Conditionally Activate Macro
Dec 14, 2006
Is there a way to activate a Macro with a conditional in one of the cells? It's like this, I want that if the content of A2 changes to "True" then C2,D2 and E2 change to bold and the background color change to yellow. Is there a way to do this?
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Jan 19, 2012
I have a cell (B2) in which there is a formula referencing the value of another cell with the purpose of generating a URL- ="[URL] such that when a numeric value is entered in B3, B2 is made to contain the full URL including B3 as a unique identifier.
I have a macro which straightforwardly copies B2 and pastes its value in the same cell, rendering the text value of the URL.
How do I go about activating the URL as a hyperlink in the macro? It seems like if I click in the cell and hit return, or right-click/Hyperlink.../OK I'm creating a macro to reference the exact unique identifier present at the time that I'm recording the macro- e.g. if B3 is "123", I'm setting the macro to set B2 as [URL] rather than the actual unique identifier in B3.
Has anyone successfully activated the content of a cell as a hyperlink dynamically based on its exact content?
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Apr 8, 2014
I've got a dataset of certain trades across different markets and traders, and on different days. The date of the trade is in column A, the contract ID is column D and the trader ID is column J.
Traders do not trade every day. I would like to insert a new row/rows for each date on which traders do not trade between their first and last trade, for each market in which they participate.
Is this possible using macros?
And, if so, then I would like to insert the high and low prices for the market on those dates from a different worksheet into the newly created blank rows. On this second workbook the contract ID is column A, the date is column C, the high price is column F and the low price is column E. I would like the low price to be inserted into column AJ on the original worksheet and the high price into column AK.
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Sep 13, 2013
I have a fairly simple macro (below). I want it to do one more thing.....not run if the filters have not been changed. I would like to prevent the error that occurs if someone tries to run it and there are no filters active.
Private Sub AutoFilter_Remove()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "password"
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Sep 6, 2005
Consider using a Worksheet Calculate Event macro (not Change Event) to
monitor the cell in question and call your macro when conditions are right.
"coal_miner" wrote:
> Greetings. Is there a way you can activate a macro through a formula.
> Example:
> =if(A1=B1,(macro here),"")?
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Aug 3, 2012
I want a macro to be activate ONLY when I check the checkbox. Right now, it activate the macro each time I checked the box.
I want the macro to be activate ONLY when I put the check sign in the checkbox. Is that possible?
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Mar 4, 2014
Basically, I'd like my macro to be activated whenever the value in cell A4 changes. Cell A4 has a numerical value between 1 and 10. The macro clears a contents table. Here it is:
Sub Clear()
End Sub
How to get the (module) macro to be activated whenever cell A4 changes value?
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Jul 24, 2007
I need to write a macros that will activate another macros whenever the cell "I4" is modified. So far it is not working the way it suppose to. Maybe anyone can spot a mistake? Here are both Macros that I have: ....
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Oct 30, 2008
I have an excel file that I want a macro to run when the cell changes to "Yes" (location B21). The cell options right now in a drop down list is "Yes" or "No". The Macro is called helper. How do I get this to work when they pick yes or no from the drop down list. I wanted to attach the file in this post, but it will not let me. I can email it to anyone who would like to work on it.
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May 23, 2012
I have 2 workbooks:
-1st workbook, I am using a worksheet (let's call it workbook1/worksheet1) already running with macro. In this worksheet, there is a column "Protocol" where different protocols are named (some are repeated, not sorted)
-2nd workbook, there is a worksheet (call it workbook2/worksheet2) are just the list of description for each protocol listed in workbook1/worksheet1. For example: width, length, height
How do I get values found in workbook2/worksheet2 and use in workbook1/worksheet1 for each corresponding protocol?
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Dec 4, 2007
I have code to do what I need to do currently but it only works for one cell. If I try to get it to copy down through a range it loops endlessly back and forth between two values. I am sure that there is an easy way of accomplishing this. I would appreciate anyones help or suggstions. Thanks.
Here is the code that I am using on the worksheet
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Sep 5, 2008
I'm trying to figure out how to activate a macro from combo box or list box.
