Data Validation Cell Not Recognized In Array Formula
Nov 14, 2013
I am trying to get my array formula to recognize the text selected in my data validation cell. The formula worked perfectly until I decided I wanted to try and use a data validation list to eliminate spelling errors. Even though the text I am trying to recognize in the cell is exactly the same, because it is in a data validation format it no longer works. Is there a way I can modify my formula so it works? Example below...
I am looking to create an array where values are based on a data validation list.
i.e. in cells C5:C65 which have a data validation list of "Active" and "Not Active". Once a cell has been selected as "Active" then all other cells are in that range are automatically "Not Active".
The answer I am sure is an If and Lookup or something but what I have been creating today feels like a sledgehammer approach with helper columns and all sorts - I really want to avoid an array or anything that will chew up processing power...
Can I limit the text length in a cell that contains a formula? You may say "Limit the text length in the input cell". That can't be done because the formula in the resultant cell takes text from two other cells in addition to the input cell. I need to limit the overall text length to, let say, 50 characters.
I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.
The following simple formula was written in Excel version 97. when I try to use it on a newer version (03) it does not seem to recognise it as a formula? =IF(F66="yes",1,IF(F66="N/A",1,0))
I've set up a Named Range that refers to an array of constants, e.g. MyRange ={1,2,3,4,5}. This appears to be fine since I can output the named range to a range of cells in a row (e.g. A1:E1) and see 1,2,3,4,5 (one value in each column).
I'd like to use MyRange as the source for a Data Validation list in a cell.
Normally data validation list sources must be vertical, so I've set MyRange =TRANSPOSE({1,2,3,4,5}). This appears to be fine since I can output the named range to a range of cells in a column (e.g. A1:A5) and see 1,2,3,4,5 (one value in each row).
When I set MyRange as the source for data validation however, it resolves to an error.
why this setup doesn't work?
Workbook detailing the problem attached. Attachment 273788 NamedRangeDataValidationArrayConstansts.xlsx
i have a number (%) in the cell B3, which excel doesn't recognizes as a number. Is there anything i can do "excel-wise", instead of manually rewriting the number in the cell, for excel to recognize it as a number. Changing it to a "number" or "percentage" in the cell format doesn't work.
I have attached a sheet that I am working on. I want cell G1 to be less than or equal to 165. That cell contains a formula. If the formula takes the number to over 165 the validation is allowing it.
I have a column of dates that are not being recognized as dates unless if I manually select each cell and press enter. For example the cell value is "Jul/13' and isn't recognized as "01/06/2013" until I select it and hit enter. How can I get around this?
Essentially, I would like a user to be able to select a PUB from the Data Validation drop down in row 2 of the PUB RATES sheet so that the corresponding information in the DATA sheet autofills.
Currently, this works only for the first column under each PUB when selected and this fills across all 4 columns (rather than the respective information for each column filling).
Also, the Data Validation dropdown includes blanks which I would like to exclude.
I have used a Range Name for the Data Validation of each PUB so that these can be drawn from a separate sheet as I don't want all the DATA content on the same sheet as the PUB RATES content.
I have a workbook with two tabs, the first tab "Query" is an Access query that pulls in call data from our phone systems. The second tab "Report" is a userform/report. This will be used by numerous people and has to be as userfriendly as possibly. Because our clients want the data sent this way I don't have a lot of room in changing the report itself.
Let me paint the picture, I have it so the user is able to select the month from a validation list I created in B1, when the month is selected is autopopulates each work day of that month in cells A13:A35. There are several (28 total) reports from different phone lines we have. So I have another validation list in cell B3 that has the name of each report we have. So in theory the user should select the month and report and the information will fill in and they can print that specific report off. The issue is this. I had used the formula =SUMPRODUCT(--(Query!A5:A25004=Report!A13),--(Query!B5:B25004=Aban_08),Query!E5:E25004). I'm trying to find total calls for specific lines for specific dates. The "Report" tab has information from January to current with all 80 different call lines (all named differently such as CDN_5700, CDN_5701). One report such as "Aban_08" actually pulls information from several call lines which is bringing me to my issue, I need one tab for the report, and be able to have the user select the different report, but each report pulls from multiple call line names. Again, I need (for instance) B13 (cell A13 is the date June 2) to pull all calls from the report tab for the date of June 2 with (for example) the names "CDN_5700","CDN_5701","CDN_5702".
iam looking for formula to display the condtion result .
i have spec in col B and tolerance in col C and col D ( +ve & -ve tolerance respectively) from col E to I ,observed reading data & col j for results.
i want to check the value of col E to I for B C D value n if entire 5 values are within spec then display "0" in subsequesnt col J else display "1" OBSERVEDRESULTS.L.NOSPEC`+TOLERANCE`- TOLERANCE123451250.20.2262525.225.425.22100.20.2350.20.2450.20.25510.20.2
2. sheet contains the availability of teachers. so all columns start with a date and the rows contain the name.
A row therefore looks like this.
