my plan was to.

create a 3rd column that has formula =mid(B1,5,4) which should isolate the 4 digit value i want to compare to. Then create a 4th column that has the formula =ISNUMBER(MATCH("*"&C1&"*",A:A,0)) to check the newly created MID number to the numbers in column one. Afterward I would simply arange from small to large and delete all of the false entries in column 2.

The only problem is, my ISNUMBER function doesn't work when referencing from my MID formula to column 1. If I do the match and compare the smaller number in column 1 to the larger in column 2, it does work. Is there an easier way to delete or highlight entries in Column 2 whose middle 4 digits don't show up in column 1? Here is an example of what I'm working with.

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Vlookup Comparing 2 Text Lists

Dec 2, 2008

I have two separate columns of text and want to identify similarities/matches. vlookup false is good for exact matches but vlookup true is too approximate - is there a way to hone vlookup true to match first 4 or 5 text characters rather than just the first? If vlookup no good for this what is best function for identifying approximate matches in two separate text lists?

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Comparing Two Lists Of Email Addresses

Jun 28, 2012

I have two columns of email addresses. Column A is the roster of users' emails that we have been keeping; Column B is the list of email addresses pulled from the system.

I need to run a match to find out who from our list (Column A) does not have a registered email address in the system (Column B).

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Comparing Lists In 2 Columns For A Match

May 3, 2009

If I have a column with a list of items, and another column with a different list of items, how can I get excel to check/compare both list and return a value (eg. TRUE) if there is an item that is both lists, or a different value (eg. FALSE) if there isn't?

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Editing Data And Comparing Lists

Jun 17, 2009

I'm currently working on sorting a column of data from a PDF file into separate columns to later compare to another sheet. I'm having a few problems getting the data into a workable format, and also don't know how to compare to the other file.

Ultimately, I want the data in columns that look like this:
Name, City, State, Zip, $123.00, mm/dd/yy

Currently it looks like this:

1 Name
2 City State Zip
3 $123.00 mm/dd/yy

The sheets I'm working with are thousands of rows long, with these three rows of data repeating for every person. I have two problems with them, however:

1. I ultimately need each of those pieces of information into a seperate cell, in separate columns. I've been transposing the data then doing "Text to Columns" to get it from three separate rows in Column A to one row in Columns A, B, C etc.

The problem with this is the names aren't always uniform. Sometimes there's Mr. or Mrs. in front of them, sometimes they have a middle initial, or an "esq." behind them, which completely messes up the "Text to Columns." Is there a better way to break them up into separate cells?

2. Secondly, not all of the names are individuals- some are businesses or charities. I want to remove all of these (and the two lines of data that go with each of them), so I only have individual people. Do you have any idea of how to make excel know the difference between, for example, "Mr. John Smith" and "Smith and Sons Realty"?

3. Lastly Once I have all of this data spread out into the different columns
(Last Name, First Name, City, State, Zip, Date, Amount), I need to compare it to another list. Basically, I've got one list of data configured in a similar way, and I want to identify any repeats between the two lists. I know that excel has a way to delete repeats, but what I need is a way to delete everything BUT repeats.

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Comparing Three Lists - Identify In 3 Separate Columns

Jul 9, 2013

I am working on a project, I have three different lists that I want to compare and I want to identify in 3 separate columns which titles are found on which list.

For example:

Title List 1List 2List 3

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Indicating A Partial Match When Comparing Two Lists

Aug 15, 2013

From the attached file.
Column 1 is a file name
Column 2 is a list of file names (but some of the files have been split into -A and -B parts or suffixed with an A or B

I need to highlight in column B, if the exact file name in column A exists

Column A: BSDS-0001
Column B: does not have this exactly instead it has BSDS-0001-A and BSDS-0001-B

I need some indication/highlighting that BSDS-0001 does exist on column B

So an indication that the whole of the file name in column A appears partially in column B. I have tried using max character lengths searches etc but cannot get an accurate way of doing this.

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Comparing Lists And Deleting Duplicates Automatically

Mar 17, 2007

I have two seperate lists. One on Sheet 1 and One on sheet 2. What I need to do is take the list on sheet 2 and compare it to the list on sheet 1. If any of the items appear on sheet one, I need to delete those items form sheet 2.

