How Do You Create A Unique Random Number W/o Duplicates
Feb 5, 2008
I'm needing to generate a unique random value for a database with 3546 cases. The unique random values cannot be duplicates of each other. I tried the =RANDLOTTO function that I learned of in an old post on this board, but that results in "#NAME?" appearing in the first cell. I tried to install the Add-Ins (both the Analysis ToolPak and the Analysis ToolPak - VBA, but nothing seems to happen. Is there another way to generate these numbers?
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Mar 27, 2014
I have 1200 doctor/patient records to input into an excel spreadsheet for import to an online EHR database. I can set up all the normal formulas and formatting but for the life of me not figure out how to create a custom formula to take the first letter of the patient first name and last name and add 6 figures to create a unique patient identifier.
ie. James + Smith+ random 6 figures = JS245318.
In my spreadsheet the first name is under Column 1, Last name Column 3 and the unique number generated in column 4.
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Sep 4, 2012
I have data table
Column A are unique serial numbers
Column B, C, D contains test values.
F1= 50 (No Of unique random samples to be pulled - No Duplicates)
The out put range for sample data starts from F3:I3
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Feb 19, 2008
I have 12 Cells, years 1 to 12. I want to create a random number for each cell, which then depending on what the number is, either 1-75 being 8,000,000 or 76-100 being 10,500,000, place it in the cell and be able copy it down. What i have done already you can see on the attached workbook, or the table i used:
I used this table to generate the random number to give either 8m or 10.5m, except i put the VLOOKUP in the year 1 cell, added some dollars signs and copied down but that only makes them all the same, so i want a way to make each year have its own random number preferably without making 10 tables.
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Mar 21, 2014
I need the easiest way to randomize or generate team numbers in a league. Using COL A assign numbers between 1 & 8 without duplicates. Then repeat 5 more times. This has to be done on the spot and has time constraints as the players will be waiting for their team assignments.
EXAMPLE: I have 48 players which will be assigned to 8 teams of 6. I want to randomize the drawing so the same players don't play on the same teams each week. Also to be able to adjust number of teams determined by how many players are present. either 6 , 8, or 10 teams.
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Feb 27, 2008
I want to end up with a list of unique items (nothing repeated) from a variable length list starting in cell B5. That unique list is then placed in cell D3.
I am using the code below (found on Ozgrid) which almost works. But it seems to be dependent on what’s in column A (which I wish to ignore) for it to work.
How can I modify the code so that the results are based on column B only?
Dim Rng As Range
Dim fRng As Range
Dim lRow As Long
Dim Dest As Range
lRow = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range("A5:B" & lRow)
Set Dest = [D3]
With Rng
. AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1*"
Set fRng = .Offset(1, 1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
With fRng
.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Dest, Unique:=True
End With
End With
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Mar 31, 2014
Is it possible to add letters to this "Unique random number" generator it is very fast and takes only 5s to run on 50,000 rows, I have a different "Unique random Sequence generator" macro but it takes about 30 minutes to run on 50,000 rows
Sub generateuniquerandom()
Dim b() As Boolean, e As Range, k&, x&
Dim lRow As Long
With Sheets(1)
lRow = .Range("F" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
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May 5, 2009
I have a formula to generate a random number between 0 and 10.
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Jul 18, 2012
How do I create a 6 digit unique random number for use as an ID in column A. Once created the rows with preexisting 6 digit unique random ID numbers must not change every time new rows are added.
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Jul 30, 2006
For my assignment, I am supposed to create a worksheet that will generate a random social security number (using the correct social security form of 000-00-0000) There are supposed to be a billion social security possibilities and each should be equally likely to be selected in the worksheet.
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Nov 28, 2007
I have a list of data which looks like this
Column B
Jones, Bob
Jones, Bob
Jones, Bob
Smith, Mike
Smith, Mike
Smith, Mike
Calai, Dave
Calai, Dave
Calai, Dave
What I want to do is take the entire list and create a distinct list that I can use in a named range then use a validation list to have a drop down within a different tab.
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Mar 20, 2007
I'm making a user form in excel/vbe, that will enter data into a worksheet behind the form. I would like to make a unique reference number that is automatically generated by the form as the next in the series. It can be as simple a number as 00001 so nothing too complicated I hope.
When the user opens the user-form i would like the reference to appear on the form so that they know what it is. Then when they enter the data I want the number to go in the database with all the rest of the info they have entered and also for a message box to come up reminding them to rememeber their number.
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Jan 30, 2010
I want to set up a column of numbers that will be random without any repeating numbers.
Example: If I set up for 1,000 rows, I would like the random numbers to be 1 to 1,000, but the catch would be to have no duplicates in the column.
It has been several years since I worked with Excel and I am sure this can be done with a macro, but I am not sure how to go about it right now.
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Apr 18, 2013
In Column A I have a list of 8 team names.
In column AB I have a list of 28 weeks written in date format.
In column B I'd like to chose one week from the 28 weeks listed in AB at random. But B2 - B9 can not have the same date (ie could not have two dates for the 19th of April).
How exactly is that done?
Alternatively - is it possible to have in Column AA the 8 team names. In Column AB the 28 weeks. In Column A a random team picked from column AA and in Column B a random date picked from Column AB. Both column A and Column B can not have duplicates... There's 28 weeks with 8 teams - therefore I only need 8 unique weeks.
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Mar 12, 2008
Is there a way to generate random numbers between 1 and 63 without any duplicates?
