Retrieve Partial Cell Data

Jul 31, 2014

Is there a way I could achieve copying cell's content minus some characters?

For example in the cell A1 would be: "two apples"

I would put into the B1 cell something like =A1(-4charactersincludingspace) - the result in B1 should be "apples"

Is it understandable what I mean?

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Retrieve Record On Partial String Search

Feb 20, 2008

I have created a Userform for entry data's in a Excel2003 file. I would like to retrieve a complete record (= a row) by searching on a string contained in a cell of this searched record-row. Here an example of a row and I'm searching upon "2041" via an inputbox.

idn° claims Dateréf. Suppl supplier Fax n° PO
1AAA2041 2/01/08200039 BOSCH (RAS) 056/20.26.75 774634

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Linking Partial Data From One Cell If Data In Another Cell Meets Requirements

Jan 6, 2009

The merged Cell B6:G6 will receive a ten-digit number followed by a dash and then one or more numbers. (For example: 1234567890-123)

Cell B15 will then receive data shortly afterwards. I already have a validation macro for this cell which allows either 'I' or 'I I I'.

Upon exiting Cell B15, merged Cell B16:H16 needs a macro which will check Cell B15 and if it contains 'I', Cell B16:H16 will display the data from the ten-digit number entered in Cell B6:G6 minus the first five digits. (For example: 67890-123)

Now the data in Cell B16:H16 can only be somewhat editable hereafter. It can be erased or replaced with numbers in smaller or greater digit combinations than five before the dash (i.e. 67890-123 can be replaced with 123456-7), and digits can be added after the whole group (i.e. 67890-123 & SEE DWG) without any error messages. But if any five-digit number with a dash and some numbers exist in Cell B16:H16, they must correspond with the number in Cell B6:G6 minus the first five digits.

However, if Cell B15 ever receives a 'I I I' afterwards, all data in Cell B16:H16 must be erased. Cell B16:H16 can never contain data if Cell B15 contains 'I I I'.

Also, if the data in Cell B6:G6 changes later on, the corresponding digits in Cell B16:H16 must change as well, even if there are digits after the whole group.

So here is an example of what a good macro would do for me: ...

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Excel 2010 :: How To Filter / Sort Data Based On Partial Match Of Data In Cell

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Excel 2010. I am a novice user.

I have a lot of data to filter / sort. I want to initially to create a filter for a column of data - which has the format similar to hierarchical paths to files. The data is a mix of text/numbers. e.g.


[Code] .........

Doing an alphabetical sort of this date would return the following order. As you can see while each strings in unique - there are many instances where they are simialr - if you ignore the unique numeric values at the end of the string.


[Code] ......

So what I want to do is to create a filter for the strings - but ignoring the numeric bits at the end i.e.


The strings are obviiously of varying length and the number of hierarchical paths is different, so I can't split string on "/".

Similarly folder paths names can contain "_" so can't split string on this either.

As I don't know how many "/" or "-" instances there will be in the string I don't believe I can use the find function. Also as the amount of number will be different i don't think I can use =right(a1,X) either.

I may be able to search for the pattern above - as this is probabay unique - so maybe it's something like the following pseudo code:

Function GetString(txt As String) As String
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "reg_d+(_)+d+//d"
GetString = .execute(txt)(0)
End With
End Function

If I do require VBA code - how do I then use this for creating a column filter? Or will I have to extract the filtered data first from the column (and its associated row data) into another worksheet to use?

Once I have the filter in place I want to create tables using the filtered data - so for example each column value above has a lot of associated data values in each row e.g

26 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_0_0/d
32 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_17_0/d
8 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_4_0/d

So my table would show the name "data_out_reg" and the range of values 8-32

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Linking Partial Cell Data

Jan 5, 2009

I have two cells on Sheet 1 - Cell A1 and Cell A2.

Cell A1 is the first cell that will receive either a number, or nothing. When it receives a number, the number will always contain five digits. (For example: '23456'.)

