Custom Right Click Buttons Disappearing
May 13, 2006
Have a spreadsheet wherein I have added some custom controls to the right-click function of the mouse. The buttons and their associated code runs great for all but one user in my office. For that user, the custom buttons do not even appear on his right-click menu. I have looked through his settings to make sure that his security settings are the same as everyone else that uses the spreadsheet, and they are. All of the other modules in the spreadsheet work fine.
Is there some other setting that would control the display of his right-click buttons. Perhaps a windows security setting that I am missing?
The following is a snippet of the code that adds one of the right-click buttons for example. This code is stored in the 'Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick' event.
With Application. CommandBars(" cell").Controls _
.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1, temporary:=True)
.Caption = "Create Panel Hyperlink"
.OnAction = "CreateHyperlink"
.Tag = "brccm"
.FaceId = 2169
End With
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Mar 6, 2012
adding custom 16 x 16 buttons to toolbars, which weren't preset images or using the built in deisgner.
Was hoping there may be an add-in giving more variety of buttons or a way to import set images. Very frustrating as there are many microsoft 16x16 bmps / icons that would be ideal but the choice is extremely limited.
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Jul 28, 2006
I have created 2 toolbar buttons which were attached to a macro that ran the original 'EditTenancy'. I now want to change these to use anew macro 'EditExistingTenancy' but cannot see how to do it as when I right click now I only get a toolbar list.
Do I have to creat 2 new toolbar buttons?
How do I get rid of the non-functioning ones?
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Jun 12, 2008
Can I create a messagebox which has unique buttons, "A", "B", "C"...and based on the users click, it performs an action? If so, how would I create this?
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Jan 15, 2007
I have created a custom Command Bar called "My New Bar"
How can I step through each button in that bar to read the assigned macro names or the Caption names
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May 29, 2007
I have a workbook that creates three temporary menu buttons when I open it. These work fine until I try and open more then 1 workbook at a time. This creates duplicate menu buttons (3 times the number of workbooks that I open).
I call up the procedure when each workbook is opened using this code in the "ThisWorkbook" code area: ....
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Dec 13, 2011
I am trying to create an easy to use document that allows users to click a button to add or subtract to another cell in my document. I have the basic functionality working, but am now working on making this more fool proof.
Basically what my macro does now is when user doubleclicks C1, 1 is added to B1. When user doubleclicks D1, 1 is subtracted from D1.
What I'd like to do is to protect C1 and D1 so that they can only be clicked to add or subtract, and not clicked as to edit the individual cell content (C1 and D1). B1 should still be unprotected so that the user can manually enter a number.
If possible I'd also like to change the below macro so it works with single clicks instead of double clicks, but this is not essential.
My document consists of several worksheets, and right now I am using the macro on each individual worksheet. If there is any way of modifying the macro so it works with the entire workbook instead of having a copy with each worksheet, that would be nice as well.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal _
Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If (Target.Row >= 1 And Target.Row
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Oct 6, 2009
is there a way to cause my custom menu items to grey out like the built-in ones, depending on the current selection or when the status of the active worksheet/workbook changes (e.g. when the book is protected to disallow certain actions)?
Obviously I can trap any problems once the associated VBA is invoked, but it'd be more professional if I could just prevent that from happening in the first place.
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Apr 2, 2013
I have a userform that has one combobox at the top created manually. When the userform is opened, the user select an option in the combobox (these options are taken from a range on 1 worksheet). From the selection of the combobox, I use the comboxbox's change event to create and display 5 columns of textboxes and 2 columns of command buttons on the userform.
The number of rows of textboxes created depend on the option selected from the combobox since each option links to a different range of cells. Each of the 5 textboxes in each are set to be ".enabled = False" and display text as per the cell values within a range on another worksheet. 2 Columns of command buttons are created at the end of each row of textboxes - 1 is enabled and the other is not.
The creation of the textboxes and command buttons works as required. However, I am having problems with setting click events for each command buttons. When the 1st column of Command buttons are created, I need the click events to be created and filled out with 2 actions:
1. Enable all textboxes in the same row as the command button
2. Enable the other command button in the same row.
Here is the code I have so far that creates the textboxes and command buttons.
Each of the 5 textboxes and 2 command buttons have a unique name so the 1st row will have textbox and command button names of cTxtA1, cTxtB1, cTxtC1, cTxtD1, cTxtE1, CmdAmend1 and CmdConfirm1. The 2nd row will have the same names but with 2 on the end and so on. The bold sections is the code for the creation of the command buttons that I want click events for.
