Delay In Switching Between Workbook Windows
Oct 22, 2009
Workbook Name Changes – But Workbook Does Not For Five Seconds?? MS Office Excel 2003 / SP3 Installed. I have noticed an odd occurrence from time to time while switching between workbooks. When I switch from one workbook to another, (typically via the “Window” pull down – but the same result happens when switching workbooks on the tabs at the bottom of the screen), the “switched to” workbook name will instantly appear at the top of the application, but the actual switch to the selected workbook is delayed for several seconds, (five seconds or so).
While not a major issue, it is annoying. I suspect that it is a memory allocation issue, (I have a Duo CPU System / XP Pro / 2 GB RAM), and with that in mind I have both restated MS Excel and also performed a complete re-boot. While either option does (seem) to result in the issue being (temporally) removed from my machine, it does return. I may go for several days without this issue occurring, and then it appears for no known reason
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Apr 25, 2009
I am trying to make one of my macros open a file then switch back to the orignal file and then running the macro.
here is my
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May 21, 2009
Which version of excel allows you to do a Track Changes without switching to a shared workbook? I am awared the Excel 2002 version allows Track Changes on the conditioned that the workbook is switch to shared mode.
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Nov 15, 2009
Is there any way of running particlular excel workbook when Windows start? Like when Windows XP or Vista start, excel workbook (Vehicle Maintenance) will run automatically? Not so sure if can use VBA or edit registry system which I would'nt like to touch at work.
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Jul 22, 2009
I have .xls files (ex: a.xls, b.xls etc) in a shared drive.How do I get information (run macros without changing anything) from a.xls and create a new file in my hard drive without opening a.xls. I don’t know if that is possible to do. May be sounds very weird. For example, I name this file on my hard drive as a01.xls, b01.xls from b.xls. Now I run other macros from a01.xls. which is active. I want this macros to run independent of the file name the user creates. In otherwords the workbook has to be variable. Not sure how to use ‘Thisworkbook’ function if that is what is needed to do.
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Aug 7, 2013
With excel 2013 you're now able to open multiple windows or views of the same workbook. However when a workbook is saved with multiple windows open, the next user to open the spreadsheet will also open it with multiple windows. Which can be very annoying when most people work off of one window vs. multiple. Is there a way to disable saving the multiple windows or a macro to force open excel in 1 window?
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Jul 23, 2009
This code opens a UserForm in the Workbook_Open event when the file is opened. After 10 seconds, the message is supposed to go away if the user doesn't click anything, then macros that follow are supposed to run. It is intended to allow a user to stop the macros. This works when you open the file manually (macro security must be low), you'll see a msgbox pop up after the UserForm goes away.
However, when the workbook is opened as a Windows Scheduled Task (Windows/ Control Panel/ Scheduled Tasks), the UserForm does not come to the front of the screen unless a user actually clicks on the window. It just flashes at the bottom indefinitely.
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Sep 23, 2007
I can download my data from the web. I can set it to download every so many minutes. But, I have to select run on my vb program to complete calculations and put data in correct format/sheets. I am trying to put a delay/timer in the program so it will refresh on itself and I will not have to keep selecting program run. If I put this in program it appears to refresh in a timely manner however I do not get any data on the sheets ? I have tried the wait routine and the if now = time + routine
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Sep 26, 2008
I'm downloading data from a database that takes sometimes up to a minute to download the data. However I have a sum function in the macro that calls the cells that the downloaded data will be in. The problem is the sum function is occuring before the data is downloaded so the sum is always 0. Any way to build in a delay timer?
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Jul 13, 2006
is it possible to put a delay of 1 second between these 2 lines?
Private Sub cmdsave_click()
Sheet14. Range("c1000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Sheet14.Range("c1000").End(xlUp)
1 second delay here
Sheet14.Range("c1000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Sheet14.Range("c1000").End(xlUp)
End Sub
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Mar 11, 2009
I want to close a spreadsheet on a timed event. i can manage the timed close but i need to reset the timer if any action occurs. I have attached what i have so far...
