Data Validation For Mixed Numeric And Text With Formula Only?

Feb 22, 2012

Is it possible to validate a string with both numbers and text with a formula using data validation? (I don't want to use a User Defined Function)

in Column C, Starting in cell C2 I have a 12 character string of six numbers, four letters, and two numbers. like this:


is it possible to use a Custom Data Validation formula to ensure the user follows this format?

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Using Data Validation For Numeric Format

Dec 17, 2012

How to use data validation to restrict the input format into a cell. I'm trying to limit a cell to the following format: either ###/###' or ##/##'. NOTE: the apostrophe at the end. Here is what I've been trying to get the thing to work for the 2nd case:


But I'm getting an error when I input a test into the cell, e.g. 12/45'.

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Combo Box And Numeric Data Validation

Jul 13, 2006

I have a combo box where I select "Income" or "Expense". In relation to that, In the next column called "Category", I use the offset formula in "Validation". Depending on whether I choose Income or Expense, I will get different dropdown options for "Category". What I want to do is if I choose Expense, in the column named "Amount" beside category, I want to have it so that it places the numbers in brackets or simply a negative sign. Just as reference, I use the SUM function to total up the numbers at the bottom of the sheet.

I have attached a sample copy "Data Validation Test"

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Limit Text Length In Cell With Formula By Data Validation?

Jan 25, 2014

Can I limit the text length in a cell that contains a formula? You may say "Limit the text length in the input cell". That can't be done because the formula in the resultant cell takes text from two other cells in addition to the input cell. I need to limit the overall text length to, let say, 50 characters.

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Data Validation Formula For Set Of Numerical And Text Based Values

Apr 30, 2014

I am quite inexperienced with Excel and I am struggling to understand how should I set up a formula, within the data validation function to achieve the following:

I need to restrict a certain set of cells, for people to be able to input only the following values: "1", "0.5", "A", "H", "0.5A" (or 0.5a), "0.5H" (or 0.5h)

And I would need the data validation tool not to include blank cells.

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Formula: Last X Characters, Text Or Numeric

Dec 7, 2006

I am trying to write a formula that will recgonise either text or numicial value as the result is used with a match formula. In column C I have data as follows:

1400 SBY
1230 9985

I am using a =--RIGHT(C4,4) formula in column E to get the required data and then using my match formula to extract other data. How can I rewrite the above formula so that it can read either text or numbers that will allow my match formula to work.

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Copy Text To Cell And Convert To Numeric Formula

Feb 15, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where I enter text values in a cell, e.g. (.5 x .5) x 2 x .009. I want to find a way to automatically populated the cell to the right with the formula version, e.g. =(.5 * .5) * 2 * x .009 and format as three decimal place number.

One other question, is there a way to enter a template for entry in a cell. It would be nice if the text value above would take care of the parenthesis and multiplication signs for me.

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Return Text From A Mixed Text/value 3d Array Result

Dec 2, 2009

I've been searching the forums and web trying to figure out how to extract a text value from a 3D array result, to no avail or well beyond my understanding.

I've attached a file which shows an abbreviated version of the search (from the original 49 col x 400 row, which shows the name to date array which can return a sum.

What I'm looking to do is identify within this array result if there has been a text entry, and return the text as opposed to a sum of the remaining values. This is essentially a double check to make certain that there aren't hours scheduled when other events such as vac/loa/etc are also booked.

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Match Numeric Data With Query Text Data

Oct 2, 2007

I have some code that goes through some data that is imported from a database via a query.
This has been working for a few years without a problem.

I lookup and employee number on my sheet to the employee number in the database table.

this is my code that checks the employee number.

Set rs = Worksheets("Employee")
If rs. Cells(r, 2) = cells(1,1) Then 'if employee number matches

The problem is that now the database application has adapted an alpha option (it used to be numeric only). In order for my code to work I have to change the employee number on my sheet by putting a ' in front of it.

Example if the number was 127 I need to enter '127 in the cells.

I have a few thousand in my data.

Can I add some code to my macro so I can still enter just the number in the cells?

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Remove Just Text From Cells That Contain Mixed Text

Jul 12, 2002

I have a column in which the cells contain values such as "012321 BGH YRK". Is there any way you know of that I can remove just the text from every cell and keep the numeric values? A mass operation because there are literally hundreds of these cells. I am using Excel 2001.

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Spliting A Mixed Text

Sep 23, 2008

I have a mixed string (i.e. containig character and numbers.... but the format is same PAR1 or PAMR1 or PR10 it can be 4 characters or five) i want a formula or a macro which splits it in two parts one containing characters and the other one containing nos.

