Copy Formulas Or Using The Auto Fill Need To Have The Count Inc By 5 Instead Of 1
Apr 17, 2009
I have the following formula:
=AVERAGE('sheet 2'!C7,'sheet 2'!D7:Z7)+AVERAGE('sheet 2'!C9,'sheet 2'!D9:Z9). When I copy it down to the next cell the valules need to increase to 12 & 14 respectively.
I am trying to do can’t really be recorded, at least i don’t think it can. I have a report that I run off and after I loaded it in Excel I then have to add in five columns at the end of the sheet. These are always in the same columns: R,S,T,U,V.
These are the formulas I have to then input R =IF(G2="no invoices",A2,"") S=IF(I2="Match",A2,"") T=IF(I2="Sent to AP",A2,"") U=IF(I2="Force Settled",A2,"") V=IF( COUNTIF($R$2:$U$10054,A2),A2,0)
Note for column V, the range R2:U10054 would depend on how many rows is in the report, its just in this example the report does have 10054 rows. The columns would always stay the same. I would then copy the formulae down for the number of rows that is in the report and filter column V by entries that equal zero to give me the rows I am looking to analyse. Is this the type of thing that can be written as a macro so that everytime I have a new report open in Excel I can just run the macro and it will do all of this for me?
What I need is to insert a row at row 59 and autofill the formulas including drop down list from the above row. This is what I have so far (Thanks to Reafidy and shg).
Sub ChkDates() Dim c As Range Dim DelRng As Range Dim ArcRng As Range Dim i As Long Dim l As Integer Application. ScreenUpdating = False Worksheets("Report").Activate For i = 60 To 8 Step -1 Set c = Cells(i, 33) If IsDate(c) Then ..............
I've got this macro, that will auto fill in the "username" (Col. J),and the date (Col. K), When a value is "typed" into the column I for the same row.
If I "Copy N Paste" the same value down column I for any given number of rows, the data will not autofill in to (Col.J&K). This only happens when a value is typed.
Is there a way to fix this so it will auto fill when, a value is "Copied and Pasted"?
Also, how would I set the range for this to happen for row 9 and down. I don't want the auto fill happening in rows 1-8.
I've attached an example layout. Here's the code I'm working with:
Is there anyway to automatically fill the empty added cell after inserting a row without using the fill handle? For example, for a series of numbers: [URL]
2. Drag the fill handle Selected cell with fill handle across the range that you want to fill.
Or running balance: [URL]
2. Extend the running balance formula into the new rows by selecting the last cell in the balance column and then double-clicking the fill handle.
Possible to auto count and auto sum based on Unique ID.
Download link to the file in question [URL] ..........
So for Example ID 79125 should get a sum 537.39 and count should be 12, also in any given week like 50 , 51 , 52 , week 1 etc.., duplicate entries must be all counted as 1
I have a spreadhseet with various functions on it and what I am trying to do is this.
Cell E4 returns a >35 or <35 true or false value Cell G4 is either blank or has "Yes" text type into it.
What I am trying to do is get cell F4 to return certain arguments.
E4 = >35 and G4 is blank I want it to state "Email Hiring Manager" E4 = ,35 and G4 is blank I want it to state "Wait"
I have a basic IF formula that returns this =IF(E4>35,"Email Hiring Manager","Wait")
Then if cell G4 is populated with a Yes the formula needs to overwirte the origonal if with the return arguments of =IF(G4="Yes","Email Agency","Email Hiring Manager")
If yes then what would be Email Hiring Manager (yes will only be input if E4 is greater than 35) will be overwritten with "Email Agency"
Can this be done with two If formulas or does there need to be 3 or more to count if other IF formulas are actually returning a value?
Here is my dilemma, I have two formulas that reference another sheet, my example shows it more clearly... ...............Column E Row 11......=sheet1!F16+sheet1!I16 Row 12......=sheet1!G16 Row 12......=sheet1!F17+sheet1!I17 Row 12......=sheet1!G17 etc.
Is there a macro or a formula I can use on the remaining 4000 rows that will keep this pattern while maintaining the formulas above?
I want to copy an active cell in row 2 (I dont want to fix a cell as it can be any cell at any time). I want to copy it all the way down to a cell where the next row after it, is completely blank on all the 256 cells.
