Count Unique Duplicates In Two Columns

Jan 25, 2010

I need a one formula solution to compare two columns for duplicates and count the number of matched pairs. Need to ingore blanks. Can have matched numbers or letters. Asterik denotes a blank (empty) cell. Also only consider the first matched pair if there are more than one matched pairs.

Col A Col B
b a
* b
c c
d y
x f
f z
f z

In this case I only want to consider a:a, b:b, c:c and f:f, resulting in the count of 4.

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Count Of Unique Values With Duplicates

Nov 29, 2007

Good Morning Peps (Oh thats for users in Western Europe, got to get this right!)

I have these 12 columns (Well there is 12 Columns but this forum's HTML is not showing the last two lol, would much easier if Office Web Components was able to run on Firefox): ...

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Count Duplicates As Unique Record, Sum Amount

Mar 14, 2007

I have a spreadsheet will a large amount of invoice numbers, some of which are multiple occurrences of the same number. I need to count the duplicates as one unique record and sum but I need to sum the total $ amount of each amount attached to each occurrence.

Please look at the sample to see what I mean.

W234678 has three amounts that are added to give a total amount for that number and it is added to the count as one record.

I had this code kindly borrowed from someone else which helped me find the duplicates but it is not meeting my needs.

Dim rCell As Range, rRng As Range, vKey, lrow As Long

Set rRng = Range("F2:F199")

With CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")

.comparemode = vbTextCompare

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Count Unique Values / Text Within Range Of Cells That Contain Duplicates / Blanks And Errors

Jun 25, 2014

How I can create a simple formula to count unique values/text within a range of cells that contain duplicates, blanks and errors?

For e.g., in Column A (row 1 - 10):



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Count The Duplicates In At Least 2 Columns

Jan 20, 2010

I have columns from A to AA and need to count the duplicates in at least 2 columns and accordingly need to give them values on the basis of their ratings (A, B, C, D) and type of work (book, article etc) given in yet other columns.

I tried COUNTIF, but that does not work for multiple perimeters
I tried SUMPRODUCT, =SUMPRODUCT(($G$4:$G$3000=$G28)*($AA$4:$AA$3000=AA28)), but that only gives a multiplication of my input without the possibility of giving new values to the output.

I tried AND(IF( but that did not want to work either really...

I think the solution is ifsum, but I do not know how to use it in this scenario...

I know this all sounds a bit blurry, so let me attempt to make it more concrete.

Author Title Year Rating Type Desired outcome
P Marx I 2005 I A I Book I duplicate
A Hegel I 1923 I B I Article I -
B Kant I 1674 I D I Book I -
A Derrida I 2005 I D I Monograph............................

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Count Duplicates In 2 Columns, But Not If Column A=b

Jun 20, 2007

I have data in two columns where column A is a name and column B might be a synonym or might just equal the value in column A. I want to count duplicates if cell A2 matches any other cell in column A or B, unless the only match is with cell B2. If cell A2=B2, but also matches cell A7 then it should be counted as a duplicate. I've searched through a lot of the threads and found a lot of useful information, but nothing that seems to do what I need.

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Count Quantity Of Unique Combinations Of Multiple Columns

Apr 20, 2014

I have two columns in a spreadsheet, and I need to write a formula to determine how many times each combination shows up. Example:

SKU-A Location1
SKU-A Location1
SKU-A Location2
SKU-B Location1
SKU-B Location7
SKU-B Location7
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8

I want it to have the data converted to be like this (with the third column being the the number of times that combination appears):

SKU-A Location1 2
SKU-A Location2 1
SKU-B Location1 1
SKU-B Location7 2
SKU-B Location8 4

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Count Number Of Rows With Unique Entries In 2 Columns

Oct 9, 2006

I have a spreadsheet which is to record quality checks on work carried out by staff. The spreadsheet has a customer reference number in column B and a Staff reference number in column C.

I can carry out a number of checks on a member of staff on one transaction, so for instance, I could carry 3 checks on one customer number, which would result in the staff ref number being enetered 3 times (there is 1 check per row).

I need a formula to count the number of checks I carry out on each member of staff. My problem is that although 3 checks could be completed on someone, if it is on the same customer NO, it only counts as 1 check. In effect, I need a formula to count the number of staff ref numbers which have a unique customer number eneterd in the adjacent column.

All the cust numbers are unique so would I be able to use a wildcard?

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Pivot Table To Not Count Duplicates - But Show Duplicates When Click Into It

Aug 24, 2011

In short, I would like a pivot table to only count unique values, but when I click into the pivot I would like to show all instances of that value. For example:

I have a table of data that I am creating a pivot table from. There are fields for Customer ID, Task Name, Age, and Notes. There will be multiple records for a single Customer ID each time it has new notes.

I would like to create a pivot table that has Task Name in the Row Labels, Age in the Column Labels, and count of Customer ID in the Values, so that, for example, I can see how many accounts have been in the Design task for 2 days. However, when I do this it counts each record, but I would like it to count each unique Customer ID. Also, when I click into the pivot, instead of pulling up one line per Customer ID, I would like it to pull up each instance of Customer IDs in that Task Name/Age combination (similar to doing a DISTINCT in SQL).

