Macro Triggered By Worksheet Activate - Endless Loop

Oct 25, 2011

I have a multi-sheet workbook. The first sheet is a summary of results from the rest of the workbook. I would like this summary sheet to auto-refresh itself each time the sheet is activated. The VBA code triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event feeds some parameters out to other sheets, then copies back the results to the summary sheet of the workbook.

While doing so, it keeps "reactivating" the first sheet, causing it to get into an endless loop that is triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event. Essentially, I'd like the Worksheet/Activate event to go dormant for 15 seconds or so each time it is triggered.

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Endless Loop With While

May 16, 2007

Why does my Excel hang on this

While TempWaarde1 <> ""

TempWaarde1 = Cells.Value(Posi, 1)
TempWaarde2 = Cells.Value(Posi - 1, 1)

If TempWaarde1 <> TempWaarde2 Then
ListBox1.AddItem TempWaarde1
End If

Posi = Posi + 1

What I'm trying to achief is to fill a listbox with all values in the first column of the active sheet, but avoiding double entry's if they're on the row after the 1st one. When I execute this in my Userform_Initialize, Excel hangs like the while-wend loop is never finishing, while i'm sure there is no more data in the 1st column after 200 rows or so.

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Endless Loop & Macros

Apr 27, 2009

I've used a loop in one of my macros and the loop goes on endlessly. I've been trying to come up witha way to overcome this problem but with no luck till now. knowing that I'm new to VBA i decided to turn to the big guns at mr.exxcel to help me out. Here's the code i have. Any alternatives to this would be VERY VERY VERY USEFUL!!!

Sub smalloops()
Dim i As Integer
Dim compliant As Integer
Dim noncompliant As Integer

compliant = 0
noncompliant = 0
For i = 1 To 60

Do Until Cells(i, 2) = ("RECOMMENDATIONS")

Do While Cells(i, 3) 0
If Cells(i, 7) = 1 Then
compliant = compliant + 1
ElseIf Cells(i, 7) = 2 Then.................

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Stopping An Endless Loop

Dec 21, 2006

I have the following VBA in the attatched spreadsheet (seperated so I could upload)

The only problem that I have is that I cannot stop the loop, it constantly keeps going round in a circle.

What im wanting to do is when the Date checked is the End date and the End Time has been checked, to move onto the next row and do it again until it gets to row 40.

Sub Calculate()
Dim CellNo As Integer
Dim CurrentDate As Date
Dim StartDate As Date
Dim EndDate As Date
Dim theDate As String
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim addDate As Integer
Dim DaysHoursSick As Date
Dim StartWorkTime As Date
Dim EndWorkTime As Date
Dim endmarker As String

I've only got this VBA working really under Wednesday so I can make sure it is right before adding it onto the other dates,

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Endless Loop? (stops Responding)

Jun 15, 2009

Having another problem with the same macro that has been giving me trouble for a week now. Now, the macro will run, but after it finishes, excel stops responding. Is this because the macro continues to run indefinitely.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA - Finding Endless Loop In Long Routine?

May 14, 2014

I have a very long routine, looping through 35,000-ish rows several times to detect and delete unwanted items. Occasionally, it gets locked into an endless loop and CTRL+Break will not stop it - I have to kill Excel through the Task Manager.

How can I find out where the endless loop is so I can detect what's causingit and fix it?

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Vba: Why There Is An Endless Loop When For Each Cell In Range Includes Merged Cells

Aug 6, 2008

When I set a "for each cell in range" to go through the range, and if there are merged cells in this range, this will result an endless loop.

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Endless Loop Within A Loop

Oct 28, 2006

I have loops working in other loops. The macro is almsot working well. It does the calculation i want but it fails to stop a loop, because of that, the macro can't run the next main loop (c), which is to move to the next cell where the calculations must be run.

I attach a file. the troubleshooting macroation is Sub Itiration.

The code of this macro are bellow. Basically, the loop using d as counter run into an endless loop. I don't how to stop this loop without affecting the results which are calculated correctly.

Sub Itiration()
Dim CurCell As Object
Dim TempSum As Double
Dim d As Integer

For c = 3 To Cells(3, 4)
If Cells(11, c) > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Cells(10, c)

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Worksheet Calculation Triggered By Drop Down Box

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to do is trigger an event when a cell changes, and this cell is updated via a linked drop-down box.

The issue is that the code seems to work fine (in about 10 seconds or less) if a manual calculation is entered into the sheet - but when it's done via the drop-down box, it takes about 3 minutes to complete the macro.

