We currently use Excel to make reports of data obtained in field surveys. General data is repetitive throughout report. We have a title page, general particulars (GP) page, table of contents then data table pages. Each data page has info from general particulars page. i.e project name, date, inspector etc. Right now some cells of data table pagess have formulars pointing to applicble cells on GP page.
Presently I am designing a userform to input title and GP page data. So far OK.
Question: Can I take input on userform and add to footer. Info to be added after or inserted within text already there? i.e. Surveyors Name: ?(left footer) something center and something right. What type of code needs to be added and where do I place it .
I'm trying to capture if any changes are made to a UserForms selections.
I initially load all the data from the database when the first user form is initialized, see code below
Once I have selected the corresponing record from the combobox , in this case Planning Number, then select the command button which runs the code below
[Code] .....
Now the user form frmProcessEngineeringTemp is opened, it now populates all the comboboxes, textboxes and option buttons in this form based on the planning number choosen from initial user form
[Code] ....
Once the user has finished with the user form the information from the form is passed to a worksheet via a command button. If changes to the user form selections were made i need to capture what has changed (if anything), from what was initially loaded into the second user form (frmProcessEngineeringTemp).
I have seen numerous posts from various sites that discuss Change and Exit events from a Class module and many instances where each combobox, textbox and option button is hard coded to capture changes.
Being that I have captured my initial inputs from the database thru the myVar 1 thru 40, can this be put into a string array and the current inputs/selections in the frmProcessEngineeringTemp put into a second array then compare 1 to another looking for difference, then output the differences to a worksheet for tracking purposes. At the same time if changes were indeed made i would increment the Revison record by 1.
I have the following coding that I have tried in both the Sheet code and as a module at different times.
Sub CopyEmployed() Sheets("Employment").Select Range("A3:L200").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("D4").Select Sheets("Act1").Select
- And there will be more here when I can get this first part working-
When I step through this works up to "Selection.ClearContents" but then ignores the next two lines
Range("D4").Select Sheets("Act1").Select
and goes straight to the Private Sub coding below that I am using to change the sheet tab names (This is in the ThisWorkbook section and works perfectly)
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) Dim LinkedCells As Range Dim ArrayOfMatchingSheets As Variant Dim i As Long Set LinkedCells = Sheets("Menu").Range("E8:E22") [Code] ....
I can continue to step through this until it eventually returns to
Range("D4").Select Sheets("Act1").Select
It may then run the remainder of the coding but what I have tried so far produces more Runtime and type mismatch errors which I will post after I can fix this.
Bottom line is I dont want the change sheet tab code run - I need the remainder of the Sub CopyEmployed() to run.
situation: if cell I22 in Sheet1 = "MFRHTC", a message box will pop up and give the user some info and at the same time ask if this is a Fed Ex shipment
if user selects NO, then nothing will happen
if user selects YES, then the user willl be directed to cell L15 in Sheet2 in order for them to input their ship to address
here is what I have so far:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Application.Intersect(Range("I22"), Target) Is Nothing _ And Target.Value = "MFRHTC" Then Msg = "Units will provide the following in order to have ammunition Fed Ex to HTC's " & vbCrLf Msg = Msg & "" & vbCrLf Msg = Msg & " POC" & vbCrLf Msg = Msg & " Unit ship to Address / CANNOT BE A P.O. BOX" & vbCrLf Msg = Msg & " Phone Number" & vbCrLf Msg = Msg & "" & vbCrLf Msg = Msg & "" & vbCrLf Msg = Msg & "Input the required info in the Fed Ex ship to address Box" MsgBox Msg, vbInformation, "FED EX AMMO INFO REQUIRED" If MsgBox("IS THIS A FED EX SHIPMENT REQUEST", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "SELECT EITHER YES or NO") = vbYes Then
Im using the following code to assign numerical values to words in two columns, then multiplying the values together and painting a cell with a specific color assigned to the final number. The problem is it wont do this past row 19
mLastRow = Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row For m = mLastRow To 5 Step -1 ' assign numerical values to the words in these columns e = 22 r = 23
' Give Extent a value If Cells(m, 9) = "Minor" Then Cells(m, e) = 1 End If If Cells(m, 9) = "Moderate" Then Cells(m, e) = 5 End If If Cells(m, 9) = "Serious" Then Cells(m, e) = 8 End If If Cells(m, 9) = "Critical" Then Cells(m, e) = 10 End If....................................
I have to type in a long place name with 10 letters repeatedly and whereas before Excel completed it after I typed the first two letters it has now stopped doing so. Is there a way to reactivate this facility? Other names do get auto-completed when typed in the same column.
I have got Names in column A and Join_Date in column B. In column C I want those whose Probation period is going to finish this week. Probation is of 90 days.
First sheet has a client name and several cells of data along the same line. All of the data on this sheet is kept long term.
The second sheet is completed copied and deleted. In completing the second sheet the client name is selected of a drop down list and pulled from sheet one.
