i m looking for code that would copy the contents of cells A3:E100, but there might not always be 99 rows of data so could it check for rows of data below row 3 between A and E, and then copy G3:H4, all this data is in ' sheet 2' and could it paste all this data in 'sheet 3' but two columns away (to the right) of any existing data already pasted in row 3.
The idea is that I start out with a number of XML files, which I'm trying to manipulate to calculate descriptives and make graphs of in Excel.
So I've made a large "script" in VBA to accomplish these goals, which works, but I'm trying to optimize the code step by step.The overall process that I want to achieve, consists of :
1) Open the XML in Excel as an XML Table
2) Use the filters in the top row of that XML Table to select the data that I want to use
3) The resulting selection consists of data in 6 columns of which I only wish to select column 2, 5 and 6
4) I only wish to select the data in the table of column 2, 5 and 6 (without the header and only the cells in the table) and copy
5) Last step is to paste this data in Sheet "Calculations"
The step I'm working on right now, is step 3-4. My current code is: [Code] ......
This does the job, but I'm trying to optimize it, since I'm handling tons of XML files and I'm performing this copy function a number of times per XML file.
This copies the data of all the columns in the table for the cases that meet the selected criteria, but I'd like to make an even stricter selection of only column 2, 5 and 6 to not waste space and processing power.
So I tried to select the data from the 3 columns and combine them with the Union function, to copy them as one array to the sheet Calculations.
Optimized a similar VBA code to: [Code] ........
But I'm having issues with getting the right selection method and when I run the macro, I get the error message that the Copy and Paste area aren't the same size.
I tried to alter my initial code to something in the line of : [Code] ..........
But I get error messages 1004 : Method 'Range' of Object '_Global' failed.
I've also tried [Code] ........
But this seems to select the whole column, including the header and tons of rows even after the table ended.
I have workbook that has several sheets within the workbook that are set up identical. Each of the sheets in the workbook are for a specific company.
As of right now I have been adding a sheet to the workbook that is an overview for what is in each sheet (the individual companies). Currently I am doing the formatting of the heading and column names manually and I pull the data from each sheet with a VLookup. I have been trying to enhance my VBA skills with coding something that will fill in the appropriate cells from worksheet to worksheet.
What I am trying to do is to populate an overview sheet with cells C24, C25, and B36 being static on each row per sheet. Then each row will be populated with cells C(36, 59, 70, 81), D(36, 59, 70, 81), F(36, 59, 70, 81), G, and H(36, 59, 70, 81). The overview sheet will have the diagram below in a ru
I have a couple of spreadsheets that requires me to copy data from Sheet 1 that matches certain criteria to Sheet 2.
I have tried using posted VB codes that have been written for other people but they dont seem to work (this is probably to do with me not actually knowing what I am doing, as I am not sure what I should be replacing and what I need to be deleting etc out of the pre-written code )
I need to be able to search on column e in Sheet 1 for anything that has just h written in the cell and then copy all the rows that match into Sheet 2. I also would like to ensure that when it is copied it doesnt go in row 2 but maybe 4 or 5 as I have quite allot of headings.
I have a workbook, "Assessment District" with 3 worksheets. In worksheet "Original," I have 252 rows with columns A-V. I want to copy two coloumns "C" (range 6-252) and "N" (range 6-252) from the worksheet, "Original" into a new worksheet titled "Send" in columns A & B. I only want to copy the two columns "C" and "N" for each row, if column Q does not contain "beach town" or "freeway."
For example, row 6 contains beach town, so I wouldn't copy C6 and N6 onto "Send," but row 100 doesn't contain beach town or freeway, so I would copy C100 and N100 into "Send."
This is a workbook that would be updated annually.
I'm not skilled in VBA at all, but want to impress my supervisor where I'm interning.
