I have a spreadsheet with some data on it along with a button that activates a pop-up/form, which reads from a row of data and inputs it into specified textboxes on the form. All the data comes up nicely in the form, however it doesn't retain the formatting of the dates.
I have have a column title as "Issue Date", and the data in that column is dates. For example, the date would be written as follows in the actual cell "17Sep2009" (as per my custom formatting). However, when VBA reads it, and inputs it into the form, it displays it as numbers. In this case, it reads "17Sep2009" as "40073".
I also have a column that displays money info, so a cell would read "$10.00", however VBA reads it, and inputs it into the form as "10".
I can't change the formatting of the cell to text or anything, as the date formatting is beneficial to some other coding I have going on in the sheet.
I have the following code written to have VBA pull from the cells and display the info in the form:
I have a table of data (total 142 rows). Column contains dates, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.
I tried to filter using DATE FILTERS->EQUALS and in the custom filter window, I chose EQUALS then picked a date from the date picker icon. The date I picked was 5/4/2009 (this is May 4, 2009, formatted automaticall by excel as m/d/yyyy).
When I clicked OK, nothing showed up despite the fact that there are 6 occurences of May 4, 2009 (formatted as dd-mmm-yyyy in the data table)
So my questions are:
1. Is this due to the formatting?
2. Is there a way to change the date format supplied by the date picker?
One of the reports I run provides me information on lengths of time. Such a field displays as |0:09:16| indicating 9 minutes and 16 seconds. However, when the report generates the excel spreadsheet it saves these cells in date/time format ([h]:mm:ss). If I were to convert this field to the number format (so I can manipulate and graph it) it displays as such |0.00643460648148148| Ideally I would be able to have the data in the field stored as |556| (556 seconds, or 9 minutes 16 seconds). I have thousands of fields that I need to manipulate where the data is stored in this format and I can not figure out how to fix it.
I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet where the default number format keeps switching to the date format. I keep switching it back and it'll stay as a number format for a time, but then it'll switch back. This is also the case for any new worksheets in that one spreadsheet.
This only happens with this one file - everything else behaves according to my regional settings or to how the file had been previously formatted.
I have two columns where there are dates (e.g. 11/05/2009) in a date format; I would like to change the format to `general`; but without losing the original values, i.e. I still want to see 11/05/2009, but just in `general`format. Is it possible to create a macro that will do that? I want these values to stay in the same place, i.e. if it is in cell K10, I still want to have it there - just in other format.
I have a some dates in a format which are not being converted into the normal date format. So i made this formula to convert it into the normal date format:
Formula is working fine except on this type of date "9/9/2013"..i also tried an OR formula with mid but didnt get the desired result.These are the type of dates:
I have an excel sheet full of dates in text format and want to convert them into regular format. For instance, one of the dates listed is in text as "60801". I'd like it to show in regular date format of mm/dd/yyyy, so that 60801 becomes 8/1/2006.
I have a problem where i am just trying to do a simple copy of dates from one spreadsheet to another
18/03/2008 00:00 however when the its copied to the other spreassheet is changes to the US date formate 3/18/2008 0:00 I need to keep the format as date as the date needs to be the current day. How do i get this to remain UK
I have a long list of dates that are fomatted as 3-12-13 that I want to format under custom date as d-mmm-yy : 12-Mar-13. I tried to do this but it does not change. I tried to change it to a number and that didn't work either.
In D2 I have: =B2 In D3 I have manually input: (space)3-08
As you can see the CONCATENATE puts the "39569" date in A2 But the second line puts the text date as I prefer. What I would like to do is put in a formula or macro in D2 and down that will change the "Mar-08" to "3-08" so it CONCATENATEs correctly to column A. Simply: I'm trying to avoid manually inputing the text version "3-08" (or whatever M-Y) into D2 down a hundred or so rows!
I have a column in excel which gets populated in the format "2/1/1980" when copied from a different source. I want a macro to run on this column and convert this in the below format. Required format: '02-01-80 (note the ' symbol before 02 which will keep it as text)
I need this macro to run on two columns and replace them with the required format. I can do a find and replace either in the sheet or through hard coding the VBA, but as the date format keeps growing, I would need to do this via code and hence requesting the same.
