Copy And Paste Text And A Chart Into HTML Email Body
Aug 6, 2014
So I have (some sort of standard) code to generate a Html emailbody.
Problem is I have data and on this data there is a chart.
Now when I copy and paste the range of these 2 sections it only gives me the data but not the chart (leaves that space blank).
How I can adjust this code so it also will paste the chart?
This is the code :
[Code] .....
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Jan 18, 2013
I have an email with body in tabular form. I need to copy this into excel in the as is condition.
When I do it manually, I see that the table nicely fits in different cells and looks good, but when I use a macro , I see that everything gets copied to a single cell.
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Jan 2, 2014
I'm having an issue with some emails that I send out automatically. I use Ron de Bruin's code to send with the Range to HTML function from Mail Range/Selection in the body of the mail.
My issue is when I view in OWA, all the formatting is lost. There is no issue viewing in Outlook itself, but some of our sales people use the web app and the view is corrupted. Back when I did this manually, I would just copy and paste the range of cells into the body of the message, and there was never any problem with formatting in OWA.
Is there a setting that needs to be changed, or have code for pasting a range into the body of a message that works?
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Jul 19, 2013
I am having trouble with copy-paste-from-outlook-to-excel routine. Is there a way where I can get a certain text (or numbers, perhaps) from an outlook email message and transfer it to an excel? It is fine to copy and paste one or a hundred emails, but it already exceeds 30 thousand email messages. I just wanted to know is there is a way for me to simplify my work through VBA.
Here is a sample of the email body:
"The lead with phone number 1231234567 is in the federal DNC list and has been rejected. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. This email was automatically generated, please do not reply to it."
In this email body, i wanted to get only the number 1231234567 and paste it in the excel.
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Sep 3, 2012
I just cant get this working, and I cannot see why....
I try to set the image address like this:
(With an extra space after)
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Apr 12, 2011
Am working in Excel 07, but this would need to work in 2000 as well.
Need a macro that will...
1. Select a range of cells from B4 to RX. X is defined as the last row where Column A has a value.
2. Copy the visible cells
3. Open an email in Outlook (not via the email workbook function of excel), enter "Submission" into the title, enter "Dear X," insert 2 returns.
4. Paste the copied table (not the workbook, just what is on the clipboard) into the body the email.
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May 3, 2009
I currently have a workbook that I track various projects with and periodically I will need to get updates for them. What I want to do is to select the row of the projects I need updates for, copy them and then paste them into the body of an Outlook 2003 email.
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Jan 30, 2014
I've wrote a function that allows me to insert a certain range to the body of an email. This email is composed in the code, too.So far I am able to build the emails body as plain text. how to retain the cell format also (colors, font size, border styles, ...)
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Aug 14, 2012
I am trying to automate a process whereby i receive an email via outlook with a particular subject line every day and i want to copy the body of the email into an existing excel spreadsheet and save it.
It's the first time i've really used vba in outlook, and i have written one to save any attachments which works ok using rules/run a script, but i'm stuck when it comes to copying the body
It would be really useful if when pasting into excel it didn't go all into one cell and just pasted over like if you were performing it manually
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Dec 16, 2011
I am using the following code to create several spreadsheets and send via email. This all works perfectly, but I would like to add text to the body of the email. What would I need to add to enable me to add text to the body of the email?
From Bottom of Code:
' Copy the Report sheet to a new book and e-mail
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show _
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May 10, 2013
I have an email hyperlink setup on my excel sheet and I would like to automatically (not manually) add a sentence that is another cell (that changes from time to time) to the subject line or the body of the email.
