Connecting Excel To Access Queries - Named Ranges

Jan 11, 2014

So I have an excel workbook that is connected to an Access database I use. When the workbook opens, it refreshes the data from a couple queries in Access. However, every time it refreshes the data, it modifies several named ranges pulling from areas of those tables.

Example: $A$2:$A$50000 becomes $A$2:$A$50002 if there are two new lines entered into the table.

Because of this, some of the lookups and arrays I use are mismatching and giving errors. How to prevent the ranges from updating when the table refreshes?

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Choosing Between Multiple Access Queries In Excel

Jul 7, 2014

I have an excel sheet with a 'Home' and 'Data' page. I have imported data from an access query into the 'Data' page where I then push a button on the 'Home' page to run a macro on it. I have multiple queries in my database that I would like to be able to switch between in excel to run the macro on. Is this do-able without having to have multiple sheets?

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Expanding Named Ranges And Access

Jun 6, 2009

Why do my named ranges expand each time I import data from Access? I then have to go my named ranges and reset them. The reason I am using named ranges is because of the indirect functions I am using.

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Count Function In VBA When Connecting To Access

Jan 11, 2008

I have an access database: 2007.mdb
I have an access table: All Data - Pre07

I have an excel worksheet which connects to 2007.mdb and selects data from table All Data - Pre07 using a 'user defined' filter via an input box. This filter sets the group which is one of the fields on the All Data - Pre07 table.

The code which performs the above function is shown below.

I wondered whether it was possible to perform a Count function in vba (rather than a Select Function) which will just count the data in access and then return the count rather than importing all the data.

For example, I would like to count the number of rows in the Access table - All Data - Pre07 which have a group = 'AA' and then return the count to WorkSheet 'AA'.

Is it also possible to perform multiple count functions in one connection or do I need to reconnect (i.e. write the code again).

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim mygroup As String
Dim datinput As String
mygroup = InputBox("Enter Group", "Please Enter", "AA")
datinput = "'" & mygroup & "'"

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DSN=MS Access Database;DBQ=C:2007.mdb;DefaultDir=C:;DriverId=281;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" _
)), Destination:=Range("A1"))
.CommandText = Array( _ ................

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Connecting Named Range With ComboBox?

Jun 16, 2014

I want to make simple Combobox with two dropdown lists throwing me back cells values, but I never made that so I've got a little difficulties.

The sample combobox should look like this:


For the left Dropdown list there's defined name of the range "ITEM1", and for the second - range named "ITEM2".

After user will choose something I want to have numbers of the items selected from the lists in cells "A1" and "A2", and run a macro after clicking OK. How can I do this?

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Excel 2003 :: VB Code To Delete ALL Named Ranges

Mar 22, 2012

I have a spreadsheet, but it came from another file using the detach sheet method. It has therefore taken with it, all the named ranges that are now superfluous.

It seems a bit long-winded to delete these named ranges one by one manually. Would there be an easy to understand script that would delete them all, so I can start with a "clean sheet".

I'm using Excel 2003.

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Define Only 2 Named Ranges From List Of Named Ranges

Apr 28, 2014

I have written this macro to convert into a csv file to run for all defined named ranges in the activesheet. It run jst perfect when I hit SAVE button and it creates that many different CSV files for each named range.

However I am trying to use same macro in the another file and the problem I am facing is there a lot more named ranges and I want to run the macro for only selected NAMED RANGE. In this case 2 Named Range / 24 Named range.

What part of code do I need to change and to what to make it work for just 2 named ranges ?

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Excel 2010 :: Intersection Of Named Ranges (same Worksheet) Doesn't Work?

Aug 19, 2013

I'm trying to make a range selection in a pivot table as per the snapshot below:


The values I am trying to select are the ones that are both red and italic. (Mobile, Other Fix, Fix) from CBU_NA.

I've searched and found a way to select both the rows for CBU_NA category and also the column categ2.

However when I try to make an intersection out of the 2 ranges I receive an error. I'm using Excel 2010 on windows 7.Below the code I am using:

Sub FCST()
Dim r1, r2, r3 As Range

r1 = pt.PivotFields("categ2").DataRange.Select
Selection.Font.Italic = True[code]...

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Named Ranges On Multiple Sheets With The Same Named Range & I Cant Figure Out How To Do This

Jun 2, 2006

I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...

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Combine Two Named Ranges Into 3rd Named Range

Mar 14, 2013

Merge two columns into one list in excel

I would like to combine List1 and List2 into a 3rd named range called List3. I was wondering if this were possible without using any additional cells/columns (i.e. I don't want to use Column C like in the example shown in the link above).

Here's the formula from the example:



I've played around with it, but could not come with any that worked.