But no success.
I have a list of names:
That I can view through the combo box.
I have created a list of macros, that carry the same names,
The Q is: how can I link each name to its own macro?
so when chosen, will activate the macro?
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Oct 11, 2007
How do I make a userform or maco run when a cell is clicked on. For instance in my case if E20,E23,E30 are selected I want a userform to popup.
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Jan 23, 2008
How would you activate a button, if one hits enter while in the cell that contains the button?
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Jul 4, 2009
I want macro2 to activate whenever there is a change in Range(C25:C5000). I want macro2 to activate only once even if there are 10 changes to the cells within this range. I tried the code below but it does not work.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If ActiveCell.Row > 25 And ActiveCell.Row < 5000 And ActiveCell.Column = 3 Then
End If
End Sub
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Apr 27, 2013
There are four sheets (labeled A,B,C)
Depending on the contents in cells in Columns A and B (which have 1000+ rows), I want to change the background color of a referenced cell elsewhere:
For each row (lets say from 2-1000)
1. If "A" cell is blank -- referenced cell (address in columns C & D) should be colorless -- (as in Row 2 --- cell Z5 in Sheet "C" should be colorless)
2. If "A" cell has text AND "B" cell is blank, reference cell should be colored BLUE -- (as in Row 3 --- Cell F3 in Sheet "C" should be BLUE)
3. If both "A" and "B" cells have text, reference cell should be colored YELLOW -- (as in Row 4 --- Cell C5 in Sheet "B" should be YELLOW)
While I could do this with a conditional format in every referenced cell, it would take too long to enter them.
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Oct 28, 2012
I am writing a code that has a sheet change event linked to call on a number of macros. The vba works fine until I change another cell and it activates the same macro.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range
Select Case Range(BI47)
Case "1"
I have tried if statements and everything else I can find, most will not work, others report errors. The code and macros will be the same on many sheets but work independently and BI27 is the source of the change
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Apr 11, 2008
Is it posible that when data or text is entered into a cell and the enter key is pushed that this can either run a macro or activate a hyperlink to go to another worksheet for user to follow further instructions?
OR instead of going to another worksheet a pop up message appears with instructions and then can be OK'd to remove message and proceed?
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a program that has all Excel Workbooks in seperate instances of Excel. There is a very sound reason for doing this.
The user has maybe 3 to 10 workbooks open. There are times when a workbook is active and has a Macro Link to open one of the already open workbooks.
When the user clicks the link, they naturally get an error message stating that the workbook is already open. Then they have to close the error msg and click on the Macrosoft Tab and look thru the list of open workbooks and then click the one they are looking for. Additionally, in this Menu Program the user really doesn't even have to know the name of the various workbooks.
I hope everyone will believe me when I state that this program works berautifully.
Right now I am simply cleaning up and making a few little things work better.
QUESTION When the user clicks on a macro link that is to open a workbook that is already open, how - On error - can I have the macro continue on and activate the requested workbook - - - Please remember they are all in separate instances of Excel.
Since the code I'm using can determine if the requested workbook is already open, I think there has to be a way to activate that workbook.
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Oct 25, 2011
I have a multi-sheet workbook. The first sheet is a summary of results from the rest of the workbook. I would like this summary sheet to auto-refresh itself each time the sheet is activated. The VBA code triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event feeds some parameters out to other sheets, then copies back the results to the summary sheet of the workbook.
While doing so, it keeps "reactivating" the first sheet, causing it to get into an endless loop that is triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event. Essentially, I'd like the Worksheet/Activate event to go dormant for 15 seconds or so each time it is triggered.
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Dec 3, 2012
I need macro that can search through worksheets and identify text urls (pair Networks - World Class Web Hosting.) within a cell and activate just those URLs that are not activated. I have many workbooks containing many worksheets. The URL references are always located somewhere down in column A after word 'Source:' but can be in the middle of string of text in that row after 'Source:'
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Feb 3, 2013
I found in an old file that i triggered the macro by clicking a button! I would post a pic but i don't know how. How do I activate a macro by clicking a shape on the excel 2002 page?