I need it to autofill just as if you selected range A1 and A2 and double clicked that little square on the bottom right hand side of the cell (so it stopps auto-filling at the last active cell in B)
I currently have this code ( which works perfect ) that was written by someone else. It performs an auto-fill in column "A".
I need to learn how to adjust this code to do it for other columns, but do not know currently.
Maybe someone could highlight of BOLD the adjustments to direct the code to the column.
Sub fill_rows_A_4() Dim arrTmp As Variant Dim lngRow As Long With Worksheets("sheet1") 'adapt arrTmp = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) For lngRow = 1 To UBound(arrTmp) If arrTmp(lngRow, 1) = "" Then arrTmp(lngRow, 1) = arrTmp(lngRow - 1, 1) Next .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(UBound(arrTmp), 1)) = arrTmp End With End Sub
I want to create a spreadsheet table of values that are linked other spreadsheets, a condesnsed version... I am not a total amateur and I understand the world of excel links....
However the problem lies in the fact that the source files change format every day, what i need is a formula for each cell (i know...) that can:
1. Firstly find column and row heading titles by looking for part of the title i.e. for a title like 'Occupation' i need a non case sensitive search for 'Occu'.
2. Once colum and row are found, return the intesecting value.
The formulas are needed so all I will have to do, after this is finished, is update the source files and the relevant numbers will be found automatically.
Im sure this is something that can be done with a clever array formula, setup to recognise column and row intersections based on positve returns on search variables, however this one is just outside my capabilities....
What I would like to do is on a sheet when I insert a new row that it will "FILL" the formulas that are the row above it. For example I have cells A1-F1. On cell A1 there is 1, B1 there is 2...etc. When I then insert a new row I would like the row below A1-F1 to read. A2 = 2, B2=3 so it had a linear growth. I want to do this with my formulas so whenever someone adds a new line it knows to copy the formula as well but only in certain cells if possible.
Working with 2 worksheets in the same spreadsheet. In worksheet A cell F6 is a solution (hex2dec) these solutions are staggered consistently in column F (F6, F9, F12, F15 etc) In worksheet B cell A2 displays workshop A cell F6 details (=ATR!F6) Worksheet B cell A3 Autofil uses (=ATR!F7) I want (=ATR!F9) Worksheet B cell A4 I want (=ATR!F12) How do I condition autofil to follow my chosen sequence ie F6,F9,F12,F15 etc...
when I fill the information into column B on pages 1-31 I would like it to refer to the location names from the loc-mileage sheet and fill in the suggested name as i'm typing.
I thought about doing a drop down but the list is too long and I dont want it to be set to only use the list names, only suggest names from the list.
I need to auto fill quarters but Excel fills years instead. For example I write Q1-11 in cell A1 and when dragging down it fills with Q1-12 rather than Q2-11.
I am trying to figure out how to auto-fill a range. I am summing a range from one tab to another, like A1:A5. I want to autofill the subsequent cells to begin with the cell that follows the last of the previous range, so it would autofill as A1:A5, A6:10, A11:15, etc. how to do this?
I have a macro set up to automatically fill all of the cells in certain columns with the top cell's formula in that column. This is so I don't have to go through and manually "fill down" the formulas into the blank cells after I insert a row into my database. The problems is, though, that the macro sometimes takes a long a** time to run (and uses up a TON of memory...the doc. was 29,000 kb at one point!) because of the amount of rows & columns I have (approx. 5000 row & 34 columns) just one one sheet.
Anyway, is there a way to set up something in VBA to have it auto fill in the formulas in the columns I choose, after I insert a row, with the information that preceeds it?
So, for example, if I insert a row anywhere in my database, excel will know right away that I want that row filled w/ the formulas from the row above it.
I created a database and made one small mistake doing it. The database is infinite amount of rows down and my formula needs to be corrected as such. In the current cells: (C1:C1000) i have the formulas referencing cells $B1, but i need it to reference $B$1. In C2 I need it to reference $B$2, C3 $B$3 and so on. If I autofill, it obviously just keeps the following cells at $B$1 and i can't keep the dollar bill sign.
I need to be able to click on a box and have it fil that box with a check, X, or other fill and have that fill go away if I click on that box again. Can I do that?