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Connecting Between VBA Excel And Web Site

Dec 7, 2009

I have a some problem with connecting between VBA Excel and web site.

I wrote a macro to insert the data from excel but there is one problem with displaying the correct view.

I use this site to get the price of the bonds:

it is the site of russian exchange

First of all I write the ISIN code, for example RU000A0E6X12, in the "Quote Search" field and then press Enter for getting the data. After it I can choose the History information or Online from the last field in the left margin. I want to chose "History" and after it the dates from and till are appearing automatically. The automatization of it is my task. And I have only one problem in the end.

The program:

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Connecting Outlook Through Excel Sheet

Apr 25, 2014

Due to one of our business requirement I have to fetch so many users Alias name through Outlook.

I am following below steps to achieve that Open new mail, giving user's name in to list, press ctrl+k, then right click properties. In properties I use to find alias name of user. I want to automate this process through excel sheet. I want to provide names in one column as Input to excel sheet and want to fetch alias name in next column of excel sheet.

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Excel 2013 :: Sorting And Connecting With Formula?

Jan 15, 2014

I have a list with different categories and several characteristics per category. My goal is to identify the 10 strongest growing characteristics (I guess by sorting them in descending order) and then show them in this order, but organized in the respective categories. e.g.: if "Psychographic">"Demographic" and "geographic" and "behavioralistic", then put "Psychographic, including its subordinated characteristics that are included in the top 10, first. Follow this order until all Top10 members are included.

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Excel 2007 :: Connecting To Oracle Database By IP

Jun 14, 2012

I am running Excel 2007 and connecting to an Oracle DB.

I have created a VBA macro to connect to an oracle DB and retrieve data then place it in a table. The code works, but it uses DSN entries which are specific to my computer. I want to be able to distribute this Excel spreadsheet to others in my company and have them be able to click one button and update the data. I figure the most logical way is to connect to the DB using an IP address that should work for anyone on the intranet.

How do I modify the connection info below to have it connect via IP?

I tried "Data Source =" and "Data Source =", both of which VBA dislikes.

Here is what I have now:

Sub Create()
Dim Servername As Range
Set Servername = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Range("B16")

Set StartDate = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Range("B3")

[Code] ..........

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Table Named Production In Access

Jul 31, 2008

if I want to look up a table named production in Access.

Name: bob,jason,robbert,christy
Dept: bins,cars,cars,sewing

now if i wanted to be able to look up jason then have it populate which Dept he worked in, in cell A1 in my excel spread sheet what code could I use. Just want to look up one area in my access data table then show it in A1 one item at a time.

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Access/Reference Named Range In Another Workbook

Oct 5, 2006

I have two workbooks wkA and wkB. I have a named range in wkB called BName.. can someone tell me whether it is possible to set a range variable (say, raA) from wkA to this named range in wkB. I have tried something to the effect of set raA = wkB.range("BName") but this doesn't work.. I've also tried set raA = [].range("BName") to no avail. I'm wondering whether named ranges can actually be read from other workbooks.

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Run SQL Queries In Excel Against Database Using Macro?

Jan 29, 2014

I have sql queries in spreadsheet column and which needs to run against Db2 database daily and then update the result back to spreadsheet. This is tedious process and could there be a way to create a a macro using VB which performs the following?

1. connect to db2 database

2. take the sql query one at a time from every row and then run against database

3. Obtain the result and then update it back to last column of the spreadsheet.

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Excel 2007 :: Posting Multiple Queries In VBA

Jan 8, 2014

I'm trying to create a sheet in Excel 2007 that organises shipments, the file is normally pretty large so I want to create a macro which does a few things, so when printed it's easier to work with. First one is to make a gap when items change in Column B and Column F, I can use the below code to make the gaps for one column but not both without making a separate macro. Is there a way to make the gaps on changes in columns B & F on one macro? (I have an example nearer the end)

Dim Rng As Range
Dim x As Long
Set Rng = Range("F12:F" & Range("F65536").End(xlUp).Row)
For x = Rng.Rows.Count To 2 Step -1
If Rng.Cells(x, 1).Offset(-1, 0).Value Rng.Cells(x, 1).Value Then
Rng.Cells(x, 1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=x1Down
Rng.Cells(x, 1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=x1Down
End If
Next x

After the data is separated I wanted to insert totals of the weights when there is a spacing, and a counter which stops after each spacing and restarts when the next items start.

Here is an example of the data I have before the Macro with Columns.

Column B
Column C
Column F
Column I

Destination of order
booking ref
weight of orders

[Code] ........

This is how I would like the date to look like after the macro.

Column B
Column C
Column F
Column I

Destination of order
booking ref
weight of orders

[Code] ..........

