Create User Forms Of "The Course Booking Form"

Jul 27, 2007

I have a little knowledge of Excel Programming and I am seeking advice and help. With reference to the, I managed to create the form but I somehow couldn’t get it executed. Attached herewith my file for evaluation.

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User Forms- Create A User Form That Will "pop Up"

Oct 25, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with the following headings:

Claims Number





I need to create a user form that will "pop up" and ask the administrator to enter the above details.

A - should be created automatically (ie last claim number + 1)
B - user enters manually
C - data retrieved from a list
D - data retrieved from a list
E - date is the date the information is entered

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How To Create Booking Calendar

May 10, 2014

I am trying to create a booking calendar for boarding kennels.

I have a separate sheet for each client, containing their personal info and dates of their bookings. I have downloaded a basic calendar but would like it to show certain information.

Is it possible to create a formula which will highlight each cell on the calendar, for each kennel when it is occupied, and show the name?


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Enhancing Conditional Formatting: Write "NO DATA", "HIGH", "GOOD", "MODERATE", "POOR", "BAD" Depending On The Value

Jul 6, 2006

I would like to write a function that enhances conditional formatting capabilities in this way: suppose that cell(4,5) contains a number that can be 0 to 5
in the adiacent cell(4,6) i want to put a function that:

1) write "NO DATA", "HIGH", "GOOD", "MODERATE", "POOR", "BAD" depending on that value
2)Choose color font depending on value
3)Choose color background depending on value

I wrote this piece of

Public Function StatusResponse(AdiacentCell As Range) As String
Dim thisStatus As String
Dim ThisFontColor As Integer
Dim ThisbkColor As Integer
Select Case AdiacentCell.Cells(1, 1)
Case Is = 0
ThisbkColor = 2
ThisFontColor = 1
StatusResponse = "NO DATA"............

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Copy User Forms

Nov 7, 2008

So I have a work book with a number of user forms. One form I have completed has several navigation buttons (previous, save, next......) a couple of drop downs and a "tabbed" (pages) area with a text box on each. I think I finally have it looking (and working) the way I want. The issue is I need 12 more that are Identical (different text - but layout and code is the same) To make them look and work the same how can I copy the one I have correct? Is Export/Import the way to go? Does that bring all the code?

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FORMAT In VBA On User Forms

Nov 18, 2008

Excel 2003

VBA on user forms

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User Forms / Menus

Nov 21, 2006

I am trying to graduate out of the crayon age of menus on a worksheet, to using a User Form Menu. Problem is, I don't understand how they work. I've created a test program using a simple form with an option button, a combo button, and a command button. The goal is if the option button is true, it places the color selected in the combo button on the worksheet. Here is my code, what am I missing to make it work?

Corrected code from my original request

Module 1

Public ClrCd As Integer

Sub OpenForm1()
End Sub

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Did User Type "01/01/08" Or "39448&quot

Jul 29, 2008

If a cell contains the number 39448 is there any way for a macro to determine if the user typed "39448" or the user typed "01/01/08"?

In other words, I want the macro to be able to identify that a date with separators was entered rather than a number.

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[User Forms] Check Box Is Highlighted?

Feb 28, 2009

My problem is trivial but annoying. When I initiate my user form, one of the check boxes has a dashed border around the outside as if it was selected. No matter what I try, I cannot get the form to initialize without effecting this box. If I delete the box and recreate it, another box simply inherits this problem.

I have attached the spreadsheet, please Click the button over "A1" to see what I mean if you have the time.

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Loading And Unloading User Forms

May 26, 2009

I have a userform, when it first comes up, then there are some text boxes that needs to be filled. I have the "ok" button which opens another form. What would be the code for whatever was filled in the text box be pasted in a cell? In other words, once it is ok is clicked another form pops up and then whatever info was put in the text boxes is pasted in a report.

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Joining Modules With User Forms

Jun 6, 2009

I have the following three codes repeated in five different User Forms,

Is there a way to put them all in one independent module?

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User Forms Do Not Reset When Switched

Nov 28, 2006

I have 2 User forms which take their initial values from the same worksheet. One moves stock to another location, the other removes stock when it has been used.

When I use one of the forms on a different row, or switch to the other form it retains the last row's values until I click on the new worksheet row twice

How can I prevent this?