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Excel 2010 :: Formula To Indicate Alphabetical Data Connected To Numeric Data

Jan 8, 2014

I have a question about using conditional formatting in excel (2010); I made a table with the following columns:

"Supplier Name" "Supplier Lead Time" "Internal Lead Time" "Total Lead Time". I made two different scenarios to show different supplier lead times and different internal lead times, and used the minimum function in the "Total Lead Time" column to find the smallest total lead time to select the best supplier.

The last thing I would want to do with this set of data, is plug in a formula that would somehow indicate which supplier corresponds to the shortest total lead time (which supplier has the smallest supplier lead time). I'd like to be able to use a formula that enters the name of the supplier in a designated cell, which I could indicate as the "Preferred Supplier" cell. If this is not possible perhaps there is a way to highlight the supplier's name with conditional formatting?

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Sorting Mixed Text And Numbers?

Jun 17, 2014

A column holds numbers and numbers with suffixes. The conventional sort function pushes the text values to the bottom. I need them sorted along with the numbers.

Microsoft's KB says to add a column formatted as text and then to RETYPE ALL OF THE VALUES! Splendid. But my file has hundreds of records. Re-typing all of them would be a major pain. On the other hand, if I had started typing while trying to find a way to sort the darn thing I might be done by now.

Here's what I know so far: If we create a column, format it as text and then populate with 1, 2, 3, 4, 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, etc. it will sort exactly correct (1, 1a, 2, 2a...) after selecting the "sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately" when the Sort Warning appears. If you try to create the sample I typed here, you need to be careful that the area is formatted as text BEFORE entering the text. You apparently cannot change the format of an existing column of data to Text or if you do it does not have the desired effect when sorting. It might be useful to know if this can be done too. MS suggests not.

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Counting With Text And Symbols Mixed In

May 8, 2009

Counting with text and symbols mixed in. This is what I'm wanting to do:

For example:

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Lots Of Text Data, Need To Assign Unique Numeric Values

Aug 28, 2009

Here's my situation.

I will post a rudimentary example:
Account Name/Column A
Truman school, San Diego
Truman school, San Diego
Truman school, San francisco
Truman school, Atlanta
Truman school, Atlanta

In column B, I would like it to assign a unique numeric id based on the TEXT only.

So Truman school, San Diego gets a string of numbers: 1234
Truman school, san fran: 1235
Truman school, Atlanta: 1236

My spreadsheet is about 6,000 records with a great deal of the above situation going on. So school names are identical with different locations assigned. I am trying to import to a database and don't want a lot of duplicate records. That's why I'm trying to assign a numeric value.

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Using SUMIFS On A Large Amount Of Data - Numeric Value Stored As Text?

Aug 1, 2012

I was using SUMIFS on a large amount of data, but wasn't getting back the exact sum that I needed.

It turns out that I had cells with values similar to the following

Basically, text fields with the same numerical values, except for the number of leading zeros. Due to the nature of the table, the number of leading zeros is important.When I did SUMIFS, it counted the sum of the two values together. For example with the following:


It appears that even if a numeric value is stored as text, SUMIFS treats it like a number.

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Clear Cells That Have Numeric Data. Keeping Text And Formulas?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a series of worksheets that are formatted for data imported from various scripts.

What I want to do is parse through each worksheet and cell, when the cell has numeric data, I want to clear the cell.

I do not want to clear the cells on the following conditions:
Cell has Text
Cell has Formula
Cell has date, month or time

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IF Text In A Cell Is UPPER Case Or Mixed

Jan 28, 2014

I'm trying to formulate:

If it's mixed case, copy it. If it's all lower case or ALL CAPS, then make it PROPER.

i.e., if 'bananas' is in A1 and B2 says =PROPER(A2), then B2 says Bananas, because PROPER capitalises the first letter of each word.

I would like to do

[Code] .....

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Textbox Numeric Validation

Dec 6, 2006

i am using this code which was provided by a kind ozgrid member

If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtLength.Value) Then MsgBox "Use numbers only", vbCritical, "Numbers Only"
With txtLength
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(txtLength)
End With

unfortunately it will not allow me to use a decimal point EG: 2.5. allow a deciaml point?

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Numeric Validation Of User Form Textbox

Aug 13, 2008

I want one procedure that will validate the CURRENT textbox (not named by name, to allow for the procedure to be included in the change event of several different textboxes), to see if it is numeric (decimal places allowed) in Excel 2007.

I followed the instructions here: {url}, which describe exactly what I want to do. So I put the final procedure listed on that page (the dynamic validation code) into the private module of the user form object as listed below:

Private Sub pipes_Change()


End Sub

Private Sub OnlyNumbers()
'This procedure checks to see if the value
'of the current textbox is a number or not

If TypeName(Me.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then

If Not IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value <> vbNullString Then

MsgBox "Sorry, only numbers are allowed."