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Oct 3, 2006
How do I keep the same names from coming up on the same column when randomly generated there (I hit f9 and names randomly generate on my sheet)? I'm trying to integrate this fix into =IF(Override!G5>0, Override!G5, Shuffle!A34) formula. That formula is the formula that recieves the randomly generated names into the cells I have chosen. The override is so I can do just that if I dont like the generation of names.
name 1
name 2
name 3
name 1 <---if that happens I want this cell to respond by reshuffling until it equals a name that is not in its column, but just that one cell, not the others.
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Apr 6, 2013
I have two worksheets. ws1 contains a large number of dates on column 3. ws3 contains around 20 dates on column 3.
I want to pick two dates randomly in ws1 that does not already exist in ws3.
Here is my working code, but it is really slow to process. How to optimize this code? Also I would like to add a function where if the macro is not able to find two random dates that aren't already in ws3 then exit loop.
Set ws1 = thisworkbook.sheets(1)
Set ws3 = thisworkbook.sheets(3)
lr = ws2.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Set rvis = ws2.Range("c2:c" & lr).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
mynodate = 0
[Code] .....
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Oct 7, 2005
I want to generate numbers (1 to 15) in cells A1 through O1, but the
number in each cells should be unique compare to the other cells, how
can I do it? If I use =randbetween(1,15), I can not get unique number
in each cell, some numbers are duplicated.
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Jun 27, 2009
I need a macros to fill 2000 rows with unique random numbers from 1 to 19 in B2:T2001 area. Every row like this
14 11 12 7 18 13 19 5 6 16 9 4 8 15 1 3 10 2 17
Actually it's about random positions in rows for numbers from 1 to 19.
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Aug 16, 2008
I need to set up a formula to choose 2 job titles from a single column. There can be 2 to n job titles (non-repeating) and I want to find the title at random. I have no problem finding the first job title using index and randbetween, but I want the second title to meet the same criteria, just not equal to the first job title.
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Feb 19, 2007
I have a formula-generated defined list of names. I need to select them in random order without duplication and without choosing any blanks in the list.
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Mar 22, 2014
In an earlier life I was tasked with finding a "random" method of selecting two numbers from a "1 to 20" range so that the generated numbers can be applied to an set of people who will be partnered in a golf game draw.
It is only one draw per year so I don't care if the players have previously played together in past years.
easily be modified by a "passable knowledge level" person to be able to select a mystery "9" out of 18 holes that count for scores that particular round.
(btw: this is an issue only for the 20 guys who go away once a year to play golf, the world will not collapse if I have to draw numbers out of a hat, just looking for a slightly more elegant solution and I already have a few scoring macros so my first guess (but not only possibility) is VBA)
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Aug 9, 2014
col A col B col C
AA 1 dog
BB 2 cat
AA 1 cat
BB 3 cat
The end result is:
AA 1 dog
AA 1 cat
BB 5 cat
In this example there are two examples of AA, but they each have a different animal, so they need to remain separate. BB is listed twice, but has the same animal, so the total for them is 5. I am looking for a way to express this with with a formula. I tried using Sumifs, and it sort of works, but I end up with BB listed twice, and I don't need that to happen....
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Sep 9, 2009
I have been trying for a day now to figure out how to remove the unique cells and keep the duplicates only. I have tried a macro but it does not seem to work. Has any one run into this before. I have attached a sample what I would like to do is remove all non-duplicates from column A. The only macro I could find was this:
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Jan 11, 2007
I was wondering if there is a formula or a vba code to return each number once from a list.
For example I’ve got a list with app. 500 rows and maybe 80 different numbers in there, so one number could be 50 times in the list, another number maybe just once. Is there a formula, which returns me each number once?
Can’t think of any, or do I have to use a vba code be get the information?
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Mar 1, 2012
I am trying to create a random name generator. I have tried something like this...
=INDEX('TM Names'!$A$2:$A$36,INT(RAND()*35+1))
But sometimes it will give you the same name 2 or 3 times in a row. I need it to pull up a different name each time, from a list of names I already have.
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a list of objects:
I know how to get a unique list. How do I identify those that are in the list more than once and how many times it is in the list?
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May 28, 2012
I am relatively new to Excel so there may be a easy way to do this that I just can't see. Here's the background:
My raw data contains 10,000+ entries with many duplicates. Each entry though has a time stamp like so:
Unique Identifier: TimeStamp
S1111111111 10th July 02:00
S1111111111 10th July 02:10
S1111111111 10th July 00:50
What I want to do is to isolate the duplicates in this sheet of 10K+ that have the earliest timestamps and delete duplicates with later time. So in the above example, I would only be left with the 3rd entry as it has the earliest timestamp.
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Feb 28, 2007
I am confident the answer is no, but is there any formula / combination of formulae that will seek out unique values in a list of duplicates (just like filtering unique records only)?
I have a list of many duplicating sales people and I want to just create a column on another sheet that automatically sorts out the unique values (then I will sum their sales numbers with the SUMIF formula).
(By the way, the reason I just don't use the filter function is because the list always changes so I would need to keep applying it.)
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Jan 25, 2010
I need a one formula solution to compare two columns for duplicates and count the number of matched pairs. Need to ingore blanks. Can have matched numbers or letters. Asterik denotes a blank (empty) cell. Also only consider the first matched pair if there are more than one matched pairs.
Col A Col B
b a
* b
c c
d y
x f
f z
f z
In this case I only want to consider a:a, b:b, c:c and f:f, resulting in the count of 4.
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