Private Sub CommandButton17_Click()
If UserForm5.Visible = True Then
Unload UserForm5
End If
If ActiveCell.Row = 1 Then
MsgBox "Cannot Use This Row, Choose A Different One"
Exit Sub
End If
UserForm4.Show vbModal
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()
If UserForm4.Visible = True Then
Unload UserForm4
End If
If ActiveCell.Row = 1 Then
MsgBox "Cannot Use This Row, Choose A Different One"
Exit Sub
End If
UserForm5.Show vbModal
End Sub
I won't post the form code here yet as both are quite large. Maybe someone has encountered this issue before?

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Drop-down Lists In User Forms

Mar 14, 2007

I am making a user form so that others can enter their data into a database.
In some of the fields I want to have a drop down list that will contain both all the options from a generic list, and any other items that have previously been entered into that field. For example I have a generic list of components but someone may feel that none of those listed describe their component so they will add a new one, I want this new one to then appear within the drop-down list for the next user,

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Transfer Control Values Between User Forms

Jan 9, 2007

I am using a calendar control 11 in a user form. I would like to create a combobox on a user form that when you click the drop down button it opens the calender then the user can select a date which is then returned to the combobox. I beleive the way to do this is to trap the dropbuttonclick event. Tho it dosent seem to work.

Private Sub ComboBox2_DropButtonClick()
ComboBox2.Value = Calender.Calendar1.Value
End Sub

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Sharing Variables In Multiple User Forms

Mar 19, 2007

In VBA i have 3 userforms, the first 2 take the data and store them in variables. The 3rd form is supposed to take the variables from the other two forms and do some calculations with them. Although i cant get the 3rd form to take the stored variables from the other two forms. Is there a way to use stored values from other userforms?

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User Forms Saving Items Entered To Memory

Feb 16, 2010

Is there a way to save items into memory to be recalled in userforms.

Let's assume that I have a userform called UserForm1 and three textboxes named TextBox1, TextBox2 and TextBox3.

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User Forms Basics - Text Boxes To Named Range

Sep 24, 2009

User Form Basics - Populating Text Boxes. A few tweaks later and its reading the data just fine. Some of the specific form objects and range names have changed, but it's the same logic.

Anyway, this isn't just for display. I need to export the data back to the spreadsheet. So, I plugged this line into the event handler for the "Save & Exit" button on the sample form in the other thread:

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Search Through Rows In Array And Check If There's No "text" In It Like User Inputed In Box

Apr 17, 2009

the task for the code below is to search through rows in array and check if there's no "text" in it like user inputed in box. But it always shows that there's no such email,i can't figure out the mistake, Maybe the problem is in the type the InputBox returns? But i've tried entering type := 2 (text),dunno what else i can do...I've also tried using p = InputBox("Please,eneter email!").

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If Cell = "ERROR", Need Pop Up (user Form?) Message With A Macro.

Jun 24, 2009

If cell K6= "ERROR" I need a message to pop up on screen with the message "Wrong Entry click OKAY to find, Click CANCEL to ignore". Clicking OKAY would simply go to worksheet named "MONITOR". Clicking Cancel would just clear the pop up from on screen.

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Quick "msgbox" Question (Visual Basic) / Allow User To Respond With Text ? []

May 27, 2008

I have searched the 'net and read MSDN msgbox but I cant find what I am looking for. Maybe msgbox is not the correct function to be focusing on?? I want a message box to ask a question, and the answer is dumped into a variable, much like you can do with yes/no/cancel, but (much like a pop-up textbox) I want to be able to respond with text in a textbox. [This of course is part of my Excel spreadsheet]
(I think with C++ it was something like "msgbox = ?$-" or something like that, but I don't know what to look for with VB.)

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Hiding The "X" Or Close Button On A User Form

Mar 8, 2003

I need to hide the "X" or close button on a user form so that users have to use the next or ok buttons that i have added.

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Inscribing Cells: Run A Macro On Enter Keypress, That Would Execute Different Code Depending On That "inscription" That Would Be Invisible To User

Feb 20, 2007

Is there any way to "Inscribe" a cell? I would like to run a macro on Enter keypress, that would execute different code depending on that "inscription" that would be invisible to user. I could use some properties of . Validation property like this:

Private Sub EnterPressed
'following code to ensure proper functioning of Enter in any other Worksheet
If ActiveSheet <> mySheet 'MySheet is global Variable then
exit Sub
End If
'now the real code
If ActiveCell.Validation.InputMessage = "1" Then
'something else
End If
End Sub

The problem is, I use Data Validation and Conditional Formatting, so can't use any of these properties.