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Worksheet Selection Change Event Not Triggered

Mar 5, 2009

I am using Excel 2007, and I have a macro (that is working) that I would like to run whenever there has been a new selection in a dropdown list on my worksheet. I have done this many times before in other workbooks, and I have always used:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

To my knowledge this should trigger the macro when the dropdown selection changes. However, this time it is not working. The macro runs fine manually, but it does not run when the dropdown selection changes.

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Auto Triggered Macro Keeps Running

Aug 23, 2012

I have finally got a Marco to run based on the value of a cell changing from 0 to 1 .

However once activated it run continually until Stack full error .

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Identify Object That Triggered Macro Code

Feb 27, 2008

I need to identify the object that is triggering the current running macro. For example, i have 4 buttons say button 1 to 4 that all do almost the same thing. I have written 4 different macro for all 4 buttons but i want to simplify my code so that i can have a better leaner code by only using 1 macro for all 4 buttons. simply put is there a way to say identify which button/shape i pressed:

If "identity of button pressed" = "Button1" Then
execute some code
End If

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Worksheet Change To Function To Add Text To Cell Which Initially Triggered Change

Jan 10, 2014

i have some existing code which is trigerred when anything is input into column c. The code then adds various information in another three columns. One of which pastes a vlookup formulae, and i would like this forumlae pasted into the column c cell which i initialy edited, in order to remove the requirement for one additional column.

The existing code i have is:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim MyText As String
MyText = Environ("username")
If Target.Cells.Column = 3 Then
With Target
If .Value "" Then
.Offset(0, 2).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(D:D,'P:TAOffshoreTAOffshoreTreasuryRecsGeneralCommit ID''s for control Sheet - Do not move or delete[commit ids - DO NOT DELETE OR MOVE.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$65536,2,0)"


I have tried changing the offset to (0,0) or changing the offset to 'target = ', which does add in the vlookup but then the macro debugs at the 'If .Value "" Then' code?

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Worksheet Change Event Triggered By Formula Change?

Dec 6, 2011

Basically the situation I have is Sheet2 has many references to cells in Sheet1. Sheet2 is for all intents and purposes a kind of nicely formatted report form, and Sheet1 is the input form.

My ultimate goal is to automatically resize row heights on Sheet2 when cell contents change on Sheet2.

Using a worksheet_change event isn't working I presume because it doesn't see the formula output change as a worksheet change, the worksheet_change is firing only when the input is changed in Sheet1.

how can I capture these formula output changes on Sheet2 (triggered from input on Sheet1) OR is there a way of making a particular sheets rows always adjust in height to best fit?

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Loop Or Macro To Retrieve Rows Of Data From Other Worksheet

Dec 15, 2008

I need to query a master spreadsheet and pull out all the rows on it that have the same name as I have in cell A1 of my spreadsheet


Myworkbook, sheetname = queries
Cell A1 = "ABC"

The Macro queries the "test Data" workbook (c:myfolder estdata.xls) "sheet x" and looks in column A for ABC, if it finds ABC it will copy the row and paste it into Myworkbook, sheetname = queries. There are often several rows of data that need to be copied that all have "ABC" in column A.

Also, in column B of the test data workbook, is a number, the highest value denotes the "version" of the data, the highest number is always the latest version of data that should be retrieved, e.g. if 9 the highest value in column B then all data that has ABC in column A and has 9 in column B should be retrieved, all other records should be ignored.

I guess this is a sort of a macro loop but not too sure how to do it.

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Activate Worksheet By Cell Value

Dec 4, 2006

What code can one use to Activate a worksheet on a workbook by using a Cell value on a worksheet.

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Worksheet Activate Event Question

Jun 22, 2009

I wrote a worksheet activate event (for wrksht1). It reads a list of customer inputs found on wrksht1 then parses these inputs into 'like' lists and pastes the results into a wrksht called ADIM. ADMIN is kept well hidden so our customer cannot mess with it. These parsed lists are then used as validation data with the drop down menus applied to cells found on wrksht2. So to recap, inputs on wrksht1 appear as drop down values for cells found on wrksht2. Here's the problem. The worksheet activate event is triggered whenever wrksht1 is activated and since the code changing the focus away from this wrksht and then back to it, it appears to enter an endless loop. At least I think that is what is happening. Is there a way to programmatically deactivate the event so that when focus returns to wrksht1 the event does not trigger and cause an endless loop? and then reactivate so the event triggers then next time the user changes focus.

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Reprogram Enter Key On Worksheet Activate

Aug 31, 2009

Is there code for worksheet activate event that will reprogram the Enter Key to mimic the Tab Key such that if you hit Enter, the cell to the right of the active cell is selected? I've searched the net for several hours today and find nothing that addresses this question.