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Count Duplicates And Duplicates With Suffix As One Instance

Mar 23, 2014

I have a list of isometric drawing numbers ending with a [underscore]weld number e.g. 1692-SG-0040-04_05.

Some welds are repaired--in that scenario the amended weld number will be 1692-SG-0040-04_05R1, and even 1692-SG-0040-04_05R2 if repaired for a second time.

On occasion a weld may be cut out entirely and a new weld done. The weld number for that will be 6317-FG-1690-02_06C1.

And here's a wrinkle I've just verified...a cut weld may also be repaired so the weld number will look like 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1R1.

Is there a formula to count these as one weld:

This as one weld:

...and this as one weld:

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Excel 2010 :: How To Count Duplicates Of Duplicates

Jan 24, 2012

I am having trouble creating a function to count duplicates of duplicates.

An example of the data table 1 is:

Product 1 2nd
Product 1 2nd
Product 1 New
Product 1 New
Product 1 Flt
Product 2 2nd
Product 2 New
Product 2 New
Product 2 Flt
Product 2 Flt
Product 3 2nd
Product 3 2nd
Product 3 2nd
Product 3 New
Product 3 Flt

I created a new table (table 2) and made a list of all the Products on table 1 and removed the duplicates. I now have 3 columns with titles New, 2nd and Flt as follows:

New 2nd Flt
Product 1 XX XX XX
Product 2 XX XX XX
Product 3 XX XX XX

I am trying to count the duplicates for each product (XX), but I can't seem to work it out. I've tried the MS help function, but unsure of the actual formula I need to be using.

I am using Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.

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Count Unique Values In Column Based On Values In Other Columns

Mar 14, 2014

I'm running into an issue trying to calculate unique values in a Data column based on a few variables in other columns.

My current formula in Summary tab D4:D19 is

This is currently counting the number of times a date value (data column I) appears for that name (A4:A19) in the data when meeting all of the conditions. I need it to instead count the number of times a unique date appears for that name with the additional conditions met (which all appear to work fine).

The results in the pink highlighted cells (Summary column D) should be:

Names starting with A - 3
All others - 2

I've left some other columns in the data with X's so that I can easily convert this back to my working spreadsheet.

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Count All Unique Values (text) + Definition Of UNIQUE :D

Aug 24, 2009

If I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?

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Sum Duplicates With Unique Criteria?

Aug 9, 2014

col A col B col C

AA 1 dog
BB 2 cat
AA 1 cat
BB 3 cat

The end result is:

AA 1 dog
AA 1 cat
BB 5 cat

In this example there are two examples of AA, but they each have a different animal, so they need to remain separate. BB is listed twice, but has the same animal, so the total for them is 5. I am looking for a way to express this with with a formula. I tried using Sumifs, and it sort of works, but I end up with BB listed twice, and I don't need that to happen....

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How To Remove Only Unique And Keep Duplicates

Sep 9, 2009

I have been trying for a day now to figure out how to remove the unique cells and keep the duplicates only. I have tried a macro but it does not seem to work. Has any one run into this before. I have attached a sample what I would like to do is remove all non-duplicates from column A. The only macro I could find was this:

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Unique List With No Duplicates

Jan 11, 2007

I was wondering if there is a formula or a vba code to return each number once from a list.
For example I’ve got a list with app. 500 rows and maybe 80 different numbers in there, so one number could be 50 times in the list, another number maybe just once. Is there a formula, which returns me each number once?
Can’t think of any, or do I have to use a vba code be get the information?

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Identify Duplicates: Get A Unique List

Jan 12, 2010

I have a list of objects:


I know how to get a unique list. How do I identify those that are in the list more than once and how many times it is in the list?

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Filtering Unique Duplicates With Timestamps

May 28, 2012

I am relatively new to Excel so there may be a easy way to do this that I just can't see. Here's the background:

My raw data contains 10,000+ entries with many duplicates. Each entry though has a time stamp like so:

Unique Identifier: TimeStamp
S1111111111 10th July 02:00
S1111111111 10th July 02:10
S1111111111 10th July 00:50

What I want to do is to isolate the duplicates in this sheet of 10K+ that have the earliest timestamps and delete duplicates with later time. So in the above example, I would only be left with the 3rd entry as it has the earliest timestamp.

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Unique Random Samples - No Duplicates

Sep 4, 2012

I have data table


Column A are unique serial numbers
Column B, C, D contains test values.

F1= 50 (No Of unique random samples to be pulled - No Duplicates)

The out put range for sample data starts from F3:I3

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Get Unique Values In A List Of Duplicates

Feb 28, 2007

I am confident the answer is no, but is there any formula / combination of formulae that will seek out unique values in a list of duplicates (just like filtering unique records only)?

I have a list of many duplicating sales people and I want to just create a column on another sheet that automatically sorts out the unique values (then I will sum their sales numbers with the SUMIF formula).