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Mar 16, 2014
I've set up an email to be sent via a macro (excel 2007 and outlook) and I expanded the body of the message and it now comes up with an error "Compile error: invalid outside procedure"
It was working when I only had 4 lines and now it's not working.
strbody = "Hi," & vbNewLine &_
"abc." & vbNewLine &_
"def." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"ghi" & InputBox("Enter Response date (dd/mm/yyyy)") & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"jlk." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"lmn" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"ABC" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"XYZ" & vbNewLine & _
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Oct 10, 2007
When I copy from Excel 2003 (values & formulas) and paste special into Excel 2007 i get the option screen to select unicode text,sylk etc instead of the other screen with the option of values,formulas,formats etc.How can I select the option for value,formulas?
Sorry cannot attach a screen shot as it is above the allowed limit.
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Dec 22, 2008
I want the same affect as copy a table and pasting into the email. So i guess i need to copy a range and save as html in a string. It seems like it would be simple since its just copy and paste into the email, but i've been unable to find anyting on it.
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Aug 6, 2012
I am attempting to navigate to a webpage using IE. I have been successful at getting to the appropriate webpage.
However, I would like to open a link within the webpage in the browser in another window(Which is an image). Copy the image then paste it back into excel. I have been successful at opening the webpage using a Userform.
Sub Anthro()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
.Visible = True
[Code] .......
The user input number for example:
If the user inputs the number 25423310 into the txtbox then it navigates to a certain webpage.
On this webpage and all other webpages where different #'s are used are very similar. The number (25423310) is always used to identify an image. However it has more characters. For example the image is always on line 30 of the HTML code. On this example the HTML code lists the image as:
The number used in the txtbox to naviagete to the URL Ex: 25423310) is always within line 30 of code in HTML. Is it possible to run a query or parse this line of code and direct ie to open this image in a new window then copy and paste it based on the criteria of the user input? Ex. 25423310?
Sub PropInfo()
Dim appIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set appIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim varTables, varTable
[Code] ....
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Feb 16, 2010
I have a folder containing 40 single sheet excel workbooks and I would like to automate following tasks:
- Open each excel file (need to open the file so as to update it since it gets the data from another workbook through =formulas)
- Copy paste as values
- Save this as excel html in the same folder as original excel files (keeping the original file name)
- Close (original excel file should not be changed ie formulas should remain in place, only the html file will contain values)
- Since there will always be xHtml files with same name need the macro to replace the excisting file
My abilities with excel are limited to functions, no VBA knowledge other than finding ready codes and pasting them in the module.
Since this routine is to be run almost daily the macro should run all files, instead of one by one.
I just hope that I am not asking too much for excel to handle and I hope that explanation is clear.
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Jul 14, 2008
I have a file that sends an email when it's saved using the macro.
It pastes the the file name and file location into the body of the email.
I'd like it to be a hyperlink.
Sub Save()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim strDate As String
Dim strSave As String
strDate = Worksheets("Datasheet").Range("ay6").Value..........................
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Jun 20, 2014
Please see attached workbook
At the moment when the workbook is opened the first time in the day emails are auto sent for any overdue items (all good)
1) there is a column with lead times in each sheet that should send a warning email when the lead time number of days
is reached( this sends the email but does not populate the table)?
Question how can i amend the code to either make the lead time populate the summary sheet or remove the lead time option
2) Also i have copied the template sheet over to add more shhets but the email table dont populate.
How should i be copying new sheets over?
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Aug 13, 2014
I'm trying to add a range to this email code that will then paste the information into the body of this email however instead of getting the data I need i'm getting "-1" in the body instead.
I've tried defining the range below and adding that line to the main code but it doesn't work, the code will run but i get "-1" in the body.
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Mar 21, 2014
I have a process metric that I need to send via email.
I would like to automate this.
I am looking for the following
1. upon clicking send mail button the smart art used on the excel should be mailed.
2. the smart art should be pasted as Image on the body of the email.
3. The body should contain a text message like " dear receiver," <line break> " Please find the below process health for this week" <line break> "Regards," <line break> "Sender"
4. The size of the image on the email body should be height 3 inches and width should be 5 inches.
I have attached the spreadsheet for reference.