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Using Named Ranges In A UDF

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to make a UDF that searches for a header, grabs everything under the header, and pulls it somewhere else. My UDF has three parameters:

1) Output_Range: the named range where the parameters will be pulled to
2) Header: the header to search for in order to copy the data underneath it
3) WorkbookName: the name of the workbook to search in

It looks like this:

Function LoadParameters(Output_Range As Range, Header, WorkbookName As String)
MyTimer = Timer
'Defining the variables.
Dim HeaderCell, HeaderCellEnd, HeaderRange, Output_Range


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Named Ranges From VBA

Dec 30, 2008

I have some named ranges that refer to 5 pieces of data organized into a row. For example, the name MyNamedRange might refer to $C$5:$C$10.

I am trying to loop through each column and get the values in MyNamedRange, then change corresponding values in a different named range. However, when I try to use Offset to access the subsequent columns of MyNamedRange, it doesn't work. It only gets the value of the first column right, the rest return <EMPTY>.

Sample .......

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Using Named Ranges.

Jul 17, 2006

How do I go about using named ranges instead of cell names(ie A4:A9)

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim intIndex As Integer
UserForm1.ComboBox1.Clear 'Clear combobox
lngRow = 2 Do While Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value <> ""
For intIndex = 0 To UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListCount - 1
If UserForm1.ComboBox1.List(intIndex) = Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value
Goto NextRow
End If
Next intIndex
UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value
lngRow = lngRow + 1
End Sub

I wanted to change "a" to the defined range "search"?

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Sum Of X Named Ranges

Dec 5, 2007

the code to add two independent named ranges cell by cell in vba. Both of the named ranges have the same structure and the sum would be posted to a third area of the same structure cell wise.

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Cascading Ranges - Vlookup (make My Reference Range Access Multiple Columns)

Feb 10, 2010

I need to run a vlookup to find some data. But I have a lot of data about 600,000 lines. Currently this list is spread over several columns (as the limit is something like 50000). How can I make my reference range access multiple columns?

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Using Named Ranges Across Different Options?

Jan 28, 2014

At the moment I have to click in the cell and then look at the cells used and look across to the title of the rows.

So for example, performance = D3*D4*D5*D6

I would like, performance = vehicles*availabliity*utilisation*TKM.

That is easy if I have just 1 option. But what if I have 3 options? Naming each cell would be a way to do it but pretty laborious, is there a 'smart' way to use named ranges here?

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Duplicating Named Ranges

Feb 12, 2010

I'm creating a KPI spreadsheet which utilizes named ranges to allow for Dynamic charting. I've created the first data input sheet for one of the 10 areas being KPIed. The sheet has 60 named ranges in it.

The goal is to duplicate the existing sheet (Area 1A) 10 times and adjust the named ranges and formulas within the named ranges according to the sheet names.

Is there a way to accomplish this without having to manually recreate or edit every named range for each new sheet?

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SumIF Using Named Ranges

Jun 16, 2014

I want a sumIF function (based on three criteria) to fill the values of cells in a column so long as there are values in the cells in the column before that one. I was working with trying a loop, but have been shown a faster way is using the With function.

There are four named ranges that all exist on a separate sheet in the file: Crude, Location, Year and Volume. Based on the first three columns of the file I wish to have an output for the sum of volume based on crude, location and year.

Right now, my output simply returns the total sum of the "volume" range in each cell in the output column.

For example, if total sum of values in the volume column is 100 then my output column currently looks like:


Here is my code including the named ranges:

[Code] ......

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Working With Named Ranges

Jun 20, 2014

I created a simply macro that will adjust the headings of a group of cells as follows.

But if I add a row/column to the sheet, it will then of course attempt to place the headings in the wrong cells.

I have now given that group of cells/range a Name of "AR_Buckets". But I'm not certain how to modify the macro to ensure it always places the information in the correct place.

[Code] ....

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Replace Two Named Ranges

Nov 24, 2008

What is the correct syntax if I want to replace two named ranges below to Rng and Rng2 in my code?

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Vlookup With Named Ranges

Jan 14, 2009

I am having problems getting the code below to follow my intentions. I have 2 files. I have a temporary file that holds all the data that I need. I have a destination file that needs to have data copied into it. In the temp file, I have data for several dates and product types. What I intend to do is to do a vlookup in VBA to look for the date and the product type in the temp file and copy the appropriate data to the destination file. I have numerous named ranges both in my temp file and my destination file. For the code below, I wanted to make a loop to find the date in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. Once this is done, I wanted to find the product type in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. If both conditions exist, then copy a certain range from the temp file to the destination file. My intention is evident in the code, but I don’t think that I am putting in the correct “code format”.

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Macro For Two Named Ranges

Feb 24, 2009

Macro for two named ranges. I have this code, which works fine...

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