I have a sheet with a number of checkboxes, and I need to conditionally enable/disable some of them.
For example, if the user checks Box1, then the question for Box2 becomes relevant and Box2 becomes available. If Box1 is unchecked, Box2 needs to be unchecked and disabled.
I want to have a Checkbox (Form) that is in my Worksheet to disable/gray-out once it is selected. I don't want people to be able to uncheck it again. I want them to be forced to click another Checkbox to enable it again.
Two Checkboxes:
Check Box 1 = "Apply" Check Box 2 = "Delete"
Once "Apply" is checked, gray it out. This will force a user to click "Delete" in order for the "Apply" button to be enabled again. I do not want a user to click "Apply" once selected as their way of 'deleting' the information.
I have 3 checkboxes on a worksheet. I have a command button to copy/paste data that is captured from a device.
I want the data to go to the ranges that are selected by referring to the true/false driving mechanism of the check boxes.
Obviously if more than one button is checked at one time, the whole shooting match will blow up.
So....how can I allow only one check box to be active at any given time? I'm thinking perhaps a select case statement that refers to the possible conditions of true true true, true true false, true false true, etc....If that would work, how could the code be simplified?
Let's call them cb1, cb2 & cb3. Is this even possible??
I have a checkbox (checkbox1) on a userform that functions to disable two listboxes (monthListbox & yearListbox) when checked. For this, I have the following
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click() MonthListBox.Enabled = Not CheckBox1 MonthListBox.BackColor = &H8000000B MonthListBox.Locked = True YearListBox.Enabled = Not CheckBox1 YearListBox.BackColor = &H8000000B YearListBox.Locked = True
End Sub
This works fine and dandy. However, when testing the userform, when I "unchecked" the checkbox, it did not undo the actions. So my question is, is there a sub to undo the actions that the above code does after I "uncheck" the checkbox. Additionally...under what event would I write this sub since I've already completed the sub for Checkbox_Click()
I am attempting to modify a spreadsheet so that it will enable a range on Sheet3 (I9:K42) if a check box is checked on Sheet2. If it is not checked, it will lock that range on Sheet 3 and grey (or gray, if you prefer) out that range.
I have 3 checkboxes; when one is checked, a set/range of rows should be visible. Only 1 checkbox should be checked at a time.
If checkbox 18 is already checked, and checkbox 20 is then checked, I want the first checkbox unchecked and the rows for checkbox hidden.
I'm using the following code. It works great as long as I check and uncheck the same box before attempting to check another box. But if Checkbox18 is already checked with its rows showing, and I then check checkbox20, the checkbox20 sub runs and as I step through, it jumps to sub checkbox18.
How can I stop my subs from jumping from one to another?
Code: Private Sub CheckBox18_Click() If CheckBox18.Value = True Then Worksheets("TRF").Rows("36:41").Hidden = False Worksheets("TRF").Rows("42:64").Hidden = True Worksheets("TRF").Rows("65:76").Hidden = True CheckBox19.Value = False
How can i hide and unhide one checkbox using another one? Can it be done using IF formula? And also i am using this checkbox to function something else as TRUE/FALSE.
I have been using different keywords to find what I need. I have 3 checkboxes: cash, amex, other. I have a subtotal cell. When the appropriate checkbox is checked, the amount from the subtotal cell will auto go to the cell next to the checkbox. Is this VB?
Is there a way to disable 'Save as PDF or XPS' with the macro? I have tried disabling 'Save as' with the below VBA code but it does not disable 'Save as PDF or XPS'.
VB: Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If SaveAsUI Then MsgBox "Save As is disabled", vbInformation Cancel = True End If End Sub
Also I have a macro which saves the excel report in a PDF format with 'Save as PDF or XPS' utility. I would like to enable 'Save as PDF or XPS' when this macro is started and again disable 'Save as PDF or XPS' when this macro stops.
On the attached Dynamic chart I have attached there are 3 checkboxes to display certain data. My issue is this, if I click the outside checkbox and the ISE checkbox at the same time that is OK, it gives me a comparison of the two data sets in a bar chart. Perfect. If I click just the total checkbox it gives me the total info of the outside and ISE, again perfect.