I have multiple worksheets and I am looking to take specific information from those worksheets and paste them into a new one, thereby compiling the information. The "C" column is populated with certain cells that say "Not Acceptable". This varies from sheet to sheet, but all in the C column. I'm looking for a code that will run through all the sheets, find the cells that say "Not Acceptable", copy that row of information it is in, and paste it onto a specific sheet that we'll call "Summary"
I have data on Sheet2 and would like to only copy all rows associated with column D2 to the Sheet3. For example Sheet2 has two different values Voice or Data I would like to copy all rows associated with column D that contains voice to Sheet3.
X Y Z Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep A B C
The above format is how I want my spreadsheet to look like. On another sheet within the workbook, I have a chart with some control options that allow me to vary X, Y, Z (I can vary either of these individually). Anytime I vary any one of X,Y,or Z, then the values in A,B,and C all change. This is what I am looking for, a Macro that will allow me the opportunity to everytime I change or vary an option (X,Y,Z), I can hit "Save Scenario" and the new values will be appended to my "Report" sheet. The values of A-C and X and Y are kept on a sheet entitled "FY 07". X is maintained on a sheet called "Inputs". So in all, X,Y, Z and A,B,C are all copied for each scenario.
I had a thread a couple of days ago about copy data from sheet (PakkeIndtag) and paste to sheet (Data). Now i need to do the same with 14 other sheets and paste the data to same Data sheet as before without deleting the previous data, just continue down. I have tried copying the code and go about doing this but every time i run the code, I somehow loose my previous data.
What I'm attempting to do is to take data from each worksheet in the workbook beginning at the third, and then copy it into the lastrow +1 of the "Sheetpaste" sheet.
I am getting an "object variable or with block variable not set" error at the
I am new to VBA. I have a macro that copies data from one sheet (DETAILS) to another sheet (MOVE), provided it meets the criteria that rows in column H of the source sheet (DETAILS) should have the value "dog". The value to be copied is the row of data 5 columns before the source (column H of sheet DETAILS). The macro isn't working (does not copy anything). There is no error.
Sub CopyDataFromOneSheetToAnother() With Worksheets("DETAILS") LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Row End With For Each c In Sheets("DETAILS").Range("H5:H" & LastRow)
I have a worksheet which contains certain sections. I want to create a macro which will run if data is input into those sections. This macro should copy whatever was entered into another worksheet automatically as data is being entered. Is there a way for that?
I have a Sheet in which the data is calculated by changing the Sheet reference and also by the period..
Now I need to transfer this data as values, however there are certail cells which are merged and therefore I get a prompt as I cannot paste as values using Paste Special-> Values..
How to copy datas or scores from one sheet to another by using Formulas & Functions.
I tried to attached excel file as an example, but it couldn't.
Let me explain briefly: The file contains 11 Sheets, the first 4 Sheets has students Continuous Assessment of various subjects (about 7 subjects) in 4 different classes.
What I want is, the formulas or functions to use on how to copy the total score in all subjects for each student in various classes (Primary 1A, Pri 1B, Pri 1C, Pri 1D) to Sheets (1st Term, 2nd Term, 3rd Term) as class summary.
And thirdly, the total scores, position, grade & average to also appear in the Result Sheets for each student of various classes (Result Sheet 1A, Result Sheet 1B, Result Sheet 1C, Result Sheet 1D).
I have an excel workbook with 2 sheets.For now, the first sheet is blank and the second sheet is a "standard" form we use at work.Now by doing this by hand, we have to change 4 individual cells, print it out, change the 4 cells again and so forth, which is tiring and time-consuming.Imagine having to do this ~90 times/day average.Here's the real question.
I want to be able to input my data on a sheet with this format:
Data is plain text, no formulas, no nothing.Plain simple text.What i want to do is, or at least i hope to, is as soon as i am done,i want excel to create a new Sheet with the name of the text input from row A (create a new sheet for every single data input though), copy the "standard" form from sheet2 and change the necessary cells provided from row b, row c and so forth.
So if my input is: NWS1790 XX-AAA RHO 155
I want it to create a new sheet with the name nws1790 by copying a pre-existing sheet but replacing certain cells with XX-AAA, RHO, 155.
I am looking out for a code where I can copy a block of data to the second sheet and adding the new block of data below the previous one.