The contents of Cell A2 depend on the contents of Cell A1 - If Cell A1 contains a five digit number, then Cell A2 will display that same five-digit number with '-1' following it. (In our case: '23456-1'.) If Cell A1 contains no number, then Cell A2 will just be another ordinary cell allowing the user to enter whatever he/she desires.

The extension in Cell A2 should remain editable at all times - if the user wishes to change the '-1' to a '-2', for example, he/she should be able to do so without any error messages appearing. However, the user must not be able to change any of the first five digits in Cell A2 as long as Cell A1 contains data. A message should appear stating that changes to the first five digits should be performed in Cell A1 - which would then change Cell A2 accordingly.

Also, if the contents of Cell A1 are erased for any reason, Cell A2 should keep the five digit number, but lose whatever '-x' extension it contained.

Can this be done using Data Validation?

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Extracting Data Based On Partial Data In A Cell

Jan 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet full of data and I need to extract only those lines of data which can be identified by the last three letters in a cell. I am adding an example spreadsheet which highlights the rows I am trying to extract based on the contents in column B but only where column B ends in KY.

Example data extract requirement.xlsx‎

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Retrieve Data From A Cell Based On Date In Another Cell

Feb 22, 2014

In the attached spreadsheet I need a formula to extract the value from column C that matches the date in Column E where the date in column E is equal to or falls between the dates in Columns A and B.file now attached.

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Retrieve Cell Data From Another Excel File And Paste Into Specified Cells In Current Spreadsheet

Dec 8, 2012

I have a spreadsheet witht the following design:

Column A = Date
Column B = Value 1
Column C = Value 2

I have a folder with excel files named by date (e.g. 081212 = 8th December 12). Within each of those files is Value 1 and Value 2. They are always in the same cell (B6= Value 1, B16= Value 2).

How can i create a macro/script where the Values in Column B and Column C in my spreadsheet are automatically updated where there is a Date in Column A but no values in Column B or C?

In other words, i need the script to read the date in Column A and if Column B and Column C are blank, then it needs to find the corresponding date excel file and copy Value 1 and Value 2 into the cells in my spreadsheet.

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Userform - Retrieve Data From Excel Sheet And Overwrite With New Data In Same Rows?

Mar 3, 2014

I have created a userform with multipage, has two page that add new record in a excel sheet. Data has a unique reference no.(TxtRef.Value) for each record. I am trying to add a button to load the added data for a specific record using reference no back to userform so that it can be updated and overwrite back to the sheet in the same row, So far it is adding new record correctly. I do not know how to populate all the fields of the of an existing record and overwrite it back to the same row instead of adding a new record. Below is my codes


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Put X If Data Has Partial Match

Mar 12, 2012

I have data below, what I am trying to do is to put an "x" if the data has a partial match. This is what I am using below.

HTMLSheet1  ABC1G. Washington SchoolGEORGE WASHINGTON SCHOOL 2Electrical Magnet SchoolELECTRICAL 3Sports Magnet SchoolCOLUMBUS SCHOOL 4JonesJONES SCHOOLx5J. StrongSTRONG SCHOOL 6Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOL 7HarrisonHARRISON SCHOOLx8Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOL 9Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOL 10Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOL Spreadsheet

[Code] ...........

What I would like is this

HTMLSheet1  ABC1G. Washington SchoolGEORGE WASHINGTON SCHOOLx2Electrical Magnet SchoolELECTRICALx3Sports Magnet SchoolCOLUMBUS SCHOOL 4JonesJONES SCHOOLx5J. StrongSTRONG SCHOOLx6Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOLx7HarrisonHARRISON SCHOOLx8Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOLx9Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOLx10Abe Lincoln SchoolLINCOLN SCHOOLxSpreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaC3=IFERROR(IF(SEARCH(A3,B3),"x",""),"")C7=IFERROR(IF(SEARCH(A7,B7),"x",""),"")

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Hlookup (retrieve The Corresponding Data)

Sep 7, 2009

The formula I'm looking for should look for the name mentioned in B2 in range AC2:AF400 and retrieve the corresponding data below it starting from D11 to D41 and continue on F7 to F34 etc.