Also, the Enter Key would have to be normalized on worksheet deactivate.

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Using Userform ComboBox To Activate Specific Worksheet

Feb 15, 2014

I am trying to have a ComboBox activate a specific sheet based on the value of "ComboBox1.Column(1)". I have many sheets to select from so i want to avoid using the Case method Here is a small sample of my code that isn't working:

[Code] .....

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VBA Code To Activate Second-to-last And Last Worksheet Tabs In A Workbook?

Dec 11, 2008

I use a workbook where new worksheet tabs are added and removed daily. Every day I use the second-to-last tab (2nd from the right) and the last tab (far right). What code would enable me to activate and reference both of these tabs individually? I believe it would be something like the code below but I can't figure it out...

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Worksheet Activate Not Happening When Workbook First Opens

May 18, 2009

I have a workbook where the sheets are all protected and I want to stop users scrolling up or across beyond the limits of the input areas.
I have used the following code (or variations of)...

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ScrollArea = "A1:G32"
End Sub

This works fine except that when I first open the workbook, the first sheet displayed can still be scrolled. As soon as you move to another sheet and then back again, it is then OK.

It appears that the Worksheet_Activate code does not execute when the workbook is first opened.

How do I get round this?

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Activate Worksheet: The Retro Is Also Suppose To Test Cell H12 To See If It Is Blank Before Running The Msgbox

Apr 9, 2009

I do not know if I have this written correctly, I would like to have the sub - Retro run whenever some one opens this worksheet - "FORM". The retro is also suppose to test cell H12 to see if it is blank before running the msgbox.

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Macro To Activate URL?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a cell (B2) in which there is a formula referencing the value of another cell with the purpose of generating a URL- ="[URL] such that when a numeric value is entered in B3, B2 is made to contain the full URL including B3 as a unique identifier.

I have a macro which straightforwardly copies B2 and pastes its value in the same cell, rendering the text value of the URL.

How do I go about activating the URL as a hyperlink in the macro? It seems like if I click in the cell and hit return, or right-click/Hyperlink.../OK I'm creating a macro to reference the exact unique identifier present at the time that I'm recording the macro- e.g. if B3 is "123", I'm setting the macro to set B2 as [URL] rather than the actual unique identifier in B3.

Has anyone successfully activated the content of a cell as a hyperlink dynamically based on its exact content?

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Conditionally Activate Macro

Dec 14, 2006

Is there a way to activate a Macro with a conditional in one of the cells? It's like this, I want that if the content of A2 changes to "True" then C2,D2 and E2 change to bold and the background color change to yellow. Is there a way to do this?

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Formula To Activate Macro

Sep 6, 2005

Consider using a Worksheet Calculate Event macro (not Change Event) to
monitor the cell in question and call your macro when conditions are right.

"coal_miner" wrote:

> Greetings. Is there a way you can activate a macro through a formula.
> Example:
> =if(A1=B1,(macro here),"")?

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CheckBox To Activate A Macro

Aug 3, 2012

I want a macro to be activate ONLY when I check the checkbox. Right now, it activate the macro each time I checked the box.

I want the macro to be activate ONLY when I put the check sign in the checkbox. Is that possible?

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Activate Macro If Cell Value Changes?

Mar 4, 2014

Basically, I'd like my macro to be activated whenever the value in cell A4 changes. Cell A4 has a numerical value between 1 and 10. The macro clears a contents table. Here it is:

Sub Clear()
End Sub

How to get the (module) macro to be activated whenever cell A4 changes value?

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Macros That Should Activate Another Macro

Jul 24, 2007

I need to write a macros that will activate another macros whenever the cell "I4" is modified. So far it is not working the way it suppose to. Maybe anyone can spot a mistake? Here are both Macros that I have: ....

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Activate A Macro When A Cell Changes

Oct 30, 2008

I have an excel file that I want a macro to run when the cell changes to "Yes" (location B21). The cell options right now in a drop down list is "Yes" or "No". The Macro is called helper. How do I get this to work when they pick yes or no from the drop down list. I wanted to attach the file in this post, but it will not let me. I can email it to anyone who would like to work on it.

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Dropdown List Macro Activate

Dec 4, 2007

I have code to do what I need to do currently but it only works for one cell. If I try to get it to copy down through a range it loops endlessly back and forth between two values. I am sure that there is an easy way of accomplishing this. I would appreciate anyones help or suggstions. Thanks.

Here is the code that I am using on the worksheet

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