Copy Partial Text Within A Cell To A New Cell
Oct 10, 2008
I have a database that I need to extract information from. Column "D" has a string that runs from 25 to 50 characters long, and I need to pull specific information out and need it to be inserted into a new column for each row of my database. The data that I need to pull from column "D" is always located between the first occurance of "=" and the first occurance of "&"
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Apr 25, 2012
I am copying text (contest results from another website) and posting into excel. As it is formatted on the original site, it posts the place, followed by a period, then the team name, then a dash, then the score.
Example ... 4. Smokers Purgatory - 662.2858
To place it in our database we need the period removed from the place, and the dash and score removed.
Example ... 4 Smokers Purgatory
Is this possible to automate in excel or is there a way to format so that excel seperates the place, team name and score? Or should I be looking for a different method?
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Jun 8, 2012
I have the following code to find text on a sheet. It works perfectly except that I want it to find partial text in a cell as well.
Thus, if the text in a cell is Goodwood, it will find it if I type in Goodwood as my search. I also want to find Goodwood if I only type in Good.
The Lookat:=xlPart does not seems to work.....
Dim rFound As Range
Dim iCount As Long
Dim Text As Range
Dim MyRange As Range
Sheets("All Codes").Visible = True
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Aug 10, 2006
I have a problem, in a table, the cell H5 has this formula. .=IF(E5=20, COUNTIF(G5,">=10y")+COUNTIF(G5,">=12y") +COUNTIF(G5,">=14y")+COUNTIF(G5,">=16y")+COUNTIF(G 5,">=18y")). every time that G5 has a value >= "10y"or "12y" until "18y", H5 should add 1 or 2 until 5. when I fill out C5, with an answer value in G5 of + 18y, H5 = 5, everything works fine. writing 02/08/1988 in C5 the result in H5 is 5, but when I change the value of C5 for 02/08/1999, H5 should be "0" but it continues with the value 5.
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Jan 2, 2014
Below is a small sample of Column A from a spreadsheet I'm working with. All cells in the column begin with a 6 digit number:
What formula would allow me to enter only a 6 digit number and return the entire cell contents, i.e, search for 115403 and get a return of 115403_WACO ? I have tried INDEX and MATCH, but I'm not getting the results I need.
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Feb 28, 2007
Greetings, I have a particular column containing data similar to:
I have sorted the data to have all the X marks together, and now I want to run a counter so i can select the data and delete. Following is a sample of the code that is NOT working:
'Delete X Piece Mark Rows
counter = 0
Do While ActiveCell = "X" & "*" ' This is the line that crapping out
If ActiveCell = "X" & "*" Then counter = counter + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Range("A2", "L" & counter + 1).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
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Apr 5, 2007
I am trying to copy partial data from Column A into Columns B and C, then I want to delete Column A without affecting the results in Column B and C. Column A consists of a stock number in the format "1234-56-789-0000" (including the dashes) and is formatted as TEXT.
I'd like to paste the "1234" from Column A into Column B and the "56-789-0000" from Column A into Column C AND remove the dashes (-). I need to do this for the range (or number of rows) that is populated in Column A. This could be as many as 50,000+ rows of data. After this is done, I want to delete Column A. I tried using the LEFT and RIGHT formulas, but they are dependent on keeping Column A intact.
........... A .................. B .............. C ......
1234-56-789-0000 ..... 1234 ..... 567890000
and then eventually like this:
. A ............. B ......
1234 .... 567890000
On occasion, leading zeros in Column C have disappeared, and it's necessary it stay in a 9-digit format. There are 2 additional columns of data, but they shouldn't be affected by the above.
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May 20, 2014
This is for Excel 2007,I have two sets of model numbers. One set is the full model numbers of the units we use, and the other is an abbreviated form used to lookup up certificate numbers. I need a way to match these up so I can use one set of search criteria to find out if there is a match. Here is an example of what I need to match with a partial text match:
H,AE35(6,9)36+TD and AE3563636D145C2501AP
H,RE36(6,9)36 and RE36936C145B2505AP
if I could do this with a formula that matches multiple items at the same time (ie; if A & B & C match=true) with the above model number being one of those items (certificate numbers are issued for sets, but the other model numbers are fine).If that's not possible, a one time VBA run to match all of the abbreviations at once would also work. If these items are matched up with a one time VBA, the VBA needs to account for their being more than one match for each abbreviation depending on the size of the unit.