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Sep 23, 2007
I’m using live data and was wondering if it’s it possible to trigger B1 to change its value from ‘no’ to ‘yes’ 20 seconds after cell A1 changes its value from 0 to 1?
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Feb 13, 2008
If for example:
I place number 7 in cell A2, A3, A12 and A22. I want to know the delay this particular number has. Looking at the example placed before the pattern should be the following (A2) 0, (A2-A3) 1, (A3-A12) 9, (A12-A22) 10. After A22 there's is no more number 7 therefore the delay in the example is of 3 i want this to change automatically until the next 7 appears. I've given an example, from C1 to P1 i have written 14 numbers i would like to know the delay of all these numbers.....
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Dec 3, 2009
Is there a way to delay the result of a cell formula by three seconds or so? For example, I need to delay the result value of cell B12 for 3 seconds.
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May 23, 2007
I don't know any way ask this question without attaching an example. But the problem itself is pretty easy to explain. On the attached worksheet, whenever anyone makes a change to the information in column C (labeled as Act. Chicks) this triggers a worksheet change that makes that cell have a red font. It also triggers a routine (in a standard module) that updates textboxes that continually display a running total.
Here is the problem: After the information is entered, and the routines have finished executing, there is an incredibly annoying delay of about three seconds. That is, it takes three seconds before you can even select a different cell. This is very difficult for the user to deal with, especially when she has a great deal of information that she would like to enter very quickly. What is strange to me is that if I run the routine for the Worksheet Change within the VBE, I get the delay after the last line of the code (in the standard module) has been executed. In other words, I can't see any code that is running during this long "pause." What is the computer doing during this time, and what can I do to fix it?
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Feb 24, 2014
Trying to find a way to close outlook from excel workbook close. If outlook is open then delay excel workbook 45 seconds from closing.If outlook is not open then close excel normal. Here is what I've tried with no luck
[Code] .....
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Jan 15, 2009
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.1"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.2"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.3"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.4"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.5"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.6"
etc . . .
Basically, I just recorded a macro to change the cell value. This code continues to 4.8 . . .Is there a more efficient way to code this??
Also, I'd like to add a time delay (say +-5seconds) between each step. So basically it would say:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.1"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3.2"
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Mar 14, 2013
I am trying to see if it is possible to create an intentional delay when executing a macro. Basically I would like to pause the macro for 5 seconds and then continue with the rest of the code.
Is such a thing possible with Excel?
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Oct 13, 2006
I have created a macro that goes to a report application. The report application runs a script that extracts certain parts of various reports (the script asks for user input to pull the various reports) and exports the data to a spreadsheet. The script gets one report, writes the data to a spreadsheet, gets the next report, appends the data to the spreadsheet, etc. The macro then moves and formats the data in a customized way to be put to second spreadsheet. My problem is that the macro tries to format the data before the script has completed - how can I stop the macro from running until the script has finished? The script varies in run time - anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes.
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Nov 9, 2006
I have a workbook that has many simple functions moving data around to different sheets and processing some if statements on some of the data. The problem that I am running into is all of the data is initially pulled in from a SQL DB, and I believe that the workbook is calculating many of it's if statements, prior to all of the SQL data being loaded, therefore, many of the worksheet formulas are coming up with the wrong result. Is there a way to delay the calculation of all the basic worksheet functions, so that I can ensure that all the data is in the workbook from SQL, before they all fire. I have attempted to use Tools--Options--Calculation--Manual Calculation, but it appears that even though I have things set that way, all of the formulas in the workbook have already pulled their values through.
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Apr 17, 2008
been checking out 1/2 a second wait instead of a 1 sec wait
and would like to know it you can do this
timer thing
Dim x As Single
x = Timer
While Timer - x < 0.5
more than once
it works the first time and then it sort of skips it
or is there ANOTHER way of having a delay of less than a second?