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Jun 10, 2008
I have a UDF in Cell Sheet1!A1 that inputs some ranges from Sheet1 and calculates a number. Then I have a sub that calculates the value of this function with Evaluate(Sheet1!A1.formula). However, this only works when I am in Sheet1. Otherwise, I get the wrong calculation. How can I avoid this? I will post the code in the open source forum as it otherwise is quite good and automatically resizes array functions to their proper size.
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May 2, 2008
ABCDEFGHI need to create a macro to perform some conditional formatting1DateDayTypeTimeConfirmed Order No.Site Location2SHEET OVERVIEW301/01/08TuesdayAB4CVertically there will be 366 tables to represent 366 days and Horizontally 10 tables to represent 10 employees,5Dwhich enables the work activities of 10 employees to assigned over the period of a year.6E7AAFIn the type box marked 'A' and 'AA' the user selects from a drop down box a parameter as list below left.8GOn entry of an 'n' in the type box the user can enter data into the 'time','confirmed order','site location' boxes.9HThe idea of having 2 x type boxes is to allow the day to be split into morning and afternoon.10I1102/01/08WednesdayMACRO / VBA FUNCTIONALLITY REQUIRED 1213In the 'type' boxes if the user selects anything other than 'n' then the 4 'site location' boxes and coloured and 14the appropriate text from the list below left is inserted into the 4 associated 'site location' boxes.1516Example:1718Box marked 'A' the user selects 'h'. Boxes marked 'BCDE' and filled with colour and the text holidayBox marked 'AA' the user selects 't'. Boxes marked 'FGHI' and filled with colour and the text trainingType List Entry ParametersWhen the user selects type 'n' after the associated boxes are returned to there blank state (no colour or text)nnormal dayhholidayThe macro/vba would have to respond on everytime a 'type' box changesssickttrainingThere would be 2 x type boxes per day, 366 days a year and for 10 employees. Therefore it would have to monitoruunauthorised absence2 x 366 x 10 (7320) type boxesbbank holidayccompany shutdown
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Nov 29, 2012
I have a long row of data with words/numbers in each cell. Whenever I see a cell starting with W, I want to add up the value 2 cells to the right of that cell starting with W.
For example, if these following 9 cells in the same row read W1, 90, 100, M2, 90, 100, W2, 90, 40, whenever the cell starts with W, I want to sum up the value 2 cells to the right of that cell starting with W. In this case, I am adding up the values 2 cells to the right of W1 and W2, which is 100 + 40 = 140. How can I do that?
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Mar 17, 2009
on the "all data" sheet, there are two rows that have a Y for file missing - these are to be marked, so that they may be focused on finding their file
currently, i am doing as such and then filtering by that column to print out a list, and would like a simplified solution (populate sheet "missing") with just those rows who have missing files - so that another user may easily view such data without having to fondle around with the master list
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Apr 14, 2009
I'm building a complete part number reference for all service parts of copiers of a certain brand. Every row contains three columns; partnumber, description and machine type. Problem is, some parts are used in more than one machine. When the list is complete I want to do the next: If partnumber in (column A) is found in more than one row, I want to join the information of the other columns in two cells. (see attached example).
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Oct 18, 2009
I have this file where i delete columns which are extra, in my real file most of the cells are formulas or links . Basically i need a macro which looks in row 4, and if it finds any zeros ( number 0 ) in the cell it deletes that whole column.
The zero is a indicator for me when i work on these files if it is needed or not. Included the file as an attachement.
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Nov 23, 2009
I have a list of numbers that is imported and converted to text. I need to have all these strings beginning with zero "0" except the ones that begin with 1.
To summarize:
If the string's first caracter differs from "0"(zero) and differs from "1"(one) than prepend a "0"(zero). If the first caracter is 0(zero) or 1(one), leave the string as it is.
I am attaching a xls file with 2 columns: Column 1 is how the list is now and Column 2 is how I need it to be.
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Feb 23, 2008
I need to lock a cell (F21) if J26 is less than 100. Can't work out how in conditional formatting. Is there a different way?
This is what I need to do:
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