So H,AE35(6,9)36+TD could be matched to:
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Jul 31, 2014
Here's an interesting one:
A1 contains a text string which is both bold and unbold (
B1 is blank
I need a macro which scans the cells with text and copies the BOLD portions of the text string into the adjacent cell.
The sky is blue
Macro is run
sky blue
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May 22, 2014
I have a list of text quotes in column A. I then have column B which will have a Y entered if the quote is used in a presentation. I currently have around 100 quotes.
On a separate sheet, I want to be able to effectively say in one cell - If column B has text in it, copy the quote from column A. But the difficult part is how do I make this happen so that I can have multiple quotes being pulled into one cell?
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May 14, 2009
I have the following code in another workbook that is used to populate a cell on the same sheet based on input to cells in column 'A'.
Is it possible to modify this for the attached workbook to select a cell with data (numbers) on the Input Data sheet in column 'E', add text to the beginning, ('CG' in this case), and paste the result to the Import Template in the corresponding cell of column 'A'? I currently have a formula copied to dozens of cells in 'A' but since the number of rows for the Input Template is variable, there are usually cells in 'A' that contain CG but no corresponding data in the rest of the row.
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Mar 7, 2014
I'm trying to copy data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet. However, the data to be copied is dependent on the 'client name'.
To explain this further, in the first list I have a detailed report on our clients and the services provided to every employee of that company/client.
However, the sheet two only needs the names of the employees that belong to a specific client.
This can be done manually by setting a fliter on the name of the client/company, but I need to be automated. To ensure only that specific company/client company's employee name is copied.
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Dec 9, 2009
I'm not very good at programming with excel and ive looked every where for how to do this but i cant find it ....
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Nov 22, 2006
I have a cell that contains a string which is always formatted the same. "Dated between Date1 and Date2" I would like to put Date2 into a variable; however, I don't know how to get just that part of the cell.
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Mar 31, 2014
I am making a table in excel where I list video games and I would like to place a hyperlink in line with them to open a search page on eBay, I've made a URL-friendly cell (replacing the spaces with + signs, like they do on the URL.
Example table:
game title
On the "Check" cell I would like a hyperlink that contains the value of the cell saying "game+title" (supposing that is cell B2), i.e:
How would I go about it?
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Jan 17, 2013
I'm having a 6000+ records, (contacts DB) exported in Excel 2003 format from MS Outlook.
Except the "First" and "LastName", all other contact elements are in the field "Notes" (which is the BZ column according to the exported outlook layout) multiplied by 6469 (records in total)
Useful information are included !!!
I'll give an example of a record...
Column: BZ, Row: 543 says --> "2110000000-6989000000, 1TOK_TER:17-11-010(25 DAYS LESS),
Now, I want every time to take the part of the text says "TER:something..." (part of which is date, but not every time with the known format dd-mm-yyyy, as you see here is yyy, followed by something else, with parenthesis here and maybe more data) and copy it in a new cell..., e.g:CO Column, same Row...
Above and every field which by the way is formatted as General (and it is text mainly) are made by merging older excel fields where data laid here and there, that's why you see the commas...with the method of a module with the following code:
Function MyMerge(Rng As Range)
For Each Cell In Rng
Temp = Temp & Cell.Value & ", "
Next Cell
Temp = Mid(Temp, 1, Len(Temp) - 2)
MyMerge = Temp
End Function
Note1:Records with the above string (TER:dd-mm-yyy) are 771 from 6469.
Note2: As an alternative solution I can see an extraction of the TER:dd-mm-yyy string and the copy in a new place, like the:CO Column, same Row...
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Jan 6, 2009
The merged Cell B6:G6 will receive a ten-digit number followed by a dash and then one or more numbers. (For example: 1234567890-123)
Cell B15 will then receive data shortly afterwards. I already have a validation macro for this cell which allows either 'I' or 'I I I'.