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Jul 1, 2014
I have code that generates random numbers 1 - 90, what I would like is when the command button is pressed the numbers are generated every 5 seconds, I have attached the workbook.
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Jun 16, 2009
I need a code which will take a lump of data, B2:AW366 and cycle through the data in a single cell (A1)
So to clarify Cell A1 should cycle through:
Continue until cell AW366 reached.
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Jan 24, 2013
Total amount to pay by D -
Description of Customer
Txn Date
Amount Paid
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Feb 23, 2007
I have the following code saving a copy of a spreadsheet as a backup every 30 minutes. The problem is the save code is running as soon as the file is opened. I want to save only after the file has been open for 30 minutes. The way it is now if I open the sheet up and something is wron the backup has already been overwritten by the messed up sheet. Will someone please let me know what needs changed to eliminate the inital running of the code?
Sub do_something()
sec = 1800
when = Now + sec / 60 / 60 / 24
Application.OnTime when, "do_something"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "S:QUALITYTest Results Spread SheetBackup of Riser MezRiser Mez backup.xls"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
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Oct 20, 2009
I have used Chip's StringConcat code [url]
When I first entered the function code as a formula on the worksheet, the result was instant and correct.
However, if I change the contents of one of the cells in the stringconcat range, the result does not change.
I need to edit (eg F2 then enter) either the cell with the text or the cell with the formula for the result to update.
If I highlight the column where the formula is used and Find / Replace to change "=" for "=", they all update at once (tip I learn't here)
Has anyone experienced this or have any ideas why it may happen?
I am using Excel 2000 (work)
I have 6 cols of info (I to N),
These 6 columns contain formulae that basically copies plain text from the same row in Cols A to F. (Since not all the left hand side cells are full, the formula copies down the value above if the cell isblank, or copies the cell value if there istext)
Formula is in Cell G2 and reads
=stringconcat("; ",TRUE,I2:N2)
Code is stored in the Module1
I have 1 header row (Row 1)
I have 16 rows of text (Rows 2 to 17)
Not all rows have text in all 6 columns, but the are no blank cells betweeen data working left to right
I need our IT Admin to install Excel Genie!
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Aug 2, 2014
My software is Excel for Mac 2011 version 14.4.3 (140616).
I am using the present value formula =PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type]), with the pmt expressed as a negative number, to determine the present value of a lump sum that would generate specific, equal, regular annual payments, exhausting itself in the process. I fill it in this way: rate is an annual rate, nper is the number of years the payments run, pmt is the annual amount paid each year, fv =0, type =1
I would like to be able to have a similar formula in Excel that would do the same thing except that it would take into account a time period where no payment is made, ie a "delay".
For example using the PV formula I know that if I have $49,019.96 invested at 1%, it will generate $10,000 per year for 5 years, leaving a net investment of 0. I would like to know the formula that would tell me how much I would need to invest at 1% to yield $10,000 per year for 5 years, again exhausting itself completely in the process, with the first $10,000 payment starting 3 years from now. I know it would be less because I would have the full amount earning interest for 3 years at 1% before any payments need to be made.
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Mar 31, 2009
Find latest delay Position of each number which is in the game
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Oct 31, 2009
I have a column of cells that have the last name first then the first name. Example:
Smith John
Is there a formula/macro that can switch them all?
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Jul 9, 2008
Problem: We have some rather large excel spreadsheets (142,000 rows, 190 columns) and some users that need to delete the data from rows of cells 5,000 rows + at a time. When doing this machines jump in CPU, Excel goes "not responding" and on average comes back to life 1 minute 45 seconds after pressing the delete key.
Note: We are not doing a right click and deleting the rows. This is a highlight of the 5000 rows and pressing the delete keyboard key to clear the data.
We've tried disabling the Auto Save and the Workbook Calculation changed to Manual.
Dell is no help, Microsoft is no help. This process can be replicated on multiple Dell machines and with Operating Systems of XP SP2, SP3 and Vista, machines with single drives, raided systems and even a machine with a solid state drive. All have 2GB of RAM or more.
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