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How To Match And Retrieve Data

Feb 4, 2013

I need to match and retrieve data.

If cell A25 matches B3:B19, B25 should pull the Name and C25 the Cost.

I have attached a spreadsheet.

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Retrieve Data From Sql Server

Nov 25, 2008

This code should retrieve data from sql server to excel sheet
filtering according to the "where" statement
its a modified recorded macro.

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Other Page To Retrieve Data

Sep 1, 2009


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Retrieve Data From Txt File

Jan 22, 2010

I still do not have my dummy files ready but wanted to start the discussion on Retrieving Specific Data form Txt file.

Later I will post sample files.

For now, I will appreciate any ideas on how can I refer to specific place in the txt file and get the relevant information to excel spreadsheet.

The criteria for searching the text file must be:

1.Look for specific ABC
2.right below must be a date: 01/20/2010

3.When those two criteria are met then go down and find the first occurrence of the word: “Test”
4.When you find the word, on the right of this word must find numbers
5.Get those numbers to excel

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Retrieve Data With 2 Conditions

Nov 25, 2006

I have 4 columns of data:

Employee; Invoice #, Invoice Total ($), Month of Invoice

I am trying to create a simple report that will display Invoices, By Employee, for a given month. I have tried using the following VLOOKUP statements within an IF statement:


"S1DATA" is the table with the data I described above. I am trying to retrieve data for the month of October. When I use the above statement I get the information that I want, but when I copy the formula down (matching the employee name in H2, H3, H4... etc I continuously get the same invoice information.

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Retrieve Data From Web That Requires A Log In

Aug 25, 2006

I have a webpage with a form, where user can enter their login info and a location number.

- Based on these information I would like the location number to be fed into a Macro, when the user was authorized. The Macro then extract required information and give it back as txt-file ( this Macro is already written).

- The result txt-file need to be convert to an excel file and be availabe on web for downloading.

- -> All of this process must be automatically done. <--

My question is, which language (VBA, PHP, Perl,...) should I use to do the work and how can I do it?

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Retrieve Data From Workbook Using ADO & VBA

Oct 11, 2006

I am updating one sheet within a closed workbook with information from one sheet in another closed workbook. I have been using a connection string similiar to this: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:ExcelData2.xls;" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""....

My question is, how do I make a worksheet that is in a closed workbook active. And to be more specific I need to change the name of the file I am saving to and I was hoping to do something like "activeworksheet.saveas=". If you happen to know another way that relates to the way I am connecting and updating information( SQL statements), could you let me know.

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Excel 2007 :: Match Partial Text When Partial Text Is Not Exact

May 20, 2014

This is for Excel 2007,I have two sets of model numbers. One set is the full model numbers of the units we use, and the other is an abbreviated form used to lookup up certificate numbers. I need a way to match these up so I can use one set of search criteria to find out if there is a match. Here is an example of what I need to match with a partial text match:

H,AE35(6,9)36+TD and AE3563636D145C2501AP
H,RE36(6,9)36 and RE36936C145B2505AP

if I could do this with a formula that matches multiple items at the same time (ie; if A & B & C match=true) with the above model number being one of those items (certificate numbers are issued for sets, but the other model numbers are fine).If that's not possible, a one time VBA run to match all of the abbreviations at once would also work. If these items are matched up with a one time VBA, the VBA needs to account for their being more than one match for each abbreviation depending on the size of the unit.

So H,AE35(6,9)36+TD could be matched to:

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Matching Partial Data With Full Data

Jul 18, 2006

I need to match up the columns of 1 spreadsheet with those of another. I have a partial address that only lists city and state in one workbook. I need to match these partial addresses up with the master list that contains full addresses. It seems like it should be an easy thing to do, but I can't figure it out.

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How To Find Data Using Partial Lookup

May 12, 2014

[Code] .....

My data are ABC:apple and im looking in a column where data are like these : apple, melon, lettuce.