What I want to do and not sure if there is a way is that when I select a client and populate it on sheet two I would like the related data on that clients line from sheet one to populate to same named lines on sheet two.
if this is possible and if so provide a brief description of how it would work
How to use conditional formatting in Excel 2007 (). I'm creating a spreadsheet to track my group's timeline for completing strategy meetings with our customers. When we have a meeting, I will enter the date of that meeting in a specific cell. In a successive column(s), I'd like for a cell(s) to turn a specific color based on the length of time from the last meeting (or if there is no date for a meeting entered - i.e. no initial meeting has been set).
I've created a combobox. It is assigned a certain array of Long Values based on various criteria. I want to set the value of the ComboBox to empty before the criteria are assessed. What is the initial value of a ComboBox? zero, null, or ""
I have declared arrays for the variables in the code segment below. There is however a problem with the way I've initialized C and F as I the compiler stops C(1) and displays the message: "Compile Error: Expected Array." For the calculation to proceed correctly, the first values of the C(i) and F(i) arrays need to be one and zero respectively.
Is there a way to initialize these variables to these values?
When inserting a hyperlink in an Excel cell, the default pathname for the new link is always the current pathname of the workbook. After navigating to a distant pathname and inserting a hyperlink, inserting the next hyperlink in the next cell starts all over again at the current path.
Is there a method of telling Excel to start looking in z:\ABC instead of the current path? This would eliminate navigating through the entire path for each link.
A macro that handles the hyperlink and puts up a navigation window or something like that would be ok.
I have inserted a set of numbers from the web, and some are appearing with $, and others with commas, and also some with spaces before the numbers. I can remove the $ and commas fine using crtl replace but cant get rid of the spaces before the numbers? I seem to remember in word there is a way to do this using crt+replace (using $ or ^ sign perhaps?) but need my memory jogged.
I need to create a drop down menu where the contents are based on a separate table that has been filtered dependent on a choice made in the initial table.
In Sheet "Bookings" I have a list of lesson times for a riding school.
One of the columns is labelled "Customer experience" and contains either "Advanced","Intermediate" or "Novice"
A second column is designed to assign the name of the horse used by that rider during the lesson.
Horse details can be found a second sheet called Horses.
The horses are rated "Advanced" can only be ridden by Advanced Customers, whilst Intermediate ones can be ridden by both "Intermediate" and "Advanced" customer. Novice horses can be ridden by anyone.
Ideally I would like to be able to include a drop down in the Bookings table that contains the name of available horses.
After copying certain data into an excel worksheet, all entries in a column begin at 2nd space of each cell which I don't want.
I can manually backspace each entry to the first space of each cell. But I cannot backspace all entries at once even if I try Find then put in a space for find and then in replace leave blank.
I have two formulas which I'm using: =180*(120.5-1)/119.5 and =90*(60.5-1)/59.5 In the first example, I want to replicate the formula across row 1, but with the value '1' incrementing by 1 each time, upto 240.
In the second example I want the '1' value to also increase by 1 for each cell down column B, up to 120. when I try dragging the formula down or across, I am only able to replicate the formula exactly as in the initial cell (ie. the '1' doesn't change). I've tried using the $ symbol, but this doesn't work. I don't fancy doing this manually for a total of 360 cells!
I am looking for a simple loss/gain formula for my students. They are trying to find the loss/gain difference between an initial value, and the current value. They are using a monetary value, not date/time.
I've a workbook with 3 tabs with names "tab1, tab2, difference" and I've a macro that calculates tab1-tab2 and puts the results in tab "difference" This macro runs every time I open the workbook or every time dataset is refreshed on any tab. everything works great but i've following issue.
let's say my cursor is in tab2 & i refresh/update dataset on tab2 which will trigger macro to update values in tab "difference".. this is good. but, soon after macro runs & updates tab "difference", cursor is no more in tab2 but in tab "difference" this is OK if I've 1 or 2 or few tabs but i've 25 tabs & the user has to go back to the initial tab everytime dataset is updated on any tab. Is there a way for the macro to recognize where the cursor initiallly was & run the macro & place the cursor back to the initial tab?
Im trying to make a formula that lets you type in your current level, and then calculates how much XP you have remaning untill you reach the max level.
The way the forumla would need to work would be something like this:
(E10) Enter Current Level: (F10) 37 (which is my current level) F11 - would then add cells from C37 to C70 (calculating the total amount of XP required) and then display in (F11)
Being able to say if, then is far to cpmplicated for me in excel. I'm just trying to make this for a bit of fun and am sure one of you talented people can easily do this.
I have a listing with Middle Initials in column D. D also contains dates and Names. I want to remove the Middle Initials only. I need to do this without moving around cells. So a Find:="A", Replacement:="" type of situation. Right now I have 26 two line entries to take care of this, but I know it has to be easier and use less lines. (Trying to consolidate code for a better look).
Here is some of what I have (that works, but is long):