Is there a way to disable 'Save as PDF or XPS' with the macro? I have tried disabling 'Save as' with the below VBA code but it does not disable 'Save as PDF or XPS'.
VB: Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If SaveAsUI Then MsgBox "Save As is disabled", vbInformation Cancel = True End If End Sub
Also I have a macro which saves the excel report in a PDF format with 'Save as PDF or XPS' utility. I would like to enable 'Save as PDF or XPS' when this macro is started and again disable 'Save as PDF or XPS' when this macro stops.
Excel 2003 - VBA - How do you detect when a row has been deleted in VBA? Better yet, how do you detect when a row is about to be deleted? I also would like to know the row number. I do not see an event handler that will inform me of the "Delete" event.
I need to disable cut and drag only in a workbook. The idea is to avoid formula reference errors when unlocked cells are cut and pasted or dragged. I can find many macros online but none that do only these two things.
I am looking for a way that I can ensure that Zero Values are never shown, either when you open a new workbook or open a new window. Preferable, one which I can install for any user who needs this. (such as via Book.XLA I think) but AutoExec is fine as long as it is alwys loaded.
I've got an excel sheet from a guy at work who decided to lock the entire document down so I can't do anything with it. Virtually all the ribbon options are greyed out, there isn't anything locking it in the code, I've tried checking the save as "read-only" option and it's not there. How I can actually save this is editable? I've looked in windows explorer and it's not read-only in there either. I tried save-as and even tried making it an XLS instead of an XLSM and it still won't let me edit it
Need code or way of disabling the Right Click feature in Excel? I think you can change it in the computer settings but I only want to disable it for a particular workbook so I am hoping there is a VBA Code that will tell the user "Right Click Not Allowed, Please use Cut and Paste or Ctrl +V and Ctrl +C"
I am sure this can be done - I found a similar thread but in a different context to what I need.
I have a user of a workbook who insists on putting irritating red cornered comments in cells, rather than using the handy (and rather large) comments field I put in, especially for her.
i know in VB6 i could disable the X in the corner so someone can't X out of my form, and i see that's not an option in VBA.
So how can i stop the form from terminating when the user clicks that? i want them to be forced to use one of my buttons to close out and finish.
i tried adding something simple like Exit Sub to the Userform_Terminate() sub, but nothing. i can make code run when they click that, but i can't stop it from closing. what to do?
also, the form is being called by macro that does alot of other stuff before and after the form, so just opening a new instance of the form won't help unless you can stop my other code from continueing until the form is actually done...
I have a sheet with a number of checkboxes, and I need to conditionally enable/disable some of them.
For example, if the user checks Box1, then the question for Box2 becomes relevant and Box2 becomes available. If Box1 is unchecked, Box2 needs to be unchecked and disabled.
I want to disable the X button on the top right hand corner in excel, but still allow the user with the option of closing the workbook via File and then scrolling down to EXIT. (Not close). I have disabled most of the functions in the Menu bar Close being one of them.
So only Exit is now enabled. When I click on the X it give me the following message as shown below advising me to go to the File menu to Exit, this bit I am happy with. However this is were my problem begins, when I go to File and Exit I get the same message as below and can not exit the application.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True MsgBox "Please select EXIT from the File Menu.", vbCritical, "Cannot Close" End Sub
Does anyone know if there is anyway that we can command Excel to avoid accepting aNY KEYBOARD ENTRIES? what intend to do is restrict a certain region on a worksheet for Users not to be able to type anything but but there are commandbuttons on the header which use: Range("C65536").End(xlUp)(2, 1) = "Value for the last cell" code to get the input into the cell. The purpose is to make use of the cmdbuttons with mouse but the data notto be keyed in !!!
Is it possible prevent the use mouse (disable mouse) while a macro is running? I made a program which starts with animation of Shapes. If you click on shape while macro is running it stops animation.
VB: Private Sub Workbook_Open()Worksheets("Sheet1").ActivateRange("$B$1").SelectSheets("Sheet1").ScrollArea = "A1:z25"End Sub
Now I want to disable the above such that I am able to add an Apostrophe ( ' ) in front of every line of this Macro. Is there a shortcut for this or do I need to Manually add apostrophe in front of every line? And then after disabling if I need to re-enable it is there a shortcut to that too?
I have several cells in a column for the user to input data, and then a "submit" button. It is a very basic sheet to take user input and store it on another sheet and then manipulate(pivot) and display(graphs) on respective sheets.
Is it possible to remove gridlines and disable all cells on the input sheet except for those that take input, currently validation cells. The main reason is when the user hits tab or lets say enter it moves to the next field for data entry as opposed to through the two empty cells between that are there for spacing. Also to disable them from editing the text that poses the questions(labels): "
Is there any chance to cancel print for set of worksheets? For example in workbook with Sheet1 to Sheet4, i wish to allow printing only for sheet4 and all other sheets to disable print.
How to Disable Paste into Certain Cells (using VBA)
(ctrl + v, right click paste & paste special, menu paste/paste special)
I want every type of paste possible to be disabled for those cells listed below. (the cells cant be locked, its ok for the user to "TYPE" in the cell just not paste.)
I have an existing User form with a drop-down list. If I open the user form, I can't select the drop-down list? Each time I move the cursor inside the User form, it wants to add another drop-down list?