I have txtboxes in which I write date in format dd/mm/yyyy but if I want to put date in cell correctly from this textbox in need to declare event on exit -change format to mm/dd/yyyy and then it puts date in desired format which is dd/mm/yyyy and my regional settings are English(uk)
Is there a way to put any date format in textbox and in cell there will always be format dd/mm/yyyy or at least if date is entered in format dd/mm/yyyy that also in cell the same format is putted
I have a spread sheet with a date colume that reads: 2012-06-27-19 I need to have this read like 06/27/2012 but nothing I do is working I have tried to go to the formatting process and backing the hr:mm out and that doesn't work. I really don't want to go line by line to manually correct this issue.. HENCE ... over 2000 lines
Second question: If I have a column that reads 02/15/2012 and another column that reads 3/27/2012 how to a format a 3rd column to make it read total number of days between 1st date and 2nd date?
I have been struggling with my Excel 07 Date format. Nearly every time I perform a calculation, enter in a value etc in a spreadsheet my answer is returned as a date. So for example if I enter in a cell: = 5 - 4. I get the answer "1-Jan-1900" instead of 1. I have to manually set the formats to general or number if I want the correct format. The setting seems to be the default one and occurs for all workbooks I open. What can I do to change this.
In one excel file, i have a date , and i set this to "dd/mm/yy hh::mm am/pm" format. From another file i will open this file and i need to copy that date to this file. My question is , before copying i need to check it is in the "dd/mm/yy hh::mm am/pm" format using vba.
How do I change a date "10/01/2004" into a format like 20041001? I used concatenate(right(A1,4),left(A1,2),mid(A1,4,2)) but the function takes the serial value of the date as an argument and concatenates that . So I get a different value.How can I get away with it?
I'm using nested SUBSTITUTE formula to make some changes to the some of the data. I'm also using IFERROR to return the input if it does not find the criteria I have specified. I have lot of variations in my input data.
The formula works fine for all except for date format input.
N90232Y09--->SUBSTITUTE(A1,"N","")-->90232Y09 12335--->12335 12/3/1923---->58936 (I want the date to be retained)
why the date format is changed even if don't specify any changes for it. I expect my IFERROR to just retain the input as it is.
I have a program that exports the date as 20120621 (4 digit year, 2 digit month, 2 digit day). I have tried =datevalue(cell) but it returns #value!. I have tried =today()-(cell) and it also returns #value!. Is there a formula or something I can do to covert this field to a date?
I have a couple of columns, once edited need to update a table in SQL. This is my code
[Code] .....
However it is not taking UK date formats, it is assuming it is an american format, I get conversion of varchar data type to datetime results in an out-of-range value. What should I add to change the format? The format is in UK on the spreadsheet seemingly....
I'm in the military and for maintenance we use the Julian date the format goes as follows "09357" that is simplified as 09 = the year and 357= the three hundred and fifty seventh day of the year. so 09357= 12,23,2009..
so on to my question:
how can i make excel auto convert the julian date to the regular date and vice versa?
I have two cells. Cell A1 contains ‘The date is ’ cell B1 is formatted in the date format, 2007-01-24. I need to concatenate these two cells so that on cell C1 I have ‘The date is 2007-01-24’ but whatever I try excel keeps on changing the date to a text value and hence I am left with: ‘The date is ‘This is the date'39141 or this is the date 39141. how to get to the result that I am after?
I've created a group of user forms used for recording jobs and displaying details of jobs and have come up against a problem I think you may be able to help me with.
When the user creates a new record, I've written some code to stamp txtdate text box with the current system date and this information is then copied onto a sheet called Data into a specific column.
This part works fine and as the column is formatted to handle dates it displays fine.
However, when I pull the data back in, it displays the date as the serial number date, not formatted as dd/mm/yy. I've tried every fix I can find to sort this but none of them seem to work.
The idea is that the user selects a job number from combobox1 and then the appropriate column is pulled into each txt box on the form.
At the same time, I'm trying to do the same for the system time as well. Unsurprisingly I have a very similar problem here and use the same code as above. I've tried formatting both date and time txt boxes in the userform, the data transfer code etc etc with no success.