Upon exiting Cell B15, merged Cell B16:H16 needs a macro which will check Cell B15 and if it contains 'I', Cell B16:H16 will display the data from the ten-digit number entered in Cell B6:G6 minus the first five digits. (For example: 67890-123)
Now the data in Cell B16:H16 can only be somewhat editable hereafter. It can be erased or replaced with numbers in smaller or greater digit combinations than five before the dash (i.e. 67890-123 can be replaced with 123456-7), and digits can be added after the whole group (i.e. 67890-123 & SEE DWG) without any error messages. But if any five-digit number with a dash and some numbers exist in Cell B16:H16, they must correspond with the number in Cell B6:G6 minus the first five digits.
However, if Cell B15 ever receives a 'I I I' afterwards, all data in Cell B16:H16 must be erased. Cell B16:H16 can never contain data if Cell B15 contains 'I I I'.
Also, if the data in Cell B6:G6 changes later on, the corresponding digits in Cell B16:H16 must change as well, even if there are digits after the whole group.
So here is an example of what a good macro would do for me: ...
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Jul 31, 2014
Is there a way I could achieve copying cell's content minus some characters?
For example in the cell A1 would be: "two apples"
I would put into the B1 cell something like =A1(-4charactersincludingspace) - the result in B1 should be "apples"
Is it understandable what I mean?
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Jan 5, 2009
I have two cells on Sheet 1 - Cell A1 and Cell A2.
Cell A1 is the first cell that will receive either a number, or nothing. When it receives a number, the number will always contain five digits. (For example: '23456'.)
The contents of Cell A2 depend on the contents of Cell A1 - If Cell A1 contains a five digit number, then Cell A2 will display that same five-digit number with '-1' following it. (In our case: '23456-1'.) If Cell A1 contains no number, then Cell A2 will just be another ordinary cell allowing the user to enter whatever he/she desires.
The extension in Cell A2 should remain editable at all times - if the user wishes to change the '-1' to a '-2', for example, he/she should be able to do so without any error messages appearing. However, the user must not be able to change any of the first five digits in Cell A2 as long as Cell A1 contains data. A message should appear stating that changes to the first five digits should be performed in Cell A1 - which would then change Cell A2 accordingly.
Also, if the contents of Cell A1 are erased for any reason, Cell A2 should keep the five digit number, but lose whatever '-x' extension it contained.
Can this be done using Data Validation?
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Aug 27, 2012
I need to find the last row of a table I'm manipulating with VBA. The last row contains only the subtotal of a specific column. I am currently using the following code to find the last row. (NB:'j' is the the specific column, the formula in the last cell is shown in the Do While conditional, but the value 109 can change)
Do While Cells(i, j).Formula "=SUBTOTAL(109,[BID PRICE '#1])"
i = i + 1
However, this code will not work if the user adds a row to the table. I've tried using a partial string search, but the do while conditional is always true. I assume this is because the cell contents are a formula and not a string.
Can I change my conditional to search for just the "=SUBTOTAL" portion of the formula?
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Jan 30, 2013
I haven't had the need to work with partial strings till now and having difficulty finding the right context in other threads. I need to put the first 4 characters of one cell into another cell. The line in the below code with the comment is the one I need. It's the only one where I need only part of what is in the cell.
It should be = the first four characters of cells(zRow, "A")
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim zRow As Long
Dim cRow as Long
LastRow = Sheets("Datasheet").Range("N65536").End(xlUp).Row
zRow = 1
cRow = 2
[Code] ......
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Dec 12, 2007
I need to extract partial contents of a cell.. right now in the cell it looks like
address: 9999
so I want my code to see the cell... dropp the "address: " and only retrieve 9999.
I know it's on google somewhere but I can't seem to describe it properly for the right results to come up.
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Jul 29, 2006
I got some data like this
The gap between each word and the word "US" is uneven. sometimes it's 3 spacebar apart, and sometimes 4.