So in the end the only items left on sheet 2 will be items that dont match any items on sheet 1

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Comparing List Of Names In Different Formats

Jan 14, 2013

I am constantly given the task of comparing to list of names that come from different sources. One source(SourceA) provides the names in a two Cols as first name and last name. Luckily Source A usually just has first and last name list but sometimes they have a third name or middle initial included and it could be in the first Col or the second no real pattern. The second source(SourceB) provides their list as a single Col and it has every given name for the person including suffixes and prefixes. A couple of examples of Source B names would be-"John Henry David" or "Dr. Billy Bob Adams Barone Beard IV".

I have spent countless hours and days probably weeks on some list as there are anywhere between 20-50,000 names per list I am sent. I am hoping there is a better solution to compare these names. As of right now the only thing I can do right now is manually trim the data from SourceB down to a format like "John David" and "Billy Beard" and then combining the Cols from Source A into the same format and then comparing them.

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Comparing Two Columns Of Different Lengths With Names?

Feb 5, 2014

I'm trying to compare two columns of names that are different lengths. I need a formula that will return the differences. I've tried everything my nonanyltical mind can think of

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Finding Character Duplicates In Two Lists

Jul 19, 2012

I have two lists of numbers.

The first list contains site numbers of people who havent responded to me.

The second list is the master list of site numbers along with a column showing the date they responded.

Now, a site number is built like this:


So it is possible for the same 6 digits to appear more than once in the master list.

What I need to do is to compare the first 6 digits in the non responder list against the master list, because some sites, like the example above, may have more than one '0001' tag and so if they have responded to me from site '0002' I dont want to spam their other sites with emails.

I've tried using match and various formulas I've found from google etc, but nothing seems to work!

The goal of this is to get a list of non respondents that have not responded from any of their sites listed in the master list.

Non Responses

Master List
Date of Response




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2 Lists And Finding New And Canceled Data Through VBA

Nov 30, 2006

I have 2 sets lists which should be identical, but every day I get give one new file which I have to compare to the other one. I need to find new data and removed data in the new file.

It is a dynamic list, but I need to check every day that all the data that was there yesterday is also there today. If not then I need to be told which data is missing and which data is new (maybe thrrough a pop up box and a new sheet with a new and cnacles coloumn).

A Example of the data is below. On day1 everything matches. On day 2 Grapes is a new entry, so I need this flagged up.
On day 3, pears hsave disappeared, I need this flagged up.

What would be great is to have a messgae box pop up and say "2 new entiries and 3 deletions - Please refer top Changes tab". And then the new/deleted entries will be in a seperate sheet.

I have tried searching this on the site, but can't find anything (I can't beleive problem like this is not on the website) - If there is an article would you be able to point me to it.




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Map Two Lists Of Company Names

Oct 29, 2012

I need to map two lists of company names. 1st list is master list having around 1lakh company names. 2nd list have around 500 records which i need to manually match bcoz index and match functions just dont work.

What i currently do is copy a part of company name from list2, go to list1 and apply a contain filter and if any matches are found, take the closest match to list2.

This is a tedious task for 500 companies as it involves to many mouse clicks. We just need to paste a part of company name in search box and a contain filter is applied to list 1.

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Finding Data That Has 2 Work Orders And Comparing With Completion Date

May 31, 2007

What I am looking for is a macro/formula that will look at a unit number, then the type of work done, then the completion date and decide if the same type of work was done on the same unit within a 7 day span of time.


Unit is 11111, work is plumbing completion date is 10/4/07
Unit is 11111, work is plumbing completion date is 10/7/07

This means the work has been done 2 times (obviously showing that it did not get fixed the first time)

Is there any way to mark an X in the square with the formula, or any type of identifier what-so-ever

I have attached a spreadsheet and hope it helps

Again I know this is complex so it is OK if no one feels like messing with it but I wanted to check here first.

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Comparing Two Excel Sheets With Unique Keys

Aug 18, 2009

I need to compare the 2 sheets with respect to a unique key. Once the unique key matches , I need to compare 5 other columns of the two excel sheet.

Note : There could be missing rows in either of the excel , so its necessary that we look up 2nd sheet completely to find the unique key.

For Example : In sheet 1 : The unique key is preent in column B and in Sheet 2: The unique key is present in column I. Once we locate the rows in both the sheets with the unque key matching, we would need to comapre , columns A, C, E AND F of the sheet 1 with columns A,B,C AND D of sheet 2.

We need to report if all the data matches when the unique key is same.

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Comparing 2 Colums And Extracting Unique Cells

Oct 19, 2009

Could ye have a look at this sheet. I need to extract the cells that are in ColumnB but not in ColumnA.

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