Private Sub CboTeamSelect_Change()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If CboGroupSelect.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim cTxtA As Control, cTxtB As Control, cTxtC As Control, cTxtD As Control, cTxtE As Control
Dim CmdAmend As Control, CmdConfirm As Control
Dim iNum As Integer
Dim TxtTop As Long
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Dec 26, 2010
I made custom menu with these instructions: [URL]....
Problem is that when I right click my makro keeps copying itself. Ten times right click=ten my macro in the right click menu. It means that
Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() doesn't work as it should be?
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Apr 1, 2008
I need to create a macro that whenever the user clicks the restore down button it will not restore down, but either do nothing, or make the application display full screen. The following code runs when the workbook opens and whenever a different sheet is activated and I would like it to run when the user clicks the restore down button.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
End With............................
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Apr 25, 2007
I have a shared file in excel and it is used by up to ten users, lately sheets keep disappearing and (of coarse) no one knows anything about it. Does anyone know how this is happening? Or what security protocol I can use to keep it from happening?
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Apr 24, 2014
I been trying to make a VBA code that will move a row to different sheet if it has a certain value. I found one code i think may work for doing, but everytime i put in the account numbers, excel shorten the number. I feel this maybe the reason i can't get it working.
Here is the code i feel it should be :
but excel keeps shorting it to :
[Code] .....
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Jul 7, 2008
I'd like to have a cell contain instructions that disappear when text is entered into the cell, much like the "help" box on the upper right of the Excel window has a label that says "Please type question here", which disappears when you actually type in a question.
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Jan 5, 2012
I have huge excel file may be around 3000rows and 25 columns data, most of the time when we open the file the format gets lost.
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Jul 8, 2008
I have workbook which automatacally 'installs' an addin, i.e. ticks the box.
When I open the workbook without Excel running, the code fails to install the addin. When I then use Tools > Addins, the panel of addins is completely blank.
I can only restore the addins list by closing Excel and reopening it.
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Dec 10, 2004
I am compiling questionnaires in Excel and need to constrain the answers. I've successfully used validate, list and directed it to a list (containing, for example, 'USB', 'Firewire', 'SCSI'. When I first set this up, the drop down menu appeared (and the prompt message I had created). After I copied the first worksheet to use as the base for my next questionnaire, the drop down menu disappeared, although the prompt still shows and the validation still works.
Have I missed something fundamental?
I've tried creating one on a brand new workbook and copying the worksheet and it seems to function correctly. Why has my drop down menu vanished???
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Sep 22, 2008
I have a very large spreadsheet that I work with on a daily basis. The main portion of the spreadsheet is broken down into weekly sections (for example, columns GF thru GM contain data sections for one week, which then repeats with the next set of columns, etc.). Below these weekly sections are detail and summary sections for all the data entered above. In the main weekly portion, each week contains a size drop-down list which calls to size information in the detail portion below. Recently, the data validation lists have started disappearing. By disappearing, I mean that the data validation for the cell no longer exists on a large portion of the list cells. I have tried recreating all of the data validations, saving the file, and re-opening it, and when I do, they've disappeared again. I have no idea what to do at this point. The functionality of the spreadsheet is crippled without the sizing drop-down lists (for various lookup reasons).
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Jun 26, 2006
All of a sudden, the data vaildation dropdown boxes on a specific worksheet have disappeared. The list reference is still correct and the data validation dropdowns work just fine on other sheets in the same workbook. (BTW-I'm using Excel 2003 and the panes are not frozen).
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Aug 10, 2014
My form controls (cmd buttons) and images don't appear or don't work. I was working on a macro to cut and paste a set of cells (protected sheet, I did unprotect it), and I noticed the cmd button tied to this disappeared. It then re-appeared but I couldn't engage it. This is part of a larger workbook that consists of a single page of cmd buttons that release specific worksheets (no activex). These buttons disappeared and re-appeared and don't work either. When I select the button I can see the cell underneath light up. It's like the image is there but nothing else?
The macros run fine from VBA editor. I was thinking the issue had something to do protections? There are more than 5 passwords (set on a worksheet) being used here, there is a fair amount of protecting and unprotecting going on, and I loop through the worksheets several times. Everything was working fine and now I'm stuck. I was getting a the-object-invoked-has-disconnected-from-its-client error related to an "insert cells" command on a co-workers computer, but not on my machine. This is actually what I was trying to solve when it crapped out. I would delete the buttons and create them all again, but I can't even select them to delete them.
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Jun 19, 2013
I am making some conditional formats for a document. One that I am trying to achieve is have a group of cells have a background color, but once the data has been added, the color go away.