I am trying the pick the part not including US. I tried =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("US",A1)),A1,LEFT(A1,SEARCH("US",A1)-1)). It works but when I use match function to look up the word. It returns N.A. As the output is not just CTAC(4 characters), but 5 characters(including blank). The problem is the gap between between the word and "US" is different for each cell. so I cannot just minus the same character in the above formula (e.g. -2 if there is one blank cell). Anyone can tell me how to pick out the word and with only the number of characters in the word?(no blank)
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Sep 19, 2006
I have an excel sheet that we need to type in an account number it always starts with 8774100 then has 9 more numbers. If I leave it on number formating it always changes the last number to 0 so I format the cell as TEXT. Anyway is there a way to get the 8774100 to automatically go in and only have to type the last 9 numbers? I know I can copy paste but then I have to double click or make sure I enter the last 9 numbers at the end or use the top entry. The data entry people just want to hit enter and go from line to line fast. In the past I just divided the cell into 2 cells and made the 8774100 in column A and columb B was the ending 9 numbers. But they need to be in the same cell.
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Feb 21, 2014
I've attached a sample document of my data layout. On the Compare tab, I'd like to build a sumif formula that takes the data in column B and uses it to reference the other tabs without having to use a large nested IF statement. For example, on the Compare tab, in cell C2, the formula will know to look at the "JAN MONTH" tab because B2 says "JAN", then the rest of the sumif would be looking at the data in column A and matching it with the data in column A in the correct tab.
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Feb 15, 2010
I've posted this query before, not on this forum, but I don't think the replies I've had so far are going to do what I want. Initially I was looking for a formula, but the suggested pile of nested IFs won't work for the number of conditions. I saw a previous post on here for a VBA macro to search for a text value in a cell against the cell contents of a range and it seemed to do at least the first part of what I wanted. I attempted to manipulate it a little to test its applicability for my own nefarious purposes but for the life of me I can't get it working.
This is complicated by the fact that the actual data is commercially confidential, so I can't show you the actual file, but I can fake what I want with two simpler ones. I've attached them to this post. What I want is a fair bit more complex than the other post I found - I want to be able to compare a partial text string from a given cell in a range ('Check Value' in the attached TestBook2 ) against the strings in a range of cells ('Value 1' in TestBook1), and return the corresponding value from 'Test Value' to the corresponding adjacent cell to the tested 'Check Value', with an order of precedence, for example...
Testbook2 contains an entry in C5 of 'a, e, h, z, x, y'. Testbook1 shows that the return for a, b, c, or d is 'moo', for e, f, or g is 'steve' and for g through q is 'fred', all others being no returned value. Moo>steve>fred, so I want the corresponding 'moo, steve. fred or <blank>' cell to contain 'moo'. Conversely, C6 contains 't, u, z' and therefore shouldn't have a value in 'moo, steve, fred or <blank>'. C12 contains 'f, z, s, y, u' and C15 'i, x, z, s', and therefore should display 'steve' and 'fred' respectively.
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Mar 15, 2007
Cell H1 has a variable string of references for eg
I want to return the reference beginiing with "FXVA" so it would ignore the rest and only return FXVB123456 - this should always be 10 characters.
Just to add another complication to the mix, there may be 2 "FXVA" references in the string and i want to get both (these can be in the same string so FXVB123456FXEL123456 - but this might not happen regularly.
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Apr 22, 2014
In a workbook I need to find all items belonging to a certain person and then copy those items to a new sheet, possibly separated by commas. To make it simple, see example :
Sheet 1 :
Fruit ownersJimJulia MirandaJason
JuliaMatthew MatthewJim
Sheet 2 : this is where I want to put the results
JimApple, Banana
JuliaPear, Apple
MatthewPear, Grape
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Jan 15, 2010
I have made a dynamic calculator which will calculate the total sale based on 3 criteria in 3 different cells as follows:-
I would like to derive the sales qty in cell C5 if all the 3 conditions in the range B2:B4 is true.
In this case the sales qty for Style-Colour-MRP combination(9103-PINK-399) should be 6.
I am unable to figure out with the formula for the same....
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Oct 20, 2012
I want to do something similar but it is looking for values between parentheses "()" and won't work with the VB suggested. I've seen some other formulas that do find the content within the parentheses but returns #VALUE! if there is not a parentheses in the field. I'd like it to copy the original value of A2 into B2 for those instances. PROBLEM: Database with First Names in A2 where some have "nicknames" entered within () and I need a clean column of values to use. "IF A2 contains () then copy (contents) into B2, else copy A2" is how I'd write in english... not sure how to do correctly in code/vb.
Sub PartialText()
Dim MyValue$
Dim ChangedValue$
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