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Linking Partial Data - Macro

Nov 12, 2009

I have had much assistance with this complex (I think it's complex) macro in the past, however, there are still a few bugs that need to be worked out in order for it to be completely efficient. Any help would be really appreciated, and I'll do my best to explain what's going on at this point:

I have a worksheet called the 'Data Entry Page'. You will find it attached. Here are the requirements:

The PO Number cell will only allow ten digits with a dash, and will receive values such as 1200012345-1.

The Part Number cell will receive a value which will usually be six digits long with a dash, and will receive a value such as 654321-1.

The Identification Type cell will receive at least one of the following values, or two or more of the following values separated by '&' (Note the spaces between the digits):


or (some combination examples):
IA & I I I
I I & I I IA

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Partial Matching Using Data Validation

Jun 2, 2006

I have set up data validation on a cell that produces a
drop down list of part numbers.

Is there a way that I can enable a partial part number search?
If I type in 354, all part numbers that start with 354 will be in the drop down list for me to choose from.

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Lookup Data With Partial Match

Sep 4, 2006

My database includes data about period (column A), a product code (column B), Turnover previous year (column C), Trend (column D) and Turnover this year (column E). In column C i want to have the turnovers from a particular product code from the previous year. The difficulty is:

1. that the product code can vary
2. not all periods are availabe.

How can i formulate a formulate that shows the turnover from the previous year, and in case there is no data from the previous year it should show "n.a.". This formula must also take into account that product code can vary. In my example: C3 should show 1296, C4 should show 877, C5 should show 884 and C6 should show 960. In case the turnover of period 200104 was not available C3 should show n.a.

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Retrieve Data From A Table + Calculations With That Data

Mar 27, 2009

I have 2 sheets - one called 'Lookup' that has a table of recipes in the rows and ingredients in the columns. The cross reference of each is the required quantity of that ingredient, if any (obviously..). Both rows and columns are sorted alphabetically.

In the second sheet - Recipe - I have a subset of the recipes (e.g. 'Cakes') along with the applicable subset of ingredients. I've input these by hand, so I assume they can be referenced directly in the function. What I need to do is grab the quantity out of the table for each recipes ingredient. E.g. A6 will have the recipe 'Jamrolypoly' and H1 will have the ingredient 'Jam'. H6 needs to return the value from the table in Lookup.

I'm still (very) new to this but looking around I found the following which seemed to describe the function I am after:

=VLOOKUP(H1, Ingredients, MATCH(A6, Ingredients, 0))

(Ingredients is the name of the table in the Lookup sheet)

I then need to be able to use the returned values in separate equations on sheet 2 to work out costs. This bit I've done already but I've heard that some of the methods of data retrieval return 'N/A' if there is no value, and that would not allow any subsequent calculations using the value.

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Can Retrieve Data From Internet Using Excel / VBA

Oct 27, 2012

I have a list of zip codes in excel, which I need to pass to store website and retrieve all the store locations in that area..

For example:

[URL] .... "choose my store on the left"

or [URL] ....

Is it possible to do this in Excel/ VBA?

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Simple VLookup Not Retrieve All Data

Dec 20, 2013

I need to bring the new pac code NR. from sheet 1 to sheet 2 and when i bring them back only the 1st comes and when i copy past down it comes only the 1st number. I have changed all formats but simply doesn't work.

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Using INDEX To Retrieve Tabulated Data

May 7, 2009

A while back i got some assistance from a very helpful member with a formula to retrieve a value from the left most column, that was greater than Col "min" and less than col "MAX" from a range of values.

I never really worked out how this functioned and can’t really make it out of the help files on excel. I am now trying to do a similar lookup from a table of values but only need to find the row value using a greater than less than operation, using a single column.

The original formula was
Where B3 was the number to be compared against.

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Retrieve External Data With The Preferences

Sep 30, 2008

basically all it does is retrieves external data with the preferences that I set... what I want to do is change the code so that instead taking the same URL address it refers back to a specific cell in a workbook for the address.

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Macro To Retrieve Data From Another Worksheet

Apr 27, 2009

I need a macro that will ask for a crew # and then select all the rows off another worksheet that contains that crew #. Then take the selected rows and copy them to the active worksheet for reporting.


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