But, If I click all 3, it doubles all the numbers because total is total and outside + ISE also equals the total.
My Question, -Is there a way to lock out a checkbox if another is active? if 1 then no 2 or 3. if 2, 3 is OK but 1 is not. if 3 then 2 is ok but 1 is not? -If it can't be locked can it do something like; If #1 has a check and you try to enter #2 a red error message could come up saying these two choices together the data will be inaccurate. I'm thinking this might be done in conditional formatting.
If option one is doable and easy, is it also possible to have an error message like in my second idea so people will know why they can't click that second box? This would be my preferred fix but I am open to any other option you may have to accomplish this.
Excel 2003 - VBA - How do you detect when a row has been deleted in VBA? Better yet, how do you detect when a row is about to be deleted? I also would like to know the row number. I do not see an event handler that will inform me of the "Delete" event.
I have 20 check/tick boxes on my worksheet (CheckBox1-20), each of the 20 tickboxs has its own linked cell A1-A20 - I wish to have another checkbox (checkbox21) that, when ticked will tick all of them.
Also, if unticked it will untick the 20. I'd like this to be a kind of "onclick" command - so that if I wanted to tick 5 of the 20 on their own, the "master" tick box won't interfere with this. If a command button is easier to code than this is just as good.
I've been looking online on on here for the last 2 hours with no joy, not even getting close.
I am using Form Controls rather than ActiveX controls.
I'm trying to check the value of a checkbox that I created in my workbook, but both of the if statements below say "Object does not support this property or method"
I have a RibbonX checkbox that I have added to my ribbon. I am able to attach code to the OnAction callback and when the user clicks the box, the code executes properly. Now for my issue. How can I change the checkbox from checked to unchecked and vice versa within VBA?
My situation is this:
I store a list of employees with certain elements such as start date, department, title, etc. in a table. One of the fields is Inactive which shows whether they are active or inactive. I may want to see all the employees, or just the active ones. My checkbox will allow the showing of both inactive and active employees. The user may wish to save the default setting for this and so I have created a table that holds a Boolean True or False for whether to show inactive employees or not by default. The checkbox always shows unchecked by default when the workbook loads, and I want to change the textbox's checked state based upon the value in the table.
I need to disable cut and drag only in a workbook. The idea is to avoid formula reference errors when unlocked cells are cut and pasted or dragged. I can find many macros online but none that do only these two things.
I am looking for a way that I can ensure that Zero Values are never shown, either when you open a new workbook or open a new window. Preferable, one which I can install for any user who needs this. (such as via Book.XLA I think) but AutoExec is fine as long as it is alwys loaded.
I've got an excel sheet from a guy at work who decided to lock the entire document down so I can't do anything with it. Virtually all the ribbon options are greyed out, there isn't anything locking it in the code, I've tried checking the save as "read-only" option and it's not there. How I can actually save this is editable? I've looked in windows explorer and it's not read-only in there either. I tried save-as and even tried making it an XLS instead of an XLSM and it still won't let me edit it
Need code or way of disabling the Right Click feature in Excel? I think you can change it in the computer settings but I only want to disable it for a particular workbook so I am hoping there is a VBA Code that will tell the user "Right Click Not Allowed, Please use Cut and Paste or Ctrl +V and Ctrl +C"
I am sure this can be done - I found a similar thread but in a different context to what I need.
I have a user of a workbook who insists on putting irritating red cornered comments in cells, rather than using the handy (and rather large) comments field I put in, especially for her.
i know in VB6 i could disable the X in the corner so someone can't X out of my form, and i see that's not an option in VBA.
So how can i stop the form from terminating when the user clicks that? i want them to be forced to use one of my buttons to close out and finish.
i tried adding something simple like Exit Sub to the Userform_Terminate() sub, but nothing. i can make code run when they click that, but i can't stop it from closing. what to do?
also, the form is being called by macro that does alot of other stuff before and after the form, so just opening a new instance of the form won't help unless you can stop my other code from continueing until the form is actually done...