This is what my conditional format looks like: =ISBLANK($A$1:$H$22) and chose the Green fill background. So, my understanding is, the cells should have a green background if they are blank, but go back to a standard format, once cells have data put in them.
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Feb 10, 2012
I am trying to create a worksheet that has multiple radio buttons. Each radio button is linked to a Macro. I need there to be many buttons running down one side of the worksheet. Each button needs to perform a macro that is relevant to the cells in the same row that it is on.
Essentially what i am trying to do is make a macro that when the button is pressed copys data from H6 and paste it into B6. The button is situated above I6. I need a button for each row from 6 to 110.
While this macro is easy to create (i use the record button and then assign the macro to the button), i would have to do this 104 times and assign a new macro to each button.
Is there a quicker way?
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Mar 14, 2007
Is it possible to change the color of buttons or command buttons? There does not seem to be any place that allows this under properties for buttons, although there does for command bars. However, I've tried recording a macro as I change the color, but nothing get's recorded so I'm not sure what the syntax would be.
I have a spreadsheet with several buttons and I'd like them to change colors as they are pressed so it's possible to see what you've already done. And then, as soon as any other cell on the sheet is changed, the buttons reset color.
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Feb 7, 2014
I wonder if it is possible to make a macro that right clicks a cell and then chooses a option from the list?
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Feb 15, 2014
I'm trying to make a converter between about 8 various types of values. These are not units like Km or miles or something like that, but rather numbers that represent a specific "hardness value" on a variety of scales (to name a few: HRC, HRA, K)
What I've been doing so far is plotting the two types against eachother and then getting the best trendline I can so that I can use that formula to convert between the two with relative certainty. (for example, when plotting HV vs HRC my fourth order polynomial trendline with an Rsquared of 1 is y=0.0001x4 - 0.0188x3 + 1.0768x2 - 20.709x + 350.69)
My questions comes up where I was hoping to make a window or box of some sort allowing the user to input a numeric value, then selecting the Input units and the hopeful output calculated units, and have the box spit back to the user the conversion.
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Sep 2, 2008
I want to be able to create a range of VBA userforms to quickly perform long tedious tasks. I want these userforms to be accessed from a nice tidy toolbar.
I have done this and it looks nice and works well. What I would like to be able to do is have my custom toolbar of userform controlled functions be transferable so that if someone else wants my toolbar and attached functions they can install it easily much the same way you can do with an add in.
Is this sort of thing possible or does it require them to manually install all my userforms, modules and toolbar? If it is possible what sort of things should I be looking at?
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May 13, 2009
I scoured the site looking to see if anyone had a similar problem of a data validation list suddenly not working. By not working I mean that it was impossible to get ANY validation list working on a given sheet at all once the problem manifested itself. Luckily I anally backed up my sheets as I went and was able to get back to a version that worked. I was able to trace the problem back to a minor logic error in a vb script that accidentally deleted an object me.shapes(4) that turned out to be the data validation object (ie "Drop Down 223").
With that said, I purposefully want to delete me.shapes(4) becuase it supposed to be a picture that I replace based upon a choice from the drop list. What I've discovered is that sometimes the picture is me.shape(4), and sometimes it's shape(3) and the Drop down is Shape(4) (strange eh ?). I guess I can live with it, but I can't seem to figure out the following line as to why it won't work.
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Jan 30, 2008
I have a very large spreadsheet which holds a lot of data, and has a custom reports system built into it, (i.e. running on a load of macro's)... The reports gather their info from a range of hidden cells which run different formula's to provide such results as 1 or 0 so that it collates into another sheet...
however, I have found recently that when I need to update any of the formula's and whatnot, the formula does the calculation and then disappears... whereas I need the formula to be there constantly so that the report is providing the correct information!
one such formula is:
=IF(AND(AC11"No Calc",AC11>=1,AC11
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Oct 22, 2008
Running into this issue of "transworksheet macros"
I have a master "update" commandbutton on sheet 1. I have two sub "update" buttons on sheet 2 and 3 respectively.
What I would like to do is have the user click the master button, that would "click" the two sub buttons so they run their respective macros on their respective worksheets (within the same worksheet.
I have tried pasting the macro code in the master button, telling it to select the sub worksheet and then run the macro, but the marco runs itself on the master worksheet instead.
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Jan 23, 2014
what code I can put behind a button so that once I click on that button,
What ever cell i click on, the whole row of that cell will be colored a certain color.
Is this where i would used a target approach?
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