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"save As" User Defined Sheets

Dec 14, 2009

I have a workbook with say 20 sheets. Users enter all information via sheet1. All other sheets in workbook are populated with information from sheet1. The workbook is a template, so "save as" is used obviously. The example is this..

In one instance, user may require sheets 1,2,4,6,8,11,15 to be saved as new workbook, depending on what sheets they require. In another instance, user may require sheets 1,5,9,18,19,20 to be saved as new workbook, again depending on the sheets they need. Sheet 1 is to be saved with all new workbooks, so when user opens the new workbook some time in the future, they can edit data via sheet 1.

I'm trying to stear clear of the move/copy sheet way and make it as simple as possible, so even a hamster could do it (with training of course), i.e. click a button and a menu where you select what sheets you want to save, etc.

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Create A Named Range That Includes All Values That Have Some Number And Not ""

May 27, 2009

I have a column of cells with formulas that either return "" or some number. I want to create a named range that includes all values that have some number and not "". The problem is that the formulas in the cells are being included in my named range.

Dynamic Named Range: =OFFSET('!'!$B$7,0,0,COUNTA('!'!$B$7:$B$100000),1)

Problem: includes the cells that have been set as ""

I tried COUNTIF in the OFFSET where ">0" but it would get messed up when my first cells were set to "".

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Create An "Insert Row" Button In An Excel Spreadsheet

Jan 15, 2009

Can anyone tell me what the macro code is to do this (at whatever box I have selected at the time)

say my box is selected at E3, then when I click the button, it creates a new row E

likewise for F7, AA1, etc...

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Wildcards With Replace ("string","s*r","k") Which Should Give "king")

Mar 22, 2009

I can't seem to find out how to use wildcards like "?" and "*" in the VBA- Replace("string","s*r","k") which should give "king"

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Create A Row Which "finds" Rows Below That CONTAIN The Same Data

Oct 15, 2009

This is a new question based on another thread that contains a solution that I want to tweak.

That thread implements a row that filters the rows below it based on its inputs. Basically, an 'equals' autofilter, but you can type in the criteria in the cells above the column headers instead of going into the autofilter itself.

Here's what I need:
As a variant on that thread, I would like to modify the code to filter on anything that CONTAINS the inputs (not equals).

For example, my Array is A6:K300, with row 6 being column headers, I want Row 5 to essentially be a filter terms row, where I can enter partial phrases in row 5 and have the columns directly beneath them autofilter if the phrase is contained in any of the array rows. If I enter '123' in a cell in row 5, I want the filter results to show '123' and '123R', etc.

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Nested IF Statement (shows Values That If Column A = "build", "nextg" Or "datcen")

Feb 10, 2009

In column A, I have the following values:
chil rat
ost rat
sco rat

In column B, I need the formula so it shows values that if column A = "build", "nextg" or "datcen", then the value in column B is "nextg" and if column A = "chil rat", "ost rat", "sco rat", then the value in column B is "mig". For everything else, it should be blank.

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Worksheets, One With "supplier Names", "order Numbers" And "delay In Days" As Columns

Jul 19, 2007

I have two worksheets, one with "supplier names", "order numbers" and "delay in days" as columns. The other one with "supplier names" and "average delays" as columns.

It is the column "average delays" that I have issues with, I need Excel to search the "supplier names" column in the "delays" sheet and identify every specific supplier name, connect the delay in days for that order and calculate the average delay in the right cell of the column "average delays" in the sheet "delay statistics".

I have tried the help files and to search this forum but I have found nothing. I have also with my knowledge tried a few different ways using the IF function but nothing so far.

This is something I started doing but it is of course far away from any truth.


This is the "delays" sheet where I want to find my info. Nothing in the delay column stands for "no delay"...Kinda obvious but you know... So even the "nothing" needs to be included in the calculation..

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How To Create A &quot;notes&quot; Drop Down

Sep 23, 2008

I have a sheet with 600+ rows(customers) and would like users to enter in new notes and be able to view old notes along with the date entered.

I am trying to create a page that will allow the user to enter in multiple notes in one row via some kind of drop down that will date the notes as they are entered. This way the user can click the drop down and see all the notes entered for that data set ect.

If this is not possible is there another solution? perhaps a referencing function that displays all prior notes and allows you to enter new notes dating each one?

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