7/1 Harley
Lidia Livia Thais Salete Carla
My issue: The 1.sheet has a column Teacher, now in this column I want to have a drop down list. (E2, E3, E4, E5 ... etc..) This list is depended on the date which is in column B.
Essentially I want the list to look up date in its row go to the second sheet and give me all the possible names in it. That is all.
I would like the individual cells of C1 and D1 to allow me to input values up to 100. The tricky part is that if D1 equals 100 I would like C1 to be less than 100 and vice versa, if C1 equals 100 then D1 should equal less than 100.
Ex. C1 = 100 & D1 = 10
This should never happen: C1 = 100 & D1 = 100. I would also like an error box to show when either of the cell values exceed 100.
want to get a formula where I can get the details of City if searched Brand wise and details of brand city wise. I also want option to search say five city names at once and get the brands available in all those cities. I have updated a excel with some dummy data.
I have a cell that uses list type data validation. I need to be able to update the list of allowable values via a macro and would greatly prefer not using a range in excel.
I've been able to create the string that I want as the formula but cannot change the formula. I'm not very familiar with this aspect of excel macros (data validation)
How do I hardcode the Offset function? Right now I am placing the offset formula in Validation from the Data menu toolbar.
Also, I have two columns "Expense" and "Income" used for offset. Expense has 11 selections for the listbox, and Income has only 3. When I choose income from the dropdown in column B, I get way too many blank selections in the dropdown just because It doesnt contain as many items as Expense. How can I re-code adn hardcode the formula so I have only few blanks for my selection.
I have attached a copy "data validation test" to help make things more clear.
if it is possible to have data validations on a cell within Excel but allow a user to input a formula? The data validation is a decimal between 0 and 1 and the formula would be a vlookup.
I am trying to use the validation feature to calculate a check digit and the formula is too long to put in validation. I rewrote the formula to be shorter using math features instead of text, but apparently you can't use arrays in validation. Because of certain distribution constraints, using VBA is not possible so a UDF is out. Can either of these be shortened in anyway? I am not sure if it is even technically possible to solve this problem with these constraints.
Here is the "human readable" explanation of formula: (Accept only 10 digit numeric value.) Example Number: 123456789-3 Digits 1,3,5,7,9 are multiplied by 2 (weighted 5) So 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 becomes 2,2,6,4,10,6,14,8,18Weighted 5's multiplied values then have their individual digits added (ex:12=1+2=3) So 2,2,6,4,10,6,14,8,18 becomes 2,2,6,4,1,6,5,8,9 Weighted 5's sum is added to the sum of the Nonweighted 4 digits. So 2,2,6,4,1,6,5,8,9,3 becomes 43 Add 24 to sum. 43+24 = 67
Checksum = (10-(67 mod 10)) mod 10 (Sum round up to 10 minus sum)
I have an Excel workbook which contains data entry fields, which have different types of data validation rules - like Lists, Date, Whole Number.
I do not want end users to remove these data validations as well as the formatting of these cells by doing copy/paste. So, I have implemented techniques mentioned in the following post, and elsewhere - to override the paste functionality and implement PasteSpecial values automatically.
[url] To keep it simple, I'm only supporting pasting a single cell at a time.
Now my problem is this: Doing the PasteSpecial values programmatically doesn't prevent the user from pasting values in the cell that violate the data validation rules. So, I can paste a string into a cell having data validation as Whole Number, or a invalid string into a cell having data validation as List.
The following post just suggests disabling paste whenever data validation is present: [url]
But I would like to allow the paste operation if the value being pasted is a valid value for the cell's data validation.
I am quite inexperienced with Excel and I am struggling to understand how should I set up a formula, within the data validation function to achieve the following:
I need to restrict a certain set of cells, for people to be able to input only the following values: "1", "0.5", "A", "H", "0.5A" (or 0.5a), "0.5H" (or 0.5h)
And I would need the data validation tool not to include blank cells.
On Sheet2! i want to import all rows belongs to Nov-13. Similarly on Sheet3! all rows belongs to Dec-13 ... How to do such dynamic filter using array formula?? I need array as my data source is a form & new rows will be added everyday. I want to do that by formula not using spreadsheets 'Filter" option.
Expected result will looks like below (All Nov-13 rows will return)
see attachment. I would like to calculate the average of the values whose time values fall in between the lower and upper time limits. Or let me rephrase that: If a given amount of time vector entries falls in between the lower limit time vector (at row x) and the upper limit time vector, then I would like to calculate the average of the corresponding value entries. (oh, not only the average but also the standard deviation)
Searching the forum I found a similar entry, but unfortunately Andy Pope's solution attachement seems to be missing: [Solved] Formulas: Counting within bin sizes. I have tried to use the same approach (see attachment) but only came up with counting the frequency instead of calculating the average.
I am in need of 2 validation macros (formulas) to enter into the validation criteria formula box when creating a custom validation.
1. A formula that will generate an error if there is a space in the text entry. Example:060107_Halo3CG prev.mpg would be an invalid entry due to the space after CG.
2. The same formula as above but this one also needs a 50 character limit added to the criteria.