.Value = vbNullString

End If

End With

End If

End Sub

I then ran the form and typed a number into the "pipes" textbox that had been validated. A compile error is thrown: "Invalid or unqualified reference", highlighting the ".Value" portion of IsNumeric. I tried to remove certain parts of the code, such as the IF statement and the "And .Value <> vbnullstring", but nothing works. I have a feeling it is because this code was created for Excel 2003 (though I'm not certain).

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Drag Formula Across A Row And Still Take Account Of Mixed Reference

Mar 15, 2009

1. I have data A1, A2, A3....down a column.

2. I have one value on C2 ( constant value)

3. the formula is a very simple multiplication formula. I want to multiply every single value of column A to C2. But it needs to be in across a row that starts in
D4. So,formula needs to be in (D4, E4, F4) there are other datas in the worksheet

4. So when I input =$A1*$C$2 in D4 it calculates it fine but when i try to drag the formula across the row so [E4=$A2*$C$2, F4=$A3*$C$2...]

it repeates the same fomula as D4 and does not adjust for the increase in column number.

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Excel 2010 :: Removing Text From Mixed Font Size Cells

Aug 4, 2012

I have text of size 14 and 18 mixed in cells in a column. Cells are font size 18 or mixed with both 14 and 18 size text. I need to sort out the text with one column of size 14 and another of 18 only. I am thinking of copying and pasting the column twice and run a macro in first column to remove the text of size 14, and another macro to delete text of size 18 in second column. I need the leftover text to be in same rows.

I tried everywhere and couldn't find a macro for mixed text cells. I am using Microsoft Excel 2010.

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Convert Column Of Mixed Data Into Unique Data

Jan 31, 2007

I need to convert a column of data which will have repeated values into a column that turns that data into data with all unique values. Below is an example.


I had a solution until I wanted to turn this range into a list. The solution was.

=If(ISBLANK(A2),"",A2&"_"& COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2))

When this data is in the list the <A2> in the range stops incrimenting from row to row and simply turns into the last row of the list. I have an example spread sheet upon request.

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Insert 2 Rows Between Mixed Data

Mar 20, 2009

i've got supplier list on the excel file and need to insert two blank rows under each supplier name. the two blank rows need to be inserted no matter whether the supplier may be occupying one row or 100. for example

from this
a ltd
a ltd
b ltd
b ltd
b ltd
x ltd
m ltd.........

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Assign Text In Data Validation?

Nov 17, 2013

Is it possible to assign text using data validation?

Right now, the three cells I'm using for data validation contain text, but return a number to the linked cell.

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Data Validation (text & Empty)

Jan 27, 2008

I am having two problems ....

1) I have a field for which the user MUST enter text information. It can't be left empty. I set validation on the cell ... Text Length must be greater than 0. It still allows the user to hit enter without entering information without an error message and a retry.

2) In another field, the user has the option to enter (text) info or not. It can be left blank. The value in this cell, empty or other, is copied to another cell in another worksheet. The problem is ... the destination cell gets a value of 0 when the user field is left blank. The value of 0 in the destination cell can't be there ... I need that cell empty.

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Data Validation: Allow Between 2 Numbers & Text

Nov 22, 2006

Is it possible to force a cell entry (using Data Validation) to either a whole number or a value? In other words, I would like the data in a cell to be either a whole number between 10,000 and 20,000 or "N/A". I can do it with VBA, but Data Validation (if it's possible) would be better.

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Extracting Multiple Data From Mixed Cell?

Feb 15, 2013

I have data stored in mixed cell that i need to extract to different cells.

Q/K code: AZVR Name: "AzVR" Ltd Nominal: 0.1 USD
R. Number: AZ3570011 Category: ABC

So i need each of AZVR, "AZVR" Ltd, 0.1, AZ3570011 and ABC in different cells. The characters could be in different lengths. Is there any formula that can find Q/K code in text then write characters after it until space or Name starts?

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Extracting Multiple Data From Mixed Cell?

Feb 15, 2013

I have data stored in mixed cell that i need to extract to different cells.

Q/K code: AZVR Name: "AzVR" Ltd Nominal: 0.1 USD
R. Number: AZ3570011 Category: ABC

So i need each of AZVR, "AZVR" Ltd, 0.1, AZ3570011 and ABC in different cells. The characters could be in different lengths. Is there any formula that can find Q/K code in text then write characters after it until space or Name starts?

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Data Validation Allow Text Drop And Check?

Feb 5, 2014

i need some formula to data validation with this criteria :

allow only text "DROP" and "check" ...

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