The block of data ranges from E6 to K15. On a click of the command button the data gets copied to sheet2 starting from A2. It will be pasted in sheet2 from A2 to G11. When I click the command button with the new data it will be added from A12 to G21 after that A22 to G31 and so on It will keep on adding the block.
I'm making a Task list with assignments for each of my team members. Columns A & B describes the ID number of the task, Column C describes the Task itself, Columns D to J are hidden, Column K describes the author of the task.
Column L is the one that have the name (or names) of the person who is in charge of doing that task. What I need to do is to create a macro that searches the name of that person in Column L and once it finds it it will create another sheet with the name of that person. And add to that sheet the entire row of his task..
I am using the code below to export my data to a new workbook, it creates a new workbook and copies the data into it except not all of it, strangely it seems to truncate the text from some cells ..
I have a workbook with two sheets. The first sheet called "Master List" is a detailed product listing sheet for our use in the company that I would like to set up a script to copy only a few of the fields in the row into the next sheet. The second sheet is the "Estimate" sheet that then gets put together for the customer.
Since our estimator is not much of an Excel guy I am trying to make his life easier here. I created a column (A) in front of all the other data in the rows. If he puts an X in that field, then that row needs to selectively move to the other sheet. These estimates can have 50 rows so it takes him a long time to cut and paste. If my idea is not the best way to execute this, I'm all ears to the wisdom found here. I'm using the latest version of excel on Vista Ultimate.
I have attached my workbook. This has 3 sheets that contain data to be manipulated plus a data page.
The first sheet 'Referrals' is a permanent record, data remains in it for ever.
The second sheet 'database' needs to contain copied data from 'Referrals' when an entry is made in col P of 'Referrals'.
When an entry is made in col P of 'Referrals' the following is required to be copied into the next empty line in 'Database'
Col O 'Referrals' to Col A 'Database' Cols B,C,D,E 'Referrals' to col B,C,D,E 'Database' Cols G,H,I,J,K,L 'Referrals' to col L,M,N,O,P,Q 'Database'
Information in 'Database' will be required to be removed from time to time and copied to the sheet 'Leavers' which is another permanent record.
When an entry is made in Col AI of 'Database', the whole line (A:AI) should be cut and pasted into the next free line in 'Leavers' starting at col B. The data in 'Database' col AI also needs to be be copied to 'Leavers' col A.
If cutting the line from 'Database' leaves a gap, the entries below should be moved up.
I have a data sheet that I enter all data into. I would like to divide the data into different sheets depending on the month the job was entered. Please see a sample I have attached. I have tried to convert the month (colE) into a figure (colF). I am hoping the data automatically copies across into the correct month sheet or perhaps I can push a button and it will do it for me. Data will get entered on a daily basis by staff but only onto the main sheet, this will then by some miracle be duplicated into the corresponding sheet without loosing any data on the main sheet.
i have a workbook , workbook A , workbook A has 5 command buttons with different names on them., i want a macro code , i have some data on workbook A as well , as soon as i click one of the command button suppose user click on B, data gets copied and gets pasted into the workbook B , which is in different folder .
I use my workbook to track sales data from one store to the next. I use my workbooks to compare data from year to year. Each year's data is displayed on a separate worksheet. '2013' has 2013's data, '2014' has 2014's. On the 2014 sheet, I have a Prior Year's Sales that pulls data from the previous year's spreadsheet using a formula which I just drag down each day I enter sales. I would like to automate this process and have the VBA code check for today's date and automatically pull the previous year's sales data from the '2013' sheet and put it in the appropriate cell on the '2014' worksheet. I hope I have explained this well enough to understand. I've included a link to my workbook for reference.
I had to use dropbox since I can't post a file over 1 MB. The file size is around 1.25 MB.
I am currently working in an excel file for which i want to create a macro. I am using colomn F as the base from which it should be determined whether a row should be copied. In colomn F the user can select three options through data validation. If 'completed' is selected, the whole row should be copied to the second sheet, and each copied row should be pasted to the next empty row. The data on the source sheet starts at row 11 and should be copied to sheet 2, starting from row 11 as well.