(By the way, the reason I just don't use the filter function is because the list always changes so I would need to keep applying it.)

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How Do You Create A Unique Random Number W/o Duplicates

Feb 5, 2008

I'm needing to generate a unique random value for a database with 3546 cases. The unique random values cannot be duplicates of each other. I tried the =RANDLOTTO function that I learned of in an old post on this board, but that results in "#NAME?" appearing in the first cell. I tried to install the Add-Ins (both the Analysis ToolPak and the Analysis ToolPak - VBA, but nothing seems to happen. Is there another way to generate these numbers?

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Create Unique List From Column With Duplicates

Feb 27, 2008

I want to end up with a list of unique items (nothing repeated) from a variable length list starting in cell B5. That unique list is then placed in cell D3.

I am using the code below (found on Ozgrid) which almost works. But it seems to be dependent on what’s in column A (which I wish to ignore) for it to work.

How can I modify the code so that the results are based on column B only?

Dim Rng As Range
Dim fRng As Range
Dim lRow As Long
Dim Dest As Range

lRow = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range("A5:B" & lRow)
Set Dest = [D3]

With Rng
. AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1*"
Set fRng = .Offset(1, 1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
With fRng
.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Dest, Unique:=True

End With
End With

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Remove Duplicates :: Advanced Filter, Unique Records Only

Jan 14, 2010

I'm having a problem deleting duplicates from list in excel. I’ve attached a sample. I’ve tried the following:

1-Advanced Filter, Unique Records Only

2-Remove Duplicates function in Excel 07.

3-Pivot Table

4-Colour Conditional Formatting, sorting by colour

5-B2=IF(A2=A3,”Dup”,”Not-Dup”). The entire column returns “Not-Dup”

6-I’ve tried to resolve using the fix shg & teylyn suggested to Hillto in this thread, but am unable to get the ‘Numeric’ Keypad to appear in the ‘Find’ Function.


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Macro To Find And Delete All Duplicates And Keep Only Unique Values

Sep 22, 2009

Looking for a macro to find and delete all duplicates and keep only unique values from a column. For example column AS has

All red items need to be removed and keep only green items. Would also like the entire row the duplicates are in to be deleted.

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Vertical Lookup To Remove Duplicates And Return Unique Values Horizontally?

Mar 3, 2014

In column CT between rows 11:210 is the vertical data that includes duplicates. I am looking to create a formula that can lookup each value between CT11:CT210 and return only the unique values horizontally starting in cell CW9 and onwards.

Example: CT11:CT14 looks like
and so on and so forth..

I would then like this formula to return the above data (which goes all the way to CT210) in this format starting in cell CW9 - 5x20 then CX9 - 6x4 and finally CY9 - 5x8.

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Macro To Compare Columns A & B And Dispaly Any Duplicates In Columns C & D

Feb 21, 2009

what I'm after is a macro to check the contents of Column 'A' against column 'B' and display any duplicates in Columns 'C' & 'D'.

N.B. The headings of Columns C & D are :-

C = Value Found in Column A

D = Value Found in Column B

Any duplicate entries logged in columns C & D should be listed in C2,C3,C4....C20 and D2,D3,D4......D20 etc (in effect creating two new lists)

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Count Only Duplicates

Sep 7, 2008

I would like to be able to count only the duplicate numbers without having to put the actual number in the formula.



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Count Without Duplicates

Oct 13, 2009

In my attachment is what i'm working with. In the first worksheet tab, "NOTBA 10 09", i need it to count what's in the other worksheets, minus the duplicates.

So C4 should be referencing to H3:H21 in the 04-Edmonton worksheet. The number it should be showing is 11, however it's counting 15 because there's 5 entries for CDAU034479. Is there a way for it to basically count what's in that column, minus the duplicates?

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Count And Flag Duplicates

Jun 12, 2014

I am using a CountIf formula to flag duplicate entries in a column of data, in a Column I have "=COUNTIF(P:P,P1)" It returns a number equal to the number of repeats of the data in call "P1". I then sort by that column to isolate all rows which have duplicates in Column "P". The cell has "1" if there are no repeats, "2" if there is one repeat, "3" if there are two repeats, etc. What I would like is a formula which would put a "1" in the cell the first time it sees data, then something else when it sees repeats. That way when I sort, ALL the repeats will be together and can be deleted. Is that possible?

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Count Duplicates In Column?

Jul 21, 2014

I have a column with something like 20 thousand rows. I would like a formula that basically checks the column for duplicates and numbers the sets of duplicates. So if there are 5 cells that are all "Server10" I would like for the formula to place a one next to all of those cells. And for the next set of duplicates it finds I would for it to place a 2 next to all of those cells. Essentially my end goal is to sort the sheet so that all of the matching duplicates are all together. There might be some simple filtering method here that I'm overlooking but if there is..... I'm overlooking it lol. And to be clear I don't want to eliminate the duplicates, I just want them grouped together.

I've attached a very simple example of what I would like the formula to do. The cells in the right column would be the result of the formula.

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