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Feb 2, 2012
insert image in the body of the email.
Sub Mailer()
'Sheets("BB Email Data").Select
pathname = Range("A1").Value 'defines attachment
Dim objol As New Outlook.Application
Dim objmail As MailItem
Set objol = New Outlook.Application
Set objmail = objol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
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Aug 14, 2012
I am using the below code to send a email by VBA in Excel but I am trying to add a hyperlink in the body of the email.
I would like to use '"Click Here" to go to Google - I only want to show "Click Here" in the email not the full web address
Sub SendEmailData()
Dim iMsg As Object
Dim iConf As Object
Dim cell As Range
'Dim strbody As String
' Dim Flds As Variant
[Code] ........
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Nov 18, 2008
I've managed to get the following macro working except for one small thing - the link to the folder where the spreadsheet (that will be attached to the email) resides (which I got to work fine in a macro to send out tasks) just ends up as plain text and is not clickable
Make this link clickable in the email so that when the recipient receives the email they can just click on the link and go straight to the relevant folder please? (I've highlighted the line with what I would like to work as a link in red)
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Nov 4, 2009
I am searching for a macro where I can use in a command button to:
1. Launch Outlook
2. Insert variable name from the excel file within the body of the Email.
ex. ...Your new cost is: "NewCost"
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Jun 5, 2012
I'm attempting to put multiple lines of text (not one huge string) in the body of an email. I've tried Chr(13), Chr(10), vbcr, and vblf....all to no avail.
Sub AttachEmail()
Bk1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Sh1 = ActiveSheet.Name
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Oct 26, 2009
I need to get data from an excel spreadsheet copied and into the body of an email.
I have set it up to copy the data required, i have the email open, i have the to and subject fields filled in but i can not get the copied data inserted into the email.
Where am i going wrong or better yet what do i need to write to get this to work.
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objOutlookMsg As Object
Dim msgtxt As String
Sub send()
msgtxt = Sheets("bed update report").Select
Application.Goto Reference:="Print_Area"
Set objOutlook = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application")
Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(o)
'Set objOutlookMsg = objsession.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objOutlookMsg
.To = ""
.Subject = "Despatch Overtime Hours"
.body = msgtxt
End With
Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
End Sub
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Jul 9, 2014
I am working on a code which works, however, its is not working entirely as i intended. In this example, the body of the email should contain content from textbox.
I have 3 text boxes, not all are expected to be filled out. So if only textbox1 is filled out, the body should only include information derived from textbox1.
Whats happening now is that even if textboxes 2 and 3 arent filled out, the body of email produces blank formulas from textboxes 2 and 3. So how do i fix this code so that if I enter data into textbox1 only, the body of email will not include empty formulas? Ive also attached a copy of the Produced email file. Code in question is in red font
Attached Image : 7-9-2014 11-21-35 PM.png
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Dec 18, 2008
I use gmail, and have an excel sheet with hundreds of rows. I need to send each recepient an e-mail using their e-mail address (row D), and their name in the body and subject (row A). The rest of the body of the email will all be the same.
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May 18, 2014
Trying to add a macro to generate an approval email with certain data from the spreadsheet within the body of the email. I have the following in place currently to deploy the email:
Sub Sendemail()
Dim Email_Subject, Email_Send_To, _
Email_Cc, Email_Body As String
Dim Mail_Object, Mail_Single As Variant
Email_Subject = "New Account Approval"
[Code] ....
What do I need to add the following cell values into the body of the email, All Sheet 1?
E16 : F16
E17 : F17
A25 : B25
A26 : B26
A27 : B27
Is there something simple I can insert to make this work?
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Apr 17, 2007
I am wondering if anyone can help with a VBA code that will copy a worksheet from one workbook into a new one making it values only (not copying formulas) and then popping up the “Save As” box so they can type a name they want to save it as and once that is done it will open up email attach it ready for them to type in my address and or any message they want?
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